Valerie Jarrett says Fox News is biased, but MSNBC is…hey, how about those Phillies

This video clip has two newsworthy components. First, Valerie Jarrett attacked Fox News while being interviewed on CNN. Second, CNN’s Campbell Brown actually had the integrity to call her on it.

This video clip has two newsworthy components. First, Valerie Jarrett attacked Fox News while being interviewed on CNN. Second, CNN’s Campbell Brown actually had the integrity to call her on it.

Brown: Do you think Fox News is biased?

Jarrett: Of course they’re biased. (laughs)

Brown: Well, do you also think MSNBC is biased?

Jarrett: Well, you know what? This is…this is the thing. I don’t want to generalize and say Fox is biased or another station is biased. I think what we want to do is to look at it on a case-by-case basis. And when we see a pattern of distorition, were going to be honest about that pattern of distortion.

Brown: But you only see that at Fox News. That’s all that you’ve spoken out about.

Jarrett: That’s actually not true.

Well, yes, Ms. Jarret, that actually is true. Fox is the only network you’ve criticized and the only one you’re likely to criticize. Criticizing MSNBC would be like eating your own young.

Kudos to Campbell Brown. The “are you friggin’ kidding me” look on her face during the interview pretty much says it all.


CNN’s new strategy: “Hey, nobody watches us so let’s attack the people they do watch.”

Ratings-challenged Campbell Brown reported on the feud between Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann and actually mentioned that their ratings handily top hers.

CNN has fallen to a miserable third in the cable news ratings and they seem to have adopted a very strange strategy to win viewers back: Reporting how they’re getting their asses kicked.

Ratings-challenged Campbell Brown reported on the feud between Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann and actually mentioned the fact that their ratings handily top hers. (She neglected to mention Nancy Grace’s program on HLN also hands Campbell her ass on a platter during the 8 p.m. hour.)
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Campbell Brown returns to CNN, acknowledges bias and bull

Campbell Brown: No bias or mo' bias?
Campbell Brown: No bias or mo' bias?

Campbell Brown came back to CNN on Monday following maternity leave. She looked the same, but her show looked different. They retooled it while she was gone. And they dropped “No Bias, No Bull” from the title.

We assume that by dropping “No Bias, No Bull” CNN is merely acknowledging the huge role bias and bull have always played in the program.

We’d have an alternate title: Campbell Brown: Mo’ Bias, Mo’ Bull.

Source: TVNewser

CNN attacks Obama. Get me the smelling salts! almighty, hell hath frozen over. Campbell Brown, CNN news anchor, actually attacked the hypocrisy of the new Obama administration.

Here’s the background. Obama announced strict new rules banning lobbyists from his administration. Two days, he attempted to suspend those rules in order to appoint lobbyist William Lynn as Deputy Defense Secretary.

Brown said: “Really? Is this how it’s going to be? Please, please don’t make us all any more cynical than we already are, Mr. President. If you have no intention of abiding by your new rules, then don’t make new rules. That would be actual transparency.”

We appreciate Campbell’s candor and unbiased reporting. But Campbell, honey, we suggest you polish up your resume, because those comments will not sit well with the powers at CNN.

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