Reverend Wright tells church youth that all whites are liars. Or maybe we’re just lying.

Here’s how this one’s going to work: Reverend Wright, Barack Obama’s spiritual mentor, stands behind the podium and says, “All whites are liars.”

Here’s how this one’s going to work: Reverend Wright, Barack Obama’s spiritual mentor, stands behind the podium and says, “All whites are liars.”

Then, when a video of the speech goes public, the Reverend will say, “I never said that. So that just goes to prove that all whites are liars.”

Here’s step one: Rev. Wright telling church youth over and over again that all whites are liars.

Spiritual mentor, indeed.

Dick Morris says Shirley Sherrod is like Jeremiah Wright in drag

That’s actually our interpretation of what Dick Morris said. But Morris did cut through all the crap and explain Shirley Sherrod in one short, pithy line:

That’s actually our interpretation of what Dick Morris said. But Morris did cut through all the crap and explain Shirley Sherrod in one short, pithy line:

“Having radical leftist Shirley Sherrod in her job is like having Jeremiah Wright on staff.”

(Read all of our Shirley Sherrod stories, and we have a lot of them.)

“How can you vote for a man who considers a Marxist to be his spiritual mentor?”

Charles Gasparino: They thought he was a moderate. You know what I said to these guys when they told me that? I said, “You ever heard of Jeremiah Wright?” I mean Jeremiah Wright, his racist rhetoric is there. But, he’s also a Marxist. He teaches liberation theology. How can you vote for a man who considers a Marxist to be his spiritual mentor?”

Charles Gasparino was being interviewed by Tucker Carlson on the Fox Business Channel when asked a pretty damn good question:

Carlson: All of these guys (business leaders) voted for Obama. What was the moment they changed their mind?

Gasparino: It wasn’t one moment but occurred over the course of the year… They thought he was a moderate. You know what I said to these guys when they told me that? I said, “You ever heard of Jeremiah Wright?” I mean Jeremiah Wright, his racist rhetoric is there. But, he’s also a Marxist. He teaches liberation theology. How can you vote for a man who considers a Marxist to be his spiritual mentor?”

Or in the words of Barbra Streisand, “What? You mean he wants my money, too?”

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Obama’s spiritual mentor praises “no nonsense Marxism”

Reverend Jeremiah Wright praised socialist magazine Monthly Review, expressed his affection for socialism and Marxism (especially what he calls “no nonsense Marxism) and reiterates his belief that America is the “land of the greed and home of the slave.”

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Back on September 17, 2009, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s spiritual mentor (or perhaps we should say “ex-spiritual mentor” since he was unceremoniously thrown under the bus for political expediency) gave a speech to the New York Society for Ethical Culture.

He praised socialist magazine Monthly Review, expressed his affection for socialism and Marxism (especially what he calls “no nonsense Marxism) and reiterates his belief that America is the “land of the greed and home of the slave.”

“No nonsense Marxism.” We think that’s the kind that Josef Stalin practiced.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Reverend Wright accuses Barack Obama of attempted murder

Either the Right Reverend Jeremiah Wright doesn’t understand the difference between the words figuratively and literally or Barack Obama should immediately be arrested for attempted murder.

This is believed to be the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority bus under which Jeremiah Wright was thrown

Either the Right Reverend Jeremiah Wright doesn’t understand the difference between the words figuratively and literally or Barack Obama should immediately be arrested for attempted murder.

The Associate Press has the deadly details:

In his strongest language to date about the administration’s 2-year-old rift with the Chicago pastor, Wright told a group raising money for African relief that his pleas to release frozen funds for use in earthquake-ravaged Haiti would likely be ignored.

“No one in the Obama administration will respond to me, listen to me, talk to me or read anything that I write to them. I am ‘toxic’ in terms of the Obama administration,” Wright wrote the president of Africa 6000 International earlier this year.

“I am ‘radioactive,’ Sir. When Obama threw me under the bus, he threw me under the bus literally!”

Other than a few tire marks, Wright apparently came through the incident physically unscathed. Unfortunately, Barack Obama came through the incident politically unscathed.

Source: Associated Press

Reverend Wright says you’re the bigot

Please allow us to break the bad news to you personally. You’re a bigot. You hate the poor and people of color and that’s the only reason you oppose ObamaCare. Must be true, because Reverend Jeremiah Wright said so and he’s a man of the Lord.

Please allow us to break the bad news to you personally. You’re a bigot. You hate the poor and people of color and that’s the only reason you oppose ObamaCare. Must be true, because Reverend Jeremiah Wright said so and he’s a man of the Lord.

As in, “Good Lord, what a friggin’ lunatic.”


Media Math: Barack Obama minus…

Media Math, our blantant rip-off of Spy Magazine’s Celebrity Math, is sweeping the nation. Submit your own ideas and we’ll rip them off, too post the best ones here on

Media Math, our blantant rip-off of Spy Magazine’s Celebrity Math, is sweeping the nation. Submit your own ideas and we’ll rip them off, too post the best ones here on

Reverend Wright still hates Jews, but no more than he always has

Ahhh, those happy days back before it became wrong to be Wright
Ahhh, those happy days back before it became wrong to be Wright

Reverend Jeremiah Wright is talking again. And his comments are not going to help President Obama’s relationship with Israel. Not at all.

Wright said he hasn’t spoken to Obama since the President threw him under the bus last year. “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office. They will not let him…talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is.”

“Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza,” Wright added. “Ethnic cleansing of the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don’t want Barack talking like that because that’s anti-Israel.”

Finally, Wright indirectly confirmed the truth of the accusation that Obama must have heard, but not been bothered by his inflammatory sermons while attending the Trinity United Church of Chicago for twenty years, by admitting that his message hasn’t changed:

“…the media went back five, seven, 10 years and spent $4,000 buying 20 years worth of sermons to hear what I’ve been preaching for 20 years?”

Pity poor Israel is surrounded by enemies – Lebanon to the north, Syria and Jordan to the east, Gaza and Barack Obama to the west.


William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright lead Mideast peace rally and Israeli hatefest

Those two veteran America haters, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers enjoy each other's company at a weekend protest
Those two veteran America haters, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers enjoy each other's company at a weekend protest

Those two harmless jesters who don’t know each other, never met each other, barely knew Barack Obama, and wouldn’t really know him if they ran into him on a Chicago street, got together in Chicago on Sunday.

Yes, unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright led a group of community activists, clergy and residents on a march “demanding a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Translation: Screw the Israelis.

“We can’t be squelching viewpoints because they are unpopular or because someone has a reputation through Fox News,” said Caren Levy Van Slyke, a spokeswoman for the group.

Translation: Fox News shouldn’t have told the truth about Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.

When asked about the event, President Obama said, “Who? Bill Who? Jeremiah Who? I don’t believe I’m familiar with either of those gentlemen.” Then he laughed his ass off and said, “Gotta go. I’m nationalizing a couple more industries this afternoon.”

OK, the previous paragraph is a complete fabrication. But it could have happened.


Wikipedia censors Obama entry, removes scandals and controversies

wikipedia logoSo much for Wikipedia’s credibility. According to WorldNetDaily, the online entry for Barack Obama is quickly and continuously censored to make sure the president appears to be scandal-free.

Obama’s current Wikipedia entry paints a remarkably positive picture of the president. The most controversial parts of his life, including Rev. Jeremiah Wright and terrorist pal Bill Ayers aren’t even mentioned. The controversy regarding Obama’s eligibility to serve as president is also ignored.

To make matters even worse, Wikipedia administrators have quickly deleted any negative comments and suspended those who had the temerity to write them.

How ’bout they just quit beating around the bush and put the fully-censored Obama listing under “F” for “Fearless Leader.”

Source: WorldNetDaily

Bogus poll says Rush less popular than Jeremiah Wright

According to a recent poll (view PDF of poll here), Rush Limbaugh is one of America’s the most unpopular political figures.

Calm down, relax, take a deep breath. It’s all nonsense.

The poll, conducted by the research firm Greenberg-Quinlan-Rosner, says Rush’s public-approval rating is just 21 percent among likely voters. That’s seven points lower than Reverend Jeremiah Wright and eight points lower than domestic terrorist and Obama pal Bill Ayers.

Here’s why it’s bogus. Greenberg-Quinlan-Rosner is a Democratic research firm run by Stan Greenberg. You remember Stan Greenberg. He’s the guy who joins in a daily conference call with buddies Rahm Emanuel, George Stephanopoulos, Paul Begala, and James Carville.

We thinking of conducting our own poll. How many of you think we should do it?

That was a joke. Conducting a poll. How many think we should do it? Get it?

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