‘They Are Getting Ready for Trump’s Second Term’: Former Pentagon Brass Encourage Military to Disobey Orders

‘They Are Getting Ready for Trump’s Second Term: Former Pentagon Brass Encourage Military to Disobey Orders. Sounds like treason to us. Where’s the firing squad?

What follows are 16 enumerated “best practices” that deal with the chain of command, political pressure, and civilian control of the U.S. military, all signed by former Pentagon brass including Ash Carter, Mark Esper, Bob Gates, Chuck Hagel, Jim Mattis, Leon Panetta, Martin Dempsey, Joseph Dunford, and Peter Pace.

“Military officers swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, not an oath of fealty to an individual or to an office,” the letter explains. “All civilians, whether they swear an oath or not, are likewise obligated to support and defend the Constitution as their highest duty.”

Another point discusses the “responsibility of senior military and civilian leaders to ensure that any order they receive from the president is legal” and “to provide the president with their views and advice that includes the implications of an order.”

US court bars Trump from reversing transgender troops policy

US court bars Trump from reversing transgender troops policy. Yep, suing Trump to screw with his plans involves only finding an Obama or a Clinton appointee judge. In this case she’s a Clinton appointee.

U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled that the transgender service members who had sued over Trump’s policy were likely to win their lawsuit. She directed a return to the situation that existed before Trump announced his new policy this summer, saying the administration had provided no solid evidence for why a ban should be implemented.

BREAKING: Army Again Delays Decision To Boot Green Beret For Attacking Afghan Rapist

BREAKING: Army Again Delays Decision To Boot Green Beret For Attacking Afghan Rapist. As far as we’re concerned they should give this guy a medal and send him back and let him beat the snot out of some more of these child rapists.

Bill Ayers: Any country with a US military base should be able to vote in American elections

Obama’s close friend Bill Ayers says residents of a country with an American military base should be able to vote in an American presidential election.

Bill “Yeah, I’m Still An Unrepentant Terrorist” Ayers, a close personal friend of President Obama, is so far off to the left that you need a telescope to find him.

“Every resident of a country with an American military base within its borders ought to have the right to vote in an American presidential election,” Ayers said. “That causes a different kind of way of thinking, doesn’t it? I mean, imagine, you know, if hundreds and hundreds of millions of people voting for the American president from countries as diverse as Cuba and Italy and, you know, wherever. (indistinguishable) I think it’s a great idea. What do you think?”

What do we think? Well, Willie, we think you have it backwards. We have military bases in those countries because, at one time or another, we saved their asses from some oppressor.

Seems to us that if fair was fair, we should be able to vote in their elections, not vice versa.


Introducing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Army Drill Team

The Barney Frank Squadron shows you how it’s done. Or how it will will be done in the future. Because things are going to be different in this man’s army from now on.

The Barney Frank Squadron shows you how it’s done. Or how it will will be done in the future. Because things are going to be different in this man’s army from now on.

Combat boots are out. Knee-high suede Tory Burch Connell Boots are in.

Camouflage is out. Puce is in.

Generals are out. Privates are in.

Care to add any others?

Barney Frank says not allowing gays and straights to shower together is discrimination, dammit!

Ol’ Barney says that it would be discrimination if gays and straights are not allowed to shower together. Think of it as his own personal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Drop The Soap” policy.

A true story from the Editor’s past: A kid from France transferred to my high school. How a kid from France ended up in that godforsaken corner of California I don’t know, but that’s neither here nor there. Frenchy Boy was in my gym class. He got an erection every day in the showers. As a result, he had no friends and I began developing an intense Francophobia.

With that as background, let’s move on to the Barney Frank story.

Ol’ Barney says that it would be discrimination if gays and straights are not allowed to shower together. Think of it as his own personal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Drop The Soap” policy.

“To accept the principle that homosexuals can’t shower with other people is a degree of discrimination that goes far beyond this. We don’t get ourselves drycleaned. We tend to take showers when we go to the gym; when we play sports,” Frank said.

Note to Congressman Frank: Playing grab ass is not considered a sport.

Barney Frank insists gays aren’t girlie, says “I left my purse at home”

In other words, Barney Frank says, “Gays aren’t girlie. Oh, by the way, I left my purse at home” and Chris Matthews thinks, “Oooh, I wonder if it was the mauve one with the sequins.”

Please allow us to summarize this odd clip in one sentence:

A guy who told a national TV audience that he gets a tingle up his leg every time he hears Barack Obama speak interviews the guy who’s boyfriend ran a gay prostitution ring out of his basement.

In other words, Barney Frank says, “Gays aren’t girlie. Oh, by the way, I left my purse at home” and Chris Matthews thinks, “Oooh, I wonder if it was the mauve one with the sequins.”

In other other words, Barney Frank proves that gays aren’t girlie by being far more masculine than the guy who’s interviewing him.

H/T: Brietbart.tv

More genius from Jesse Jackson: Let’s draft the rich and send them to war

Jesse Jackson said, “and until the rich have serve with the poor in the military, that’s why I’m for the draft, because I think we must share the burden of war.”

Jesse Jackson must realize that his race war schtick is getting pretty old, because he seems to have added class warfare to his repertoire.

Jesse Jackson prepares to apply the Vulcan mind meld to gullible white Americans

“Our 21-year-old children join the military to avoid unemployment,” Jackson said, “and until the rich have serve with the poor in the military, that’s why I’m for the draft, because I think we must share the burden of war. So long as only the poor go to war it’s academic, but when Harvard and Yale has to go to war they figure out a way to end it.”

Only the poor go to war? Liberals just can’t make the argument that the rich don’t serve and also define the rich as family income over $75,000.

And don’t look now, Jesse, but John McCain’s son is in the military. So was Sarah Palin’s. Pat Tillman left the NFL, enlisted and got killed in Afghanistan. And they all qualify as rich by liberal standards.

Oh, wait. We don’t have a draft, do we? All those damn rich kids enlisted.

Never mind.

Source: TheRightScoop.com

Surprise: U.N. wants to outlaw weapons only the United States possesses

The United Nations wants to outlaw unmanned drones, weapons that only the United States possesses.

Based on the dictates of the United Nations, we may soon revert to jousting. Because apparently they consider hand-to-hand combat the only proper way to resolve a dispute.

drone predator
We always thought the concept of war was to kill as many of their guys as possible while losing as few of your guys as possible. Guess we were wrong.

Reuters has the somehow-not-too-surprising news:

A U.N. investigator called on the world body on Friday to set up a panel to study the ethics and legality of unmanned military weapons — an apparent reference to U.S. drones that strike suspected Islamist militants. In a report to the U.N. General Assembly human rights committee, Christof Heyns said such systems raised “serious concerns that have been almost entirely unexamined by human rights or humanitarian actors.”

“The international community urgently needs to address the legal, political, ethical and moral implications of the development of lethal robotic technologies,” said Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions.

It was the second time this year U.N. experts tackled the issue. In June, Heyns’ predecessor, Philip Alston, called for a halt to CIA-directed drone strikes on al Qaeda and Taliban suspects in Afghanistan and Pakistan, saying killings ordered far from the battlefield could lead to a “Playstation” mentality.

A couple thoughts:

First, “a Playstation mentality?” Cool. How about if we call the game “Kill the Friggin’ Muslim Terrorists.” It would sell millions. Use the profits to build more drones.

Second, we didn’t know what the hell a “rapporteur” was, so we looked it up. According to Princeton.edu, a rapporteur is “a recorder appointed by a committee to prepare reports of the meetings.” In other words, a secretary. Nothing against secretaries, but go sit on your boss’s lap and shut the hell up, secretary boy.

Source: Reuters

Disgusting: Illinois’ military ballots, undelivered. Illinois prison ballots, hand-delivered.

The Democrat machine in Illinois is doing everything it can to deliver solid votes and discourage Republican votes.

The Democrat machine in Illinois is doing everything it can to deliver solid votes and discourage Republican votes.

corruption illinois Hence, this horrible story from BigGovernment.com:

Over 35 counties in Illinois missed the deadline to mail military ballots to our soldiers defending America. But in Chicago, county election officials have taken special steps to ensure that no inmates at the Cook County Jail are unable to cast a ballot.

The Chicago Board of Elections hand delivers ballots to the jail. They don’t even wait for the inmates to apply – they bring the applications with the ballots! Over 2,600 inmates have cast ballots so far – strikingly similiar to the 2,600 soldiers who will likely not recieve a ballot for the Nov 2 election.


Source: BigGovernment.com

American Hellfire missile sends three more terrorists to meet 216 virgins


Adios, Abdul. Bye bye, Bashir. Happy trails, Hamza.


Source: ViralFootage.com

Our Commander In Chief doesn’t really like our military very much

President Obama closed his make-believe Nuclear Security Summit with some revealing words: “Whether we like it or not, we (the United States) remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into it.”

President Obama closed his make-believe Nuclear Security Summit with some revealing words:

“Whether we like it or not, we (the United States) remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, we get pulled into it.”

Rest assured, he doesn’t like it and is doing everything he can to see that our days as the dominant military superpower come to a rapid and conclusive end.

Forgive us for saying this, but Hillary Clinton was right. When that 3 a.m. call comes to the White House, Barack Obama would prefer to sleep right through it.

ACLU doesn’t like drone strikes, wants us to kill Taliban the old fashioned way

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the federal government Tuesday to learn the use of unmanned drones for targeted killings by the military and CIA.

Next step: ACLU declares that drones are war criminals, demands trials

Is there nothing the ACLU won’t do harm the United States? Now they think our unmanned drone strikes are illegal and immoral. They’re just not fair.

Politico reports the details:

The American Civil Liberties Union sued the federal government Tuesday to learn the use of unmanned drones for targeted killings by the military and CIA.

“In particular, the lawsuit asks for information on when, where and against whom drone strikes can be authorized, the number and rate of civilian casualties and other basic information essential for assessing the wisdom and legality of using armed drones to conduct targeted killings,” the ACLU said in a statement, announcing its action.

The nonprofit civil liberties group filed initial Freedom of Information Act requests with the Defense, Justice and State departments and with the Central Intelligence Agency on Jan. 13. Only the CIA responded, and the ACLU is pursuing that request with an appeal to the agency.

“The government’s use of drones to conduct targeted killings raises complicated questions – not only legal questions, but policy and moral questions as well,” said Jameel Jaffer, director of the ACLU National Security Project. “These kinds of questions ought to be discussed and debated publicly, not resolved secretly behind closed doors. While the Obama administration may legitimately withhold intelligence information as well as sensitive information about military strategy, it should disclose basic information about the scope of the drone program, the legal basis for the program and the civilian casualties that have resulted from the program.”

We’re not quite sure what the ACLU wants on this one. A return, maybe, to hand-to-hand combat?

Since the Taliban want to return the world to the Middle Ages, we say bring back jousting. Two men, two horses, two lances.

Either that or skip a step just bomb the miserable little sons of bitches back to the Middle Ages.

Source: Politico

“Allahu Akbar” is Arabic for “Adios, amigo”

Apparently, this terrorist genius didn’t know that the latest technology allows American troops to track incoming mortar rounds back to their source. Bad mistake. The kind you only make once.

Apparently, this terrorist genius didn’t know that the latest technology allows American troops to track incoming mortar rounds back to their source. Bad mistake. The kind you only make once.

Source: IOwnTheWorld.com

President Obama might want to think about rethinking his whole terrorist trial concept

Here’s why terrorists – including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – need to be tried by military tribunals instead of civilian courts.

Here’s why terrorists – including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – need to be tried by military tribunals instead of civilian courts.

U.S. District Judge John C. Coughenour spoke at a recent meeting of the Open Society Institute that was hosted by George Soros. (That sentence alone should tell you that trouble is coming.) Coughenour makes it clear that people with his philosophy are the reason civilian trials won’t work.

Coughenour: Another set of rules – consistent with our Constitution? It’s kind of hard for me to conceive what those rules would be. If people had problems with the way they gathered evidence…if they gathered evidence through harsh interrogation techniques…you know it may be that there will be some people that can’t be convicted because of the way we conducted ourselves. So be it. The world isn’t at a loss for dangerous people, and the fact that we are unable to convict one or more of these folks, it’s part of the price we pay for being the country we are. And we either live up to our responsibilities as being a leader in human rights, and commitment to our Constitution, or we shouldn’t profess to be what we say we are.

Nice work, Attorney General Holder. Really nice work.

Source: Verum Serum

Kaboom! Kablam! Kablooey! 13 Taliban bite the dust

It’s either 13 Taliban fighters up to no good or the weekly meeting of the Helmand, Afghanistan Rotary Club. Let’s go with the former. While a UK Harrier lines up a shot on the first six terrorists, seven more stumble onto the scene. Boom. Thirteen Taliban go to meet their virgins.

It’s either 13 Taliban fighters up to no good or the weekly meeting of the Helmand, Afghanistan Rotary Club. Let’s go with the former.

While a UK Harrier lines up a shot on the first six terrorists, seven more stumble onto the scene.

Boom. Thirteen Taliban go to meet their virgins.

Source: LiveLeak.com via Conservative Grapevine

Chris Matthews calls West Point “enemy camp” to Obama. That explains a lot.

Yes, the enemy camp. Home of hate speech like “Duty, Honor, Country” and evil stuff like that. And you wonder why the military doesn’t love the President?

Yes, the enemy camp. Home of hate speech like “Duty, Honor, Country” and evil stuff like that. And you wonder why the military doesn’t love the President?

Go figure.

– Written by Patrick Michael

Veterans Day salute: The Warrior Song

The only reason Barack Obama can go around the world spewing his nonsensical pablum about “engaging our enemies” is because there are American military people willing to engage them in a way those enemies not only understand, but fear.

The only reason Barack Obama can go around the world spewing his nonsensical pablum about “engaging our enemies” is because there are American military people willing to engage them in a way those enemies not only understand, but fear.

We’re unbelievably grateful for the sacrifices you each make.

Source: Warrior Legacy Foundation via Ace of Spades

Fourth and long for the Taliban: Fox airs NFL pre-game show from Afghanistan

You’ll like this football story even if you’re not a football fan. In honor of Veteran’s Day, the whole FOX Sports NFL crew went to Afghanistan Sunday and broadcast their show live for the troops.

You’ll like this football story even if you’re not a football fan.

In honor of Veteran’s Day, the whole FOX Sports NFL crew went to Afghanistan Sunday and broadcast their show live for the troops.

“It’s been so surreal, it’s hard to describe,” Fox analyst Michael Strahan said of the trip. “To witness so many young, smart, committed and capable men and women is inspiring. We’re here to show our appreciation for their service and sacrifice, and all they want to do is show their appreciation to us for coming here.”

The idea for the show came about when Fox Sports chairman David Hill was passing through the airport in Dallas last spring. He noticed military personnel walking through the terminal were going mostly unnoticed, and he wanted to do something about it.

Here’s a salute to Hill and the entire Fox crew.

Source: Associated Press

Malik Nadal Hasan murders 12 soldiers at Ft Hood. Networks dancing around what his name means.

We hear that a Major Malik Nadal Hasan has murdered, execution-style, twelve soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas. Political correctness be damned. To us, the shooter doesn’t sound Baptist, doesn’t sound Catholic, doesn’t sound Jewish, doesn’t sound Hindu, doesn’t sound Buddhist. What does that leave?

We hear that a Major Malik Nadal Hasan has murdered, execution-style, twelve soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas. Political correctness be damned. To us, the shooter doesn’t sound Baptist, doesn’t sound Catholic, doesn’t sound Jewish, doesn’t sound Hindu, doesn’t sound Buddhist. What does that leave? We wonder. But, we do recall the story of the founder of the Muslim-American BridgesTV network that beheaded his wife in Buffalo, New York. His name? Muzzammil Hassan.

UPDATE: We took down the Facebook page we had up, as we don’t think that was legit. The following image, from cstsonline.org is the one most suspect is him.


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