Celebrating ObamaCare at the White House

You’ve probably heard that the Democrats went out and celebrated their ObamaCare victory until the wee hours of the morning. Here’s an exclusive look at what that party looked like.

Obama Administration Healthcare Bill Party

You’ve probably heard that the Democrats went out and celebrated their ObamaCare victory until the wee hours of the morning. Here’s an exclusive look at what that party looked like.

Click image for a larger view. This iMaksim.com guy is a PhotoShop genius.

Update: Just saw that you can buy this image in a poster at the artist’s store.

Source: iMaksim.com

Now they’re going to spend $117,000 to study party drugs in Brazil. Yes, Brazil.

Ecstasy. That's what it's called when the government pays you to study party drugs in Brazil.
Ecstasy. That's what it's called when the government pays you to study party drugs in Brazil.

First it was $400,000 to study gay drinking and sex habits in Argentina. Then it was $2.6 million to study the drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes. And now they’re going to spend $117,000 to study the use of “party drugs” in Brazil.

CSNnews.com reports that, “The National Institutes of Health is studying the use of ecstasy, LSD and other ‘party drugs’ in Porto Alegre, Brazil, with a $117,876 investment from taxpayers. According to an NIH summary of the grant, ‘The topic is interesting and the data will be useful to understand the emerging problem of club drugs and raves in Brazil.’

Looks like college professors have figured out how to get the government to fund their kinky foreign vacations.

So we’re thinking of studying the sex habits of middle-aged men in Bora Bora. We figure it should cost about a quarter mil. Anybody know where to get the application forms?

Source: CNSnews.com

The White House is on, but nobody’s home

white_house_darkOutsourcing must be hitting the news media hard. Because you have to go overseas to get any critical or even objective reporting on the Obama administration.

The Daily Mail’s Don Surber is anything but chuffed with The One’s work habits: “Barack Obama is too busy posing for magazine covers to actually do the job to which he was elected.

“There is a price to be paid when a president throws a party every other night, weekends in Chicago or Camp David and poses for magazine cover after magazine cover.

“After 51 days in office, Barack Obama has appointed only 73 people to 1,200 jobs that require Senate confirmation.”

The London Independent reported: “Last week, it was all smiles and handshakes as Gordon Brown and President Barack Obama put on a show of unity in Washington.

“But yesterday, Sir Gus O’Donnell, Britain’s most senior civil servant, exposed transatlantic tension when he protested that Downing Street was finding it ‘unbelievably difficult’ to plan for next month’s G20 summit in London because of problems tracking down senior figures in the US administration. ‘There is nobody there. You cannot believe how difficult it is,’ the Cabinet Secretary told a civil service conference in Gateshead.”

Since the White House seems to be having so much trouble finding enough people to answer the phones, maybe Michelle Obama could invite over some of those homeless people from the soup kitchen. They already know how to work cell phones pretty well.

Chris Matthews doesn’t want the Democrat Party to be called the Democrat Party

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR7MphuhEwcChris Matthews is a very sensitive man. He cares about the feelings of others. Especially when the others are Democrats.

In the middle of Thursday night’s Hardball program, Matthews interrupted California Congressman Darrell Issa’s comments on the administration’s massive budget deficit to complain that Issa had referred to the opposition as “the Democrat Party.”

“I think the Democratic Party calls itself the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party,” Matthews raged. “Do we have to do this every night? Why do people talk like this? Is this just fighting words? They call themselves the Democratic Party. Let’s just call people what they call themselves and stop the Mickey Mouse here. Save that for the stump.”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEVmAbxC14gBased on that faulty logic, if Matthews were discussing rap music, he would refer to African-Americans as “niggas” like so many rap artists do. That would be, as Matthews requested, just calling people what they call themselves.

Matthews might want to re-think this concept.

WARNING: The Richard Pryor video contains obscenities. But what the hell, it’s Richard Pryor. What do you expect?

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