Carney: If it looks like a recession, sounds like a recession and smells like a recession, it ain’t a recession!

White House head double-talker Jay Carney is either an incurable optimist or simply incurable.

Practitioners of the dismal science (some call it “economics”) have poorer prognostication records than the average storefront fortune teller. Still, even they have enough sense to realize a plethora of dark acrid smoke is a strong clue that somethin’ may be a’ burnin’.

Not White House head double-talker Jay Carney, who is either an incurable optimist or simply incurable.

Perhaps Carney thinks it's not a recession because it's a depression

AP presents White House Minister of Propaganda Jay Carney starring in Pollyanna:

President Barack Obama’s spokesman is discounting talk that the economy may be headed back into recession, despite recent concerns of economists.

Spokesman Jay Carney says there is no question that economic growth and job creation have slowed over the past half year.

But, Carney told a White House briefing, “We do not believe that there is a threat of a double-dip recession.”

We’d point out that when one’s caught in a downpour, the “threat” of rain is a foregone conclusion.

The recession that began in December 2007 officially ended in summer 2009 and the economy has seen growth since then. However, that growth has slowed to a trickle in recent months.

Sounds like the “trickle down economics” Keynsians are always denigrating until their policies are the stones in the ureter.

He blamed the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, higher energy prices, default worries in Europe and recently resolved uncertainty over raising America’s borrowing limit. Carney said, “We believe the economy will continue to grow.”

Wow, so Japanese natural disasters and European deadbeats are the ones who passed Obamacare and the un-stimulative Stimulus and are harrassing U.S. businesses with stupid regulations? Damn them! Damn them to hell!

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: Associated Press

“Where are the tax revenues? … We got nothing,” Norah O’Donnell beseeches Jay Carney

O’Donnell complained about how many GOP demands were met by the deal, and then said to Carney: “You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

CBS White House correspondent Norah O’Donnell showed her true colors Monday. In a post-debt ceiling session she confronted Press Secretary Jay Carney with what cannot be interpreted as an impartial question.

Commentary Magazine has the details:

… CBS’s Norah O’Donnell peppered Carney with terse, accusatory questions about the lack of tax revenue (read: tax increases) in the debt ceiling deal. O’Donnell complained about how many GOP demands were met by the deal, and then said to Carney: “You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

We? We as in liberal Democrats?

Would someone please tell the pretty, but dimwitted reporter that she’s not supposed to reveal that kind of thing in public?

Source: Commentary Magazine

Obama’s debt plan: What’s that? You want to see it in writing?

Why doesn’t Congress simply vote on Obama’s plan? Where, reporters ask, is Obama’s plan? Good question. Watch as The Carney Barker spends ten minutes not answering it.

For the past month, the country has been on a wild goof chase over the debt ceiling issue. Numerous plans to tackle the problem have emerged from the congressional side, all of which were unacceptable to His Golfship.

Why doesn’t Congress simply vote on Obama’s plan? Where, reporters ask, is Obama’s plan? Good question. Watch as The Carney Barker spends ten minutes not answering it:

Jay Carney: “The president stood before you on Friday night and put forward in detail with numbers what he’s willing to do…”

Talk is cheap, Jay, especially Obama’s. Later, Jay puts a little meat on dem bones:

Jay Carney: “We’ve shown a lot of leg on what we were proposing…”

Is that Obama-speak for “The dog ate our debt plan”? Believe it or not, we’re closing in on the truth. Jay is too ashamed to say it so he hints at it:

Jay Carney: “Is it because you need something printed for you, you can’t write it down [yourself]?”

Writing’s the problem. We understand perfectly. During his magnificent college career, Barry delivered all his classwork via telepathy: just concentrate real hard and beam his insights on Marxist flatulence right to Professor Mushmouth’s brain. He never expected to encounter knuckle-draggers who bother reading stuff, so he never deigned to learn the useless skill.

Please Mr. President, humor us. Pull out your plan and write it down for us.

If you can’t do it yourself, call Bill Ayers. He did an outstanding job writing your other works of fiction.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Thursday: Obama says Israel must return to 1967 borders.
Friday: Press Secretary says Obama never said it

Veteran White House reporter Keith Koffler had an interesting exchange on Friday. And by “interesting” we mean, of course, that Carney lied through his teeth and nothing short of waterboarding could force him to admit that’s what he was doing.

Koffler tells the story in his White House Dossier blog:

In discussing President Obama’s decision to say Thursday that Mideast peace negotiations should begin with the assumption that Israel will return to the 1967 borders – give or take some land swaps – Carney yesterday sought to portray Obama’s statement as consistent with existing U.S. policy as outlined in a 2004 letter from George W. Bush to then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Now, this letter wasn’t a “hey, my grandkids are great, how are yours?” type of note. It was official U.S. policy, stating that a return to the 1967 lines was not realistic and that the Palestinian’s “right of return” to Israel proper was null and void. In addition to apparently new policy on the borders, Obama said the right of return issue should be negotiated.

Here’s what Carney said early in the briefing:

I think, again, there is nothing that the President said yesterday that contradicts the 2004 letters that were exchanged between President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon, or what Prime Minister Netanyahu said today in the Oval Office. We — the President said in his speech that a starting point for resolving the territorial issue is the 1967 lines, with mutually agreed swaps and security for both nations.

Carney was using careful language – “nothing that . . contradicts the 2004 letters.” What I wanted to figure out was whether, in fact, the United States is now breaking with existing policy. So in the video below, I asked Carney if he would affirm previous U.S. policy. As you will see, he would not.

Koffler is lucky he even got Carney to admit that Obama made the speech.

“Speech? What speech? I haven’t heard anything about a speech. I’m pretty sure the President was out playing golf on Thursday.”

Source: White House Dossier

No shit, Sherlock: Washington insiders say Jay Carney can’t take the pressure of his new job

What’s that? Washington insiders say that Jay Carney is foundering in his job? But shouldn’t that make him the perfect spokesman for this administration?

What’s that? Washington insiders say that Jay Carney is foundering in his job? But shouldn’t that make him the perfect spokesman for this administration?

This should come as no surprise to anyone who’s ever seen Carney struggle to answer the simplest of questions. He doesn’t want to be there. He doesn’t want this job. He’s wondering what he got himself into. It’s painful to watch.

The Telegraph UK offers these insights:

Jay Carney looks as if he'd rather have hot pokers stuck in his eyes than be White House Press Secretary

There is increasing concern in Washington that Jay Carney, the new White House Press Secretary, isn’t up to the job. Even when faced with an innocuous question that requires only that he trot out the official line, he looks completely stunned, as if the questioner is Bob Woodward asking him about Deep Throat. He gathers himself, embarks on a stuttering reply, pauses for what seems like an eternity, then starts gabbling, tripping over his words, rephrasing what he’s just said, then looking plaintively back at the questioner as if to say, “How did I do? Was that okay? Or would you like me to try again?”

“I think he’s doing very badly,” says a political contact based in Washington. “And I’ve heard others say that he’s really struggling.”

This guy always looks as if someone dressed him up in his big brother’s clothes and pushed him out on stage against his will.

To Carney’s credit, though, he has accomplished something we would have thought impossible: He’s made us miss Robert Gibbs.

Source: Telegraph UK

We may have to waterboard Jay Carney to get him to admit that waterboarding helped us get Bin Laden

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, the only man in Washington, DC who could make us miss Robert Gibbs, put on quite a performance Tuesday.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, the only man in Washington, DC who could make us miss Robert Gibbs, put on quite a performance Tuesday.

One reporter asked if enhanced interrogation techniques – otherwise known as waterboarding – had provided us with information that lead us to Osama Bin Laden’s lair.

Carney refused to answer the question directly, insisting that we got the information from a number of sources.

Can waterboarding force a congenital liar to tell the truth? Carney virtually begs to be the subject of a scientific investigation.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Obama team hiring journalists fast as they can be laid off

The newspaper business may be dying, but journalists’ careers are being reincarnated by the Obama administration.

The latest is the Chicago Tribune’s Jill Zuckman. She’s hooking up with the administration as Director of Public Affairs at the Department of Transportation. Peter Gosselin, one of her coworkers at the Trib, recently hired on as chief speech writer for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Time Magazine’s Jay Carney is now Joe Biden’s communications director. CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta is rumored to be in the running for Surgeon General.

Many conservatives fear this intentional blurring of the lines between impartial journalism and partisan politics.

(Hey, who picked up the mail today? Did anyone notice if our job offer came in yet?)

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