And the winner of MSNBC’s “Most Influential Person of the 21st Century” is … (no drumroll necessary, remember, it’s MSNBC)

We just finished viewing what may very well be the most banal hour of television produced in 2010: n MSNBC special called “Joe and Mika’s Countdown to the Most Influential American in the 21st Century.”

We just finished viewing what may very well be the most banal hour of television produced in 2010, more mind-numbing than a Kardashian/Jersey Shore marathon and a full season’s worth of Olbermann Special Comments combined.

It was an MSNBC special called “Joe and Mika’s Countdown to the Most Influential American in the 21st Century.”

Do we have to tell you who the winner is? No. Of course not. With all the Obama-butt kissing that goes on at this network you have to assume that these people buy their Chapstick by the case.

Does it matter that we are only ten years into the century? No. Not to MSNBC. No matter what earthshaking events may transpire over the next ninety years they would still choose Obama, displaying the same lack of dignity and shame one expects from a Nobel Peace Prize Committee.

While it’s a certainty the overwhelming number of Americans do not agree with the network’s pick, there is one point we are confident everyone can all agree on – Mika’s legs should never been shown on TV again. Not, that is, until sometime later this year when MSNBC decides to give an award for “Worst Legs of the 21st Century.”

If you own 3-D glasses do NOT put them on before viewing the attached clip! Trust us, you don’t want to be any closer than you have to be. We call on the FCC to mandate MSNBC to require Mika to wear long pants only from now on. Or that they mandate a modesty panel be installed between Mika and the camera just in case anyone accidentally stumbles onto their network again. Good lord, man, think of the children.

Mercifully, the show lasted only one hour, at which time MSNBC programming switched over to its only show that garners decent ratings – “Lockup.”

Tonight’s episode features sex offenders, as opposed to the Mika and Joe Show, which merely featured human intelligence offenders.

WARNING: The following video clip contains graphic images that are not suitable for children nor man nor beast – Mika’s Mxyzptlk’s legs!

– Written by Sonny Palermo

Ministry of Propaganda strikes again: Mika admits she’s working with the White House

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski revealed on the air that she has a direct line to the White House, making it far easier for the network to get quotes from the Ministry of Propaganda.

This must have been one of the proudest moments in the brief, dark history of MSNBC. The network’s morning co-host revealed on the air that she has a direct line to the White House, making it far easier for the network to get quotes from the Ministry of Propaganda.

Continue reading “Ministry of Propaganda strikes again: Mika admits she’s working with the White House”

Like a deer caught in the headlines: Time’s editor doesn’t know who Joe Sestak is

Here is a candid moment on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show when Mika Mxyzptlk asked Time editor Rick Stengel if the magazine’s latest issue would cover the Joe Sestak story.

There’s nothing more revealing than those candid moments when libs are caught with his pants down (no Barney Frank reference intended).

In this case, we’re referring to the candid moment on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show when Mika Mxyzptlk asked Time editor Rick Stengel if the magazine’s latest issue would cover the Joe Sestak story.

Stengel was baffled. He stuttered. He stammered. He tried to fake it until Mika cattle prodded the inner recesses of his mind by saying, “The Sestak controversy. Joe Sestak.”

“Oh, Sestak.” Stengel said. “No. No. There is not. There is not.”

Time isn’t interested in this story. And you shouldn’t be, either. Barack Obama said so.

Leftist just can’t think of any extremists on the left. None. Not a one.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, sat at the eye of a hurricane on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Tuesday. Walsh was shocked – shocked, we tell you – that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski thought there were any extreme voices on the left.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, sat at the eye of a hurricane on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Tuesday. Walsh was shocked – shocked, we tell you – that Mika and Joe thought there were any extreme voices on the left.

It was so inane that Mika, who’s never been accused of being a conservative, went into an impromptu impression of Walsh feigning ignorance.

No vitriol-spewing leftists in the media, Joan? Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s never listened to Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo…

Care to give Ms. Walsh any other suggestions?


Morning Joe replaces Red Eye as the funniest program on television

Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of the Morning Joe show on MSNBC is one seriously funny chick. As a result of her hilarious ad libs, Morning Joe is giving Red Eye some serious competition in the comedy department.

Don’t miss the comedy stylings of Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of the Morning Joe show

Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of the Morning Joe show on MSNBC is one seriously funny chick. As a result of her hilarious ad libs, Morning Joe is giving Red Eye some serious competition in the comedy department.

NewsBusters reports the hilarity:

Shortly after 8:00 a.m. on Monday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC, noting that it was President’s Day, host Joe Scarborough asked the day’s panel members who was their favorite President. After the first two guests named Abraham Lincoln, to which co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed, she then announced her admiration for Jimmy Carter’s post-presidential activities calling him her “favorite former President.” She went on to call him the “best former President we’ve ever had,” prompting Scarborough to quip, “You should be paid.”

After Willie Geist poked fun at Brzezinski by declaring that Jimmy Carter was the best President because of “his bravery against that killer rabbit in Plains, Georgia,” Brzezinski sulked: “Stop mocking him.”

C’mon, man, praise for Jimmy Carter is gut-busting funny. She’s funnier than Chris Rock and Robin Williams put together. Of course, Chris Rock and Robin Williams haven’t been funny in years, so that comparison is really unfair to MSNBC’s new queen of comedy.


Mika gets marching orders from the White House while she’s on the air

Since MSNBC is a real news organization – unlike Fox – it’s only natural that the White House should email Mika while she was on the air on Morning Joe.

Remind us again. Isn’t Mika the daughter of Mr. Mxyzptlk, Superman’s enemy from another dimension? But we digress.

Since MSNBC is a real news organization – unlike Fox – it’s only natural that the White House should email Mika Brzezinski while she was on the air.

And voila! Mika rolled over and played dead and delivered the White House’s talking points exactly as they had requested.

“The White House did just e-mail saying that interaction with Jake Tapper was not heated…”

Anita Dunn then placed a biscuit on Mika’s nose, where she obediently let it sit until she was given permission to eat it.

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