Stupid Liberal Rich People

Stupid Liberal Rich People. We couldn’t resist putting this out.

True story.

My wife was at her hairdresser yesterday and her hairdresser told her the following story about one of her total liberal customers who live in a very expensive area in the San Francisco East Bay.

The woman told her that she and her husband went to a play in San Francisco. (Note, the theater areas are in total “homelessville” and I have forbidden my wife to go anymore.)

Anyway, Mrs. Liberal complained that they had to walk quite a distance from where they parked their car. En route, they had to step over homeless people, beggars, drug addicts, and shit all over the sidewalks to get to the theater.

They got their seats, sat down and the play started.

The woman said she thought she had a pebble in her shoe, took it off, stuck her fingers in and there was human shit inside her shoe. She told the hairdresser she sat there with shit in her hand and on her shoe until intermission, because she didn’t want to get up in the middle of the play.

$10 someone this stupid will have no clue about the Democrats causing this and will vote Democrat next month.

New Judicial Network ad features chilling 911 audio from would-be Kavanaugh assassin

New Judicial Network ad features chilling 911 audio from would-be Kavanaugh assassin. Let us know when the cucked FBI and DOJ stop ignoring threats to conservatives and pouncing all over anyone who they believe might be a threat to libtards. More proof is them blatantly ignoring protestors in front of conservative justices houses after they stopped Roe v Wade.

Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic

Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic. No shit Sherlock. Most conservatives figured this out long ago.

Turns out liberals are the real authoritarians.

A political-science journal that published an oft-cited study claiming conservatives were more likely to show traits associated with “psychoticism” now says it got it wrong. Very wrong.

The American Journal of Political Science published a correction this year saying that the 2012 paper has “an error” — and that liberal political beliefs, not conservative ones, are actually linked to psychoticism.

The dumbing down of grade schoolers

The dumbing down of grade schoolers. We live within earshot of an elementary school. We were outside one morning when we heard the recess buzzer (bells are evidently passé in the People’s Paradise of California). Immediately afterwards we hear some dude on a loudspeaker says “freeze, freeze.” He then proceeds to tell them “recess is over, put your balls away.” A minute or two later he blares out “some of you have left your jackets on the playground, pick up your jackets.” This is why you get libtard young adults who question nothing and vote like they’re told (Democrat). From an early age they’re not taught to think, just to do as they’re told. The brainwashing starts early these days.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘What has she done that we’re bragging about? How has she led?’: Susan Sarandon backs Bernie for president instead of Hillary

‘What has she done that we’re bragging about? How has she led?’: Susan Sarandon backs Bernie for president instead of Hillary: Hillary doesn’t have to do anything. She’s a woman and that is all that matters. We think Susan Sarandon has forgotten what feminism is all about.

Liberals Find Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees

Liberals Find Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees. Looks like one liberal family has had an epiphany. Do we feel sorry for them? Not  one bit. Note you don’t see jack about the police doing anything.

Andrew and Ray Wartnaby

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