“Joe Biden: ‘Hunter Biden is the smartest guy I know.'”


“Joe Biden: ‘Hunter Biden is the smartest guy I know.'” Hunter may be a crackhead, but evidently, he’s not a liar.

Audit finds half of Joe Biden’s Twitter followers are fake

Audit finds half of Joe Biden’s Twitter followers are fake. Well, Joe is fake, he can’t say shit without a teleprompter, so this seems fitting.

At least half of President Biden’s 22.2 million Twitter followers are bogus, a new audit revealed.

The audit, which was done for the social media giant by software firm SparkToro, found that 49.3% of the president’s followers are “fake followers,” according to Newsweek.

Twitter and Elon Musk Strike Deal for Takeover


Twitter and Elon Musk Strike Deal for Takeover. Well, now we can see what happens. The snowflakes are already leaving.

“Twitter Inc. on Monday accepted Elon Musk’s bid to take over the company, giving the world’s richest man control over the influential social-media network where he is also among its most powerful users. “

Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, take it private

Elon Musk

Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter, take it private. It’s about time someone with big balls and free speech bought this junk heap. We hope the board goes for it. We bet they will reject it because they won’t be able to banish conservatives from their platform over nothing.

Star of David deemed ‘hateful imagery’ by Twitter

The Star of David

Star of David deemed ‘hateful imagery’ by Twitter. Twitter is starting to steamroll everyone they don’t like off of their platform. They think this will help Biden get elected. All their doing is pissing off more people who will in turn, vote for President Trump.

Ted Cruz Contacts DOJ, Demands Criminal Investigation Of Twitter Over Potential Crimes Related To Iran

Ted Cruz Contacts DOJ, Demands Criminal Investigation Of Twitter Over Potential Crimes Related To Iran. It’s beginning to look like Twitter and its principals may be in deep shit.

“The letter spelled out in detail how Twitter is in violation of IEEPA,” the senator’s letter to the Justice Department and Treasury Department explains. “It explained that the President invoked his powers under IEEPA to issue E.O. 13876, which prohibits ‘the making of any contribution or provision of… goods or services’ to persons designated pursuant to that order. It then cited two specific and active Twitter accounts belonging to individuals designated pursuant to E.O. 13876 – Ali Khamenei (@khamenei_ir), the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, and Javad Zarif (@JZarif), the Iranian Foreign Minister – and called on Twitter to come into compliance with United States law by ceasing to provide services to these individuals.”

Jobs program: “Kill all white people born before 1962.

Jobs program: “Kill all white people born before 1962. How about you personally come try it moron?

The President Tweets This ‘FACT’ About His Immigration Plan – and Twitter Hits Back In Full Force

The President Tweets This ‘FACT’ About His Immigration Plan – and Twitter Hits Back In Full Force. Evidently President Obola is using Webster’s definition 5. slang : steal, shoplift.

The tweet:

FACT: President Obama’s #ImmigrationAction will boost the U.S. GDP by tens of billions of dollars.

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 22, 2014

One of many responses:

@BarackObama Put down the joint

— Jen Stroup (@JenStroup) November 23, 2014

Weinergate: Wolf Blitzer says “I don’t think this story is going away.” Chris Matthews tries to prove him wrong.

Believe it or not, CNN has been on top of the Weinergate story. MSNBC, on the other hand, seems to find the story less than interesting.

Believe it or not, CNN has been on top of the Weinergate story. The normally leftist network has covered the story as if that was a Republican erection in Anthony Weiner’s pants.

MSNBC, on the other hand, seems to find the story less than interesting.

Here’s a funny juxtaposition of two video clips. In the first, Wolf Blitzer says, “I don’t think ths story is going away” despite Weiner’s attempts to make it do just that.

In the second, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews devotes less than seconds to the story.

H/T: Brietbart.tv here and here

Heeeeere’s Freddy: Fred Thompson’s Top 10 Tweets of the Week

Fred Thompson’s as funny as Joe Biden, but in Fred’s case it’s intentional. The 21st century Will Rogers is back with more 144-character wit and wisdom.

Fred Thompson’s as funny as Joe Biden, but in Fred’s case it’s intentional. The 21st century Will Rogers is back with more 144-character wit and wisdom.

Fred Thompson's top ten tweets of the week: Another cheesy excuse to show a photo of Fred's wife, Jeri

Dead fish washing up along Chicago lakefront. I guess Rahm’s gonna have plenty of presents to send to his political opponents.

Study: Watching TV damages your heart. Would’ve had study to see if watching MSNBC damages brain, but hardly anyone’s at risk.

Obama on unemployment: “talk to Goolsbee. That’s his job.” Yup. It’s Obama’s job to CREATE lousy numbers, not explain them.

New NYC law: no smoking on public sidewalks. Makes sense. Wouldn’t want tobacco smoke polluting car exhaust coming off the street

DC to use yoga to rehab city’s violent youths. Now when cop tells them to assume the position, they’ll stand on 1 leg & chant

Pelosi: “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us.” Sure. Just like protecting sheep is a high priority for wolves.

In AR: 5,000 blackbirds mysteriously die & fall from sky. How long until Obama makes everyone buy falling-bird insurance?

White House to press: no shirtless Obama pix. Still risky. ANY press encounter w/o ‘prompter may show emperor has no clothes

EPA issues Haz Mat cleanup plan for mercury in CFL bulbs. Maybe we should stick w/ safer lighting technology: whale oil lamps

GOP Sen Coburn: country in for “apocalyptic pain” if spending not cut. Obama’s plan: borrow a bunch of aspirin from China.

Source: Twitter.com/FredThompson

Fred Thompson’s Twittering leaves liberals sputtering

This week’s top ten Fred Thompson tweets do not disappoint. They are everything you’ve come to expect from the 21st Century’s answer to Will Rogers.

This week’s top ten Fred Thompson tweets do not disappoint. They are everything you’ve come to expect from the 21st Century’s answer to Will Rogers.

1. With unemployment being extended another 13 months, is it maybe time to just start calling it welfare?

You could tell Fred Thompson from all the other United States senators because he was intentionally funny

2. Gibbs: no cigs for Obama since March. That’s about when Obamacare passed. Looks like he gave up one bad idea for another.

3. WI, OH reject govt hi-speed rail funds. Very good sign: federal government now having a hard time giving away free money.

4. Study: 25% of Gitmo releasees return to terrorism. Obama reportedly “troubled” by their 75% unemployment rate.

5. Dem Sen Menendez:talking to GOP on tax cuts like “negotiating w/ terrorists”. So… Obama won’t be attaching any pre-conditions?

6. Obama hands out 9 pardons, 4 for cocaine crimes. Figure next year’s list will probably all be people who didn’t buy health ins.

7. UN seeks global ban on incandescents. Answers question: “How many bureaucrats does it take to screw up a light bulb?”

8. Oops! Biden tells Kirk to place wrong hand on Bible during swearing in. Joe, you know the difference. Left is side you vote with

9. Survey: DC only #3 on smartest city list. Might’ve been #1 if they’d done the survey while Congress was still out of town.

10. Bulldozer driver in CO discovers ancient pit full of ice age fossils. Huh. Thought Dems’ Congressional leaders were still in DC.

Source: Fred Thompson

FTTTTTW: Fred Thompson’s Top Ten Tweets of the Week

Fred Thompson is becoming the 21st century’s answer to Will Rogers with him homespun Twitter commentary on politics and the world. We love the guy.

Fred Thompson is becoming the 21st century’s answer to Will Rogers with his homespun Twitter commentary on politics and the world. We love the guy.

A sense of humor must have helped Thompson survive his years in Washington, DC

Obama to help pay off Biden campaign debts. Would that be considered a bailout or a stimulus?

Russia’s Putin gets puppy, holds online contest to name it. Cheating suspected, but so far gotten 10M votes for “Bristol Palin”

Colin Powell:Obama did “good job” on economy. Well, Powell’s Army, where good job often means destroying everything in your path

That Rangel trial… it’s just AMAZING how fast they can get something done when it suits ’em, ain’t it?

Obama interacts w/ robots in Japan. Described experience as “like hanging out with Joe Biden, except with an ‘off’ switch”.

New Obama kids book features short biographies of 13 Americans. Must’ve been hard to not write about himself 13 times in a row.

Bill Maher: “America’s like a dog”. Yup, Dems know. if you kick it long enough, it’ll turn around and bite you.

Post Office loses $8B. The big question: if PO goes bankrupt, who’s gonna deliver the bankruptcy notices to their creditors?

Obama on deficit: “we have to tell the truth”. Not his strong suit. Might need to appoint a Truth Czar. I’m guessing Blago.

Obama at G20 predicts members will reach “a broad-based consensus”. He was right. They all agree Obama’s economic policies stink

Source: @FredThompson

Liberal Tweetosphere goes insane over Bristol Palin’s success on Dancing With The Stars #dwts

Bristol’s unexpected success has driven the leftwing Tweetosphere absolutely insane. Bug-eyed, frothing at the mouth, shaking with anger. Read these insane tweets.

Bristol Palin surprised everyone Tuesday night when viewers of the popular Dancing With The Stars TV show voted her into this year’s finals. She’s really not one of the best dancers on the show, but who cares? DWTS is as much a popularity contest as it is a dancing contest.

Bristol’s unexpected success has driven the leftwing Tweetosphere absolutely insane. Bug-eyed, frothing at the mouth, shaking with anger.

They say she’s fat. It’s fixed. I’m pissed. She’s Sarah Palin’s daughter. She can’t dance. Teabaggers cheat. And so on and so on and so on.

Thousands of lunatic lefties felt compelled to share their sickness on Twitter. Here are some of our favorites:

And if any of my white co-workers bring up DWTS this morning, I’m throwing this whole pot of coffee on they ass…try me


Bristol Palin is to Dancing With The Stars as Sanjaya is to American Idol.

The TParty are attracted to Bovine footwork and weak resumes.

these republicans are taking over! They vote Brandy off of DWTS and kept Bristol Palin! Crazy!

DWTS is not about being relateable, its about CELEBRITIES dancing, not fucking retards like Bristol “dancing”

Anyone notice that BP’bristol palin’ is also the initials of the company responsible for the oil spill in the gulf? Coincidence?

be glad ur teabaggers ensure that your self-esteem-enhanced but talent deprived daughter doesn’t learn the truth

If you really want to stop the teaparty/Bristol Palin DWTS farce then fight fire with fire. Do what they do; cheat.


bristol palin gets $10k for every week on DWTS. she’s a teen mom w/o an education. i don’t care if she’s not good or if it’s rigged.

If Bristol palin wins DWTS then I believe the country will go bonkers

I heard bristol palin is in the finals of DWTS. If she wins then america is doomed because that means sarah palin is going to run for pres

I’m so tempted to go “OMG! Did you know that Diebold is counting DWTS votes?

I rarely watch DWTS. But now I’m irked. It’s only a stupid dance show right? Wrong. It’s cheating. It’s racism, it’s HS popularity BS.

DWTS is just an elaborate ploy to lure Bristol under the bucket of pig’s blood.

Ok. I just heard Bristol Palin might win DWTS. WTF?!? She got worse each week. Obviously Sarah Palin paid someone off!Exit polls of DWTS voters indicate 25% are Dems, 30% independent, and remainder are w Bristol wing of #Teabag Party.

Who the do the Palin’s think they are??!! 1st they rigg DWTS voting…now the Presidency?? Enough!!

LMFAO!!!! omg!!!! man if she win DWTS America finna go HAM & I’m moving 2 mars in fear of my life…

It’s not going to sink in for people how big this horrible injustice is until next week when Bristol is crowned the champion of DWTS!

I’m pretty sure Bristol Palin is the first person to never get in shape in DWTS history. She looks like a log with sparkles.

I have one thing to say about those DWTS fans. I hope you’ve got the wide screen to better present the wider Bristol.

Bristol Palin making the finals of DWTS is precisely why the Founding Fathers didnt want direct voting to elect the leaders of the country

wow my mom is cussing out Bristol Palin in Vietnamese, she’s devastated that Brandy went home!! She takes DWTS very seriously

If that substandard Bristol wins DWTS….. I’m DONE with #ABC! Teabaggers are already on the list of vile, stupid creatures.

DWTS put lipstick on a pig, now they’re trying to teach it to dance.

Why Is Stiff Ass Rythmless Bristol in The Finals Should Be Ashamed #SlapYourself!!!!!!!!!

The show should be called:Dancing with the talentless teenage unwed mom whose merit is to be the daughter of the dumbest US politician

I feel the only reason Bristol Palin is still on DWTS is because her mom is backstage w- her Bible…and her gun.

But this conservative Tweet is our absolute favorite:

Bristol made it into finals of DWTS along with Jen Grey, Kyle Massey and Lisa Murkowski who is launching a write-in campaign.

Source: Twitter/DWTS

Fred Thompson’s Top Ten Tweets of the Week

More wit and wisdom in 140-characters or less from the former Senator and star of Law & Order.

More wit and wisdom in 140-characters or less from the former Senator and star of Law & Order:

Fred Thompson demonstrates the TSA's new "enhanced pat-down technique"

Hillary: $150M to Palestinians to help w/ budget. Can’t pay for own govt. No wonder Obama thinks they’re ready for statehood.

Ahmadinejad: Iran’s right to nukes “non-negotiable”. Obama: Ok, let’s negotiate on the negotiability of the non-negotiability.

Olbermann: I got massive support like “Chilean miners”. Probably b/c people wished it were 67 more days before he resurfaced.

US military denies odd contrail over CA was missile launch. Just signal flare from folks seeking rescue from Jerry Brown.

Saw this headline at Politico: “Olbermann Apologizes to Viewers”. I was really surprised. When did he get a second one?

Dem Rep Clyburn: health care “right of every citizen”. Well, good luck w/that, since quitting is still the right of every doctor

NPR’s Liasson: Pelosi like Winston Churchill. True. Neither one will be Speaker of the House next year.

Pelosi throwing party to celebrate accomplishments of Dem Congress. Unnecessary. We just had one of those last Tuesday.

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: “I am a socialist”. Shocking! Like meeting a girl in a tutu & dance shoes and finding out she’s a ballerina.

Bush’s book says when CIA asked to waterboard KSM, he replied “Damn right”. And who opposed coercion to save lives? Damn left.

And, finally, this bonus eleventh Tweet:

New TV series planned about an illegal immigrant working as a private investigator. No title yet. I’m thinking “Law and Holder”.

Source: Fred Thompson

Thompson’s Top Ten Tweets of the Week

Fred Thompson comments on the world in 140-characters or less. On a mostly unrelated note, we only need 11 characters to comment on Fred Thompson’s wife Jeri: Va-va-voom!

Fred Thompson comments on the world in 140-characters or less:

Obama to Dems: “we need you fired up”. Ya know, I say same thing to Dems in Congress all the time. Except without the “up” part.

On a mostly unrelated note, we only need 11 characters to comment on Fred Thompson's wife Jeri: Va-va-voom!

Dem Rep Frank: I’m fighting “right-wing smears” from Tea Party “bigots”. What’s REALLY bugging him is that most of them are true

Another DADT ruling: yesterday, if you were in and you were out, you were in. Today, if you’re out and you’re in, you’re out.

Iran says it now has twice as much enriched uranium as it did in June. So THAT’S where Obama’s policies created/saved jobs.

Let’s get this straight – government doesn’t create jobs by waving its magical spending wand: http://bit.ly/dqmjmY

Dem Rep Frank loans $200K to own campaign. Um… has anyone told Barney that if he loses, he doesn’t get a bailout?

Reid: Obama “like the Chilean miners”. Why? Because Obama’s in over his head, or because he’s giving us the shaft?

SCOTUS: jailed felons do NOT have right to vote. Dems should be worried. Next they might rule dead people can’t vote, either.

Boeing to raise health plan prices b/c of Obamacare. I didn’t know Boeing paid so many of its workers over $250,000 a year.

Gibbs:”excitement about what president trying to do”. Yup. Like excitement when someone drives the wrong way down a 1-way street

Source: Fred Thompson on Twitter

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