FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow Trump’s “crooked Hillary” appears vindicated. It’s not Trump and the Russians, it’s the Clintons, Obama, Holder, Comey et al and the Russians. Now where are the indictments?

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

No one has died from radiation at Fukushima. Anti-nuclear activists hardest hit.

You may be surprised to learn that no one has died from radiation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. And that must be killing anti-nuclear activists.

You may be surprised to learn that no one has died from radiation at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. And that must be killing anti-nuclear activists, because nothing would do more for their cause than nuclear radiation raining death down on thousands.

No one's died. No one's sick. Well, that's not quite true. The anti-nuke people are pretty sick about it.

The Australian, one of the largest newspapers down under, has the unexpected story:

Amazingly, despite the devastation of the site, there have been no radiation-related deaths at Fukushima so far, and only two workers have been hospitalised as a precaution.

The only people to have perished at Fukushima were a man who became trapped in the console of a crane during the earthquake and two who were swept away by the tsunami. The entire toll from the earthquake, remember, is estimated at about 25,000.

While it is not yet over, and radioactivity continues to come out of the devastated plant, the good news is that there are still precisely zero deaths attributable to the release of radiation at the plant, and on the basis of doses received, zero are expected.

No effects on health or significant contamination cases have been identified among the general public evacuated from the area, despite the fact the accident has devastated the plant, and involved fires, explosions, and releases of radioactivity. If there is a single lesson from Chernobyl for the Japanese, it’s that in the years to come misinformation is likely to be more dangerous than radiation.

So just as more people died in Teddy Kennedy’s car than at Three Mile Island, more people died in a crane at Fukushima than died of radiation.

Source: The Australian

Yeah, but … yeah, but … yeah, but the wind is natural

Nuclear fatalities in the last ten years: 7. Wind farm fatalities in the last ten years: 44. In those ten years nuclear provided thirty times the energy of wind.

Anyone who remembers Jane Fonda’s outstanding performance in China Syndrome knows that nuclear power is dangerous.  Very, very dangerous. It’s a damn killer is what it is. In fact, the only thing more dangerous than a dose of radiation is a dose of perspective.

James Delingpole, an oasis in a desert of political correctnes

British columnist James Delingpole explains what we mean:

Nuclear fatalities in the last ten years: 7
Wind farm fatalities in the last ten years: 44.

In those ten years nuclear provided thirty times the energy of wind. This means in the last decade, nuclear has been around 200 times safer than wind on an energy produced/accidents basis.

Note: Wind farm statistics include neither birds killed by turning blades nor eco-wackos killed by the turn of events.

Source: James Delingpole

Obama sells out America’s best ally, gives Russia UK’s nuke secrets to get dubious deal

According to newly released information, our Commander in Chief wanted the Russians to sign the dubious START Treaty so badly that he gave them the UK’s nuclear secrets as an incentive.

Thanks to Wikileaks, we’ve finally found someone more traitorous than Wikileaks itself – President Obama.

According to newly released information, our Commander in Chief wanted the Russians to sign the dubious START Treaty so badly that he gave them the UK’s nuclear secrets as an incentive.

The lesson to be learned: America can't be trusted by her friends

The Telegraph UK has the horrifying story:

The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website.

Details of the behind-the-scenes talks are contained in more than 1,400 US embassy cables published to date by the Telegraph, including almost 800 sent from the London Embassy, which are published online today. The documents also show that…

…A series of classified messages sent to Washington by US negotiators show how information on Britain’s nuclear capability was crucial to securing Russia’s support for the “New START” deal.

Although the treaty was not supposed to have any impact on Britain, the leaked cables show that Russia used the talks to demand more information about the UK’s Trident missiles, which are manufactured and maintained in the US.

Washington lobbied London in 2009 for permission to supply Moscow with detailed data about the performance of UK missiles. The UK refused, but the US agreed to hand over the serial numbers of Trident missiles it transfers to Britain.

This is what you call a win-win for Russia and a traitorous-traitorous for everyone else.

Source: Telegraph UK

Chinese scientists make major breakthrough in reprocessing and reusing uranium

IHateTheMedia.com makes a simultaneous breakthrough in T-shirt technology. Eco-wackos reading this story issued an immediate and collective, “Aw, crap.” (We cleaned that up for our more delicate readers.)

IHateTheMedia.com makes a simultaneous breakthrough in T-shirt technology.

Eco-wackos reading this story issued an immediate and collective, “Aw, crap.” (We cleaned that up for our more delicate readers.)

go green go nuclear shirt
Click on the photo. Buy the shirt. Don't make us beg.

XinhuaNet.com has news of the nuclear breakthrough:

…The technology, developed and tested at the No.404 Factory of China National Nuclear Corp in the Gobi desert in remote Gansu province, enables the re-use of irradiated fuel and is able to boost the usage rate of uranium materials at nuclear plants by 60 folds.

“With the new technology, China’s existing detected uranium resources can be used for 3,000 years,” the China Central Television reported…

This news suddenly makes our T-shirts better than ever. Buy one. Or we’ll start begging you for money like PBS.

Source: XinhuaNet.com

Here we go again: Obama says the START treaty remains his “top priority”

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev can rest assured that B. Hussein Obama is working as hard for the Russian people as he’s working for the American people.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev can rest assured that B. Hussein Obama is working as hard for the Russian people as he’s working for the American people.

The President assures the Russians that passing the START Treaty is his number one priority

Remarkably, the Associated Press reports on the President’s unprecedented commitment without the slightest hint of a smirk:

President Barack Obama, capping a far-flung Asian trip of mixed results, assured Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday that getting the Senate to ratify the START nuclear weapons treaty is a “top priority” of his administration.

“I reiterated my commitment to getting the START treaty done during the lame-duck session,” Obama said, noting that Congress returns next week for its postelection session.

In two short years, Obama has developed a long list of top priorities. A very long list, indeed.

As IHateTheMedia.com pointed out back on August 16, 2010, the President has said at various times that almost everything is his top priority, including economic recovery, job creation, free trade agreements, energy security, education reform, student loan reform, exports by small businesses, health assistance to 9/11 first responders, ending homelessness among veterans, hurricane preparedness, H1N1 flu vaccinations, support for military families, strengthening ties with Canada and Mexico, consumer protection and environmental protection.

There may have been other top priorities between August and Sunday, but if so, we glazed over and missed them.

Rest assured that apologizing for this inexcusable oversight is our top priority.

Source: Associated Press

More proof that kissing ass does work in diplomacy. But only for the bad guys.

So who says Obama’s strategy of sanctions on one hand and promises on the other isn’t working? Looks like it’s working fine for Iran and Russia.

This story is slightly confusing, so please bear with us as we attempt to unravel it for you.

It seems that our Diplomat in Chief has advanced beyond mere bowing and scraping and moved on to full-fledged bribery. Mere cuddling up to Vladimir Putin and company wasn’t enough so the Obama administration used something that every Russian mobster understands – cold, hard cash.

Obama kisses Putin's ass. Putin kisses Ahmadinejad's ass. Ahmadinejad laughs his ass off.

According to the Telegraph UK, “The Pentagon plans to buy ten Russian military helicopters for Afghanistan’s fledgling air force at a cost of $180 million (£119 million), ignoring protests from Congressmen who say US aircraft should be considered.”

Oh, sure, a few token Congressmen have a hissy fit because the helicopters are not being purchased from American companies, who as everybody knows, are doing swell these days.

What these sad, pathetic, shortsighted congressmen don’t understand is the fine art of diplomacy. Sure, we’re getting these expensive ass helicopters from Russia, but there’s a good reason – we are trying to win Russia’s support to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Now do you get it?

In a completely unrelated story, CNN reports that “Russia will start loading a nuclear reactor in Iran with fuel next week, moving the project closer to being complete, both nations said Friday. This event will symbolize that the period of testing is over and the stage of physical start-up has begun,” said Sergei Novikov, spokesman for Russia’s Federal Atomic Energy Agency.”

So who says Obama’s strategy of sanctions on one hand and promises on the other isn’t working? Looks like it’s working fine for Iran and Russia.

Source: CNN, Telegraph UK

Obama reveals that we have 5,113 warheads in our nuclear arsenal and one pinhead in the Oval Office

For some unfathomable reason, President Obama decided it would be a really good idea to announce to our enemies the exact number of nuclear warheads in the American arsenal.

How many nuclear warheads does North Korea have, Joe?

For some unfathomable reason, President Obama decided it would be a really good idea to announce to our enemies the exact number of nuclear warheads in the American arsenal.

What was he thinking?

CNN has the demilitarized details:

The United States has 5,113 nuclear warheads in its stockpile and many thousands more that have been retired and are awaiting dismantling, according to a senior defense official.

The release of the number of warheads marks only the second time in U.S. history the government has released the once top secret information.

The Pentagon statistics show the nuclear stockpile was reduced by 75 percent between the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and September 30, 2009, and 84 percent since its peak of more than 31,255 in 1967.

The 5,113 warheads include active and inactive ones, according to the senior defense official.

5,113. That’s only 5,113 more warheads than Iran currently has and 5,111 more than North Korea has. Not enough of a margin.

Maybe it’s just us, but we’d feel a lot safer if the rest of the world thought we still had 31,255 nuclear warheads.

Source: CNN.com

John McCain states the obvious: “I didn’t need a secret memo to know Obama has no plan to deal with Iran”

When asked about the memo on Fox News Sunday, McCain snorted and said what everyone is thinking – he didn’t need a secret memo to know something so obvious.

A memo leaked to the New York Times reveals that Defense Secretary Robert Gates says President Obama has no plan for dealing with Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

When asked about the memo on Fox News Sunday, McCain snorted and said what everyone is thinking – he didn’t need a secret memo to know something so obvious.

Obama’s new nuclear weapons policy quickly becomes his old nuclear policy. And vice versa.

After the back and forth between Barack Obama and Sarah Palin regarding nuclear weapons policy, let’s see if we can tell which shell the pea is under.

Let’s see if we can tell which shell the pea is under.

On Wednesday, Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s nuclear policy as being like, “A kid on the playground saying punch me in the face and I’m not going to retaliate.”

On Thursday, President Obama panned Palin’s paltry nuclear experience.

On Friday,
 Palin shot back by wondering what it was in Obama’s community organizer experience that makes him such an expert on nuclear policy.

On Saturday, both sides took a breather.

But on Sunday, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton retreated from Obama’s nuclear as if she were French and proved Palin’s point in the process.
Continue reading “Obama’s new nuclear weapons policy quickly becomes his old nuclear policy. And vice versa.”

Following in John Kerry’s footsteps: President Obama voted against nuclear weapons before he voted for them

Keeping up with this guy’s positions on anything is becoming more difficult every day. Nuclear weapons, for example.

"That 'I was for it before I was against it' line was brilliant, John. Mind if I borrow it?"

Keeping up with this guy’s positions on anything is becoming more difficult every day. Nuclear weapons, for example.

April 5, 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic:
“President Obama urged nations Sunday to get rid of nuclear weapons… ‘The U.S. will take concrete steps. … We will begin the work of reducing our arsenals and stockpiles.’”
Source: CNN.com

February 1, 2010 in Albuquerque, New Mexico: “President Barack Obama is seeking increased funding for nuclear weapons research and security programs next year…”
Source: Associated Press

Source: Andrew Bolt

Iranians announce that they love President Obama.
And that they have weapons grade uranium.

How’s that hope and change working? How’s that smart power working? How’s that “we’ll-talk-to-Iran-with-no-preconditions” working? The Iranians laugh at our President. And who can really blame them?

How’s that hope and change working? How’s that smart power working? How’s that “we’ll-talk-to-Iran-with-no-preconditions” working?

The Iranians laugh at our President. And who can really blame them?

March ’08: Obama says Iran is no threat.
February ’10: Iran says it has weapons grade uranium.

On March 18, 2008 he actually said Iran was no threat. Someone apparently told him how stupid that sounded, so he made a CYA speech the next day.

Good lord, this president of ours is ignorant. Completely ignorant.

On March 18, 2008 he actually said Iran was no threat. Someone apparently told him how stupid that sounded, so he made a CYA speech the next day.

Obama’s comment sounded stupid then. It sounded just as stupid over the course of the last two years when he said he wanted to engage Iran with no pre-conditions and they blew him off. And it sounds even more stupid now that the Iranian government has announced that it has enriched weapons grade uranimum.

Who the hell voted for this guy?

Hillary Clinton gives “smart diplomacy” a solid B-plus

State Hillary Clinton has ‘fessed up that Barack Obama’s “smart diplomacy,” which seems to be comprised of writing pretty letters and giving pretty speeches aimed at Iran, has produced results just as impressive as the smart diplomacy policy with North Korea. Which is zero.

And when we say “solid B-plus“ we mean it’s a complete, dismal failure.

Yes, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has ‘fessed up that Barack Obama’s “smart diplomacy,” which seems to be comprised of writing pretty letters and giving pretty speeches aimed at Iran, has produced results just as impressive as the smart diplomacy policy with North Korea. Which is zero.

This video demonstrates a first: Former UN Ambassador John Bolton and Clinton agreeing on something.

Source: Gateway Pundit

Negotiating with the Iranians is “like playing chess with monkeys”

Britain and other European Union nations are having trouble negotiating with the missilized mullahs of Iran. Who’d a thunk? “It’s like playing chess with a monkey,” said one diplomat close to the talks. “You get them to checkmate, and then they swallow the king.”

Monkeys can be mean little sons of bitches
Monkeys can be mean little sons of bitches

Britain and other European Union nations are having trouble negotiating with the missilized mullahs of Iran. Who’d a thunk?

“It’s like playing chess with a monkey,” said one diplomat close to the talks. “You get them to checkmate, and then they swallow the king.”

Two points:

First, if an American diplomat had uttered those words, he would immediately be removed from his position and forced to apologize for comparing the fine, upstanding mullahs to monkeys.

Second, the idiot Europeans obviously haven’t tried America’s super successful approach. Just give them a big, wide grin and a hearty handshake and insult your own country.

Works every time for President Obama.

Source: Telegraph UK

Sacré bleu! Sarkozy tells Obama how to say “testosterone” in French

What does it say when the President of France has more testosterone than the American President of the United States? As the WSJ described the surreal scene at the UN, “At least the French President tried to sound tough, which isn’t hard when you stand next to Mr. Obama.”

You know you have a problem when the President of France is tougher than the President of the United States.
You know you have a problem when the President of France is tougher than the President of the United States.

What does it say when the President of France has more testosterone than the American President of the United States?

As the WSJ described the surreal scene at the UN, “At least the French President tried to sound tough, which isn’t hard when you stand next to Mr. Obama.” (Ouch!) After Obama used most of his United Nations speech to blather on about climate change and “a world without nuclear weapons,” Sarkozy brought him back to the real world.

Obama said, “We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth.”

“We live in the real world, not the virtual world,” Sarkozy responded. “And the real world expects us to make decisions.”

Sarkozy continued to school Obama with more teachable moments:

“President Obama dreams of a world without weapons … but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite.

“Iran since 2005 has flouted five security council resolutions. North Korea has been defying council resolutions since 1993.

“I support the extended hand of the Americans, but what good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community? More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe a UN member state off the map,” he continued, referring to Israel.

Talk about timing: Just as Obama wants to unilaterally lay down his nuclear arms, another inconvenient truth crops up in the form of a second Iranian nuclear facility. Seems like the last time Obama talked about disarming, the North Koreans tested another missile. Not that it fazed Obama.

Needless to say, we were shocked—shocked!—that Sarkozy’s mocking response to Obama’s utopian UN speechifying went unreported in U.S. newspapers.

Is it any wonder that newspapers continue to lose readers when they won’t even print news?

Source: BigGovernment.com

Obama nuclear arms reduction policy was developed by know-it-all college student

Researchers have come across a magazine article written 26 years ago by Columbia student Barack Obama. Full transcript here. It was the height of the Cold War and Obama came up with a plan for the two super powers to “dial down the danger humanity faces.” In short, nuclear disarmament.

Barack Obama Breaking the War Mentailty, 1983 Columbia Magazine article page 1 of 3

Would you feel safer knowing that your nation’s nuclear policy was dreamed up by a naïve college student? We hope your answer was “yes,” because that’s exactly where you find yourself today.

The President is in Russia to work out a deal on nuclear arms reduction. It’s part of his long time vision of a nuclear-free world – the same vision he’s had since he was smoking dope and getting high in college.

Researchers have come across a magazine article written 26 years ago by Columbia student Barack Obama. It was the height of the Cold War and Obama came up with a plan for the two super powers to “dial down the danger humanity faces.” In short, nuclear disarmament.

One would hope that our leaders would become more sophisticated in their thinking as the years roll on and they gain maturity. But no such luck with Obama.

We don’t mind if the President wants to live in the past as long as it doesn’t interfere with us living in the future.

Following is the entire magazine article, typed out from a poster at the Free Republic:
Continue reading “Obama nuclear arms reduction policy was developed by know-it-all college student”

Obama to Kim Jong-Il: “Pretty please with sugar on it”

The Obama administration will order the Navy to hail and request permission to inspect North Korean ships at sea suspected of carrying arms or nuclear technology, but will not board them by force.

Kim Jong-Il tries to stifle a laugh as he hears President Obama's latest tough talk
Kim Jong-Il tries to stifle a laugh as he hears President Obama's latest tough talk

Watch out, Kim Jong-Il. President Obama’s on the warpath. Well, it’s not so much the “warpath” as it is the “talk-really-nice-and-dictators-will-do-what-you-want path.”

It’s been reported that he’s ordered the American Navy to ask real nicely if we can inspect the cargo on North Korea’s ships.

Here’s how the New York Times reports it: “The Obama administration will order the Navy to hail and request permission to inspect North Korean ships at sea suspected of carrying arms or nuclear technology, but will not board them by force, senior administration officials said Monday.”

“Well, sure, Imperialist Yankee Dogs. Come aboard and take a look. And while you’re here, let’s have a little kim chee.”

We suspect that this will work out about as well as Obama’s fist bump with Hugo Chavez and his pretty letter to Mahmoud Achmadinejad.

Maybe there is something to this reincarnation stuff. Because it sure looks like Barack Obama was Neville Chamberlain in a previous life.

Source: New York Times via BluegrassPundit.com

Yoko Ono threatens nuclear war with South Korea

Things are getting so tense on the Korean Peninsula that Yoko Ono has threatened to go nuclear.

Kim Jong-Il
What did South Korea do to piss off Yoko Ono so badly?

Things are getting so tense on the Korean Peninsula that Yoko Ono has threatened to go nuclear.

According to the Associated Press, “North Korea’s communist regime has warned of a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula while vowing to step up its atomic bomb-making program in defiance of new U.N. sanctions.”

“The North’s defiance presents a growing diplomatic headache for President Barack Obama as he prepares for talks Tuesday with his South Korean counterpart on the North’s missile and nuclear programs.”

Update: We’ve just been informed that the photo attached to this article is actually of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il, not Yoko Ono. Our deepest apologies to Kim. No one should be mistaken for Yoko Ono.

Soure: Associated Press

Uh-oh. Reporter asks President tough question about Korea and Iran

The Scene: A joint press conference with French President Sarkozy.

The Reporter’s Question: “Iran and North Korea. What has the current policy – which is largely the same as ones of recent years – produced other than given time to North Korea and Iran to advance their nuclear ambitions?”

The President’s Answer: Almost three minutes of stuttering and stammering and reviewing the past in the most vague of terms in hopes that everyone would simply forget what the question was.

The Result: We’re not sure. We forgot the question.

H/T: HotAir

Obama’s ping pong Pyongyang foreign policy

Time to start apologizing to the North Koreans, President Obama.
Time to start apologizing to the North Koreans, President Obama.

If you ask what the Obama administration’s policy on North Korea is, you have to then ask another question: What day of the week is it? Because the policy seems to change daily.

Ping: Back in April, when Pyongyang tested its first long-range missile, the President deemed North Korea a “regional threat.”

Pong: After the North Koreans’ latest missile test last week, he called them a global threat.

Ping: National security adviser James Jones said last week that the rogue nation poses no imminent threat to the US.

Pong: Later in the week, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, “The United States will not accept North Korea as a nuclear-armed state…North Korea’s nuclear program and actions constitute a threat to regional peace and security. We unequivocally reaffirm our commitment to the defense of our allies in the region.”

Ping: On Friday, Gates dialed back the rhetoric and said, “I don’t think that anybody in the [Obama] administration thinks there is a crisis.”

The Obama administration should take note that no one beats the Asians when it comes to ping pong.

Source: Flopping Aces via HotAir.com

Denmark proves wind power just a bunch of hot air

How to generate wind power when the wind doesn't blow.
How to generate wind power when the wind doesn't blow.

The global warming crowd constantly bleats that wind power is our salvation and to complete the analogy, that we should follow Denmark’s example like a bunch of sheep.

“Denmark’s wind generation industry already employs 9000 people,” said Australian Green leader Bob Brown, “will nicet (sic) 10% of electricity demand by 2000, and is growing at 20% per annum. It’s a major export earner.”

Not so fast. Turns out Denmark’s windmill miracle is more hot air than hot news. When the recalcitrant winds refuse to blow, the country draws its power from Sweden, Germany and Norway.

Uh-oh. Sweden and Germany generate their power with coal and nuclear.

Another uh-oh. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Denmark committed itself to a 29% reduction in green house gasses in the 2008-2012 period. Even with outsourcing their power production to other countries, the country’s 2006 emissions rose 1.7% above its base year emissions.

Of course, as you might expect, Danes pay the highest prices in all of Europe for their power.

This may not be scientific, but it looks like the only way this wind power thing is going to work is if Al Gore puckers up and blows.

Source: Andrew Bolt/NewsCorp

CNN thinks letting Iran have nukes is just “tough-love” for Israel

We knew that insane look in the eyes reminded us of someone, but until now we couldn't place who it was.
We knew that scruffy beard and the insane look in Mahmoud's eyes reminded us of someone, but until this moment we couldn't place who it was.

Following President Obama’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, CNN says “the Obama administration won’t waiver from the traditional unshakable commitment to Israel’s security. But the Obama administration seems to have a different view from Israel — and previous U.S. administrations — on how that security is best achieved.”

Translation: Obama won’t waiver from paying lip service to Israel’s security while doing nothing to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons.

charles_mansonWithout a trace of irony, CNN awkwardly reports that Obama’s election has magically “enhanced” U.S. credibility and will charm both friends and foes and make lions lie down with lambs. “Because of the good will and enhanced credibility the election of Obama has brought the United States around the world, he can ask for more, and expect more, on this issue.”

CNN concludes that Obama’s new all-talk-no-real-support approach with allies is more “evenhanded” than the previous administration. “In short, it seems the Obama administration is going to use more of a tough-love approach to Israel, rather than just automatically siding with it.”

With tough love like this, who needs enemies?

Source: CNN.com

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