William Barr interview: Read the full transcript

William Barr Sends Troubling Signals Ahead of Mueller ...

William Barr interview: Read the full transcript. This is a very good read. It gives you a good idea where Barr is heading, what he thinks about the partisan BS and eliminates some of the rumors flying around the MSM and Congress.

WILLIAM BARR: In my mind, they are, sure. I mean, republics have fallen because of Praetorian Guard mentality where government officials get very arrogant, they identify the national interest with their own political preferences and they feel that anyone who has a different opinion, you know, is somehow an enemy of the state. And you know, there is that tendency that they know better and that, you know, they’re there to protect as guardians of the people. That can easily translate into essentially supervening the will of the majority and getting your own way as a government official.

Jeff Sessions: I’m Not Going To Appoint A Special Counsel For Hillary Just Because My Party Wants Me To

Jeff Sessions: I’m Not Going To Appoint A Special Counsel For Hillary Just Because My Party Wants Me To. Hillary has rather obviously committed many felonies. It’s going to stink to cover-up high heaven if he doesn’t at least get a special prosecutor to investigate her. Evidence up the wazoo? Ignore Hillary. No evidence other than 40 year old bullshit with Gloria Allred thrown in? Go after Roy Moore.

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress

FBI turns over new Clinton investigation documents to Congress. That squeaking sound you hear is Hillary’s butt puckering up.

Judge Napolitano Says New Phase of FBI Investigation Is ‘Very, Very Dangerous’ for Clinton Aides — and He Has a Prediction

Judge Napolitano Says New Phase of FBI Investigation Is ‘Very, Very Dangerous’ for Clinton Aides — and He Has a Prediction. Lie and they could end up like Martha Stewart. We guess when they get done with them it will be time for Hillary.

“If they go in, they’re not under oath, but it’s very, very dangerous, because if they mislead or lie to the FBI, that’s a felony — the equivalent to perjury — and they can be prosecuted,” Napolitano said. “And they do not know, and their lawyers do not know, what the FBI knows about them.”

Charlie Rangel gave money to Democrats on Ethics Committee. You know, the ones who are investigating him

Good ol’ Uncle Charlie Rangel, the New York Democrat who heads the committee that writes the tax laws, is under investigation for a wide range of tax violations. So naturally, he decided this would be a good time to make campaign contributions (wink, wink) to some of the other fine, upstanding gentlemen on the committee that’s investigating him.

Charlie Rangel indicates how many more members of Congress he intends to bribe
Charlie Rangel indicates how many more members of Congress he intends to bribe

Good ol’ Uncle Charlie Rangel, the New York Democrat who heads the committee that writes the tax laws, is under investigation for a wide range of tax violations.

So naturally, he decided this would be a good time to make campaign contributions (wink, wink) to some of the other fine, upstanding gentlemen on the committee that’s investigating him.

The beneficiaries of Rangel’s largesse include Kentucky Democrat Ben Chandler, North Carolina Democrat G.K. Butterfield, and Vermont Democrat Peter Welch.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Rangel’s been spreading the wealth around the House of Representatives at a furious pace, making donations to 119 different Congressmen since the ethics probe was launched last year.

Rangel, of course, remains nothing if not arrogant.

“I recognize that all of you have an obligation to ask questions knowing that there’s none of you smart enough to frame it in such a way that I’m going to respond,” Rangel told reporters.

Time for a perp walk here. Ankle cuffs, orange jump suit, the whole shebang.

Source: MoeLane.com

Culture of Corruption Update: Democrats three times more cultured than Republicans

The face of corruption in Washington, DC. And a lovely face it is.
The face of corruption in Washington, DC. And a lovely face it is.

Funny thing. We’re not hearing the Democrats bang that culture of corruption drum much these days. Maybe it’s because they cleaned up all the corruption.

Just kidding.

It’s actually because the overwhelming number of politicians under investigation in Washington, DC these days are – drum roll, please – Democrats.

Fact is, there are now 12 active investigations looking into Democrats and only 4 looking into Republicans.

Democratic members of Congress under investigation: Sanford Bishop of Georgia, Jesse Jackson of Illinois, Allan Mollohan of West Virginia, John Murtha of Pennsylvania, Charlie Rangel of New York, Linda Sanchez of California, Loretta Sanchez of California, Pete Visclosky of Indiana.

Democratic Senators under investigation: Roland Burris of Illinois, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Bob Menendez of New Jersey.

Republican members of Congress under investigation: Jerry Lewis of California, Garry Miller of California, Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania, Don Young of Alaska.

Republican Senators under investigation: None.

Sad to say, we don’t attribute this to any great sense of honesty on the part of the Republicans. It’s more likely that they’re just so weak and ineffectual that they’re not worth trying to corrupt them anymore.

Source: NationalReview.com

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