West Point Professor Who Mentored Antifa Soldier on Administrative Leave

West Point Professor Who Mentored Antifa Soldier on Administrative Leave. We think Breitbart misspelled brainwashed, but that’s us. The below explains the entire thing 101%.

The adviser is Rasheed Hosein, a professor of Middle East history, who was in charge of Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone’s development at West Point.

The ultimate Motorcycle Diaries experience! Now you can tour Cuba by bike with Che Guevara’s SON (but it will cost you £3000)

The ultimate Motorcycle Diaries experience! Now you can tour Cuba by bike with Che Guevara’s SON (but it will cost you £3000).

  • Cost lost of capitalist money – check
  • Capitalist American made Harley-Davidson motorcycle – check
  • Touring with an anti-capitalism cowardly murderer’s grandson in communist Cuba  – priceless.

Remember, you can put this all on your CommieCard. If you get enough points you get a free Obamaphone and a gift certificate for a genuine Michelle Obama school lunch.

Our favorite hate mail of the week: Che’s Best Friend

We’ve upset a Communist with our Che Guevara story, and thought we’d share his hate mail with you.

We’ve upset a Communist, which, of course, makes doing this at 3:30 a.m. all seem worthwhile.

We did a story back in December titled “Ten Che Guevara quotes the left would rather not talk about.” You may have noticed an increasingly angry series of comments from a reader who calls himself Che’s Best Friend. (Far be it from us to nitpick, but wouldn’t Che’s Best Amigo be more appropriate?)

che guevara dead
Perhaps "Che's Best Friend" was upset because we said, "The only good Che is a dead Che"

Well, Che’s Best Friend sent us a special email yesterday. We thought you might enjoy it as much as we did.

To: Editor
From: Che’S Best Friend

Whatever you say or do against Che’s image…..the U.S. made the mistake of having him murdered which is the dumbest thing an enemy can do to a leader, and made him an eternal martyr no matter what….DUMB,

JUST PLAIN DUMB!! That why you have this website …… socialists will always be socialists….When Capitalists murder for ‘the cause’ it right….I rest…..

BTW what did all the American soilders die for in Vietman, not to mention Civilians…..American security, right???

Your website is the hate not the email responses……as always it’s a travesty!!

Like all Empires before n since this one will fall too….I hope I live to see it!!

Pleasant dreams ‘I hate the Media’!!

I would never trust you…………

We checked Che’s Best Friend’s ISP and found that it’s located in Washington, DC.

Barry, is that you?

10 Che Guevara quotes the left would rather not talk about

Next time your kid comes home in a Che Guevara T-shirt, ask him if he knows what the Cuban murderer actually stood for. Sit him down, strip the gauze of ignorance from his eyes and have him read these Guevara quotes.

Next time your kid comes home in a Che Guevara T-shirt, ask him if he knows what the Cuban murderer of Cubans actually stood for. Sit him down, strip the gauze of ignorance from his eyes and have him read these Guevara quotes.

Then burn the damn T-shirt.

1. “Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!”

che guevara quotes
The only good Che Guevara is a dead Che Guevara

2. “Blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations, transforming the soldier in an effective, selective and cold killing machine. A people without hate cannot triumph against the adversary.”

3. “To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary … These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution!”

4. “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall!” The Wall is a reference to the wall where Che’s enemies stood before his firing squads.

5. “I am not Christ or a philanthropist, old lady, I am all the contrary of a Christ … I fight for the things I believe in, with all the weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other man dead so that I don’t get nailed to a cross or any other place.”

6. “If any person has a good word for the previous government that is good enough for me to have him shot.”

7. Che wanted the result of the Cuban missile crisis to be an atomic war. “What we affirm is that we must proceed along the path of liberation even if this costs millions of atomic victims.”

8. “In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, would not hesitate to squish him like a worm.”

9. “Let me say, at the risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”

10. “It’s a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.”

Be sure not to miss our 13 Reasons You Should Throw Away Your Che Guevara T-Shirt article.

13 reasons you should throw away your Che Guevara T-shirt

Here are thirteen Che Guevara facts that the left never mentions. Thirteen things that, if they were widely known, would contribute to far fewer T-shirt sales.

According to the leftist mythology that’s been built up over the last 50 years Che Guevara was a brave, noble soldier who loved freedom and sacrificed his life so that others could achieve it.

Ha! Here are thirteen Che facts that the left never mentions. Thirteen things that, if they were widely known, would contribute to far fewer T-shirt sales.

che poster
Che Guevara, vicious mass murderer and T-shirt icon
  1. Che’s famous motorcycle tour of South American is mostly myth. The motorcycle broke down early in the trek and it was completed with other means of transportation.
  2. Che was nicknamed Chancho (Pig) by his schoolmates because he rarely bathed.
  3. Soon after Batista was overthrown, Guevara had hundreds of Cuban government officials executed. Notice that the phrase “fair trial” was conspicuously absent from the previous sentence.
  4. Che was a brutal murderer. He trained and commanded firing squads that executed thousands of men, women and children deemed enemies by the new Castro regime. He once put a bullet in the head of a fellow guerrilla he suspected of disloyalty.
  5. Che was not a fan of our First Amendment. He opposed freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and protest. Can you say North Korea?
  6. All those college kids wearing their Che T-shirts might be surprised to learn that he supported the repression of rock ‘n roll in Cuba.
  7. Homosexuals did not fare well in Che’s Cuba. He mounted a campaign to have them jailed.
  8. che obama poster
    La Revolución, si! Free elections, no!
  9. See the photo to the right? It was taken in an Obama campaign office in Texas. The volunteer who put the poster on the wall might be surprised to learn that her hero opposed free elections.
  10. Che never won a Nobel Prize for Economics with good reason. Castro put him in charge of the Cuban economy, but his strident communism immediately put it on a downward economic death spiral.
  11. Che fled Cuba in the mid-1960s not to spread Communism throughout the hemisphere, but because he had so totally screwed up his private life. He was a profligate adulterer who deserted two wives, countless mistresses and numerous children.
  12. Che hoped that the Cuban missile crisis would lead to an atomic war. “What we affirm is that we must proceed along the path of liberation,” he said, “even if this costs millions of atomic victims.”
  13. Members of the Che cult claim his last words were, “I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man.” However, General Ovando, Chief of the Bolivian Armed Forces, reported that Che died in battle and that his last words were considerably less noble, “I am Che Guevara and I have failed.”
  14. Another version of his final words is even more pathetic. Far from bravely facing a martyr’s death, Che’s captors reported that he begged for his life saying, “Do not shoot! I am Che Guevara and worth more to you alive than dead.”

Ironic, isn’t it, that Che’s last words were as wrong as his entire philosophy of life. As T-shirt vendors around the world have discovered, he has actually been worth far more dead than alive.

Lunatic leftist Rep says opponents want to destroy “first President who looks like me”

Congresswoman Diane Watson attacks Rush Limbaugh, insults the wealthy, praises Che Gueverra and Fidel Castro, lauds the Cuban healthcare system and she announces that opponents of ObamaCare are trying to destroy the first President who looks like her.

Someone alert the folks at the Guinness Book of World Records, because it looks like Diane Watson (D-Havana) may have set a world record for cramming the most stupid comments into one 2:45 sound bite.

Within that remarkably brief period of time she manages to attack Rush Limbaugh, insult the wealthy, praise Che Gueverra and Fidel Castro, laud the Cuban healthcare system and to cap off her tour de force, she announces that opponents of ObamaCare are trying to destroy the first President who looks like her.

Problem is, we’re not sure which President she’s referring to.

Is she saying we’re anti-black because she looks like Barack Obama or that we’re anti-Whig because she bears a remarkable resemblance to Millard Fillmore?

Che Guevara’s granddaughter to star in new PETA ad campaign

Lydia Guevara, the smokin’ hot granddaughter of murderous Cuban revolutionary leader Che Guevara will appear semi-nude in a new PETA ad campaign.

Lydia Guevera PETA nude
No baby carrots were harming in the production of this ad.

Lydia Guevara, the smokin’ hot granddaughter of murderous Cuban revolutionary leader Che Guevara will appear semi-nude in a new PETA ad campaign.

She’ll be seen wearing camouflage pants, a red beret, and bandoliers filled with baby carrots.

The campaign will be launched in October in Argentina, where Che Guevara was born, then spread around the globe faster than a virulent strain of swine flu.

“It very much evokes the tag line of the ad, which is ‘Join the vegetarian revolution,'” said PETA spokesman Michael McGraw. “It’s an homage of sorts to her late grandfather.”

Apparently, McGraw knows a lot more about baby carrots than he does about history. Any honest homage to Che Guevera should include the rotting, stinking corpses of his innocent victims.

But that wouldn’t look nearly as good on a poster as his semi-nude granddaughter, would it?

Source: AP

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