Gov. Bill Lee Calls For Investigation Of Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic Following Matt Walsh Revelation

Gov. Bill Lee Calls For Investigation Of Vanderbilt’s Pediatric Transgender Clinic Following Matt Walsh Revelation. Tell us it’s not all about the money. These people are practicing quackery in our opinion.

At another Medicine Grand Rounds lecture, staffers are warned by Vanderbilt health law expert Ellen Wright Clayton that any “conscientious objection” will be met with “consequences,” and are told they probably shouldn’t be working at VUMC if they don’t want to participate in the trans surgeries, which include minor patients.

“If you are going to assert conscientious objection, you have to realize that that is problematic,” Clayton said. “You are doing something to another person, and you are not paying the cost for your belief. I think that is a … real issue.”

Goodbye, San Francisco. Hello, Nashville. Americans are fleeing dysfunctional cities

San Francisco Homeless Tents

Goodbye, San Francisco. Hello, Nashville. Americans are fleeing dysfunctional cities. The bottom line is that Democrat-run cities and states suck. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, and name your Democrat-run city, have been turned into shitholes by Democrat policies. When you’ve lost liberal USA Today, you have a problem.

Google refuses to allow Marsha Blackburn ad

Google refuses to allow Marsha Blackburn’s political ad. Google is not a friend to democracy, let’s face it. Google and the rest of Silicon Valley represent the yawning chasm of tyranny, censorship, and slavery for the whole world. How do they justify this in Google corporate meetings? What kind of specious, casuist, Jesuit-like logic do they employ when they explain to each other why Republicans should be silenced? Look at their behavior: they kowtow to despots in Red China, censoring information like lapdogs for their communist masters, yet refuse to allow a Republican political ad in Tennessee! So communist despots they like and help, Republicans they work against. What does that tell you about Google?

Tennessee church shooting leaves 1 dead, several wounded, officials say

Emanuel Kidega Samson identified as church shooter by police.

Tennessee church shooting leaves 1 dead, several wounded, officials say. Well, this story will die on the MSM vine in short order. Wasn’t a white Christian conservative NRA life member.

Authorities said one woman was killed and seven others were wounded after a 26-year-old African-American man wearing a ski mask opened fire at a Tennessee church Sunday.

They DO give a damn: Memphis theater pulls Gone with the Wind after complaints that the Civil War classic is ‘racially insensitive’

They DO give a damn: Memphis theater pulls Gone with the Wind after complaints that the Civil War classic is ‘racially insensitive.’ Maybe the left should make a list of what they’re NOT butthurt about, if there’s any such thing.

Tennessee senate may authorize Al Gore statue

ice_gore According to, “A resolution urging the creation of statues to be built on the Tennessee Capitol grounds of the state’s two Nobel Peace Prize winners, Al Gore and Cordell Hull, is on its way to a full Senate vote.”

This will not be the first time The Goracle has been honored with a statue.

Earlier this winter, during a particularly bitter cold snap, Fairbanks, Alaska businessman Craig Compeau commissioned this lovely 8-1/2 foot tall ice sculpture of the former Vice President and current scam artist.

Congratulations, Mr. Gore.

Source: via Drudge and

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