Green Dream Machine: Van Jones admits eco-wackos only pretend we need more regulations

How can you explain Van Jones’ public admission that environmentalists just make all this crap up?

The left says Republicans are the ones who live in the past. Yet they seem to be blithely unaware of developments like cell phone video cameras and YouTube.

How else can you explain Van Jones’ public admission that environmentalists just make all this crap up?

OK, well, there is one other possibility: Van Jones is the second dumbest man alive. (Don’t worry, Van, as long as Joe Biden is still with us you’ll never be the dumbest man alive.)

Friends and family gather at the bedside of Al Gore’s Chicago Climate Exchange

In a little reported move, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) announced on Oct. 21 that it will be ending carbon trading — the only purpose for which it was founded — this year.

We are sad to report the sudden, unexpected demise of the Chicago Climate Exchange.

al gore chicago climate exchange
Al Gore points at the person responsible for the death of the CCX has the obituary:

Global warming-inspired cap and trade has been one of the most stridently debated public policy controversies of the past 15 years. But it is dying a quiet death. In a little reported move, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) announced on Oct. 21 that it will be ending carbon trading — the only purpose for which it was founded — this year.

Although the trading in carbon emissions credits was voluntary, the CCX was intended to be the hub of the mandatory carbon trading established by a cap-and-trade law, like the Waxman-Markey scheme passed by the House in June 2009.

At its founding in November 2000, it was estimated that the size of CCX’s carbon trading market could reach $500 billion. That estimate ballooned over the years to $10 trillion.

In lieu of flowers, please make a contribution to the Al Gore Retirement Fund.


Obama says man cannot control nature. Except when there’s a hefty tax involved.

First clip: Obama announces that man cannot control nature. Especially if you’re talking about earthquakes.

Second clip: Obama announces that man can control nature. Especially if you’re talking about global warming.

If he can figure out how to do Quake-and-Trade, he’ll suddenly change his mind and decide we can control earthquakes, too.

EPA attorneys say Cap-and-Trade won’t work (sounds like half of Obama’s voters)

Two lawyers from the EPA’s San Francisco Regional Office (if they were any further left they’d be in the Pacific Ocean) have spoken out against the Cap-and-Trade bill wending its way through the Congress.

Two EPA heretics being burned at the stake by global warming religious fanatics
Two EPA heretics being burned at the stake by global warming religious fanatics

Two lawyers from the EPA’s San Francisco Regional Office (if they were any further left they’d be in the Pacific Ocean) have spoken out against the Cap-and-Trade bill wending its way through the Congress.

In an op-ed piece in today’s Washington Post the two wrote:

What guarantees failure of the proposed climate bills, however, are their provisions for carbon offsets, a concept not used in the acid rain program. Both bills allow all required greenhouse-gas reductions for almost 20 years to be met with carbon offsets rather than actual reductions in use of the capped sources. Offsets — considered indispensable to keeping cap-and-trade affordable — are supposed to be “additional” reductions beyond what is legally required. But experience with offsets in Europe and California has shown that ensuring real “additionality” is not an achievable goal.

Carbon offsets create the illusion of “additional” greenhouse-gas reductions, but we are just getting business as usual. Untrackable shifting of economic activity and perverse incentives such as these are inherent problems for carbon offsets and cannot be solved by certification or verification processes. Since the most flawed offsets will be the cheapest, they will also be the most popular.

In a related story, Nancy Pelosi has introduced legislation authorizing Congress to purchase carbon offsets (from Al Gore, who else) so the two attorneys can be burned at the stake.


C’mon, America! You can do it! John Kerry says a depression can help us meet emission goals!

The United States has already this year alone achieved a 6% reduction in emissions simply because of the downturn in the economy, so we are effectively saying we need to go another 14%.

The lovely Teresa Heinz Kerry and her second favorite condiment
The lovely Teresa Heinz Kerry and her second favorite condiment

Massachusetts Democrat Senator John Kerry may have the face of a horse, but he lacks horse sense.

The Massachusetts Democrat is backing Cap-and-Trade, a mindboggling waste of money designed to combat so-called global warming by slapping taxes on energy.

“Let me emphasize something very strongly as we begin this discussion,” Kerry said. “The United States has already this year alone achieved a 6% reduction in emissions simply because of the downturn in the economy, so we are effectively saying we need to go another 14%.

C’mon, America. Join John Kerry’s quest to achieve lower greenhouse gas emissions by sinking into a never-ending state of economic depression.

But, you may ask, how can the country survive when it’s unable to produce anything of any value?

Simple. We’ll do it the same way John Kerry does it. By marrying a homely, rich widow nation that will give us all the money we need.

Maybe Norway would like to be our sugar momma.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Democrats prove they’re not only whores, but cheap whores

Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) doled out $28,000 to reps who eventually voted yes on June 24, two days before the big vote on the Cap and Trade Energy Bill

Ashley Dupré appears to be an ideal candidate for congress. As a Democrat, of course.
Ashley Dupré appears to be an ideal candidate for congress. As a Democrat, of course.

Ever heard the old joke about the man who sits down in a bar next to a beautiful woman?

He turns to her and says, “Hypothetically speaking, would you have sex with me for a million dollars?” She thinks about it for a moment and then says, “You seem like a nice guy. So sure. I’d have sex with you for a million dollars.” “OK,” he says, “would you have sex with me for $20?” The woman is shocked, incensed, irate. “Twenty dollars,” she screams, “do you think I’m some kind of whore?” “We’ve already established that,” he replies, “now we’re just haggling about the price.”

Take that story, change “woman” to “Democrat” and change “man” to “Nancy Pelosi” and this story makes complete sense.

Here’s how reports it:

Three House Democratic leaders who were whipping members on the climate change bill gave tens of thousands in campaign cash to party moderates around the time of the 219-212 vote on June 26, according to Federal Election Commission records.

It’s impossible to tell if that torrent of cash was an attempt to schmear wavering Democrats — or just part of the usual cash dump made by leaders on the eve of the June 30 quarterly fundraising deadline.

Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) doled out $28,000 to reps who eventually voted yes on June 24, two days before the big vote — on a day when House leaders were doing some heavy-duty arm-twisting.

Clyburn recipients who voted for the bill included a who’s-who of battleground district Dems: Steve Driehaus, D-OH ($2,000); Martin Heinrich, D-NM ($2,000); Suzanne Kosmas, D-Fla. ($4,000); Betsy Markey, D-Colo. ($2,000); Carol Shea-Porter, D-NH ($2,000), Baron Hill, D-Ind. ($2,000); Alan Grayson, D-Fla. ($2,000); Leonard Boswell, D-Iowa ($2,000); Jim Himes, D-Conn. ($2,000); Mary Jo Kilroy, D-OH ($2,000); Kurt Schrader, D-Ore. ($2,000); Jerry McNerney, D-Calif. ($2,000) and Tom Perriello, D-Va. ($2,000).

Ronald Reagan said “Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.”

Reagan nailed it (if you’ll pardon the expression), because it appears that Democrat members of congress will sell their votes for a mere $2000.

For god’s sake, man, the whores in congress should be embarrassed. Even Ashley Dupré charged Elliot Spitzer more for an hour of sex than a congressman charges for his vote.

But either way, it’s the voters who end up getting screwed.


Energy Czar is also Ignorance Czar

Fox News Steve Doocy points out, no, she hasn’t actually read the car and trade energy bill. Damn conservative media, why can’t they just play nice like the liberal media?

Energy Czar Carol Browner should be on Dancing With the Stars. Because this woman can dance around a question like nobody’s business. Fox News’ Steve Doocy asks her if she’s actually read the Cap-and-Trade energy bill and she starts with a mean paso doble, segues into a tango, and finishes off with a creditable tap dance.

But as Doocy points out, no, she hasn’t actually read the bill. Damn conservative media being unfair again.


Democrat Congresswoman inadvertently reveals that Cap-and-Trade will trash our future

Rep. Yvette Clarke, a New York Democrat, told C-SPAN exactly why she voted in favor of the Cap-and-Trade bill. She’s either the most ignorant woman in Washington, DC or the most honest. Take your choice.


Rep. Yvette Clarke, a New York Democrat, told C-SPAN exactly why she voted in favor of the Cap-and-Trade bill. She’s either the most ignorant woman in Washington, DC or the most honest. Take your choice.

C-SPAN: What factors are you considering that would push you to vote yea or nay?
CLARKE: You know, there were a whole host of concerns that I had about whether we were really taking all the steps and measures we need to jettison us into the 21st century.

Yes, Rep. Clarke, Cap-and-Trade will definitely jettison us into the 21st century. We’re just not sure Rep. Clarke knows what jettison means.

So in an effort to educate, we proudly present the Merriam-Webster definition of jettison: “To throw away, of something encumbering.”

Synomyms include “get rid of, remove, discard, fling, toss, toss out, chuck out, cast aside, dispose, throw out, cast out, throw away, cast away, put away.”

So our deepest appreciation goes out to Rep. Yvonne Clarke, the only Democrat in Washington, DC willing to admit that Cap-and-Trade will throw away our future.

Source: CSPAN,

The 4 RINO cap ‘n traiters with Twitter accounts have nothing to tweet

Four of the eight republicans who voted for the Cap and Trade (American Clean Energy and Security Act) tax bill have active Twitter accounts, but nothing to tweet about it.

Eight so-called republicans voted “Yes” for the Cap and Trade (American Clean Energy and Security Act) tax bill that goes against the most basic of core conservative principles.

Four of the eight RINO’s active Twitter accounts, so we checked their page at 6:00PM PST, more than 24 hours after they helped the democrats pass what was no doubt the most devastating vote they have ever made in the House of Representatives. Let’s see what they tweeted (posted, for those of you not fluent in the language of the bird).

Mary Bono Mack (R-CA)

mary bono mack


Not even a mention of Cap and Trade, but she’s got two other tweets for you.

Today is Internat’l Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking-We must step up efforts to end the dangerous cycle of abuse and addiction
8:13 PM (PST) Jun 26th (after the vote)

Voting to rein in spending in the latest appropriations bill on the House floor-From FY07-09, non-defense spending has increased 85 percent!
8:21 PM Jun 26th (PST) (after the vote)

Mark Kirk (D-IL)

mark kirk@markkirk

Maybe we should give Mark a break, having go to a White House luau with these two lovely ladies the night before. He must have been tired, as the post date was three minutes to midnight EST and he was just getting started. We wonder what kind of pork the democrats gave him in his take-come bag.

Going to the White House Cong Luau w/ 2 of the nicest ladies on Cap Hill-Pat Smith & Doris Rogers
2:27 AM Jun 26th

Mike Castle (R-DE)

mike castle@repmikecastle

Nothing to say to his 702 followers.

Dave Reichert (R-WA)

dave reichert@davereichert

Nothing to say to his 2,096 followers

We’ll trade you these 8 republicans for these 44 democrats

Republicans Voting Yes on Cap and Trade

For the record. Elephants have long memories. We have a feeling these backstabbers have just ended their careers.

Mary Bono Mack [R, CA-45]
Michael Castle [R, DE-0]
Mark Kirk [R, IL-10]
Leonard Lance [R, NJ-7]
Frank LoBiondo [R, NJ-2]
John McHugh [R, NY-23]
Dave Reichert [R, WA-8]
Christopher Smith [R, NJ-4]

Democrats Voting No on Cap and Trade

We appreciate the votes from these democrats against the American Clean Energy and Security Act. Thank you.

Jason Altmire [D, PA-4]
Michael Arcuri [D, NY-24]
John Barrow [D, GA-12]
Robert Berry [D, AR-1]
Dan Boren [D, OK-2]
Bobby Bright [D, AL-2]
Christopher Carney [D, PA-10]
Travis Childers [D, MS-1]
Jim Costa [D, CA-20]
Jerry Costello [D, IL-12]
Kathleen Dahlkemper [D, PA-3]
Lincoln Davis [D, TN-4]
Artur Davis [D, AL-7]
Peter DeFazio [D, OR-4]
Joe Donnelly [D, IN-2]
Thomas Edwards [D, TX-17]
Brad Ellsworth [D, IN-8]
Bill Foster [D, IL-14]
Parker Griffith [D, AL-5]
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin [D, SD-0]
Tim Holden [D, PA-17]
Ann Kirkpatrick [D, AZ-1]
Larry Kissell [D, NC-8]
Dennis Kucinich [D, OH-10]
James Marshall [D, GA-8]
Eric Massa [D, NY-29]
Jim Matheson [D, UT-2]
Mike McIntyre [D, NC-7]
Charles Melancon [D, LA-3]
Walter Minnick [D, ID-1]
Harry Mitchell [D, AZ-5]
Alan Mollohan [D, WV-1]
Glenn Nye [D, VA-2]
Solomon Ortiz [D, TX-27]
Earl Pomeroy [D, ND-0]
Nick Rahall [D, WV-3]
Ciro Rodriguez [D, TX-23]
Mike Ross [D, AR-4]
John Salazar [D, CO-3]
Fortney Stark [D, CA-13]
John Tanner [D, TN-8]
Gene Taylor [D, MS-4]
Peter Visclosky [D, IN-1]
Charles Wilson [D, OH-6]

Picked up the list at Conservatives for Reform

Open thread: Cap and Trade Discussion

Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and the House of Representatives have been quietly, but furiously trying to slip Cap- and-trade (formally called the American Clean Energy and Security Act) through this week before anyone notices. This will be the largest tax-increasing, economy-killing bill in United States history, all based upon the biggest scam in the history: Global Warming Climate Change.

House Democrats must be incredibly pleased that Michael Jackson’s death is now dominating the news, further obfuscating their attempt to pass this bill in the dark of night without hearing any GOP amendments.

This is such an important topic that we’re opening this thread so you can share your thoughts and provide whatever information you hear about Cap-and-Trade today. Include phone numbers of House members on the fence so others can call and help convince them to vote no. had over 10,000 visitors yesterday, so you can make a difference here.

Three Democrats tell the truth about cap-and-trade

Three Democrats, John Dingell, Charlie Melancon, Mike Ross, tell the truth about cap-and-trade energy tax bill for non-existent global warming and climate change.

John Dingell (D-MI) said H.R. 2454 is “a tax and it’s a great big one.”

Charlie Melancon (D-LA) said, “I believe this bill would create an undue burden on families who are already paying too much in energy bills.”

Mike Ross (D-AR) said, “‘If you don’t like $4-a-gallon gasoline, you’re really not going to like your electric bill sometime between now and 2030.”

Thanks, President Obama: Cap-and Trade means a new $4300 per family energy tax

Save your pennies. Cap-and-Trade is coming.
Save your pennies. Cap-and-Trade is coming.

The Democrats’ Cap-and-Trade bill passed out of committee this week on a party line vote.

They passed it despite the fact that Cap-and-Trade has been a corruption-plagued failure in Europe. They passed it despite the fact that logic says you can’t pile billions of dollars of expenses on the economy without increasing costs. They passed it despite all logic and reason. did an analysis that shows this preposterous program will cost the average American family $4,300 per year.

They predict that the direct impact on household energy bills will average $1500 per year. That includes the increases the increased costs of electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, and gasoline for your car.

“But the direct tax on household energy use is just the beginning,” Heritage reported. “The energy tax also hits producers. As the higher production costs ripple through the economy the household pocketbooks get hit again and again. When all the tax impacts have been added up, the average per-family-of-four costs rise by $4,300 per year.” continued: “As President Obama warned us on his campaign trail, electricity prices will ‘necessarily skyrocket.’ So will everything else, except for our income and standard of living.”

After President Obama has finished his ‘Round the World Apology Tour 2009, perhaps he can come home and apologize to the American people for this Obamanation abomination.


Democrat congressman admits Cap & Trade is just a great big ol’ tax in disguise

Despite the fact that Cap & Trade would more appropriately be called Smoke & Mirrors, the Obama administration is moving the legislation forward.

Democrat Congressman John Dingell doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like it at all.

“Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax,” he said to Al Gore in a congressional hearing. “And a great big one.”

Unfortunately, the camera wasn’t on Al Gore at that moment, so we can only imagine that he immediately put his forefinger to his lips and made one of those “Ssssh” sounds librarians make.

Source: Gateway Pundit

Republican Congressperson accuses Al Gore of making windfall profits on cap-and-trade regulations

Looks like those evil oil companies aren’t the only ones making windfall profits these days.

Republican Congressman Congresswoman Congressperson Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee finally did what we’ve been waiting for – she confronted Al Gore about the vast fortune he expects to make from Cap-and-Trade legislation to supposedly fight climate change.

Gore tap dances. Gore acts shocked. Gore acts insulted. Gore shucks and jives.

Hey, there’s an idea. Maybe they should be honest here and change the name from Cap-and-Trade to Shuck-and-Jive.

Who would ever believe we weren’t political science majors?

Source: The Hill via Gateway Pundit

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