Alec Baldwin charged with involuntary manslaughter in fatal ‘Rust’ shooting: district attorney

Alec Baldwin charged with involuntary manslaughter in fatal ‘Rust’ shooting: district attorney. Live ammunition on the set that shouldn’t have been there, ammunition not checked for live rounds (Why wasn’t the gun empty for practice scenes?), the mysterious single-action .45 that required no trigger pull, failed to hold in the full cock position and the safety notch failed, allowing it to fire.

Note: We have an old single-action (non-transfer bar) pistol. I just checked it. With the hammer back it holds unless the trigger is pulled. If you hold the hammer with your thumb, pull the trigger, quickly release the trigger and continue letting the hammer down the hammer is stopped by the safety notch unless the trigger is pulled. So, even if the hammer failed to engage the full cock notch and went down when released – if the trigger wasn’t pulled the safety notch should have stopped the hammer.

Draw your own conclusions. We suppose the gun could have been defective, which takes us back to: why was it on the set?

Here’s an update from Daily Mail with more details and it includes the FBI report.

Alec Baldwin was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Halyna Hutchins.

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, who was the armorer on the film ‘Rust,’ was also charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter.

Halls allegedly handed Baldwin a .45 revolver, telling him that it was “cold,” or safe. Prior to that, Gutierrez-Reed spun the cylinder to show Halls what was in the gun, her lawyer said.

Baldwin has maintained that he did not pull the trigger of the gun – once during a prime-time interview shortly following the deadly shooting and again on a podcast episode. The actor originally said he had pulled the hammer of the gun back as far as he could and released it, but did not pull the trigger.

Alec Baldwin frets: The financial crisis has “crippled” Obama and kept him from “doing any new spending”

You won’t believe this one. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) invited Alec Baldwin to Washington, DC to talk about campaign finance reform.

You won’t believe this one. Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) invited Alec Baldwin to Washington, DC to talk about campaign finance reform. (Unbeknownst to us, the actor has apparently developed an expertise on that subject in between screaming at his young daughter and shooting a ratings-challenged sitcom.)

Baldwin was asked if President Obama has lived up to his expectations. That’s when we learned that poor ol’ Obama just hasn’t been able to spend enough money.

CNS News reports Baldwin’s bizarre theory:

“Well, I mean, I think so because I think that when you come into office and you want to put your mark on things — this is just my opinion, when you want to put your mark on things, you want to be able to spend. And what’s crippled Obama’s administration, as far as I’m concerned, is the financial crisis and it’s prevented him from doing any new spending,” said Baldwin, who publicly supported Obama in the 2008 Presidential election.

“He’s not able –- if the country was as flush as it was under Bill Clinton and he had money — these things cost money — he could have made more of a mark,” said Baldwin. “I think right now he’s had to do a lot of counter-punching; a lot of back peddling. He inherited this crisis from Bush and Paulson. He had to extend the TARP. I think it’s been very difficult for him to spend his whole first term trying to, you know, correct our course financially. I think a second term of Obama, we’ll see a lot more of what we want to see from him.”

Obama and Baldwin are perfect together. One can’t speak without a Teleprompter, the other shouldn’t speak without a script.

Source: CNS News

Alec “Tax the Rich” Baldwin investigated for tax evasion

Alec Baldwin is on the list of elite New Yorker City dwellers targeted by a small army of city auditors in a tax evasion scam for claiming out-of-city properties as primary residences.

Will the real Alec Baldwin please stand up?

Is he the “Father of the Year” who called his twelve year old daughter a “rude, thoughtless little pig” for having the audacity to not be waiting by the phone when he took a valuable minute out of his uber-important time to call her?

Is he the closet-Muslim who fantasized about killing Republican Congressman Henry Hyde and his family by the traditional Sharia method of stoning?

This week the New York Daily News gave us an insight to the real Alec Baldwin when it broke the story that he’s on the list of elite New Yorker City dwellers targeted by a small army of city auditors in a tax evasion scam for claiming out-of-city properties as primary residences.

Baldwin’s Manhattan residency comes as a complete surprise to We thought he was living in Paris. We would have sworn he swore he’d move to France if W. got elected to a second term.

The IRS investigation comes one week after Baldwin appeared on Client #9’s show on CNN (at the one minute mark of the video below) and lectured Obama for extending the Bush tax cuts for millionaires. Baldwin boldly states “Over a million – you HAVE to pay more.”

Seems that at the heart of it, Baldwin’s just a typical liberal – he wants the rest of us to pay higher taxes, but as to his own money, he’s singing Pink Floyd – “Keep your hands off my stack.”

Baldwin also told Spitzer that hypocrisy defines the GOP. We suggest that if Mr. Baldwin truly seeks the definition of hypocrisy all he need do is look in the mirror. We’re sure his house has plenty of them.

– Written by Sonny Palermo

You know Bill Maher is crazy when he makes Alec Baldwin and Chris Matthews seem sane

Seriously. Bill Maher has off the deep end. Way off. Even liberal lunatics like Chris Matthews and Alec Baldwin are rolling their eyes and wondering if Maher has lost it.

Seriously. Bill Maher has off the deep end. Way off. Even liberal lunatics like Chris Matthews and Alec Baldwin are rolling their eyes and wondering if Maher has lost it.

Of course, he couldn’t lose it unless he once had it and that is definitely not an assertion that would hold up in court.


It’s better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and let them know you’re Alec Baldwin

“Barney Frank is, perhaps, one of the best examples of what a great legislator is today. – Alec Baldwin in the Huffington Post

“Barney Frank is, perhaps, one of the best examples of what a great legislator is today.”

– Alec Baldwin in the Huffington Post

Source: Huffington Post

Liberal cannibalism: Alec Baldwin takes a bite out of Jack Cafferty

Jack Cafferty said Alec Baldwin wasn’t qualified to run for office because he hadn’t gone to Harvard like Al Franken. Baldwin responded and it was great.

Tread lightly when Alec Baldwin when he gets that crazed look in his eyes
Tread lightly when Alec Baldwin when he gets that crazed look in his eyes

CNN’s Jack Cafferty has done the impossible. He made us agree with something Alec Baldwin said.

Cafferty said Baldwin wasn’t qualified to run for office because he hadn’t gone to Harvard like Al Franken. Baldwin responded at

I would like to make a deal with Cafferty. Jack, you don’t tell people that a career in the performing arts disqualifies them from seeking elected office, and I won’t say publicly that your being convicted of leaving the scene of an accident in which you struck a cyclist and then ran two red lights while you were pursued by the police and were subsequently ordered to serve 70 hours of community service back in May of 2003 disqualifies you from posing as a “Man of the People” on a major cable news network.

Fair enough?

Can’t help but agree with Baldwin on this one. But in our defense, we don’t feel good about it.


Alec Baldwin writing a book on parenting. Stop laughing. We’re serious.

Actor and awful father Alec Baldwin is writing a book on parenting. We assume it’s title will be “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.”

Father of the Year Alec Baldwin with his verbally-abused daughter Ireland
Father of the Year Alec Baldwin with his verbally-abused daughter Ireland

We can’t decide if this is funny or sad. Maybe both. Actor and awful father Alec Baldwin is writing a book on parenting. We assume it’s title will be “Do As I Say, Not As I Do.”

Ironically, he reveals his plans in family-friendly Playboy magazine:

“It will be ironic for some people, but I’m going to write a parenting book. We’re at… an awful place right now in terms of parenting. People are raising their children with the belief that we need to be friends with our children. Kids have too much power and call too many of the shots, telling their parents what they will and won’t do.”

Baldwin continues:

“People come home, walk up the driveway, put the key in the door, and they can’t do another hard job. Parenting your children effectively is a tough job.”

Here’s a sneak preview of the audio book version of Alec Baldwin’s Guide to Good Parenting. (It’s actually the god awful voicemail he left for his 11-year old daughter a few years ago, but we present it as a public service in hopes that no one – absolutely no one – will make the mistake of buying this lunatic’s parenting book).


Source: Playboy via

Filipino senator threatens Alec Baldwin with a beating

Fearing for his life, Alec Baldwin attempts to hide from Philippine Senator Ramon Revilla by disguising himself as the Cat in the Hat
Fearing for his life, Alec Baldwin attempts to hide from Philippine Senator Ramon Revilla by disguising himself as the Cat in the Hat

Annoying Alec Baldwin, star of NBC’s “30 Rock,” told David Letterman that he would love to have more children and that he was “thinking about getting a Filipino mail-order bride at this point … or a Russian one.”

That didn’t sit well with Philippine Senator Ramon Revilla. He angrily responded that Baldwin’s remark was “insensitive and uncalled for.” He called it an insult to Filipinos.
The senator is a former movie star who still makes an occasional appearance on Philippine TV.

He called Baldwin “arrogant” and noted that the Philippines has a law against mail-order brides.

“Let him try to come here in the Philippines and he’ll see mayhem,” Revilla roared, implying that he would personally administer a beating to the puffy American actor.

Thrilla in Manilla II. Get your tickets now. Our money’s on Revilla.

Source: Associated Press via

Alec Baldwin calls Rush Limbaugh “uneducated, marginally talented, overbearing”

Alec Baldwin
Former leading man Alec Baldwin stopped berating his teenage daughter long enough to berate Rush Limbaugh. Photo: Wikipedia

When Alec Baldwin’s leading man career went down the tubes, he turned to television comedy with some success. Now he’s turned to writing political satire. At least we think it was satire.

How else can you explain the article Baldwin wrote the Huffington Post titled, “Hoping the GOP Gets Its Act Together” in which he says, “Rush Limbaugh is an uneducated, marginally talented, overbearing, recovering drug addict who was, at least according to Wikipedia, ineligible for the draft because he had cysts on his ass.”

This from a man with anger control issues who has been accused of physically abusing his wife and psychologically abusing his teenage daughter.

But those accusations pale in comparison to the most damning fact about Alec Baldwin: He appeared in 39 episodes of Knott’s Landing and isn’t ashamed to say so.

Note: Make sure you read the entire article for more insight into Republicans, like what he says about “hypocritical evangelicals who are too lazy to raise their own children properly…”

Source: Huffington Post

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