FBI document cache sheds light on inner workings of Russia’s U.S. news (and propaganda) network

FBI document cache sheds light on inner workings of Russia’s U.S. news (and propaganda) network Well, some of this could be propaganda too but interesting read.

Congratulations, Keith Olbermann. You are officially the Stupidest Person of the Day

We have to admit, we never thought that anyone would come along who would make 9/11 truthers look rational. But we never figured Keith Olbermann into the equation.

We have to admit, we never thought that anyone would come along who would make 9/11 truthers look rational. But we never figured Keith Olbermann into the equation..

Fortunately, Olbermannwatch.com was on the case. We all owe this dedicated group of masochists a debt of gratitude. They actually subject themselves to watching Olbermann’s show so you don’t have to.

As Olbermannwatch.com mockingly reports, “First Oralmann tells us the crotch bomber was no big deal, just a schlub who didn’t pose any real threat to anyone. But consistency is not considered a virtue on OlbyPlanet, so Krazy Keith goes on from there to suggest that our spy organizations deliberately buried the intel about the crotch bomber–knowing he could kill 300 people. Why? To embarrass the Obama administration! John Gibson has the details on the latest Krazy Keith Konspiracy … listen to the end as a genius caller takes it to the next level.”

Why stop there, Keith? Any theories on the lone gunman and the grassy knoll?

Source: OlbermannWatch.com

– Written by Patrick Michael

The grassy knoll was on the right side of the street. The extreme right side.

A crazy theory is advanced in “A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this,” an article written by Eric Boehlert at Media Matters.

Aha! Kennedy's assassination was caused by the Illuminati. Or Barry Goldwater. Or some kind of right wing extremists.
Aha! Kennedy's assassination was caused by the Illuminati. Or Barry Goldwater. Or some kind of right wing extremists.

A new theory claims Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t responsible for the assassination of JFK. Neither was LBJ nor Cuba nor the unions nor the Mob. No, it was caused by “right wing hatred running wild.”

This theory is advanced in “A President was killed the last time right-wing hatred ran wild like this,” an article written by Eric Boehlert at Media Matters.
Boehlert draws heavily on his experiences in the 1960s which, we assume, may have included ingesting numerous mind-altering substances.

“I’ve been thinking a lot of Kennedy and Dallas as I’ve watched the increasingly violent rhetorical attacks on Obama be unfurled,” Boehlert says, “as Americans yank their kids out of class in order to save them from being exposed to the President of the United States who only wanted to urge them to excel in the classroom. And as unvarnished hate and name-calling passed for health care ‘debate’ this summer.”

“The radical right, aided by a GOP Noise Machine that positively dwarfs what existed in 1963, has turned demonizing Obama–making him into a vile object of disgust–into a crusade,” he continues. “It’s a demented national jihad, the likes of which this country has not seen in modern times.”

Unfortunately for Boehlert, all the individuals and groups suspected in the Kennedy assassination were of the leftist variety. Oswald was an communist wannabe. LBJ was liberal. Cuba was and is communist. And union’s? Pretty much leftists.

So pardon us if we’re confused as hell by Boehlerts’ theory.

But, then, we’re guessing that he’s confused, too.

Source: MediaMatters.com

– Written by Patrick Michael

Warning: Do not call Buzz Aldrin a coward or a liar

79-year old Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin punched out a conspiracy nut who didn’t believe he went to the moon.

Buzz Aldrin was a fighter pilot and Apollo 11 astronaut who walked on the moon. Doesn’t matter that he’s now 79-years old because he’s still a tough sumbitch, as one of those we-never-went-to-the-moon conspiracy wackos discovered when he approached Aldrin and called him a coward and a liar.

Aldrin responded with a quick punch and the wacko started seeing stars that no astronaut has ever seen.

Way to go, Buzz.

Source: RightwingVideo.com

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