American Airlines allows crew to wear ‘BLM’ pin, sparking backlash from some members

American Airlines allows crew to wear ‘BLM’ pin, sparking backlash from some members. American will soon need a  “get woke go broke” pin. Perhaps they should file for bankruptcy now and get ahead of things.

But the announcement has prompted pushback from some of American’s staffers who have relatives who are police officers and view BLM as an anti-police movement.

“I take offense to this,” one flight attendant said to airline management in an email obtained by The New York Post. “Serious offense. My husband is a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), as was my deceased father and as far as I’m concerned ALL LIVES MATTER.”

“I am completely disgusted at the fact that we can’t show support for our GOD, our COUNTRY, our LEOs but when it comes to BLM organization (which is controversial in itself), American Airlines says that’s obviously different,” she wrote. “How is that right? Well, I don’t feel included.”

Another flight attendant who spoke to Fox News said that if the BLM pins are allowed, then they will be wearing their Trump pin to show support for the commander-in-chief.

Author: CO2Insanity

Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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