Congresswoman says Americans are too stupid to understand the debt ceiling debate. And that’s where the fun begins.

In this clip the Socialistkowski says that she agrees with President Obama that average Americans are just incapable of comprehending the debt ceiling and the dire threat to social security.

We were just thinking that we hadn’t heard anything really stupid from Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky for a while. And then, bang! She solved that problem.

In this clip the Socialistkowski says that she agrees with President Obama that average Americans are just incapable of comprehending the debt ceiling and the dire threat to social security.

And then she demonstrates that she can’t explain it herself.

Classic socialist stupidity from Schakowsky.

Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky says America was a “loser” until Bin Laden was killed

Jan Schakowsky tells Chris Matthews that America was a loser until we whacked Bin Laden.

Jan Schakowsky is like Alan Grayson without balls. On second thought, that may not be an accurate description because we’re not convinced that Grayson has any more balls than he has brains.

But we digress.

The following short video clip tells you all you need to know about this lunatic. She tells Chris Matthews that America was a loser until we whacked Bin Laden.

“This was a seminal event in their lives, you know? This is the big deal for them growing up. And so I think that there is this feeling now, not just with young people, but getting over this feeling that America is kind of loser and now we’re a winner.”

OK, we finally came up with the proper description for Schakowsky:

Alan Grayson in drag.

Yup. That works.

The Chicago Way: Schakowsky urges Democrats to trespass, intimidate and assault voters

The lovely and gracious Jan Schakowsky has always been an unabashed socialist. Now we discover that she’s also an unabashed thug.

The lovely and gracious Jan Schakowsky has always been an unabashed socialist. Now we discover that she’s also an unabashed thug.

At a Monday night fundraiser and rally, the Chicago Democrat said, “All around the country, people are trying to replicate what we do in Chicago. They, we have a tradition of knockin’ on doors, of pulling people out. You know, people, they talk about ‘message’ and ‘persuasion.’ Here’s our message: ‘I don’t get off your doorstep until you get out to the polls and vote.’ That’s our message! That’s our message!”

Raise the dead. Threaten the living. That’s how you win elections in Illinois, my friends.


Democrat congresswoman says that if you robbed a liquor store last year and the year before, it’s ok to rob it again this year

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) has an interesting take on the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Her basic argument is, well, we did unconstitutional things in the past, so that makes ObamaCare legal, too.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) has an interesting take on the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Her basic argument is, well, we did unconstitutional things in the past, so that makes ObamaCare legal, too.

Then, when she realizes it’s a losing argument, she just gives up and walks away.

Video exposé: Shameless Obama organizer tells supporters how to disrupt meetings

A DNC group organizer tells them how to shout down opponents who get up to ask Rep. Jan Schakowski tough Obamacare healthcare questions. He even tells them how to deny others the right to speak at all.

Health Care for America is a front group of the Democratic National Committee. You know, the patriotic hypocritical organization that’s accused opponents of ObamaCare of being members of organized groups. Astroturfers, in the current vernacular.

What’s most remarkable about this video clip to us isn’t that the organizer for Health Care for America Now is so blatant. It’s that he doesn’t seem to care that he’s being videotaped outside a town hall meeting giving precise instructions to paid ObamaCare supporters.

He tells them how to shout down opponents who get up to ask Rep. Jan Schakowski tough questions. He even tells them how to deny others the right to speak at all.

One other thing: Please note that these “grassroots” protesters are being handed HCAN bumper stickers at the end of the video.

This video clip brought to you by Healthcare for America, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat National Committee.

Source: Gateway Pundit

Another Democrat admits the truth about “comprehensive immigration reform”

There she goes again. Nancy Pelosi better muzzle ultra-liberal Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Beijing). She keeps spilling the beans on the Democrats’ real plans. “I ask what is the point? {of kicking out illegal aliens)”

There she goes again. Nancy Pelosi better muzzle ultra-liberal Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Beijing). She keeps spilling the beans on the Democrats’ real plans.

“I ask what is the point?,” Schakowsky asked. “How is this helpful in anyway to destroy families and to destroy lives and to rob ourselves of the talent, of the taxes, of the work, of the education that these individuals stand to gain?”

Ahhh, what the hell. Let’s just put a Welcome Wagon on the border, give every Mexican citizen a social security card, an ObamaCare card, a citizenship application and a voter registration card.

C’mon, everybody, let’s do it for Teddy.

Democrats reveal the truth about ObamaCare and your private insurance

Here is the truth about Obamacare, as spoken among friends by Barack Obama, NPR’s Julie Rovner, Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Yale professor Jakob Hacker, the architect of the ObamaCare sham.

Here it is. The truth as spoken among friends by Barack Obama, NPR’s Julie Rovner, Rep. Jan Schakowsky and Yale professor Jakob Hacker, the architect of the ObamaCare sham.

In the words of, “Jacob Hacker has been a key player in the formation of the public plan strategy, dating back over 5 years. We thought it was time someone shined some light on the ulterior motives embedded within his plan. The mainstream media has been well-aware of the historical players and developments related to the public plan option, and the fact that they have not been bringing all aspects of this to the public’s attention is yet another clear illustration of liberal media bias.”

Hoisted on their own petard. (We’ve always loved that phrase and would like to thank the Democrats for giving us this opportunity to use it).

Source: Verum Serum

Democrats want to put private health insurance out of business, think government plan is the right medicine

Angry, liberal (forgive us for the redundancy) Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) wants to put private health care out of business. And she admits that Obama’s health care plan will do exactly that.

You may have seen this video in which she says:

“And next to me was a guy from an insurance company who then argued against the public health insurance option saying it wouldn’t let private insurance compete; that a public option would put the private insurance industry out of business. (cheers) My single payer friends, he was right. The man was right. Here’s what I told him. I said excuse me sir the goal of health care reform is not to protect the private health insurance industry. And, I am so confident in the superiority of a public health care option that I think he has every reason to be frightened.”

Well, last week the angry, liberal (damn it, we did it again) representative showed up on Fox News, put on a happy face and tried to downplay what she said on the earlier video.

Media bias being what it is, Fox News is the only network that put the angry, liberal (we can’t stop ourselves) representative on the air to put her hypocrisy on display.

If Michael Savage is right and liberalism is a mental disorder, we wonder if it will be covered by Obama’s healthcare plan.


Democrat congresswoman wants Obama healthcare plan to destroy insurance industry

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) comes right out and admits it. She wants to see the American insurance industry destroyed. Just like President Obama wants to see the coal industry destroyed.

This is actually an ingenious one-two punch and the cornerstone of President Obama’s economic program. When the coal industry and all its CO2 spewing plants are eliminated, Americans will live forever and there won’t be any need for healthcare.

Deserts will flower. The streets will flow with milk and honey. And beautiful people will throw themselves at your feet.

Ain’t Obamanomics great?

Chicago Democrat calls tax protests shameful, neglects to mention her convicted tax-cheat husband

Jan Schakowsky thinks tax protesters are despicable. Oh, did she mention that her husband plead guilty to tax fraud. Slipped her mind.
Jan Schakowsky thinks tax protesters are despicable. Oh, did she mention that her husband plead guilty to tax fraud. Slipped her mind.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill., duh) took time out of her busy tax-and-spend schedule to denounce the Tea Party protests as “despicable” and shameful.”

In a statement, Schakowsky parroted Democratic/CNN talking points that the Tea Parties were “an effort to mislead the public about the Obama economic plan that cuts taxes for 95 percent of Americans.”

“It’s despicable that right-wing Republicans would attempt to cheapen a significant, honorable moment of American history with a shameful political stunt,” she said. “Not a single American household or business will be taxed at a higher rate this year. Made to look like a grassroots uprising, this is an Obama bashing party promoted by corporate interests, as well as Republican lobbyists and politicians.”

What her statement failed to mention was that her husband, lobbyist Robert Creamer, pled guilty to bank fraud and tax cheating in 2005. She also signed off on their tax returns.

If this is the most ethical and transparent congress in history, we can’t imagine what the most corrupt would be like.


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