Sarah Palin’s Alaska inspires other politicians to pitch their own reality TV shows

Following the successful debut of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” agents representing other politicians are rushing to Hollywood to pitch reality shows for their clients.

Few original ideas have ever been generated in Hollywood and even fewer have ever come from Washington, DC. The two towns were made for each other.

So following the successful debut of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” (TLC reported a record 5,000,000 viewers for the premiere episode), agents representing other politicians are rushing to Hollywood to pitch reality shows for their clients.

So here are some other reality programs we’re looking forward to in the near future:

“Harry Reid’s Nevada”

Harry Reid Join the soon to be former Senate majority leader as he goes prospecting for gold on K Street. Visit his boyhood home in Searchlight, Nevada and learn how he became wealthy working in the private sector for a mere two years. Watch him give charisma lessons to other Democrats. Don’t miss a moment when Harry Reid’s Nevada premieres Sunday, Nov. 14 at 9/8C only on MSNBC.

“John Kerry’s Massachusetts”

John Kerry Deep in the wilds of a Massachusetts gated community, John Kerry faces the toughest decision of his life: where to dock his new yacht. The gang from Jersey Shore make a cameo to explain to Senator Kerry how lowering taxes can promote economic growth and result in more government revenues. Later, Kerry fights for wind power in someone else’s backyard. It’s “John Kerry’s Massachusetts” premiering Monday, November 22 at 9/8C on CNN.

“Barbara Boxer’s California”

Barbara Boxer Wham-Bam-Don’t-Call-Me-Ma’am. Barbara Boxer gets in a tiff with a barista at Starbucks who refuses to call her grande skinny latte a “Senator Grande Skinny Latte.” Join Barbara as she explores the California Aqueduct through the dried-up breadbasket of California’s Central Valley and all the way back to the spawning grounds of the endangered delta smelt, stopping, of course, at 5-star resorts along the way. “Barbara Boxer’s California” debuts Tuesday, November 23 at 9/8 Central on MSNBC.

“Elliot Spitzer’s New York”

eliot spitzer Experience New York like you never have before as Elliot takes you on a wild romp through the Empire State. Accompany him as he rides bareback through the canyons of the Adirondacks. Catch crabs with the former governor as he plunges his rod into the pristine waters of the Hudson. Bone up on you local history as he navigates the annals of the world’s oldest profession. “Elliot Spitzer’s New York.” Premiering next Friday at 9/8 Central only on IHTM-TV.

“Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska”

lisa murkowski Lisa Murkowski debates changing her last name to Smith to ease future write-in campaigns. A trip to the hairdresser ends in disaster when the resulting new doo looks “too modern, like something out of the nineties.” She decides to keep her 70s-inspired locks for additional coverage on the Drudge Report. “Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska.” Don’t miss this special premiere Monday, November 30 at 8/8 Central on Animal Planet.

“Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio”

Dennis Kucinich In this episode Dennis Kucinich plays Risk with two old high school chums, but opts out when the game becomes, “increasingly militaristic.” After accusing his old friends of imperialism, Kucinich breaks from the game to immediately build a peaceful agrarian community on his board. Noam Chomsky makes a guest appearance. “Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio” premieres Monday, November 29 at 9/8 Central only on Pravda TV.

“Barack Obama’s Kenya”

barack-obama-tv Travel back with the President as he returns to his homeland. Be with him as he makes the adjustment from the imperial opulence of the White House to the spartan furnishings of his brother’s one-room shack in Nairobi. Travel the land as he seeks out anyone who remembers his birth and pays them to forget it. Watch the dramatic premiere of “Barack Obama’s Kenya” this Sunday, Nov 28 at 9/8 Central only on IHTM-TV.

“Chuck Schumer’s New York”

Chuck Schumer This is the reality show in which the star is never off camera. He stars in all the commercials, voice overs and station breaks. Experience the seesaw excitement as Chuck demeans Wall Street bankers one minute, then strong arms them for campaign contributions the next. Don’t miss “Chuck Schumer’s New York,” premiering November 24 at 8:00 p.m. on PBS.

“Maxine Waters’ South Central”

Maxine Waters Yo, what you looking at, honky? Turn your damn TV off. This show is for black people only because you white people have had your own TV shows for too damn long. Co-stars Demond Wilson from “Sanford & Son” and “Rodney King from Can’t We All Just Get Along?” “Maxine Waters’ South Central” debuts November 24 at 8/9 Central on BET.

“Al Franken’s Minnesota”

Al Franken Al Franken, Minnesota’s favorite son, shows you the highways and byways and underhanded ways of the Land of Ten Thousand Missing Votes. Visit comedy clubs across the state in search of someone who finds him funny. Discover that the Al Franken persona is an act, but the Stuart Smalley persona is real. Don’t miss the series premiere of “Al Franken’s Minnesota,” November 24 at 8/9 Central following the season premiere of Prairie Home Companion on PBS.

Hello, voters: Funny Joe Miller for Senate commercial

If you love a candidate with a sense of humor, you gotta love this new Joe Miller for Senate commercial from Alaska. It’s proof that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a great commercial.

If you love a candidate with a sense of humor, you gotta love this new Joe Miller for Senate commercial from Alaska. It’s proof that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a great commercial.

And as an added bonus, we think it’s kind of funny that a guy with a beard would do a parody of the Old Spice commercials.


Don’t miss your chance to win the Al Gore Cardiac Arrest Sweepstakes

Ahhh, those irrepressible Alaskans. They’re all criminally insane, you know, especially that former governor of theirs. And now word wafts southward of an annual Alaskan contest that may bring global warming guru Al Gore to room temperature.

When the ice breaks, so does Al Gore's heart.

Ahhh, those irrepressible Alaskans. They’re all criminally insane, you know, especially that former governor of theirs. And now word wafts southward of an annual Alaskan contest that may bring global warming guru Al Gore to room temperature.

The Nenana Ice Classic is an Alaskan lottery which has been run each year since 1917. In January the townspeople mount a tripod out on the frozen Tanana River which runs through the town. The tripod is secured firmly to the ice and a rope runs from the tripod to a clock mechanism on the shore. When the ice breaks up, usually in late April or early May, the tripod gives way, and trips the clock.

The earliest ever ice break up was recorded at 3.27 PM, 20 April, 1940. The latest ever break-up was recorded at 11.41 AM, 20 May, 1964. Past break-up details here. Historically, the ice has broken most often between about 29 April and 8 May. Last year, the ice broke when many alarmists were distracted by their annual May Day celebrations.

Over the years, this event has mirrored global trends with, for example, the second earliest break-up occurring during the famously warm 1998, and the latest year, 1964, remembered worldwide as a cold year. Serious scientific studies have been done on the event and one climate change scientist described it as “a pretty good proxy for climate change”.

The ShadowLands invites commenters to make your best guess. The reader who supplies the closest guess will win our acclaim as well as a mandate for us to believe whatever they say about global warming for the next 12 months. They may also use the term “Closest Guesser, Nenana Ice Classic” on all official correspondence.

Enter today. And watch Al Gore’s face drain of all blood if it breaks the record for latest thaw.

H/T: Tim Blair

Genius Levi Johnston explains why Alaska is like Iran

Much like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks there are no gays in Iran, Levi Johnston has never seen one in Alaska. Hasn’t this guy’s 15 minutes of fame expired yet? And while we’re at it, didn’t Joy Behar’s 15 minutes of fame expire about six years ago.

Much like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinks there are no gays in Iran, Levi Johnston has never seen one in Alaska.

Hasn’t this guy’s 15 minutes of fame expired yet? And while we’re at it, didn’t Joy Behar’s 15 minutes of fame expire about six years ago.

This is truly a case of the blind leading the blind. Or the moronic leading the moronic.

Quote of the Day:
“As administration officials tilt at windmills and talk of painting our roofs white, a real energy solution has emerged from the Arctic deep. So why has only Alaska’s Sarah Palin noticed?”

The Chukchi Sea is chock full of oil and gas (Source:
The Chukchi Sea is chock full of oil and gas (Source:

Investors Business Daily again demonstrates the logic that the biased liberal media won’t.

“…It was thought that Chukchi’s waters northwest of Alaska’s landmass held 30 billion cubic feet of natural gas.”

“Today, Science magazine reports that the U.S. Geological Survey now finds it holds more than anyone thought — 1.6 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered gas, or 30% of the world’s supply and 83 billion barrels of undiscovered oil, 4% of the global conventional resources.
That’s enough U.S. energy to achieve self-sufficiency and never worry about it as a national security question again.”

Source: Investors Business Daily

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