Dancing With The Stars host has two words for Bristol Palin conspiracy wackos. The second one is “you.”

Tom Bergeron, the genial, long-time host of Dancing With the Stars spoke to Movieline. It appears that he has some very strong feelings about the liberal lunatics who see some dark conspiracy behind Bristol Palin’s success.

Tom Bergeron, the genial, long-time host of Dancing With the Stars spoke to Movieline. It appears that he has some very strong feelings about the liberal lunatics who see some dark conspiracy behind Bristol Palin’s success.

Tom Bergeron is not happy with the Bristol Palin conspiracy theorists

Let’s talk about this season of Dancing with the Stars. Can you gauge audience reaction during the taping? Is there noticeable commotion when Bristol Palin gets the lowest scores but isn’t eliminated? Or when—

Here’s the thing. Let’s address the Bristol thing. That’s the thing I get the biggest kick out of on the show. I’m going to put on my political hat. I’m a liberal Democrat, and I state that proudly. But I have no patience with my friends who believe there is a conspiracy keeping Bristol on the show. They’ll say, and they’re friends of a similar political persuasion though I have friends across the spectrum, “Oh, well! She’s still on the show! She’s obviously not the best dancer! She gets the lowest scores!” My response to that is similar to my response to the midterm elections. I’ll say, “OK, right. So who did you vote for instead of Bristol?” “Uh, well, I don’t vote!” “Well, then, f*ck you.” I mean, basically! You can clean that up. I have no patience for that! If you don’t participate to create a different outcome — and this can be true in national politics or a TV reality show — then don’t piss and moan if you don’t like the way it’s playing out. You know, I’m sorry! I think Bristol is clearly not the best dancer here, but she’s a charming young woman who’s shown an incredible growth from week one to this week. If she happens to get more votes for whatever reason, more power to her. If you don’t like it, vote for someone else. But that’s been the part of the show that’s amused me, how quickly people are to seize on conspiracy theories when people aren’t involved in the process.

Don’t you hate these mealy-mouthed, namby pamby TV show hosts who won’t express an opinion?

Source: Movieline.com

Liberal Tweetosphere goes insane over Bristol Palin’s success on Dancing With The Stars #dwts

Bristol’s unexpected success has driven the leftwing Tweetosphere absolutely insane. Bug-eyed, frothing at the mouth, shaking with anger. Read these insane tweets.

Bristol Palin surprised everyone Tuesday night when viewers of the popular Dancing With The Stars TV show voted her into this year’s finals. She’s really not one of the best dancers on the show, but who cares? DWTS is as much a popularity contest as it is a dancing contest.

Bristol’s unexpected success has driven the leftwing Tweetosphere absolutely insane. Bug-eyed, frothing at the mouth, shaking with anger.

They say she’s fat. It’s fixed. I’m pissed. She’s Sarah Palin’s daughter. She can’t dance. Teabaggers cheat. And so on and so on and so on.

Thousands of lunatic lefties felt compelled to share their sickness on Twitter. Here are some of our favorites:

And if any of my white co-workers bring up DWTS this morning, I’m throwing this whole pot of coffee on they ass…try me


Bristol Palin is to Dancing With The Stars as Sanjaya is to American Idol.

The TParty are attracted to Bovine footwork and weak resumes.

these republicans are taking over! They vote Brandy off of DWTS and kept Bristol Palin! Crazy!

DWTS is not about being relateable, its about CELEBRITIES dancing, not fucking retards like Bristol “dancing”

Anyone notice that BP’bristol palin’ is also the initials of the company responsible for the oil spill in the gulf? Coincidence?

be glad ur teabaggers ensure that your self-esteem-enhanced but talent deprived daughter doesn’t learn the truth

If you really want to stop the teaparty/Bristol Palin DWTS farce then fight fire with fire. Do what they do; cheat.


bristol palin gets $10k for every week on DWTS. she’s a teen mom w/o an education. i don’t care if she’s not good or if it’s rigged.

If Bristol palin wins DWTS then I believe the country will go bonkers

I heard bristol palin is in the finals of DWTS. If she wins then america is doomed because that means sarah palin is going to run for pres

I’m so tempted to go “OMG! Did you know that Diebold is counting DWTS votes?

I rarely watch DWTS. But now I’m irked. It’s only a stupid dance show right? Wrong. It’s cheating. It’s racism, it’s HS popularity BS.

DWTS is just an elaborate ploy to lure Bristol under the bucket of pig’s blood.

Ok. I just heard Bristol Palin might win DWTS. WTF?!? She got worse each week. Obviously Sarah Palin paid someone off!Exit polls of DWTS voters indicate 25% are Dems, 30% independent, and remainder are w Bristol wing of #Teabag Party.

Who the do the Palin’s think they are??!! 1st they rigg DWTS voting…now the Presidency?? Enough!!

LMFAO!!!! omg!!!! man if she win DWTS America finna go HAM & I’m moving 2 mars in fear of my life…

It’s not going to sink in for people how big this horrible injustice is until next week when Bristol is crowned the champion of DWTS!

I’m pretty sure Bristol Palin is the first person to never get in shape in DWTS history. She looks like a log with sparkles.

I have one thing to say about those DWTS fans. I hope you’ve got the wide screen to better present the wider Bristol.

Bristol Palin making the finals of DWTS is precisely why the Founding Fathers didnt want direct voting to elect the leaders of the country

wow my mom is cussing out Bristol Palin in Vietnamese, she’s devastated that Brandy went home!! She takes DWTS very seriously

If that substandard Bristol wins DWTS….. I’m DONE with #ABC! Teabaggers are already on the list of vile, stupid creatures.

DWTS put lipstick on a pig, now they’re trying to teach it to dance.

Why Is Stiff Ass Rythmless Bristol in The Finals Should Be Ashamed #SlapYourself!!!!!!!!!

The show should be called:Dancing with the talentless teenage unwed mom whose merit is to be the daughter of the dumbest US politician

I feel the only reason Bristol Palin is still on DWTS is because her mom is backstage w- her Bible…and her gun.

But this conservative Tweet is our absolute favorite:

Bristol made it into finals of DWTS along with Jen Grey, Kyle Massey and Lisa Murkowski who is launching a write-in campaign.

Source: Twitter/DWTS

Laugh of the year: Levi Johnston claims he didn’t watch Dancing With the Stars because he was busy studying

Twenty-one million people may have watched Bristol Palin’s debut on Dancing With the Stars on Tuesday night, but Levi Johnston was not among them.

Twenty-one million people may have watched Bristol Palin’s debut on Dancing With the Stars on Tuesday night, but Levi Johnston was not among them.

The New York Post reports that he had more important things to do:

Reality star Levi Johnston did not join the 21 million viewers tuned in to watch the “Dancing with the Stars” season premiere that featured his ex-girlfriend Bristol Palin as a contestant, TMZ reported Wednesday.

Johnston — who is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska in a race to be featured in an upcoming reality TV show “Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office” — was reportedly “too busy studying politics” to see Palin do the cha cha cha” to “Mama Told Me Not to Come” Tuesday night.

The father of Palin’s 21-month-old son Tripp is “learning about the major issues that affect Wasilla and reading lots of books,” which prevented him from watching the launch of the eleventh season of the hit TV show.

If true, the Dancing With the Stars premiere marked two notable firsts:

First time a vice presidential candidate’s daughter ever appeared on the show.

And first time Levi Johnston ever read a book.

(By the way, Levi, admiring photos of yourself naked in Playgirl doesn’t qualify as reading a book.)

Source: New York Post

Levi Johnston hawks his nuts in another 15 seconds of fame

We played with several angles on this story of Levi Johnston hawking his nuts and joking about knocking up Bristol Palin in a new commercial, but just weren’t sure which way to take it.

We played with several angles on this story of Levi Johnston hawking his nuts and joking about knocking up Bristol Palin in a new commercial, but just weren’t sure which way to take it. So let’s see how you would write it up, in a comment below.

Guilt by association by Associated Press

Tim Blair, Sydney Daily Herald, or a reasonable approximation thereof.
Tim Blair, Sydney Daily Herald, or a reasonable approximation thereof.

Tim Blair, the opinion editor of the Sydney Daily Telegraph, is a man who recognizes hypocrisy when he sees it.

In fact, he does a better job covering the hypocrisy of American journalism than most American journalists do. Blair’s blog featured this item recently:

In the tradition of the mother of the boyfriend of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s daughter:

A half sister of Gov. Sarah Palin’s husband is accused of breaking into the same home two times with the intention of stealing money.

Both pieces from Associated Press, specialists in association.

How many degrees of separation does it take before Associated Press thinks a story isn’t newsworthy? Could someone please look that up in the AP Style Guide.

Source: TimBlair

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