Diane Sawyer asks Nancy Pelosi “Will the debt deal hurt real people?”

No, Diane, real people will not be hurt most. That sad fate will fall to robots, mannequins and the audio-animatronic Mr. Lincoln at Disneyland.

No, Diane, real people will not be hurt most. That sad fate will fall to robots, mannequins and the audio-animatronic Mr. Lincoln at Disneyland.

Where do they find these people? Is there a liberal laboratory where they are trained to ask the most inane questions imaginable? Is there an Interview 101 class where they learn to look sincere and act like morons?

With no further delay, we proudly present Diane Sawyer’s latest moment of absurdity.

Alert the death panel: Network newscasts lose another 1,000,000 viewers per night

Next time you hear one of the TV networks brag that they have “the number one rated newscast in America”, please be aware that it’s like saying you’re the fattest girl at the bulimics’ convention.


Next time you hear one of the TV networks brag that they have “the number one rated newscast in America”, please be aware that it’s like saying you’re the fattest girl at the bulimics’ convention.

MediaBistro.com has the disastrous details:

Even as the oil continues to gush from the sea floor, and the networks shuttle their anchors to points along the Gulf coast, NBC Nightly News, ABC World News and the CBS Evening News continue to lose viewers. All three broadcasts were down in Q2 2010 compared to the same period last year.

In numbers released today, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams lost -440,000 viewers (-140k in A25-54 demo) compared to Q2 2009. ABC’s World News with Diane Sawyer lost -260,000 viewers (-80k demo) (Charlie Gibson was anchor in 2009). The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric lost the most, based on a percentage, losing -340,000 viewers (30k demo) compared to Q2 2009. ABC and CBS were also down when Q2 2008 is compared to Q2 2009.

And yet Fox News ratings just keep going up. Hmmmm. How can it be explained?

Source: MediaBistro.com

TV triplets bid $2,000,000 for octuplet story

photo by WoodlyWonderworks
photo by WoodlyWonderworks

Yes, we hate the media. With a passion. And this story demonstrates why.

Television’s talk triplets — Oprah Winfrey, ABC’s Diane Sawyer, and CBS’ Katie Couric — are reportedly involved in fierce negotiations for the first interview with Nadya Suleman. Her price tag is reportedly $2 million.

Of course, Suleman’s the wacky 33-year old California woman who recently gave birth to octuplets and is now the mother of 14 children under the age of 8.

No further comment necessary.

ABC doesn’t know Blago’s a democrat

Question One: How many segments did ABC’s “Good Morning, America” devote to scandal-plagued Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich?

Answer One: Not one, not two, not three, but four segments.

Question Two: How many times did they mention his party affiliation?

Answer Two: Not four, not three, not two, not one, but zero times.

“Good Morning, America” spent nearly 20 minutes on this piece of human detritus. Yet no one ever saw fit to mention his party affiliation.

But Diane Sawyer did come very close to asking for the name and number of his hair stylist.

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