BLM activist leader of Boston nonprofit faces fraud charges for allegedly laundering 2020 charity donations

BLM activist leader of Boston nonprofit faces fraud charges for allegedly laundering 2020 charity donations. All the millions of white guilt money must have been too tempting.

The Boston Herald reported that Monica Cannon-Grant, the head of Violence in Boston, and her husband, Clark Grant, are accused of using the nonprofit “as a vehicle to personally enrich themselves and their designees,” according to a federal indictment unsealed on March 15. 

The couple is facing 18 fraud related charges, including conspiracy, wire fraud, mail fraud, and making false statements to a mortgage lending business. Grant’s husband is charged in a more limited capacity. 

Seattle Crime Sends Amazon Packing

Seattle Crime Sends Amazon Packing. It must be nice to be rich and able to move when the crime rate goes through the roof. Meanwhile, the people who don’t have billions in the bank are stuck going out of business or putting up with it.

Derek Chauvin Requests Change of Venue After George Floyd Family Receives $27 Million From City

Derek Chauvin Requests Change of Venue After George Floyd Family Receives $27 Million From City. Regardless of what you think about Derek Chauvin, the fact is, in our opinion, he’s being railroaded by the judge and the city. The jury selection has been a joke and now the city settles for $27 million, which is tantamount to an admission of guilt. Unless there are people living in caves without any form of communication with the rest of the world we find it hard to believe he could get a fair trial anywhere.

Man Who Fired First Shots Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged

Man Who Fired First Shots Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged. Dude with blown off bicep will now be blowing in jail.

Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct and use of a dangerous weapon for firing his weapon during the incident on August 25.

According to the charging document, obtained by The Gateway Pundit, while investigating the shooting by Rittenhouse, Kenosha detectives obtained videos in which Ziminski “was holding a black handgun, which he was holding in his left hand, pointing downward. Detective Howard reports that in reviewing multiple other videos, he was able to see the defendant and Kelly Ziminski, in and around multiple other people on the streets, and the defendant was seen holding the handgun down at his side in said videos.”

Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds

Justice Dept. brands NYC an ‘anarchist jurisdiction,’ targets federal funds. They also targeted Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Well, in our opinion, if they don’t want the FEDs there then they shouldn’t want our money there.

“When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest,” Barr said in a statement set to be released Monday.

“We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance,’’ the AG added.

Oregon Poll: Majority Say Protests Violent; Trump Tops Local Leaders in Approval

Oregon Poll: Majority Say Protests Violent; Trump Tops Local Leaders in Approval. This is what happens when Democrat leaders let riots, chaos, looting, and burning go on practically unabated.

A poll of Oregon voters released late last week revealed that a majority disapprove of the Black Lives Matter protests in the state, and that President Donald Trump has higher approval than Governor Kate Brown or Portland Mayor Ted Wheele

It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient


It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient. Antifa or plain old arsonists? Here’s another one. There are several more pending investigations.

American Airlines allows crew to wear ‘BLM’ pin, sparking backlash from some members

American Airlines allows crew to wear ‘BLM’ pin, sparking backlash from some members. American will soon need a  “get woke go broke” pin. Perhaps they should file for bankruptcy now and get ahead of things.

But the announcement has prompted pushback from some of American’s staffers who have relatives who are police officers and view BLM as an anti-police movement.

“I take offense to this,” one flight attendant said to airline management in an email obtained by The New York Post. “Serious offense. My husband is a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), as was my deceased father and as far as I’m concerned ALL LIVES MATTER.”

“I am completely disgusted at the fact that we can’t show support for our GOD, our COUNTRY, our LEOs but when it comes to BLM organization (which is controversial in itself), American Airlines says that’s obviously different,” she wrote. “How is that right? Well, I don’t feel included.”

Another flight attendant who spoke to Fox News said that if the BLM pins are allowed, then they will be wearing their Trump pin to show support for the commander-in-chief.

Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests

Deon Kay shooting: DC police release video of deadly encounter after protests. Yes, he had a gun and tossed it. The above video is at the link or here.

Basement Biden’s huge crowd in Kenosha

Basement Biden’s huge crowd in Kenosha. Yes, the excitement is building for Biden’s appearance in Kenosha as evidenced by this video. He probably has more people in his basement every day.

Miami Herald Rips Own Cuban-Born Sportswriter for Saying America Was Not Founded on Racist Ideas

Miami Herald Rips Own Cuban-Born Sportswriter for Saying America Was Not Founded on Racist Ideas. These overpaid primadonnas should all move to Cuba so they can see what Mr. Salguero is talking about.

Herald columnist Armando Salguero, recently got fed up with the NFL’s constant anti-American drumbeat. Specifically citing comments by Tennessee Titans quarterback Ryan Tannehill and other players, Salguero took to Twitter in defense of America.

Salguero added to his August 27 tweet a video of the Titans’ millionaire players complaining about the “systemic racism” in America, while justifying boycotting practice.

“I am so sick of the America bashing by people who have never lived and would never live anywhere else,” the Cuba-born columnist wrote.

Portland Mayor: Rioters ‘Terrorizing Families With Children’

Portland Mayor: Rioters ‘Terrorizing Families With Children.’ This dope, Ted Wheeler, has yet another “No shit Sherlock” moment. You have to work at it to be this stupid

St. Louis mayor temporarily relocates following protests at her home

St. Louis mayor temporarily relocates following protests at her home. Another Antifa/BLM enabler gets bit by ingrates.

Mayor Lyda Krewson has temporarily relocated after a string of protests at her Central West End home.

The mayor on Wednesday confirmed that she and her husband, former television reporter Mike Owens, have been living at an apartment, also in the Central West End.

“We have not lived at home for 2 months,” Krewson said in a text message to a reporter. “We did it to deescalate the situation, to save police resources, and importantly because our neighbors were being disturbed and threatened.”

Gov. Cuomo says: Trump ‘better have an army’ to protect him if he comes to NYC

Gov. Cuomo says: Trump ‘better have an army’ to protect him if he comes to NYC. Governor Fredo thinks he’s the Godfather or something. If he wants the President to have an “army” we’re sure it could be arranged.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday all but threatened President Trump’s safety if he returns to New York City in a rant responding to an exclusive story by The Post that Trump is looking to pull federal funds from “lawless” cities including New York.

“He better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York. New Yorkers don’t want to have anything to do with him,” the Democrat said, all but threatening the commander in chief.

Trump orders review to defund NYC, other ‘anarchist’ cities

Trump orders review to defund NYC, other ‘anarchist’ cities. Laugh or cry? We’re laughing our asses off at this one. Ahahahahahahaha!

President Trump is ordering the federal government to begin the process of defunding New York City and three other cities where officials allowed “lawless” protests and cut police budgets amid rising violent crime, The Post can exclusively reveal.

Federal agencies must detail “all Federal funds provided to Seattle, Portland, New York City, Washington, D.C.” Also, within 14 days Attorney General Bill Barr must develop a list of “anarchist jurisdictions” that “permitted violence and the destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures” to restore order. The memo does not require Barr to include the four cities, possibly for legal reasons.

Universities Helped Train the Rioters Burning American Cities by ‘Cranking Out Utter Madness’


Universities Helped Train the Rioters Burning American Cities by ‘Cranking Out Utter Madness.’ Well, when the BLM and ANTIFA riots all stop they can take their worthless degrees and go back to being baristas at Starbucks.

Kenosha, Wisconsin tonight. Live fire.

Kenosha, Wisconsin tonight. Live fire. Don’t be surprised if Twitter removes these videos.

Finally, They’re Honest About It: BLM ‘Protester’ Charged With Terrorist Activity in Florida

Finally, They’re Honest About It: BLM ‘Protester’ Charged With Terrorist Activity in Florida. Seattle and Portland Police Departments don’t do shit. If they do arrest someone their Soros DA makes sure they get out of jail. Florida has had it. Frankly, we don’t get why DHS doesn’t arrest them on terrorist charges. They have enough of them on the books. This would bypass the Soros DA and local liberal judges.

But just to show you the difference in how BLM/Antifa crimes are treated, there has been a BLM ‘protester’ charged with terrorist activity in Florida.

26 year old Abraham Quraishi was arrested for inciting a riot and resisting arrest in June after he threw ammunition at the police. Police allegedly discovered he was carrying a loaded gun without a permit.

He drove a car to the protest and parked it outside police headquarters. Police later discovered a Molotov cocktail inside the car.

Portland companies are fleeing downtown area because of Black Lives Matter riots

No Sale

Portland companies are fleeing downtown area because of Black Lives Matter riots. 83 days of “no sale” on the cash register would make us leave, too. We hope Mayor Wheeler enjoys wondering where all the tax money went.

“Businesses are leaving,” Andrew Hoan, president and CEO of the Portland Business Alliance (PBA), told KATU.

“The financial consequences to the downtown corridor are a running calculation that is almost impossible to wrap your mind around,” he added, going on to say that one company already has said that the riots have cost $20 million in damage and lost business.

Gov. Kim Reynolds signs executive order restoring felon voting rights, removing Iowa’s last-in-the-nation status

Gov. Kim Reynolds signs executive order restoring felon voting rights, removing Iowa’s last-in-the-nation status. Here’s your RINO governor of the day who caves to pressure from BLM. Talk about trying to throw an election.

Petition for election to recall Mayor Jenny Durkan can move forward, judge says

Petition for election to recall Mayor Jenny Durkan can move forward, judge says. The Summer of Love has turned into the Summer of Discontent.

The Durkan petitioners’ recall effort, known online as the “Fire the Mayor” campaign, accuses the mayor of “endanger[ing] the peace and safety of the community” by allowing police to “leak false information about fabricated crimes and threats to the media” and issuing a citywide curfew without sufficient notice to the public. The petitioners also accused Durkan of restricting certain property rights in downtown Seattle and Capitol Hill, the neighborhood where many of the protests took place.

“Jenny Durkan’s abuses of power, lack of foresight and failure to protect the public — and the peace — in Seattle leaves us with no choice,” petitioner Elliott Harvey wrote in a statement on the campaign’s website. “This is exactly the kind of case a recall is intended to address.”

Atlanta Armed ‘Black Panther’ Marchers Were Actors Dressed in Costumes

Atlanta Armed ‘Black Panther’ Marchers Were Actors Dressed in Costumes. The MSM, police, and the government sucked right in on it.

A group of Atlanta-area models and actors dressed as Black Panthers pose for a photo on the Decatur Square after a march and rally Wednesday afternoon, June 3, 2020. Members of the group say their intent was genuine, even if the outfits weren’t.

REPORT: Fed Agency Committed ‘Militaristic’ Operation Against Nevada Rancher

REPORT: Fed Agency Committed ‘Militaristic’ Operation Against Nevada Rancher. Let’s not forget the FBI murdering Lavoy Finnecum in Oregon.

Wooten’s 18-page report discussed some of what he witnessed during his three-year investigation, such as a BLM agent’s “kill list” featuring people who had committed suicide while under investigation by the agency, BLM agents and officials referring to the Bundys as “retards” and “douche bags,” agents bragging about “grinding” a Bundy family member’s face into gravel, and lead prosecutor and Nevada’s acting U.S. Attorney Steve Myhre’s “preferred ignorance” of investigation details that would benefit the Bundys’ defense case.

Former Special Agent Dan Love, who was in charge of impounding Cliven Bundy’s cattle in 2014, conducted “the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale and militaristic trespass cattle impound possible” against Bundy’s ranch against the direction of the U.S. attorney’s office, according to Wooten. The Bundy’s defense strategy accuses the BLM of using overly-aggressive and threatening tactics.


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