Bargain hunting Navy buys counterfeit Chinese chips

Unfortunately, we’re not talking about potato chips. We’re talking about the kind of chips that run American guided missiles. Yo, Navy, ever read the tale of the Trojan Horse?

Unfortunately, we’re not talking about potato chips. We’re talking about the kind of chips that run American guided missiles. Yo, Navy, ever read the tale of the Trojan Horse?

Chips, ahoy! The Navy found a great source for cheap chips.

The Business Insider chips away at the story:

Last year, the U.S. Navy bought 59,000 microchips for use in everything from missiles to transponders and all of them turned out to be counterfeits from China.

Wired reports the chips weren’t only low-quality fakes, they had been made with a “back-door” and could have been remotely shut down at any time.

If left undiscovered the result could have rendered useless U.S. missiles and killed the signal from aircraft that tells everyone whether it’s friend or foe.

In other words, a guided missle run by one of these chips is no longer “guided”. Not by our side, anyway.

Apparently foreign chip makers are often better at making cheap microchips and U.S. defense contractors are loathe to pass up the better deal.

Reminds us of the guy afraid to cross a bridge: all he could think of was that the contract to build it went to the lowest bidder.

The problem remains with these “trojan-horse” circuits that can be built into the chip and are almost impossible to detect — especially without the original plans to compare them to.

Suggestion: buy useless junk like Obama’s golf equipment and booze for Nancy’s Pelosi’s 757 from the cheapest source possible but buy important microchips only from reliable vendors.

We’re all for saving money but we’d prefer Obama’s putter fails than a Cruise missile.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: Business Insider

A quote from our buddy, the Top Gun instructor, regarding the death of Osama Bin Laden

Here’s what our Top Gun instructor buddy had to say about Osama Bin Laden and the Navy SEALs and Barck Obama’s “bravery”.

Guys with nerves of steel appreciate other guys with nerves of steel. Here’s what our Top Gun instructor buddy had to say about Osama Bin Laden and the Navy SEALs and Barck Obama’s “bravery.”

“Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like going into McDonald’s and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. It’s the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the clown.”

‘Nuff said.obama-clown-movie
Image from

Abbottabad-a-bing, Abbottabad-a-boom

Here you go. Gruesome Reuters photos of some of Osama Bin Laden’s henchmen after the Navy SEALS stopped in for a spot of tea.

We’re pretty damn proud of that headline. This story should get picked up by HotAir and WeaselZippers and those clowns over at iOwnTheWorld and every other website that appreciates genius headlines.

Hell, it’ll probably get us nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Maybe even a Nobel Prize, because we’ve heard it’s pretty easy to win one of them these days.

Here you go. Gruesome Reuters photos of some of Osama Bin Laden’s henchmen after the Navy SEALS stopped in for a spot of tea.

Continue reading “Abbottabad-a-bing, Abbottabad-a-boom”

Navy F-18 passes biofuel test, fails logic test

The Navy just conducted a test that proved two seemingly contradictory concepts. First, it proved that an F-18 can fly using biofuel. And second, it proved that biofuel is an idea that’ll never get off the ground.

Navy F18
The same people who pay $67.50 for biofuel say they can cut medical costs.

The Navy just conducted a test that proved two seemingly contradictory concepts. First, it proved that an F-18 can fly using biofuel. And second, it proved that biofuel is an idea that’ll never get off the ground.

National Review’s Planet Gore makes sense of it all:

I was there when the Green Hornet flew today, and the 50-50 biofuel mix burned superbly. Thanks to the excellent work of our fuel-certification engineers, there was no doubt that it would. They checked it thoroughly for spec and pronounced it functionally equivalent to JP-5. But even though SECNAV maintains that the Navy “will continue to be an early adopter of alternative energy sources,” he might take a closer look at the price tag. 

The press release says that the Defense Energy Support Center, which buys fuel for the military, paid $2.7 million for 40,000 gallons of the biofuel. That works out to $67.50 a gallon, although the official Navy fact sheet says the cost was only $33 a gallon. Still, next to the $1.40 a gallon cost of petroleum-derived JP-5, it’s not exactly a bargain — worse even than buying gas in Europe. 

Maybe we can cut back on body armor to pay for it . . .

$67.50 per gallon? Fill ‘er up, dude. Sounds like cap-and-trade has already been implemented in the military.

Source: PlanetGore

Scott Brown’s wife could kick your ass

Turns out Mrs. Scott Brown is a reporter for WCVB-TV the ABC affiliate in Boston using her maiden name, Gail Huff. Here’s Gail taking the Navy SEAL fitness test. We’d bet on her in a death cage match with Barney Frank. And we’d pay to see it, too.

We hear a lot about Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown and even a bit about his smokin’ hot daughters. Hell, they’ve even trotted out Snuggles and Koda, the family dogs. But why has Mrs. Brown been so conspicuously absent?

Did candidate Brown go through an ugly divorce? Is the wife hideously disfigured? Is Dick Cheney holding her captive in an undisclosed location to keep her from revealing damaging secrets about the Republican candidate?

None of the above. Turns out Mrs. Brown is a reporter for WCVB-TV the ABC affiliate in Boston using her maiden name, Gail Huff. She’s kept a low profile because she has an agreement with the station that she won’t cover politics nor appear at any of her husband’s campaign events to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.

Here’s Gail taking the Navy SEAL fitness test. We’d bet on her in a death cage match with Barney Frank. And we’d pay to see it, too.

Source: Boston Herald

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