The Wanda Sykes’ Obama Roast:
the way it should have been

Tradition dictates that the White House Correspondents Dinner roast the president. But host Wanda Sykes could not hide her liberal leanings and after a few polite Obama jokes, tore into the Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others on the Obama Enemy List instead. This video shows us what the “roast” would have been like in an alternate universe, one where the media treats all sides fairly.

H/T: The Big Feed

MSNBC’s Angry Ed Schultz caught with his hypocritical pants down

MSNBC host Ed Schultz preparing for another informative show
MSNBC host Ed Schultz preparing for another informative show

We sincerely apologize for any unpleasant images that headline may have brought to mind, but it seemed appropriate.

Within the course of one hour on Monday night, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz condemned David Feherty for joking about the death of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, then turned around and praised Wanda Sykes’ for joking about the death of Rush Limbaugh.

“My thoughts on the White House correspondents dinner,” Ed said at the top of his show, “the best jokes and why I’m so glad Wanda Sykes took it to Rush Limbaugh.”

Ed rolled tape that showed Sykes’ comments. Well, most of Sykes’ comments. “Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails. So you said, I hope America fails. I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight.

Ed conveniently edited out these offensive words: “Rush Limbaugh. ‘I hope the country fails.’ I hope his kidneys fail. How about that.”

A few minutes later, Schultz featured Feherty’s joke about killing Reid and Pelosi. He condemned Feherty and called the joke “insanity” and “sick.”

Our best guess is that Ed knows he can say any damn thing he wants, no matter how stupid or hypocritical, because he knows virtually no one is watching his show. If a tree falls in the forest and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a noise?


Wanda Sykes hypocritical TV commercial: “That’s so Limbaugh”

Irony is running rampant these days. Turns out unfunny comedienne Wanda Sykes, who insulted Rush Limbaugh at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, appeared in a recent “public service” commercial where she lectures teenage boys about how they shouldn’t use insulting language. She tells them to “Knock it off.”

After her humorless appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, maybe the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network should find itself a new role model who’s not so, well, insulting.

Just sayin’.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Quote of the Day
“The black dyke got it wrong.”

wanda_sykes “Christopher Hitchens…had some choice words for the evening’s headlining comedian, Wanda Sykes. ‘The president should be squirming in his seat. Not smiling,’ he said. ‘The black dyke got it wrong. No one told her the rules.'”

Yow. Even wouldn’t say something like that. Don’t get us wrong — we’d quote it, but we wouldn’t say it.

Source: New York Magazine

President Obama and the press laugh at the thought of Rush Limbaugh’s kidneys failing

Hollywood hates conservatives. The press hates conservatives. And the worst conservative on earth is Rush Limbaugh. And President Obama loves all that. Put all these ingredients together and what do you get? Comedian and actress Wanda Sykes at the the White House Press Corps dinner last night saying she hope Rush Limbaugh’s kidneys fail, to the delight and laughter of our free press, and of course, our tolerant and very sensitive president.

Oh we know, she was just kidding. The press crops were just a little tipsy. And the president was just politely smiling along with the joke. Can’t we conservatives just lighten up?

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