Inexplicable Photo Caption Contest IV

We haven’t had an Inexplicable Photo Caption Contest in a few months, but we’re doing it now because this photo just screams out for one.

We haven’t had an Inexplicable Photo Caption Contest in a few months, but we’re doing it now because this photo just screams out for one.

No prizes. No winners. Just the warm inner glow you get when you know you’ve come up with a funny caption to accompany a photo of Michelle Obama sticking her tongue out at Desmond Tutu while they both appear to be doing push ups.

Make ’em funny or don’t make ’em at all.


Announcing the Harry Reid Cowboy Limerick Contest

In honor of the Nevada Democrat and the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, we want you to put on your ten-gallon thinking caps and write a Harry Reid Cowboy Limerick.


Congratulations to Mic Tienken for this winning entry:

There once was a cowboy named Reid

Who’s nanny state filled every need

Till they ran out of money

And it wasn’t too funny

When he found out that rocks just don’t bleed

Our odds of surviving this fiscal crisis are lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut (nice western imagery, huh?), but Harry Reid can’t find a single thing to cut from the federal budget. Not even funding for a cowboy poetry festival in Elko, Nevada.

So in honor of the Nevada Democrat and the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, we want you to put on your ten-gallon thinking caps and write a Harry Reid Cowboy Limerick.
Continue reading “Announcing the Harry Reid Cowboy Limerick Contest”

It’s Inexplicable Photo Caption Contest Time: Part III

It’s been a few of weeks since we’ve done one of these inexplicable photo caption contests. Have fun.

It’s been a few of weeks since we’ve done one of these inexplicable photo caption contests.

The same rules apply: No prizes, but make ’em funny or the Administrator will come over to your house and force you to watch his special “Keith Olbermann: The MSNBC Years” DVD.


Win $100 trillion from

To celebrate our second anniversary, is giving one lucky person $100 trillion. This is absolutely legit.

And the winner is …

We had a lot of funny entries. Of course, some of you do not understand the concept of “10 words or less,” but that’s a different issue.

Naturally, the Administrator and the Editor could not agree on a winner. Our first thought was to determine the winner using the progressive Democrat method and waiting to see who offered us the most money. But in the end, we took our four favorites and put them in Obama the office cat’s dish and had Mrs. Editor pick one at random.

3rd runner-up: Sidney Harmon and his almost winning entry was “I’d buy Newsweek. Twice.”

2nd runner-up: Road Warrior and his nearly winning entry was “I’d share it with Obama’s brother. Obama won’t help him.”

1st runner up: who will serve as the winner if for any reason the winner is unable to fulfill his duties, is Machogwapo and his entry was “I will get my 150 million USD inheritance from Nigeria.”

And the winner of a brand new, uncirculated $100 trillion Zimbabwean note is: Neo Bonbon. His winning entry was, “Used as a bookmark in Obama’s ‘Dreams From My Father.'”

Just our luck. If we’re not mistaken Neo BonBon lives in Costa Rica and the cost of damn postage will be more than the value of the $100 trillion.

To celebrate our second anniversary, is giving one lucky person $100 trillion.

This is absolutely legit. To enter just leave a comment at the bottom of this story telling us – IN TEN WORDS OR LESS – what you’d do with this crisp, new, authentic $100 trillion bill if you win it. We’ll pick the answer we like best. The judges decision is final. Deadline for entries is midnight PST, Friday, January 27, 1011 2011. Blah, blah, blah.

You can win $100 trillion in authentic, spendable currency from

In interest of full disclosure, we suppose we should reveal that it’s $100 trillion in authentic, official Zimbabwean currency and worth only about two bucks in American money.

Consider this $100 trillion bill a brutal object lesson in what can happen if our government turns on the printing presses in an attempt to inflate its way out of the economic problems its own policies have caused.

Hyperinflation is an uncontrollable genie that must never be allowed out of the bottle. It didn’t work for Germany’s Weimar Republic. It didn’t work for Argentina. It didn’t work for Brazil. It didn’t work for Zimbabwe. It’s never worked for any country and it won’t work for us. Instead of solving problems, it causes the rapid disintegration of an economy and, potentially, an entire society.

FDR said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” President Obama’s mantra is, “Zimbabwe today, America tomorrow.”

But follow Roosevelt and fear not. If you’re the winner of our giveaway, at least you’ll have $100 trillion to buy yourself a cup of coffee down at Starbuck’s.

Here are a couple videos that may just scare the hell out of you while you’re waiting to find out if you’re the winner.

And here’s a chart that shows what’s already happened to the American dollar before hyperinflation has even begun. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


Deadline for entries is midnight PST, Friday, January 27, 1011. Limit one entry per person.

Let’s celebrate the elections with free Slurpees for everyone

It’s not every day your team wins a landslide victory. So let’s celebrate. To commemorate President Obama’s 25th reference to “Republicans are sippin’ Slurpees,” is giving away Slurpees to 25 lucky winners.

Obama slurpee contest
Hey, these things cost $1.89 down at our local 7-Eleven, so 25 of them damn near depletes our annual promotional budget

It’s not every day your team wins a landslide victory. So let’s celebrate.

To commemorate the Republican’s Tuesday Tsunami and President Obama’s 25th reference to “Republicans are sippin’ Slurpees,” is giving away Slurpees to 25 lucky winners.

A reporter even asked the President about Slurpees in today’s post-election press conference. So let’s strike while the subject is hot and the slushy, icy drinks are cold.

It’s easy to win one of 25 Slurpees. Just submit your entry in a comment on this post. Tell us in 25 words or less what you liked most about Tuesday’s elections. Contest ends midnight (PST) November 12, 2010.

This ain’t no liberal contest, so creativity and cleverness will get you extra points.

Please, only contest entries allowed in comments; sorry, but we’ll have to delete anything else.

Source: CBS News

Fabio’s high school graduation photo. What? That’s not Fabio?

A tip of the IHTM hat to the first person who correctly identifies the lovely young woman in this photo. Don’t answer if you already know. We’re looking for answers from people who haven’t seen this photo somewhere else and want to take a guess.

Rachel Maddow young


A tip of the IHTM hat to the first person who correctly identifies the lovely young woman in this photo.

Don’t answer if you already know. We’re looking for answers from people who haven’t seen this photo somewhere else and want to take a guess.

“Limericks for the Next 1,361 Days” Contest

The winners have been announced in the article Top 10 Obama Administration limericks.

1,361 days to go. In the immortal words of Edgar Allen Poe, "Nevermore."
1,361 days to go. In the immortal words of Edgar Allen Poe, "Nevermore."

We read the Huffington Post every day just looking for classic stuff like this: a website called, “Starting Today: Poems for the First 100 Days.”

The website says, “The day before the inauguration we sent out a call to poets we admire to write poems that respond, however loosely, to the presidency, the nation, the government or the current political climate. More than one hundred American poets responded immediately. The first 100 poets were each assigned one of President Obama’s first hundred days in office, and each will write a poem reflecting on the state of the nation and the world on that day. A new poem is posted every day.” Continue reading ““Limericks for the Next 1,361 Days” Contest”

Larry King vs Ashton Kutcher. Wake us up when it’s over.

Ditzy actor/producer/boytoy Ashton Kutcher is now competing with CNN for 1,000,000 followers on Twitter. It’s a death match.

“I find it astonishing that one person can actually have as big of a voice online as what an entire media company can on Twitter,” Kutcher said. “I just thought that was kind of an amazing comment on the state of our media.” “Are you kidding,” asked CNN’s Larry King. “Do you think you can take on an entire network? Do you know how big we are? Do you know what CNN is? Kutcher, you’re playing out of your field. You’re in another time zone. This ain’t gonna work. CNN will bury you!”

Two thoughts:

First, who in their right mind would want to follow either of these boneheads? Second, can you remember a phonier, more obviously-rehearsed publicity stunt?

But what the hell. If it works, it works. We officially challenge to see which of us can be first to get 5,000 Twitter followers. Are you with us or against us? Hey, they’re ten times older and ten times bigger, but we hope our dedicated viewers will get behind us and push us over the top. Go”


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