Porkapalooza: Democrats out-pork Republicans by a 50-to-1 margin

Let’s see what was on the Democrat menu last week. Mmmmm, looks like pork, more pork and if we’re not mistaken, still more pork.

Let’s see what was on the Democrat menu last week. Mmmmm, looks like pork, more pork and if we’re not mistaken, still more pork.

Byron York exposes the facts in the pages of The Washington Examiner:

Republicans put a bullet between the eyes of the huge Democrats pork monster

Press coverage of the budget frenzy on Capitol Hill has suggested that pork-barrel earmark spending is still a bipartisan problem, that after months of self-righteous rhetoric about fiscal discipline, Republicans and Democrats remain equal-opportunity earmarkers.

It’s not true. A new analysis by a group of federal-spending watchdogs shows a striking imbalance between the parties when it comes to earmark requests. Democrats remain raging spenders, while Republicans have made enormous strides in cleaning up their act.

In the Senate, the GOP made only one-third as many earmark requests as Democrats for 2011, and in the House, Republicans have nearly given up earmarking altogether — while Democrats roll on.

… In the 2011 House budget, the groups found that House Democrats requested 18,189 earmarks, which would cost the taxpayers a total of $51.7 billion, while House Republicans requested just 241 earmarks, for a total of $1 billion.

So when you hear Democrat apologists utter the words, “They all do it,” rest assured that the “all” refers to Democrats.

Source: Washington Examiner

Introducing the John Murtha Pork Barrel International Airport, where pigs really do fly

Ever wonder how your tax dollars are being invested spent wasted? Here’s an absolutely terrifying example – the John Murtha Pork Barrel International Airport. Located, of course, right in the heart of Democrat Congressman John Murtha’s home district.

It is a monument to the complete corruption of the system in general and John Murtha specifically.

$150,000,000 of your tax dollars have gone to build this gilded memorial to Mr. Murtha in the last ten years. To repeat, $150,000,000.

For that you get three flights a day, all of them to Washington, DC, which makes it extremely convenient for Rep. Murtha.

In 2008, an average of only 20 people per day flew out of the airport. The government subsidizes every ticket to the tune of $100. That means that you – the taxpayer – often pay more per ticket than each of those travelers did.

The airport’s motto should be, “The John Murtha Pork Barrel International Airport, where your money flies out the window.”

Source: ABC News via BluegrassPundit

Make big bucks with Obama’s Magic Money Machine™

anigif_obama-makes-it-rain-with-surprise-9371-1236962397-4Down on your luck? Out of work? Bank foreclosing on your house? Wish you had a source of unlimited money?

Well, now you do! It’s called Obama’s Magic Money Machine™. And you can have one of your very own for just three easy payments of $19.95 per month. In fact, forget that. Obama’s Magic Money Machine will pay youuuuuuu.

But wait, there’s more! Call now and in addition to Obama’s Magic Money Machine™, we’ll give you a ShamWow and a Snuggie absolutely freeeeeee! But you must call now, because this special offer is only good for the first 300,000,000 callers. Not an American citizen? That’s no problem, either. Just swim across the river and give us a call because we hablamos español, senors y senoritas!

Obama’s Magic Money Machine™. Personally endorsed by Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. Call now 1-800-IHATETHEMEDIA.COM.

*Obama’s Magic Money Machine™ is a registered trademark of IHateTheMedia.com.

NOTE: This is a freakin’ parody. Do not call that phone number. For all we know, it belongs to some porn operation in Bangkok.

McCain rips everyone on earmarks — Obama, Democrats and Republicans

During the presidential campaign, the compliant liberal press believed every word Barack Obama said. Or at least they pretended they did. They assured us that when their man was elected president, he would do as he promised by eliminating earmarks and emasculating lobbyists.

Oops. Turns out there are 9,000-some earmarks in the “stimulus” bill. And lobbyists go to see the document before members of the House and Senate did.

John McCain doesn’t like it and went ballistic on the floor of the senate yesterday. “If it sounds like I’m angry,” he roared, “it’s because I am.”

His anti-earmark oratory was the kind of speech that’s rarely heard in the Senate. McCain hurled invective at President Obama, Democrats and Republicans and he used words that are equally rare in the Washington, DC gentlemen’s club known as the U.S. Senate.

“I just went through a campaign, Mr. President, where both candidates promised change in Washington, promised change from the wasteful, disgraceful, corrupting practice of earmark, pork-barrel spending,” McCain seethed. “So what are we doing here? Not only business as usual, but an outrageous insult to the American people.”

If the Arizona Republican had shown this kind of fire on the campaign trail, he might be president today.

Watch the entire five-minute video. For once, John McCain seems a lot more like “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” and a lot less like Captain Queeg.

McCain chooses Twitter to reveal Top 10 Porkiest Projects

McCain, a lifelong opponent of earmarks, released his list of the top ten porkiest projects in the Omnibus Spending bill the Congress is about to pass. Did he hold a press conference or release a statement to the press? No, instead, he went to the new media–but not Facebook or Youtube. He choose the new rising star in social media, Twitter. He merely made a tweet yesterday that began with “”Tmr I am gonna tweet the TOP TEN PORKIEST PROJECTS in the Omnibus Spending bill the Congress is about to pass”. And his 110,000 followers were instantly alerted, who in turn most likely passed it on to millions of their followers within minutes.

And today he released them. Here is John McCain’s Top 10 Porkiest Projects list:

#10. $1.7M “for a honey bee factory” in Weslaco, TX

#9. $475,000 to build a parking garage in Provo City, Utah

#8. $200,000 “tattoo removal violence outreach program to could help gang members or others shed visible signs of their past” REALLY?

#7. $300,000 for the Montana World Trade Center – enough said

#6. $1 million for mormon cricket control in Utah – is that the species of cricket or a game played by the brits?

#5. $650,000 for beaver management in North Carolina and Mississippi”

#4. $2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York – quick peel me a grape.

#3. $332,000 for the design and construction of a school sidewalk in Franklin, Texas – not enough $ for schools in the stimulus?

#2. $2 million ‘for the promotion of astronomy’ in Hawaii – because nothing says new jobs for average Americans like investing in astronomy”

#1. $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa”

We’re sure the traditional media is aghast at not receiving a call first. Well, they all better sign up and start following the important people on Twitter. Like us at Twitter.com/ihatethemedia.

Source: John McCain’s Twitter page, of course

Welcome to 1600 Porksylvania Avenue. Can we take you on a tour?

Just based on the following comment, some crafty publisher is probably preparing a book called, “The Wit and Wisdom of Our Fearless Leader.” Because this Obama guy, he’s a laugh riot.

“I know that there are a lot of folks out there who’ve been saying, ‘Oh, this is pork, and this is money that’s going to be wasted,’ and et cetera, et cetera,” President Obama glibly noted. “Understand, this bill does not have a single earmark in it, which is unprecedented for a bill of this size…There aren’t individual pork projects that members of Congress are putting into this bill.”

To that, we say, “If that ain’t pork we smell, they must be barbecuing ribs over at Harry Reed’s house.”

If the media won’t tell you what’s in it, we will. Here, thanks to the good folks over at National Review Online, is a brief list of the pork that peppers the “stimulus” bill: Continue reading “Welcome to 1600 Porksylvania Avenue. Can we take you on a tour?”

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