Shocking news: Al Sharpton is a crook

This news has us pretty upset. Why, we tell you, the Al Sharpton is the last person we ever thought would be crooked. He just seems like such a fine, upstanding, respectable sort of chap. After all, he’s a reverend, you know.

This news has us pretty upset. Why, we tell you, the Al Sharpton is the last person we ever thought would be crooked. He just seems like such a fine, upstanding, respectable sort of chap. After all, he’s a reverend, you know.

Remember that America hates them because they're black, not because they're a crook and a socialist

The New York Daily News has the details that have us so depressed:

The Rev. Al Sharpton paid himself a six-figure salary for the first time last year – even as his civil rights group drowns in red ink and his tax bill hit nearly $1 million.

After back-to-back years in which he took no compensation from the National Action Network,Sharpton pulled down $250,000 last year, the organization’s federal tax filings show.

The payday comes even as his group, a Harlem-based nonprofit organization, lists $1.1 million in unpaid city, state and federal payroll taxes as of Jan. 1, the group’s auditor told the Internal Revenue Service.

At the same time, the reverend has three outstanding warrants totaling $988,000 in unpaid personal income taxes from 2002 to 2007, the state Department of Taxation and Finance says.

Well, we suspect that you are just as shocked by this revelation as we are. In fact, we’re sure you’ll agree that this is just some phony baloney scheme cooked up by whitey to keep the black man down.

We’re behind you all the way, Reverend Al. All the way.

Source: New York Daily News

“Charlie Rangel’s not corrupt. No, siree. He’s just kind of sloppy.”

Charlie may not be corrupt, but he’s guilty as sin according to It just reported, “A House ethics subcommittee found Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-New York, guilty Monday on multiple violations of House rules.”

UPDATE: Charlie may not be corrupt, but he’s guilty as sin according to It just reported, “A House ethics subcommittee found Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-New York, guilty Monday on multiple violations of House rules.”

A slap on the wrist to follow.

It took about ten minutes to figure out why the Democrats are suddenly ramrodding Charlie Rangel’s ethics through the House during the lame duck session while they still have a majority. The whole thing is going to be one big ol’ white wash.

(Oh, we beg your pardon. We used the word white. We apologize for the blatant display of racism.) has the sordid, but not unexpected details:

“I see no evidence of corruption,” said Blake Chisam, the top ethics committee lawyer, about Rangel. Chisam’s statement was in response to questioning by Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.). Butterfield is serving on the eight-member panel hearing the Rangel case.

“It’s hard to answer the question of personal financial benefit,” Chisam added. ” I think the short answer is probably no. Do I believe that based on the record that Congressman Rangel took steps to benefit himself based on his position in Congress? No. I believe that the congressman, quite frankly, was overzealous in many of the things he did. And sloppy in his personal finances.”

The most serious allegations against Rangel surround his fundraising on behalf of the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Policy at City College in New York. Rangel sought as much as $30 million in public and private funds for the center, and he was charged for setting dozens of letters on official letterhead to official donors.

Chisam said that Rangel could have avoided any problems “if he had only followed the rules” laid out for such fundraising in the House ethics manual.

Charlie Manson wasn’t a cold-blooded mass murderer. He was just kind of sloppy.

Bernie Madoff wasn’t a swindler. He was just kind of sloppy.

And the Democrats aren’t hushing up this scandal. They’re just kind of sloppy.


Perfect: Charlie Rangel pays his ethics trial attorneys with money he obtained unethically

Rangel tapped his National Leadership PAC for $293,000 to pay his main legal-defense team this year. He took another $100,000 from the PAC in 2009 to pay lawyer Lanny Davis.

You cannot make this stuff up. Oh, you can try, but you cannot make it up.

After careful consideration of all the evidence and a quick glance at the guilty look on Rangel's face, we know how we would vote

The New York Post reported:

Congressman Charles Rangel, whose ethics trial starts tomorrow, appears to have improperly used political-action committee money to pay for his defense.

Rangel tapped his National Leadership PAC for $293,000 to pay his main legal-defense team this year. He took another $100,000 from the PAC in 2009 to pay lawyer Lanny Davis.

Two legal experts told The Post such spending is against House rules.
“It’s a breach of congressional ethics,” one campaign-finance lawyer said.
Washington, DC, political lawyer Cleta Mitchell said there is “no authority for a member to use leadership PAC funds as a slush fund to pay for personal or official expenses.”

Leadership PACs are typically used by politicians to donate money to other candidates.

But Rangel seems to have run afoul of House ethics rules. Lawmakers are generally allowed to use campaign cash to pay their lawyers, but this is limited to money in their personal campaign committee and they must ask permission first, the campaign-finance lawyer said.

Far be it from us to rush to judgment in this case, but there’s one piece of evidence screaming that Rangel is guilty:

His attorney is Lanny Davis.

Of course, the trial circus will be held during the lame duck session of Congress while Democrats still hold the majority. You don’t think that will influence the vote, do you?


Source: New York Post

The lucky Democrats lost. The unlucky ones now face ethics trials.

If you thought the bad news was over for Democrats, you’d be wrong. Very wrong. And that’s what we call the feel good story of the day.

If you thought the bad news was over for Democrats, you’d be wrong. Very wrong. And that’s what we call the feel good story of the day.

Angry and stupid Maxine Waters, intelligent and smug Charlie Rangel has the delightful details:

Fresh from a stinging midterm election defeat, House Democrats must quickly face another embarrassing spectacle: public trials for two of their most prominent members.

Reps. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), two senior House veterans, have opted to fight the separate ethics charges in public ethics trials set to take place later this month and extend into the first week of December.

Drawing criticism from Republicans, House ethics chairwoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) last month announced the trials would occur after the elections. Rangel’s will commence Nov. 15 and the Waters trial will start Nov. 29.

To make matters worse for a party still reeling from their losses, Rangel, who is known for his colorful and rambling speeches, could decide to represent himself at the hearing. The Rangel’s trial would undoubtedly attract a lot of attention from the cable news shows.

“It’s like we’re kicking ourselves in the stomach when we’re already down,” one House Democratic staffer griped. “I’m not looking forward to it.”

We urge Democrats not to kick themselves in the stomach. Aim a little lower.


Rangel rambles: Charlie says he’s not going away quietly

Ethically-challenged Democrat Congressman Charlie Rangel took to the floor of the House to demand a trial. He talked for 31 minutes. He rambled. He ranted. He raved. He preached. And he did it all like he didn’t have a clue that he’s a dead man walking.

Ethically-challenged Democrat Congressman Charlie Rangel took to the floor of the House to demand a trial. He talked for 31 minutes. He rambled. He ranted. He raved. He preached. And he did it all like he didn’t have a clue that he’s a dead man walking.

Here are a few of the highlights (or, if you prefer, lowlights):

  • “The President wants dignity. Let’s have dignity in this house, where the ethics committee means something. And that none of you, if the newspapers say anything, will have to wait two years before you can say ‘no comment.’”
  • “Why did I take the floor today when I haven’t found one lawyer that said I should do it? I haven’t even found one friend that said I should do it.”
  • “If I can’t get my dignity back here, then fire your best shot in getting rid of me through expulsion.”
  • “Hey, if I was you I may want me to go away, too. I am not going away! I am here!”

This show is definitely going to be worth the price of admission

Huffington Post announces that White House’s Ethic’s Czar chair is vacant, to which we reply, “Duh.”

If your first guess was that the Ethic’s Czar chair is vacant because The Most Ethical Administration in History has no ethics violations, you should immediately tell your doctor that you need your medication increased.

norm eisen ethics czar
Ethics Czar Norm Eisen has been like Sgt. Schultz. He sees nothiiiiing.

If your first guess was that the Ethic’s Czar chair is vacant because The Most Ethical Administration in History has no ethics violations, you should immediately tell your doctor that you need your medication increased. Delusions that severe can have long lasting effects.

The Huffington Post reports:

President Obama has nominated his “ethics czar” as ambassador to the Czech Republic, the White House announced on Monday. The White House won’t say whether it plans to replace him.

The story continues:

Eisen’s first act as special counsel to the president for ethics and government reform was to gather up Obama’s campaign promises about battling special interests in Washington and to bundle them into an executive order banning lobbyists from serving in the administration, which Obama signed on his first day in office.

Apparently the Huffington Post’s website does not command enough bandwidth to add the fact that Obama violated this Executive Order less than a day after signing it by hiring former lobbyist William J. Lynn III as his Deputy Defense Secretary which, if we’re not mistaken, establishes a new record for presidential promise breaking.

Nevertheless, the article’s unabated hilarity continues:

Under Norm Eisen’s leadership, the Administration has had a remarkable first year making our government more accessible and accountable, including reducing special interest influence in Washington,” said a White House official. “Among other accomplishments, as government watch-dog groups have recognized, the President’s revolving door lobbying ban for officials leaving government is ‘the most-far reaching ever adopted’; the President’s ‘reverse’ revolving door rules for officials entering government are the ‘first-ever’ and ‘innovative’; and the President’s open government initiatives are ‘unprecedented’ and ‘go well beyond any efforts undertaken by previous administrations.’

Well, yes, they are the “most-far reaching” damn rules ever. The problem is that the whole Executive Order is basically a joke that is violated almost daily in the Obama White House via a liberal use of waivers. The White House is in fact so darn friendly to lobbyists that we are surprised the Vice-President isn’t a lobbyist. But at least his son is.

So it’s not the empty Ethics Czar Chair that’s a problem. It’s the empty ethics promises.

Source: Huffington Post

Nancy Pelosi runs the most honest, ethical congress in history. Just ask her.

The woman who promised to “drain the swamp” run the most honest, ethical House in history seems to be remarkably uninterested and uninformed about Charlie Rangel’s ethics…uhhhh…issues.

The woman who promised to “drain the swamp” run the most honest, ethical House in history seems to be remarkably uninterested and uninformed about Charlie Rangel’s ethics…uhhhh…issues.

Pelosi also suffered temporary amnesia regarding ethics issues suffered by other members of her Team Left: Carolyn Kilpatrick, Bennie Thompson, Donald Payne, Donna Christensen, William Jefferson, Barney Frank, John Murtha, Maxine Waters, Sanford Bishop, Jesse Jackson Jr, Allan Mollohan, Pete Visclosky, Sanford Bishop and California’s corruptocrat sisters, Linda and Loretta Sanchez.

Nancy, honey, you can’t drain the swamp when you’re wallowing in it.

Charlie Rangel gave money to Democrats on Ethics Committee. You know, the ones who are investigating him

Good ol’ Uncle Charlie Rangel, the New York Democrat who heads the committee that writes the tax laws, is under investigation for a wide range of tax violations. So naturally, he decided this would be a good time to make campaign contributions (wink, wink) to some of the other fine, upstanding gentlemen on the committee that’s investigating him.

Charlie Rangel indicates how many more members of Congress he intends to bribe
Charlie Rangel indicates how many more members of Congress he intends to bribe

Good ol’ Uncle Charlie Rangel, the New York Democrat who heads the committee that writes the tax laws, is under investigation for a wide range of tax violations.

So naturally, he decided this would be a good time to make campaign contributions (wink, wink) to some of the other fine, upstanding gentlemen on the committee that’s investigating him.

The beneficiaries of Rangel’s largesse include Kentucky Democrat Ben Chandler, North Carolina Democrat G.K. Butterfield, and Vermont Democrat Peter Welch.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Rangel’s been spreading the wealth around the House of Representatives at a furious pace, making donations to 119 different Congressmen since the ethics probe was launched last year.

Rangel, of course, remains nothing if not arrogant.

“I recognize that all of you have an obligation to ask questions knowing that there’s none of you smart enough to frame it in such a way that I’m going to respond,” Rangel told reporters.

Time for a perp walk here. Ankle cuffs, orange jump suit, the whole shebang.


Quickie of the Day
“Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Reportedly Faces Ethics Probe”

It’s not uncommon for a son to fail in his attempt to expand the business his father worked so hard to build. In this case, Jesse Jr learned the hard way that dad’s blackmail business is a lot easier than than the bribery business.


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