Genius Jackson Jr: Amend the Constitution to make everything free

According to Jessie Jackson, Jr, we need to change the Constitution to give everyone a free house, free medical care, free educations, free iPods and free laptops.

According to Genius Jackson, Jr, we need to change the Constitution to give everyone a free house, free medical care, free educations, free iPods and free laptops.

Why stop there? You left out free cars and free gasoline. Free wide screen televisions and free HBO. Free Grand Slam breakfasts at Denny’s and free dinners at Outback Steakhouse. Free smoothies at Jamba Juice. Free shirts. Free underwear.

In fact, we’re pretty sure Genius, Jr. thinks everything should be free except elections.

Jesse Jackson says repealing Obamacare = creeping genocide

Not just regular old genocide, mind you, but the insidious creeping genre of genocide. You know, the kind of genocide the killed off Democrat incumbents last week.

Not just regular old genocide, mind you, but the insidious creeping genre of genocide.

You know, the kind of genocide the killed off Democrat incumbents last week. The kind that crept up on them in the middle of the night and killed off damn near every Blue Dogs who supported ObamaCare. The kind that killed off liberal hopes of extending this socialist state that has become Amerika.

You know, the really, really bad kind of genocide.

Jesse Jackson Jr. caught with his hand in the cookie jar and his you-know-what in the you-know-what

Jesse Jackson Jr. is following in his father’s footsteps. He’s corrupt both politically and morally.

Jesse Jackson Jr. is following in his father’s footsteps. He’s corrupt both politically and morally.

NBC Chicago has the disreputable details:

giovana huidobro
If If you want to know Jesse Jackson Jr.'s position on urban affairs, just ask Giovana Huidobro

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. asked a political fund-raiser to offer then Gov. Rod Blagojevich $6 million dollars in exchange for an appointment to President Obama’s former Senate seat — and had the fund-raiser pay for two airline trips for a blonde “social acquaintance” — the fund-raiser told federal authorities.

Businessman Raghuveer Nayak… says Jackson instructed him to offer Blagojevich as much as $6 million for the seat — $1 million from the Indian community and $5 million from a yet-to-be-held fund raiser that Jackson Jr. would organize.

So much for the political corruption. Let’s get to the juicy stuff:

Jesse Jackson Jr. doesn’t deny involvement with a Washington D.C. based restaurant hostess who was named this morning in a Sun-Times story about his alleged attempt to buy an appointment to President Obama’s former Senate seat.

Jackson Jr. allegedly had a relationship with Giovana Huidobro, a restaurant hostess and former model whose pictures can be seen here, and asked that fund-raiser Raghuveer Nayak pay for her to be flown from D.C. to Chicago on at least two occasions.

“The reference to a social acquaintance is a personal and private matter between me and my wife that was handled some time ago.” Jackson Jr. said in a statement. “I ask that you respect our privacy.”

No word on whether Jesse Jr. got his girlfriend pregnant, but he’s young. He has lots of time to match is father’s accomplishments.

Source: NBC Chicago

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer thinks all blacks look alike

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer introduced her guest by saying, “Joining me now to talk about this and the nation’s real problem of joblessness, the Reverend Al Sharpton.” Unfortunately for Brewer, she was interviewing Jesse Jackson.

This really is hilarious.

MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer introduced her guest by saying, “Joining me now to talk about this and the nation’s real problem of joblessness, the Reverend Al Sharpton.”

Unfortunately for Brewer, she was interviewing that other race baiting black reverend, Jesse Jackson.

“I’m Rev. Jesse Jackson,” he said.

“Right. I’m so sorry,” Brewer said. “The script in front of me said Reverend Al Sharpton. I’m looking at your face. I know who you are, Rev. Jackson, we all do. I’m sorry.”

Can you imagine the howls of outrage that would have gone up if someone at Fox had made this mistake.

“It’s an indication of the raaaaaacism that pervades Fox,” Reverend Jackson would have said. Or maybe it would have been Reverend Sharpton. We can never tell those two apart.


The Reverend Jesse Jackson offers a message of hope and inspiration and incoherence

Jesse Jackson offers up an inspirational message for Michael Jackson’s fans.

Don’t ask us to explain this video.

As far as we can tell, some guy named Raffle van Exel grabbed Jesse Jackson as he was walking through an airport and asked him to offer up an inspirational message for Michael Jackson’s fans.

Reverend Jackson, of course, has never met a microphone he didn’t like, so he started jabbering away.

We just have three questions about the Reverend’s comments:

Question #1: What’s this “dignity” he attributes to Michael Jackson? The guy’s date at the Grammy Awards was a chimpanzee named Bubbles.

Question #2: When did “decency” become an acronym for child molester?

Question #3: Is it our imagination or is Jesse’s speech pattern starting to sound like he’s reading Dr. Seuss?

Source: Dori Monsoon via Ace of Spades

Jesse Jackson, Jr. accused of misusing campaign funds, Jesse Sr. bursting with pride

Jesse Jackson, Sr congratulates his son for expanding the family business
Jesse Jackson, Sr congratulates his son for expanding the family business

Imagine how proud you must be when the son you love chooses to follow in your footsteps. That’s the warm glow race-grifter Jesse Jackson is feeling right now. 

Federal election records show that his son, Representative Jesse Jackson Jr., paid his wife at least $247,500 out of campaign funds since 2001. That includes at least $95,000 after the lovely and effervescent Sandra Jackson was elected to the Chicago City Council two years ago. She received the $95,000 for “political consulting.” Of course, this happened after she pledged during to give “my full attention” to her city council job.

But following in the Jackson family tradition, Junior’s fiduciary fiddling was far from finished.

His committee directed another $298,927 in cash and in-kind contributions to the missus’ campaign fund. That helped finance her city council campaign. Her salary for that plum job is more than $100,000 per year.

The odds of being honest were stacked against this kid. After all, his father is Jesse Jackson, Sr., he’s a Democrat, and he lives in Illinois.

Strike three.

Source: TheBigFeed

Commercial of the Day: What do these people have in common?

We won’t tell you who produced this commercial because it might give you a clue to the answer of the question it poses:

What do all these people have in common? John Lennon, Nelson Mandella, Babe Ruth, Jamie Foxx, Nancy Reagan, Bill Clinton, Jack Nicholson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Wendy’s Dave Thomas, Sarah McLachlan, Steve Jobs, Jesse Jackson, Newt Gingrich, Willie Nelson, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Do you know? Do you have a guess? Watch the commercial and learn the answer.

Quickie of the Day
“Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Reportedly Faces Ethics Probe”

It’s not uncommon for a son to fail in his attempt to expand the business his father worked so hard to build. In this case, Jesse Jr learned the hard way that dad’s blackmail business is a lot easier than than the bribery business.


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