Good love gone bad: How Obama went from “Specter is one tough hombre” to “Arlen who?” in just 13 months

It’s so sad, really. The love affair that started with such heat has now cooled. Just 13 months ago, Obama cooed in Arlen’s ear that he was “one tough hombre.”

It’s so sad, really. The love affair that started with such heat has now cooled. Just 13 months ago, Obama cooed in Arlen Specter’s ear that he was “one tough hombre.”

Earlier this year, is became apparent that Obama was no longer returning Specter’s phone calls.

Continue reading “Good love gone bad: How Obama went from “Specter is one tough hombre” to “Arlen who?” in just 13 months”

The thick stench of desperation: Specter runs Obama endorsement commercial

In a sign that desperation is running rampant in Arlen Specter’s Pennsylvania Democrat senate primary race, the former Republican has turned to President Obama for artificial resuscitation.

In a sign that desperation is running rampant in Arlen Specter’s Pennsylvania Democrat senate primary race, the former Republican has turned to President Obama for artificial resuscitation.

That’s right. Despite Obama’s record of being the grim reaper of Democrat endorsers, the President has cut a new TV commercial that actually praises Specter for casting the deciding vote on ObamaCare.

These two were made for each other. But we doubt that either of them are made for the voters of Pennsylvania.

Arlen Specter doesn’t know if he’s a Republican or a Democrat. Nor much of anything else.

Former Republican, current Democrat, and soon to be retired Senator Arlen Specter appeared at Penn State University, but seemed confused about why he was there and to whom he was speaking.

Former Republican, current Democrat, and soon to be retired Senator Arlen Specter appeared at Penn State University, but seemed confused about why he was there and to whom he was speaking.

The 80-year old coot stood before the gathered crowd and announced that he was proud to get the endorsement of the state’s college Republicans.

Problem is he was speaking to the college Democrats.

Oh, one other problem. They hadn’t actually endorsed him.

It wasn’t just a senior moment. It was a senior senator moment.

Top 17 titles suggested for Arlen Specter’s new book

Senator Arlen Specter, Democrat-for-Now from Pennsylvania, is penning a book. But he doesn’t have a title for it. Not yet, anyway.

Help Senator Arlen Specter name his new book

Senator Arlen Specter, Democrat-for-Now from Pennsylvania, is penning a book. But he doesn’t have a title for it. Not yet, anyway.

We assume he’s having trouble for two reasons. First, coming up with a title would be a decisive action that he couldn’t spin into something completely different somewhere down the road. And, second, some unknown political ghostwriter is really putting the book together and Specter will have no idea what it says he said until  he reads it.

So we thought we (and you) might be able to help him out with some title ideas. Please note that Benedict Arlen has been eliminated from contention because it was too much of a gimme.

Without further adieu, we proudly present our top seventeen titles for the Senator’s new book:

  • Old and Yeller
  • Portrait of Cowardice
  • The Crime of the Ancient Senator
  • War and Peace. No, Make that War. No, Peace.
  • Yeah, Definitely War.
  • The Strangest Bedfellow
  • Keystone Cop Out
  • The Fraud and the Prince
  • Specter, Sphincter, Tomayto, Tomahto
  • I Survived Cancer. Then I Became One
  • Waking Up on the Wrong Side of History … Again
  • From Whore to Eternity
  • The World According To TARP
  • Gullible’s Travels
  • The Great Ratsby
  • Origin of the Feces
  • Red State Badge of Courage

Any other ideas? Feel free to leave them in the comments.

Source: USA Today

– Written by Sven Waring

Arlen Specter and Kathleen Sebelius find out who put the hell in healthcare

Democrat Senator Arlen Specter and Obama’s Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius found out how unpopular Obamacare is when they attempted to pitch their snakeoil to the people.

Apparently, it’s illegal to post the results of polls in Washington, DC, because Democrats seem blithefully unaware how unpopular ObamaCare is back home.

Republican Democrat Senator Arlen Specter and Obama’s Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius found out when they attempted to pitch their snakeoil to the people.

The highlight is when Specter attempts to explain why this healthcare fiasco has to be rushed through congress.

As we used to say back on the farm, “He really stepped in it this time.”

Specter forgets he’s a Democrat, supports Republican, then remembers he’s a Democrat and retracts

Is it our imagination or is Arlen Specter beginning to look (and act) like Tony Soprano's senile uncle?
Is it our imagination or is Arlen Specter beginning to look (and act) like Tony Soprano's senile uncle?
It’s possible, just possible, that Arlen Specter’s switch to the Democrat party can be explained in one word: senility.

The poor old duffer seemed to forget that he switched parties last week and came out in support of Republican Norm Coleman in the still-contested Minnesota senate race.

The doddering old fool was being interviewed for a Times magazine feature. When asked if he was concerned about the lack of Jewish Republicans in the Senate he said, “I sure do. There’s still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner.”

Oops. Someone on his staff must have reminded the 78-year old Specter that he was now a Democrat. Because when reporters asked him about the comment outside the Senate, Specter stuttered and sputtered and said the comment was a mistake. Just a big ol’ mistake.

Not the first mistake he made in the last week. And not the biggest mistake he’s made in the last week.


Arlen Specter: Double standard for two-faced Senator

Arlen Specter. If he was really two-faced would he have chosen that one?
Arlen Specter. If he was really two-faced would he have chosen that one?

You know the media bias is out of control when reliably-liberal Washington Post columnist Howard Kurtz notices it.

Here’s what Kurtz said about the media’s coverage of Arlen Specter switching parties:

Correspondent Carl Cannon, on AOL’s new PoliticsDaily site, says conservatives are right in complaining that much of the media have “a double standard regarding party-switchers. . . . When Republicans morph into Democrats, we tend to act like they finally saw the light, and quote them ad nauseam about how the Republican Party has gotten too narrow, etc., etc.” But when a Democrat joins the GOP, “we concentrate on the tactical advantage to the party switcher.”

When it comes to commentators, their analysis often turns on the direction of the defection. In 1994, when Democratic Sen. Richard Shelby switched parties days after the Republicans won control of Congress, a New York Times editorial said: “Talk about slipping out of the hills to bayonet the wounded! . . . His desertion to the victorious Republicans this week was hardly a huge surprise.” But when Jim Jeffords flipped control of the Senate to the Democrats by leaving the GOP in 2001, the Times said approvingly that the Vermont lawmaker had given George W. Bush “an embarrassing lesson” for having pulled a “conservative bait-and-switch” on the country.

Arlen’s switches back and forth are not uncommon in nature.

Here’s how the New York Times describes a similar situation:

When a school of reef fish loses its single male, the largest female begins acting like a male within a few hours and will produce sperm within 10 days. Some other species repeatedly switch back and forth between the production of eggs and of sperm during a single mating. Among deep sea fish that only rarely encounter potential mates, reproduction is often possible only if one changes sex.

Poor Arlen. The only sex involved in his switch was when he screwed the Republicans.

Source: Washington Post

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