Town hall hypocrisy: The liberal media’s protest dictionary

If you’re having trouble separating the hypocrisy in coverage of town hall anger, we’ve prepared this handy guide designed to help you recognize the difference between people who protest and people who cause disruptions.

We apologize for the horrifying photo, but the image of a "two-faced pig" just came to mind when we thought about the media
We apologize for the horrifying photo, but the image of a "two-faced pig" just came to mind when we thought about the media

The media has a problem with all these people showing up to townhall meetings and voicing their dissent. Dissension, after all, is only praiseworthy when its target is a Republican President or conservative lawmakers.

You may remember a few protests against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq during the Bush years. (By the way, whatever happened to war protests?)

Then there was the infamous shoe-chucking incident that was reported in a kind of a jokey way.

If you’re having trouble separating the hypocrisy in coverage of town hall anger, we’ve prepared this handy guide designed to help you recognize the difference between people who protest and people who cause disruptions.
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CNN wonders if Obama is overexposed

CNN wonders if Obama is overexposed.

Is the Pope Catholic? Does Reverend Wright hate America? Is Joe Biden a dope? Does a bear do what a bear generally does in the woods?

Panic is setting in as CNN’s poster boy plummets in the polls. So they ask one of those questions that has an obvious answer: Is Obama over-exposed?

Janeane Garofalo bombs in Britain, walks off stage when no one laughs

Janeane Garofalo cut short her Saturday afternoon set in Latitude’s comedy tent because of the poor reception she was given by the audience.

Discerning British comedy fans gave Janeane Garofalo a sitting non-ovation
Discerning British comedy fans gave Janeane Garofalo a sitting non-ovation

In honor of our long-standing, warm relationship with the Brits, we sincerely hope no one actually paid good money to see Janeane Garofalo based on the concept that she might be funny.

Here’s how Uncut UK describes the cold reception she got at the hands of discerning British comedy fans:

Janeane Garofalo cut short her Saturday afternoon set in Latitude’s comedy tent because of the poor reception she was given by the audience. The American comedienne’s rare UK live appearance was expected to be one of the highlights in a strong comic line-up, but she failed to win over the festival crowd.

Best known to TV viewers as talent booker Paula in The Larry Sanders Show and political campaigner Louise in the final series of The West Wing, Garofalo was due perform for half an hour, but left the stage after less than ten minutes when her routine about post-9/11 security checks at airports met with stony silence.

“It’s not you, I blame myself for this,” she said before leaving the stage. The gap her abrupt exit left in the schedule was filled by the next act Ed Byrne agreeing to go on early. He opened his own routine with a question for the event promoters; “Now that I’m doing a longer set, can I have some of Janeane’s money?”

Garofalo did regain her sense of humor during an interview on the BBC when she said, “Mostly the media in the States is much more to the right. I mean there is almost no liberal outlet for news commentary and editorializing.”

To paraphrase Kenny Bania, Jerry Seinfeld’s unfunny comedian friend, “That’s gold, Janeane, gold.”

Source: Uncut via Tim Blair

Media downplays huge Hispanic protest against gay marriage

While the left demonized those damn white conservatives — evildoers like Miss California Carrie Prejean — as homophobes, a huge, mostly Hispanic crowd took to the streets of New York in opposition to Governor Patterson’s same-sex bill. The crowd, which some estimate at 20,000, gathered at the Governor’s Manhattan office, stretching from 35th to 40th Street on 3rd Avenue.

Welcome to the family, fellow right wing extremists.

Source: DissidentVoice

North Korean defector would like to show Nancy Pelosi what real torture looks like

Anyone who wants to call waterboarding torture should talk to Bang Mi-Sun about real torture
Anyone who wants to call waterboarding torture should talk to Bang Mi-Sun about real torture

A shocking story of real torture was told in Washington, DC on Wednesday. It went completely unreported by the biased liberal media that wants you to believe waterboarding somehow rises to the level of torture.

Here’s how Chosun Korea tells the story of Bang Mi-Sun:

There were gasps in the audience at a press conference by female North Korean defectors in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday when Bang Mi-Sun rolled up her black skirt and showed the deep ugly scars in her thighs. The event was part of North Korea Freedom Week.

As soon as she was asked to recount her life in a North Korean concentration camp, Bang (55) stepped on a chair and roll up her skirt. Various parts of her thighs were sunken as if the flesh had been gouged out. She also walks with a limp.

Bang had formerly been an actress with the propaganda squad of the Musan Mine. She fled the North with her children when her husband starved to death in 2002, but soon fell victim to human traffickers. She was arrested by Chinese police and was sent back to the North, where she was tortured. In 2004, she escaped again.

Nancy Pelosi immediately demanded congressional hearings to determine if Dick Cheney had authorized North Korea’s enhanced interrogation techniques.

Source: via

Arlen Specter: Double standard for two-faced Senator

Arlen Specter. If he was really two-faced would he have chosen that one?
Arlen Specter. If he was really two-faced would he have chosen that one?

You know the media bias is out of control when reliably-liberal Washington Post columnist Howard Kurtz notices it.

Here’s what Kurtz said about the media’s coverage of Arlen Specter switching parties:

Correspondent Carl Cannon, on AOL’s new PoliticsDaily site, says conservatives are right in complaining that much of the media have “a double standard regarding party-switchers. . . . When Republicans morph into Democrats, we tend to act like they finally saw the light, and quote them ad nauseam about how the Republican Party has gotten too narrow, etc., etc.” But when a Democrat joins the GOP, “we concentrate on the tactical advantage to the party switcher.”

When it comes to commentators, their analysis often turns on the direction of the defection. In 1994, when Democratic Sen. Richard Shelby switched parties days after the Republicans won control of Congress, a New York Times editorial said: “Talk about slipping out of the hills to bayonet the wounded! . . . His desertion to the victorious Republicans this week was hardly a huge surprise.” But when Jim Jeffords flipped control of the Senate to the Democrats by leaving the GOP in 2001, the Times said approvingly that the Vermont lawmaker had given George W. Bush “an embarrassing lesson” for having pulled a “conservative bait-and-switch” on the country.

Arlen’s switches back and forth are not uncommon in nature.

Here’s how the New York Times describes a similar situation:

When a school of reef fish loses its single male, the largest female begins acting like a male within a few hours and will produce sperm within 10 days. Some other species repeatedly switch back and forth between the production of eggs and of sperm during a single mating. Among deep sea fish that only rarely encounter potential mates, reproduction is often possible only if one changes sex.

Poor Arlen. The only sex involved in his switch was when he screwed the Republicans.

Source: Washington Post

The Idiot’s Guide to Condoms, brought to you tonight by the American taxpayer

Here we go again. More government money being spent to teach people how to use condoms.

As anyone who’s read for more than a few seconds knows, there are no geniuses around here. But even the staff morons can figure out how to use a condom. And if they haven’t heard what the purpose of a condom is by the time they’re old enough to use one, they haven’t been paying attention to the liberal media.

In fact, we consider the fact that George Clooney hasn’t reproduced is proof positive that a moron can figure out how to use a condom.

The condom commercial is part of a larger program. Here’s how describes it:

According to a study released 6/24/08 by PLoS Medicine, watching a video in an STD clinic waiting room can reduce the risk for a new STD by almost 10%. In a large multi-center intervention trial, Dr. Lee Warner from the Centers for Disease control and Prevention and a team of researchers at different institutions in the U.S. studied the effect of a carefully crafted, 23-minute waiting room video on the risk for new STDs among 40,000 patients in 3 STD clinics in the country. More information about Safe in the City can be found at the project’s website:

Our favorite part of the video is the Barry White-like voice over. It’s like the CDC is taking a little walk on the wild side.


Times of London turns Star Trek review in political statement: “Star Trek boldly goes into the Obama era”

Don’t you hate critics who review “films” instead of “movies.” You know, those self-important nimrods who think they’re too smart by half and wear out their thesauruses (thesauri?) in an attempt to convince you of the same thing.

The Times of London just ran one of those reviews on the new Star Trek movie that premieres May 8.

(One disclaimer: we are not ashamed to say that we are long-time Trekkies. We don’t even attempt to hide behind the supposedly more dignified name “Trekker.”)

Let’s just go with one paragraph of this freshman poly sci term paper disguised as a movie review:

There was always a very close relationship between the American Dream — not to mention American imperialism — and Star Trek, with its liberal, secular, multiracial, technophiliac vision of the future. But the two seem almost to have mind-melded with the election of an optimistic, liberal, multiracial President with a Kenyan father and a white American mother (Star Trek featured the first interracial kiss on US television, sparking protests at the time) — and, who is himself something of a 1960s tribute act, with his JFK and Martin Luther King cadences. Suddenly, with Barack Obama at the helm, America looks like a brand that people can believe in again. Or at least root for at the movies.

For God’s sake, it’s just a friggin’ movie, Limey Boy. It’s cowboys and Indians in outer space. Good guys versus bad guys. White hats versus black hats.

Read the whole thing. Just to remind yourself why newspapers are neither living long nor prospering.

We have to go now. Advance tickets just went on sale downtown for the May 8 opening.

Source: Times of London via Big Hollywood

Bias by the numbers: Measuring the media’s 100-day love affair with Obama.

Yes, we get it. The main stream media loves Barack Obama.
Yes, we get it. The main stream media loves Barack Obama.
A study conducted by the nonpartisan Center for Media and Public Affairs and California’s Chapman University has actually measured the amount of drool in the slobbering love affair
the MSM has been carrying on with Obama for the last 100 days.

MediaBistro reports, “Not only has Obama gotten more coverage, but that coverage has been more positive than his predecessors.”

“On the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts, 58% of all evaluations of the president and his policies have been favorable, while 42% were unfavorable. That compares with 33% positive in the comparable period of Bush’s tenure and 44% positive for Pres. Clinton.”

Maybe you’re wondering how the MSM (sans Fox) can be in such agreement with The One’s agenda. Turns out there’s a reason beyond the Administration’s daily phone calls with George Stephanopolous.

Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz reveals that key MSM journalists are meeting furtively for swanky dinners at The Watergate where Administration bigwigs spoon-feed talking points to their left-wing media enablers. (Off the record, naturally.) Kurtz comments, “the catered gatherings…sound rather cozy, like some secret-handshake gathering of an entrenched elite. Are the top-level officials, strategists and foreign leaders there for serious questioning or risk-free spin sessions? And what exactly is the journalistic benefit if the visitors are protected by a shield of anonymity?”

Fortunately these reporters are no longer anonymous. Want to know the names of the media lapdogs eating out of the Administration’s hand? According to Kurtz, “Among those in regular attendance are David Brooks and Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, Gene Robinson and Ruth Marcus of The Washington Post, NBC’s David Gregory, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, PBS’s Gwen Ifill, the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, Vanity Fair’s Todd Purdum, former Time managing editor Walter Isaacson and staffers from Bradley’s Atlantic and National Journal, including Ron Brownstein, Andrew Sullivan and Jonathan Rauch.”

As Kurtz next points out, unsurprisingly, “The networks have given President Obama more coverage than George W. Bush and Bill Clinton combined in their first months — and more positive assessments to boot.”

“On Fox News, by contrast, only 13 percent of the assessments of Obama were positive on the first half of Bret Baier’s “Special Report,” which most resembles a newscast. The president got far better treatment in the New York Times, where 73 percent of the assessments in front-page pieces were positive.”

This explains a lot. While the competition is busy slobbering, Fox is clobbering.

Source:, Washington Post

Liberal Nancy Pelosi wants bailout money for liberal San Francisco Chronicle

The front page of the San Francisco Chronicle from the days when it backed America instead of expecting America to back it.
The front page of the San Francisco Chronicle from the days when it backed America instead of expecting America to back it.

There goes Nancy Pelosi again. First she wanted bail-out money to save some mice in the San Francisco wetlands. Now she wants bail-out money to save some rats in the San Francisco media.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Duh) asked Attorney General Eric Holder “to weigh the public benefit of saving The Chronicle and other papers from closure against the agency’s anti-trust mission to guard against anti-competitive behavior.”

She neglected to mention anti-competitive behavior by the government.

According to The San Francisco Gate, Pelosi’s letter said, “We must ensure that our policies enable our news organizations to survive and to engage in the news gathering and analysis that the American people expect.”

Obviously, what Pelosi meant to say is, “We must ensure that our policies enable Democrat-friendly news organizations to survive and to engage in the indoctrination and manipulation that the American people need.

Hey, wait a sec. Where’s our bail-out money? We want to pay ourselves $160,000,000 in bonuses, but there’s not quite enough in the petty cash jar.


Bill Press pressing for Fairness Doctrine. Bill who?

Another failed liberal talk show host trying to decide what you should listen to
Another failed liberal talk show host trying to decide what you should listen to

We were going to start this story by saying, “Bill Press called called free speech on the radio a ‘failed experiment from the Reagan era.’” But we were worried you would react by saying, “Bill who”

Press is a yet another failed liberal talk show host. A bitter, angry liberal talk show host. But we repeat ourselves.

“Maybe it’s time,” Press said in a Washington Post op-ed piece today, “to bring back the Fairness Doctrine — and bring competition back to talk radio in Washington and elsewhere.”

Press is upset because his Washington, DC affiliate dropped the liberal talk format. He says it was canceled because of “an exclusive, tightly-held, conservative media conspiracy.” The station says it was canceled because the format was so spectacularly unsuccessful that it ranked dead last in the latest ratings.

We have to agree with Press on one thing: there is a conspiracy here. Unfortunately for Press, it’s a conspiracy of listeners who want entertaining radio.

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