“A president that cannot control 45 backbenchers in the opposing party .. is too weak to be president”

Joe Scarborough may be a jack Republican, but he occasionally suffers flashbacks to his life before MSNBC and inexplicably sounds like a conservative. Or at least a realist.

Joe Scarborough may be a jack Republican, but he occasionally suffers flashbacks to his life before MSNBC and inexplicably sounds like a conservative. Or at least a realist.

Enjoy this moment of clarity:

Joe: A president that cannot control 45 backbenchers in the opposing Party in the House of Representatives is too weak to be President of the United States. It is that simple. Lyndon Johnson would have eaten these people up for breakfast and spit them out before lunch.
Mika: Okay. These people though are the very people that I think don’t care…
Joe: Ronald Reagan wouldn’t put up, I mean, a strong leader doesn’t put up with it.
Mika: …about…
Joe: It doesn’t matter whether they care or not. You make them irrelevant to the process if you’re strong enough to do that.

You’re forgiven if you made the mistake of thinking that an experienced community organizer would have done a better job organizing the opposition.

Joe Scarborough reveals the obvious: Democrats secretly admit Obama’s no leader

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough says that Democrats secretly admit to something Republicans already knew – Barack Obama is to leader as Leona Helmsley is to generosity.

Does it qualify as news if it’s something that everyone already knows? In this case, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough says that Democrats secretly admit to something Republicans already knew – Barack Obama is to leader as Leona Helmsley is to generosity.

“I have got to clear this up. Mika heard two days ago on Capitol Hill Democrats all saying the same thing. And that is, this president has been invisible, he is not a leader. They said this all behind closed doors. Democratic leaders, Democratic rank-and-file. In fact, 40, 50 of the most powerful Democrats on the Hill. I will just stop right there. The complaints were all the same. The president has vanished. He has left us here alone again like he did with health care. Where is he? Now, they didn’t call him a loser, but they sure as hell didn’t call him a leader.”

As we used to say in high school, “No shit, Sherlock. Where’d you get your first clue?”


Source: Real Clear Politics

And the winner of MSNBC’s “Most Influential Person of the 21st Century” is … (no drumroll necessary, remember, it’s MSNBC)

We just finished viewing what may very well be the most banal hour of television produced in 2010: n MSNBC special called “Joe and Mika’s Countdown to the Most Influential American in the 21st Century.”

We just finished viewing what may very well be the most banal hour of television produced in 2010, more mind-numbing than a Kardashian/Jersey Shore marathon and a full season’s worth of Olbermann Special Comments combined.

It was an MSNBC special called “Joe and Mika’s Countdown to the Most Influential American in the 21st Century.”

Do we have to tell you who the winner is? No. Of course not. With all the Obama-butt kissing that goes on at this network you have to assume that these people buy their Chapstick by the case.

Does it matter that we are only ten years into the century? No. Not to MSNBC. No matter what earthshaking events may transpire over the next ninety years they would still choose Obama, displaying the same lack of dignity and shame one expects from a Nobel Peace Prize Committee.

While it’s a certainty the overwhelming number of Americans do not agree with the network’s pick, there is one point we are confident everyone can all agree on – Mika’s legs should never been shown on TV again. Not, that is, until sometime later this year when MSNBC decides to give an award for “Worst Legs of the 21st Century.”

If you own 3-D glasses do NOT put them on before viewing the attached clip! Trust us, you don’t want to be any closer than you have to be. We call on the FCC to mandate MSNBC to require Mika to wear long pants only from now on. Or that they mandate a modesty panel be installed between Mika and the camera just in case anyone accidentally stumbles onto their network again. Good lord, man, think of the children.

Mercifully, the show lasted only one hour, at which time MSNBC programming switched over to its only show that garners decent ratings – “Lockup.”

Tonight’s episode features sex offenders, as opposed to the Mika and Joe Show, which merely featured human intelligence offenders.

WARNING: The following video clip contains graphic images that are not suitable for children nor man nor beast – Mika’s Mxyzptlk’s legs!

– Written by Sonny Palermo

Somebody get the smelling salts: MSNBC just admitted Obama is incompetent

Joe Scarborough speaks the unspeakable on MSNBC and admits that senior Democrat senators, committee chairmen even, have personally told him that they think Obama is incompetent.

This one has us a little weak kneed. A little dizzy. A little overwhelmed. We do believe we have the vapors.

Joe Scarborough speaks the unspeakable on MSNBC and admits that senior Democrat senators, committee chairmen even, have personally told him that they think Obama is incompetent.

Mika, of course, is horrified by this revelation and attempts to shift the subject to a completely unrelated subject.

Joe will have none of it.

H/T: Moonbattery.com

Joe Scarborough rants, “We’re screwed if this administration is afraid of a guy with a chalkboard.”

Joe Scarborough laughs that if the Obama administration is afraid of Glenn Beck, a mere cable TV show host, we are in big trouble.

Joe rants. Joe raves. Joe actually makes us laugh with him instead of at him. And that may be a first.

His point? If the Obama administration is afraid of Glenn Beck, a mere cable TV show host, we are in big trouble.

Unfortunately, Joe is correct on both counts.

Ministry of Propaganda strikes again: Mika admits she’s working with the White House

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski revealed on the air that she has a direct line to the White House, making it far easier for the network to get quotes from the Ministry of Propaganda.

This must have been one of the proudest moments in the brief, dark history of MSNBC. The network’s morning co-host revealed on the air that she has a direct line to the White House, making it far easier for the network to get quotes from the Ministry of Propaganda.

Continue reading “Ministry of Propaganda strikes again: Mika admits she’s working with the White House”

Leftist just can’t think of any extremists on the left. None. Not a one.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, sat at the eye of a hurricane on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Tuesday. Walsh was shocked – shocked, we tell you – that Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski thought there were any extreme voices on the left.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, sat at the eye of a hurricane on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show on Tuesday. Walsh was shocked – shocked, we tell you – that Mika and Joe thought there were any extreme voices on the left.

It was so inane that Mika, who’s never been accused of being a conservative, went into an impromptu impression of Walsh feigning ignorance.

No vitriol-spewing leftists in the media, Joan? Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s never listened to Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo…

Care to give Ms. Walsh any other suggestions?

F/T: NewsBusters.org

Scarborough and Giuliani tag team Huffington

You know what? We’re not even going to bother with a transcript on this one. It’s just so damn much fun to watch that you should invest the 5:46 and watch the whole thing.

You know what? We’re not even going to bother with a transcript on this one. It’s just so damn much fun to watch that you should invest the 5:46 and watch the whole thing.

Then pause for another minute or so to imagine how this clip is making the lunatics’ hair stand on end at the Huffington Post.

Fox makes news, MSNBC reports it

Such is the dwindling stature of MSNBC that they’ve taken to reporting events that occur on Fox.

For example, MSNBC’s Morning Joe show devoted an entire segment to Glenn Beck’s interview with disgraced Democrat Congressman Eric Massa. And it was surprisingly even-handed.

Such is the dwindling stature of MSNBC that they’ve taken to reporting events that occur on Fox.

For example, MSNBC’s Morning Joe show devoted an entire segment to Glenn Beck’s interview with disgraced Democrat Congressman Eric Massa. And it was surprisingly even-handed.

“Let me tell you something,” said Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough. “[Beck] was not on his heels. He just, he played straight man and Donny Deutsch, he was, he did it very, very well.

Deutsch agreed saying, “Beck actually helped his brand a lot because he went from the crazy idiot to kind of a good interviewer. You know what I mean? And you know, you couldn’t help but not enjoy Glenn Beck yesterday, speaking from the extreme left.”

First of all, Deutsch doesn’t have to tell us he speaks from the extreme left because he’s a regular guest on MSNBC, so that’s just understood.

Second, nobody knows brands better than former ad genius Deutsch. So when he says Beck helped his brand, you know it’s true.

And third, well, we don’t really have a third point, but we needed to fill a little more space at the bottom of this story.

H/t: NewsBusters.org

Morning Joe replaces Red Eye as the funniest program on television

Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of the Morning Joe show on MSNBC is one seriously funny chick. As a result of her hilarious ad libs, Morning Joe is giving Red Eye some serious competition in the comedy department.

Don’t miss the comedy stylings of Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of the Morning Joe show

Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of the Morning Joe show on MSNBC is one seriously funny chick. As a result of her hilarious ad libs, Morning Joe is giving Red Eye some serious competition in the comedy department.

NewsBusters reports the hilarity:

Shortly after 8:00 a.m. on Monday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC, noting that it was President’s Day, host Joe Scarborough asked the day’s panel members who was their favorite President. After the first two guests named Abraham Lincoln, to which co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed, she then announced her admiration for Jimmy Carter’s post-presidential activities calling him her “favorite former President.” She went on to call him the “best former President we’ve ever had,” prompting Scarborough to quip, “You should be paid.”

After Willie Geist poked fun at Brzezinski by declaring that Jimmy Carter was the best President because of “his bravery against that killer rabbit in Plains, Georgia,” Brzezinski sulked: “Stop mocking him.”

C’mon, man, praise for Jimmy Carter is gut-busting funny. She’s funnier than Chris Rock and Robin Williams put together. Of course, Chris Rock and Robin Williams haven’t been funny in years, so that comparison is really unfair to MSNBC’s new queen of comedy.

Source: NewsBusters.org

You’ll never guess who wrote the latest left wing crappola in Newsweek

There’s nothing unusual about finding left wing crappola in Newsweek, so the article “Is The Tea Party Over?” hardly took us by surprise. Until we realized who wrote it.

Who is Newsweek's mysterious liberal writer?

There’s nothing unusual about finding left wing crappola in Newsweek, so the article “Is The Tea Party Over?” hardly took us by surprise.

It describes tea party members as “Veterans, deeply suspicious of the young liberal president and embittered, ironically, by Congress’s failure to keep its promise to give them government-run health care for life….gun-rights activists, who believed that their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was being put at risk by Barack Obama” and “The faces of talk-show fans, pushed into action by the apocalyptic warnings of personalities like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Those two right-wing talkers had spent the past year telling listeners that the Democratic president was a racist who somehow managed to find the time also to be a Nazi and a communist.”

Talk about your crazy left-wing journalists. This guy sounded as if he was channeling Janet Napolitano and her fear of ‘military veterans’ who are “deeply suspicious” of “the young liberal president.”

Imagine our shock to find out that the article was written by Joe Scarborough. You know the “conservative” guy on MSNBC’s Morning Joe show? Not sure how to break this to you Joe, but most conservatives really seem to like our veterans, thank you very much.

Joe says the tea-party movement, which “should be celebrating its Massachusetts miracle, the collapse of health-care reform, and the destruction of the Democrats’ filibuster-proof majority” is instead “at the very moment … at risk of tearing itself apart.”

Scarborough used the rest of the article to criticize Glenn Beck, which is apparently a part of any MSNBC anchor’s contract and also part of a contest among all anchors on the network each month to decide who gets the best parking spot.

We’re not blaming Scarborough for the loss of his mind to liberal bias. In addition to working at MSNBC, he also spent six years in Congress.

We suspect that the combination of the two is more than even the strongest mind can endure.

Source: Newsweek

– Written by Patrick Michael

Civil War at MSNBC: Joe Scarborough does hilarious impression of Keith Olbermann

It won’t be long before Captain Queeg Olbermann is storming around the deck complaining that Scarborough stole his strawberries.


It won’t be long before Captain Queeg Olbermann is storming around the deck complaining that Scarborough stole his strawberries. (Hey, c’mon, it’s a pop culture reference to Olbermann’s fragile mental state. Go rent The Caine Mutiny.)

Source: NewsBusters.org

Mika gets marching orders from the White House while she’s on the air

Since MSNBC is a real news organization – unlike Fox – it’s only natural that the White House should email Mika while she was on the air on Morning Joe.

Remind us again. Isn’t Mika the daughter of Mr. Mxyzptlk, Superman’s enemy from another dimension? But we digress.

Since MSNBC is a real news organization – unlike Fox – it’s only natural that the White House should email Mika Brzezinski while she was on the air.

And voila! Mika rolled over and played dead and delivered the White House’s talking points exactly as they had requested.

“The White House did just e-mail saying that interaction with Jake Tapper was not heated…”

Anita Dunn then placed a biscuit on Mika’s nose, where she obediently let it sit until she was given permission to eat it.

Cramer speaks the unspeakable: “Everybody wishes Obama would just kind of go away”

“Until we get the economy moving again,” Jim Cramer told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, “I think everybody just kind of wishes Obama would go away for a little bit.”

A New York Times poll showed that Americans are more concerned about deficits than stimulus. “Until we get the economy moving again,” Jim Cramer told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, “I think everybody just kind of wishes Obama would go away for a little bit.”

“I wish he’d go away with me,” fantasized MSNBC host Chris Matthews with a faraway look in his eyes.

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