Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP

Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP. Democrats, there’s no need to vote in primaries or caucus. Salon has made the decision for you.

Salon.com gets some nookie, immediately apologizes

Salon was embarrassed for having used the word nookie. But we suspect the embarrassment wasn’t for using an inappropriate word, but for using one that’s been tragically unhip since about 1973.

We can't complete this caption because we've gone blind.

We love a site called RegretTheError.com. It highlights corrections and retractions from newspapers, magazines and websites from around the world.

Like this one, for example, from the digital pages of Salon.com:

The June 16 Broadsheet post “Study: Fat Women Starved of Sex” originally stated that “obese men had just as much nookie as average guys.” It should have read, “obese men were just as likely to have had a sexual partner in the last 12 months as average guys.”

Salon was embarrassed for having used the word nookie. But we suspect the embarrassment wasn’t for using an inappropriate word, but for using one that’s been tragically unhip since about 1973.

NOTE: The phrase “tragically unhip” has been tragically unhip since about 1986. Please accept our apologies.

Source: RegretTheError.com

Leftist just can’t think of any extremists on the left. None. Not a one.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, sat at the eye of a hurricane on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Tuesday. Walsh was shocked – shocked, we tell you – that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski thought there were any extreme voices on the left.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, sat at the eye of a hurricane on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Tuesday. Walsh was shocked – shocked, we tell you – that Mika and Joe thought there were any extreme voices on the left.

It was so inane that Mika, who’s never been accused of being a conservative, went into an impromptu impression of Walsh feigning ignorance.

No vitriol-spewing leftists in the media, Joan? Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s never listened to Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo…

Care to give Ms. Walsh any other suggestions?

F/T: NewsBusters.org

Salon.com admits obvious: “The new Great Communicator…isn’t.”

Ahhhh, excuse us while we sit back, put our feet up on the footstool and eat bonbons while we laugh our asses off.

OK, we’re back now.

A story by Joan Walsh at Salon.com last week said, “Obama is stumbling in the stimulus debate — and public support is dropping — because for 30 years Republicans have lied about the role of government. Now he’s got to tell the truth.”

That’s right. Obama is flailing around like an inmate in a straight jacket because Republicans lied. Because big government is good. Because taxes aren’t high enough.

Admittedly, we merely skimmed the article. Does anyone know if it mentions Democrats deserting Obama like rats off a sinking ship? Or the series of ethical lapses unmatched in the early days of any administration? Or the rhetoric not matching the reality?

This story really upsets us. Because hate it when other writers are funnier than we are.

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