Why are we getting all these angry emails? All we did was endorse Levi Johnston for mayor of Wasilla.

In lieu of making a donation to the Levi Johnston campaign, we did the next best thing: We ran an ad in today’s Wasilla Frontiersman newspaper telling the town’s residents why they should support this All-American Every Boy.

When we heard that Levi Johnston was running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, we cheered. We consider his campaign proof that anyone – absolutely anyone – can succeed in America.

In lieu of making a donation to his campaign, we did the next best thing: We ran an ad in yesterday’s Wasilla Frontiersman newspaper telling the town’s residents why they should support this All-American Every Boy.

We did it because we’re warmhearted, caring people.

So why are we getting all these angry emails?

Levi Johnston Wasilla Newspaper Ad

(Click image for full-size version. You may download and use in your blog)

You can see the entire newspaper page here.

Laugh of the year: Levi Johnston claims he didn’t watch Dancing With the Stars because he was busy studying

Twenty-one million people may have watched Bristol Palin’s debut on Dancing With the Stars on Tuesday night, but Levi Johnston was not among them.

Twenty-one million people may have watched Bristol Palin’s debut on Dancing With the Stars on Tuesday night, but Levi Johnston was not among them.

The New York Post reports that he had more important things to do:

Reality star Levi Johnston did not join the 21 million viewers tuned in to watch the “Dancing with the Stars” season premiere that featured his ex-girlfriend Bristol Palin as a contestant, TMZ reported Wednesday.

Johnston — who is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska in a race to be featured in an upcoming reality TV show “Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office” — was reportedly “too busy studying politics” to see Palin do the cha cha cha” to “Mama Told Me Not to Come” Tuesday night.

The father of Palin’s 21-month-old son Tripp is “learning about the major issues that affect Wasilla and reading lots of books,” which prevented him from watching the launch of the eleventh season of the hit TV show.

If true, the Dancing With the Stars premiere marked two notable firsts:

First time a vice presidential candidate’s daughter ever appeared on the show.

And first time Levi Johnston ever read a book.

(By the way, Levi, admiring photos of yourself naked in Playgirl doesn’t qualify as reading a book.)

Source: New York Post

Alaskan liar regrets telling lies because it makes him sound like a liar

We would never question the mental capacity of anyone who hangs out with Kathy Griffin, because assuming that anyone who hangs out with Griffin actually possesses mental capability is a bit of a stretch. Even for us.

We would never question the mental capacity of anyone who hangs out with Kathy Griffin, because assuming that anyone who hangs out with Griffin actually possesses mental capability is a bit of a stretch. Even for us.

But in this case, it’s not so much Levi Johnston’s dubious intelligence that we’re questioning, but his dubious character.

levi johnston early show
Levi: Liar, lowlife, lothario, loser

For some reason – can it be anything other than hating on everything Palin? – the media continues to give air time to Alaska’s leading lowlife. Consider, for example, his recent appearance on The Early Show.

When asked if he has any regrets, Levi Johnston replied, “I don’t really regret anything. But the only thing I wish I wouldn’t have done is to put out that apology [to Sarah Palin] ’cause it kind of makes me sound like a liar. And I’ve never lied about anything. So that’s probably the only thing. The rest of the stuff I can live with.”

The only possible explanation for Johnston’s butchery of logic and the English language is the fact that the Early Show doesn’t drug screen its guests.

It also shows the media’s willingness to forgive anyone anything should they choose to attack Palin.

Source: The Dishrag

Genius Levi Johnston explains why Alaska is like Iran

Much like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks there are no gays in Iran, Levi Johnston has never seen one in Alaska. Hasn’t this guy’s 15 minutes of fame expired yet? And while we’re at it, didn’t Joy Behar’s 15 minutes of fame expire about six years ago.

Much like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks there are no gays in Iran, Levi Johnston has never seen one in Alaska.

Hasn’t this guy’s 15 minutes of fame expired yet? And while we’re at it, didn’t Joy Behar’s 15 minutes of fame expire about six years ago.

This is truly a case of the blind leading the blind. Or the moronic leading the moronic.

Idiot Levi Johnston to pose for gay men’s magazine

We’re going to give Levi Johnston the benefit of the doubt and assume that neither he nor his advisors are familiar with the demographics of Playgirl magazine readers.

Somehow, we dont think Levi Johnston will like the thought of gay men looking at his...uhh...his...never mind
Somehow, we dont think Levi Johnston will like the thought of gay men looking at his...uhh...his...never mind

We’re going to give Levi Johnston the benefit of the doubt and assume that neither he nor his advisors are familiar with the demographics of Playgirl magazine readers. They undoubtedly thought, “Ahhh, Playgirl. Lots of women readers.”

That would be an incorrect assumption.

Posing nude for Playgirl is next for the 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin’s grandchild. Johnston’s attorney, Rex Butler, said Wednesday that a formal agreement has not been reached with the online magazine but adds it’s a “foregone conclusion” it will happen…

To get ready for his close-up, Johnston “is training three hours a day, six nights a week at an Anchorage gym with a local body builder, Marvin Jones, a former Mr. Alaska competitor.

When was the last time you saw a woman reading Playgirl magazine? Never?

Wikipedia says,
Continue reading “Idiot Levi Johnston to pose for gay men’s magazine”

Levi Johnston hawks his nuts in another 15 seconds of fame

We played with several angles on this story of Levi Johnston hawking his nuts and joking about knocking up Bristol Palin in a new commercial, but just weren’t sure which way to take it.

We played with several angles on this story of Levi Johnston hawking his nuts and joking about knocking up Bristol Palin in a new commercial, but just weren’t sure which way to take it. So let’s see how you would write it up, in a comment below.

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