The lucky Democrats lost. The unlucky ones now face ethics trials.

If you thought the bad news was over for Democrats, you’d be wrong. Very wrong. And that’s what we call the feel good story of the day.


If you thought the bad news was over for Democrats, you’d be wrong. Very wrong. And that’s what we call the feel good story of the day.

Angry and stupid Maxine Waters, intelligent and smug Charlie Rangel has the delightful details:

Fresh from a stinging midterm election defeat, House Democrats must quickly face another embarrassing spectacle: public trials for two of their most prominent members.

Reps. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), two senior House veterans, have opted to fight the separate ethics charges in public ethics trials set to take place later this month and extend into the first week of December.

Drawing criticism from Republicans, House ethics chairwoman Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) last month announced the trials would occur after the elections. Rangel’s will commence Nov. 15 and the Waters trial will start Nov. 29.

To make matters worse for a party still reeling from their losses, Rangel, who is known for his colorful and rambling speeches, could decide to represent himself at the hearing. The Rangel’s trial would undoubtedly attract a lot of attention from the cable news shows.

“It’s like we’re kicking ourselves in the stomach when we’re already down,” one House Democratic staffer griped. “I’m not looking forward to it.”

We urge Democrats not to kick themselves in the stomach. Aim a little lower.


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