Biden: “My legislation says there can be no more than 8 bullets in a round, okay?”

Biden: “My legislation says there can be no more than 8 bullets in a round, okay?” Well, this might work if he’s referring to a 12-gauge shotgun round with 8 pellets. Other than that, he’s nuts.

Breaking: House approves resurrected ban on “assault weapons” 217-213

Breaking: House approves resurrected ban on “assault weapons” 217-213. Conniving Speaker Nancy Pelosi did back flips to get this onto the floor of the house to pass HR 1808. Hopefully, Senator Mitch McConnell will be able to filibuster this and prevent the Senate from passing it. If he can’t, the Senate RINOs will no doubt vote for it.

Texas House Democrat says he’s a “no” on semi-auto ban

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)

Texas House Democrat says he’s a “no” on semi-auto ban. You can bet Pelosi will be trying to round up some RINOs to vote yes on this illegal law. Meanwhile, Rep. Henry Cuellar deserves a ‘good job.’

Rep. Henry Cuellar may be the first Democrat to come out in opposition to Rep. David Ciccillini’s ban on semi-automatic rifles, which Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) plans on marking up in committee next week, but he won’t be the last. The south Texas Democrat, who just won a hotly contested primary against a more progressive challenger, had his comms director announce on Friday afternoon that he won’t be voting in favor of the ban, which isn’t a huge surprise given his past support for the Second Amendment in Congress.

It is, however, a big problem for Nancy Pelosi and House leadership, because every Democratic defection means they have to hunt for a Republican willing to go along with banning the most commonly-sold rifles in the country. There were four Republicans who signed on to the House Democrats’ gun control package that was narrowly approved a few weeks ago, but there’s also no guarantee that all four will hop on board the gun ban


Norton: I’m Homeschooling My Kid Until the Government Buys Back The Guns That Are Out There

Drag Queen Story Hour

Norton: I’m Homeschooling My Kid Until the Government Buys Back The Guns That Are Out There. Well, yanking your child out of liberal schools is just horrid. Now the poor kid’s going to miss Drag Queen Story Hour.

Here’s Why Six People Said Nothing When the Buffalo Mass Shooter Told Them Of His Mass Murder Plan

Here’s Why Six People Said Nothing When the Buffalo Mass Shooter Told Them Of His Mass Murder Plan. So, no one wanted to out themselves as budding KKK members. This also makes us wonder if, and if so, how much the people in this chat room egged this guy on to do what he did.

Now, a new development in the investigation shows that Gendron told six people about his plan to commit a mass shooting some thirty minutes before the crime. One of the people in the group is a retired federal agent. NO ONE said anything. This could be the reason why (via Buffalo News):

Authorities believe the former agent – believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused gunman Payton Gendron in an online chat room where racist hatred was discussed, the two officials said.

Glock wins (and Biden loses) in major liability suit


Glock wins (and Biden loses) in major liability suit. Yes, little-noticed because the anti-gun MSM clown show doesn’t want it out there.

In a little noticed decision with a major impact on the firearms industry, a federal judge in Arizona has ruled in favor of pistol manufacturer Glock and dismissed a suit brought by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on behalf of a man accidentally shot and paralyzed.

U.S. District Court Judge Susan Brnovich upheld liability immunity granted in the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act passed in 2005 to block gun makers from a potential wave of industry-killing lawsuits.

It’s like shooters are being activated.

It’s like shooters are being activated. Think something is up? It sure seems like there’s a sudden surge in mass shootings. Just in time for the Democrats to pass gun-control bills. MK-Ultra shit? Or just a coincidence?

Sources: Secret Service inserted itself into case of Hunter Biden’s gun

Sources: Secret Service inserted itself into case of Hunter Biden’s gun. Well, when you’re a member in good standing in the Biden Mafia Group, you get a pass on everything.

Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says there’s room for new gun control

Merrick Garland - Obama

Biden AG pick Merrick Garland says there’s room for new gun control. Why sure there is, right up to the confiscation of your guns, then the confiscation of your rights. Donate to your favorite Second Amendment defender, they’re going to need a buttwad of money to fight the gun-grabbers.  If they get their way it won’t matter if you live in a red state or a blue state.

How Kamala Harris Accidentally Helped To Bring Down CA’s Mag Ban

How Kamala Harris Accidentally Helped To Bring Down CA’s Mag Ban. Filed under “You can’t make this shit up.” Below is the statement the Judge used.

While Hollywood and the Bay Area symbolize California to the world, the Golden State is in fact a much more diverse and vibrant place, with people living in sparsely populated rural counties, seemingly deserted desert towns, and majestic mountain villages. In such places, the closest law enforcement may be far, far away — and it may take substantial time for the county sheriff to respond. And it is no guarantee that the things that go bump in the night come alone; indeed, burglars often ply their trade in groups recognizing strength in numbers.

Law abiding citizens in these places may find security in a gun that comes standard with an LCM. Further, some people, especially in communities of color, do not trust law enforcement and are less likely — over 40% less likely, according to one study — to call 911 even during emergencies. 

Virus-Panicked Liberal Gun Buyers Are Getting Angry When They Discover Their Own Gun Control Laws

Virus-Panicked Liberal Gun Buyers Are Getting Angry When They Discover Their Own Gun Control Laws. Liberal laws are good for thee but not for me.

More than a dozen of these buyers (men and women) actually thought that since they filled out and signed everything, they could just walk out and go home with the firearm. Several actually said they saw how easy it was to buy a gun on TV and why did they have to fill out all these forms.

The majority of these first timers lost their minds when we went through the Ammo Law requirements. Most used language not normally heard, even in a gun range. We pointed out that since no one working here voted for these laws, then maybe they might know someone who did. And, maybe they should go back and talk to those people and tell them to re-think their position on firearms – we were trying to be nice.

Most were VERY vocal about why it takes 10 days minimum (sometimes longer if the DOJ is backed up) to take their property home with them. They ask why do I need to wait 10 days if I need the protection today or tomorrow? We pointed out again that no one working here voted in support of that law.

They really went crazy when we told them that for each firearm they had to do the same amount of paperwork and they could only purchase ONE handgun every 30 days. Again, we didn’t [vote] for that law.

Baltimore School Board Kills Bill That Would Have Allowed Armed Police in Schools

Baltimore School Board Kills Bill That Would Have Allowed Armed Police in Schools. Yes, it’s always better to let armed shooters run around schools shooting innocent children unimpeded until the police arrive 10-15 minutes later. Maybe they can get some hockey pucks.

WA Lieutenant Governor Refuses to Attend ‘State of State’ Ceremony, Fearing Concealed Carriers

See the source image

WA Lieutenant Governor Refuses to Attend ‘State of State’ Ceremony, Fearing Concealed Carriers. This make no sense. The Lt. Governor is blind. To him, everyone is a concealed carrier. You could walk by carrying a dozen guns and he wouldn’t even know it.

Three Separate 2018 Studies Found Zero Evidence That Universal Background Checks Prevent Gun Deaths

Three Separate 2018 Studies Found Zero Evidence That Universal Background Checks Prevent Gun Deaths. Someone finally got a clue that criminals don’t obey gun laws, or any other laws.

Back in November, we reported on one of these studies, conducted using data from the anti-gunner’s paradise, California. In that study (journal publication here), researchers studied firearm homicide and suicide rates in California before and after the Golden State passed its CBC law. Researchers waited 10 years to study the effects of this law, but in the end, “The study found no net difference between firearm-related homicide rates before and during the 10 years after policy implementation.” Oops.

DOJ: Less than 3 Percent of Nation’s Prisoners Acquired Firearms at Retail Stores, Gun Shows

DOJ: Less than 3 Percent of Nation’s Prisoners Acquired Firearms at Retail Stores, Gun Shows. So why are we worried about the ‘gun-show loophole (which doesn’t exist), mandatory background checks, magazine restrictions, limits on how many guns you can buy per month, etc.?

Even Vox Concedes Universal Background Checks Don’t Work

Even Vox Concedes Universal Background Checks Don’t Work. Congressional Democrats have yet another logic fail. They actually think criminals purchase guns legitimately.

Chumlee from ‘Pawn Stars’ Arrested During Sexual Assault Raid

Chumlee from ‘Pawn Stars’ Arrested During Sexual Assault Raid. Guns, meth, pot. We know it’s not politics but it’s amusing. Looks like what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. He better hope what happens in jail stays in jail.


Maryland’s Landmark Assault Weapons/High-Cap Mag Ban Takes A Hit

Maryland’s Landmark Assault Weapons/High-Cap Mag Ban Takes A Hit. Time for the NRA to sue the libtards in California about this infringement upon everyone’s rights.

“Maryland’s ban on commonly owned firearms and magazines clearly violates our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.”

LAPD Officers Say More Patrol Needed In Times Of Emergency

LAPD Officers Say More Patrol Needed In Times Of Emergency. LA, same people who want to confiscate your guns expect you to wait 45 minutes while someone is trying to kill you. Their goal is a laughable 10 minute response time.

He told Paige that Thursday morning between 5:30 and 10 a.m., there were just three patrol cars assigned to the West LA division. Two cars to protect more than 200,000 people in a 65 square mile radius.

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