Fox News Host Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody of Both Children Amid Allegations of Abuse

Fox News Host Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody of Both Children Amid Allegations of Abuse. We quit watching O’Reilly on Fox a long time ago when he turned into the head bloviator. Based upon the link it looks like he’s turned into more than that at home.

Lawrence O’Donnell demonstrates the left’s version of “fair and balanced”

Which cable news network is truly fair and balanced – Fox or MSNBC – was proven once again when the story was President Obama’s invitation to rapper Common for the White House Poetry Night.

Which cable news network is truly fair and balanced – Fox or MSNBC – was proven once again last Wednesday night (in other words, it was just like every other night of the week). The day’s top story was President Obama’s invitation to rapper Common to participate in Poetry Night at the White House.

On Fox, O’Reilly brought on not one but two liberal radio talk show hosts to present the leftist point of view. MSNBC’s Larry “The Cable News Guy” O’Donnell brought on one liberal to parrot his talking points.

Might this be why the latest ratings reveal The Factor more than triples The Last Word’s number of viewers?

While attacking Republicans for speaking out against the invitation, O’Donnell singled out the line, “Tell the law my Uzi weighs a ton” as the reason for the Republican’s objection.

Larry purposely, conveniently omitted what Republicans made very clear as their objection: lyrics about burning President Bush, and defending cop killer Joanne Chesimard.

The straw man that O’Donnell and his guest offered as substitute? Racism. Being MSNBC, would you expect anything else?

Shamelessly substituting lies for truth with phony righteous indignation: Larry O’Donnell – a proud graduate of the Edward R. Olbermann School of Yellow Journalism.

– Written by Sonny Palermo

O’Reilly wakes up: “The danger to the country lies in the executive branch and President Obama”

When it comes to the subject of Barack Obama, Bill O’Reilly is schizophrenic. Some nights he supports him and demands that conservatives back off, other nights he wants his head on a stake.

When it comes to the subject of Barack Obama, Bill O’Reilly is schizophrenic. Some nights he supports him and demands that conservatives back off, other nights he wants his head on a stake.

Monday night was in the latter mode. He told Brit Hume, “The danger to the country lies in the executive branch and president Obama … I think absolutely the president wants to take from the rich and give to the poor.”

Blind sow, meet acorn.

O’Reilly talks about what’s his name who got fired at MSNBC without mentioning what’s his name’s name

Bill O’Reilly took a few minutes to ruminate about The Olbermann Incident without mentioning his former competitor by name. Not once. And from Olbermann’s point of view, that’s probably the worst insult O’Reilly could have delivered.

Bill O’Reilly took a few minutes to ruminate about The Olbermann Incident without mentioning his former competitor by name. Not once. And from Olbermann’s point of view, that’s probably the worst insult O’Reilly could have delivered.

“They took one of their guys out and then they’re moving everybody else around. Doesn’t matter who he is or why they took him out,” O’Reilly said. “[I] don’t want to get involved with any of that personal stuff.”

When he says they’re moving everybody else around, we’re pretty sure he means like deck chairs on the Titanic.

O’Reilly noted that MSNBC was ranked 28th overall in cable ratings, which he said demonstrated failure, especially considering the fact the network has the resources of NBC behind it.

“Sure, look — we know the double standard, but it is and we’ve accepted the double standard, Bernie and I have because we can’t do anything about it,” O’Reilly said. “Bernie left CBS. I left CBS. Now we are here at Fox News. But let me ask you this: When you read in the print press about all of this garbage and that’s what it is, this network with NBC’s resources behind it to be ranked 28th is a disgrace. That’s a failure. Now they could squeeze out a few million dollars of profit, I guess, but it’s a failure. But the Fox News Channel is a colossal success – colossal success. You never read that. I very rarely read that.”

Source: Daily Caller

Bill O’Reilly doesn’t like it when you say the problem with the American economy is the American people

Lunatic lib Fareed Zakaria appeared on CNN’s Parker Spitzer (yes, it’s still on the air) and said the problem with the American economy is the American people.
And Bill O’Reilly fired back on Thursday night.

Lunatic lib Fareed Zakaria appeared on CNN’s Parker Spitzer (yes, it’s still on the air) and said the problem with the American economy is the American people.

“No, I think the people are the big problem,” Zakaria said. “I mean, Americans — everybody wants to say the American people are so wonderful. You know, I think that when they come to recognize that they have to make sacrifices too that it’s not just wasteful — they need to have — they need to recognize that some of what’s going to happen here is fewer. They have to consume fewer things. They have to accept slightly higher taxes. And in the long run, you will have a much better economy.”

And Bill O’Reilly fired back on Thursday night.

Personally, we think Parker Spitzer is the problem. We are, of course, highly-trained economists and we believe that all our other problems will begin to solve themselves once this horrible TV show is cancelled.


O’Reilly rants, “I don’t think there’s anybody in the world who fears Obama. I don’t think anybody does!”

O’Reilly couldn’t take it anymore. Just couldn’t take it. “I don’t think there’s anybody in the world who fears Barack Obama,” he ranted. “I don’t think anybody does!”

Brit Hume got together with Bill O’Reilly to talk about the Wikileaks mess.
 After discussing Obama’s weak response to the issue, O’Reilly couldn’t take it anymore. Just couldn’t take it.

“I don’t think there’s anybody in the world who fears Barack Obama,” he ranted. “I don’t think anybody does!”

Bill is correct. The only thing they still fear is that he’s going to start talking again.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Juan Williams and Bill O’Reilly put an exclamation point on the end of the NPR kerfuffle

Well, Juan Williams had an interesting 24 hours, didn’t he? First he was fired over the phone by NPR for comments he made on O’Reilly’s Fox TV show. Then he was immediately given a new $2 million contract by Fox.

Well, Juan Williams had an interesting 24 hours, didn’t he? First he was fired over the phone by NPR for comments he made on O’Reilly’s Fox TV show. Then he was immediately given a new $2 million contract by Fox.

His new millions not withstanding, Juan is pissed. And you can’t blame the guy.

As O’Reilly says on this clip, “NPR has now devolved into a totalitarian outfit functioning as an arm of the far left. As a corporation, has a right to do what it wants, but it does not have a right to any of our tax dollars. NPR will rue the day. Congress is going to defund NPR. We are not letting it go.“

O’Reilly = dog. NPR = bone.

Wouldn’t want to be bone.


What was once denied is now confirmed: GE chairman really did order NBC hosts to go easy on Obama

Charles Gasparino tells Bill O’Reilly that he has confirmation that the “go easy on Obama” order was actually issued by General Electric (GE), which owns NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC.

Jeff Immelt is the sleazy chairman of General Electric (GE), which owns NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC.

Rumors swirled around the media world very early in the Obama administration that Immelt had held a dinner for the top executives and air talent of his networks and told them to go easy on the new administration. Of course, everyone involved denied that the dinner had ever taken place.

Now Charles Gasparino tells Bill O’Reilly that he has confirmation from people who attended the dinner that it not only took place, but that the “go easy on Obama” order was actually issued.

The only remaining question is, why did he bother inviting anyone from MSNBC? How much easier could they go?

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Dick Morris says Shirley Sherrod is like Jeremiah Wright in drag

That’s actually our interpretation of what Dick Morris said. But Morris did cut through all the crap and explain Shirley Sherrod in one short, pithy line:

That’s actually our interpretation of what Dick Morris said. But Morris did cut through all the crap and explain Shirley Sherrod in one short, pithy line:

“Having radical leftist Shirley Sherrod in her job is like having Jeremiah Wright on staff.”

(Read all of our Shirley Sherrod stories, and we have a lot of them.)

How’d we miss this one? Limbaugh compares O’Reilly to Ted Baxter

In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman.

ted baxter bill o'reilly

We must have been too busy with stories about the Gusher in the Gulf, because we missed this story last week.

The Hill reports that the first shot has been fired in a possible civil war among conservative media giants:

In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman.

“Sorry but somebody’s gotta say it,” Limbaugh is quoted as saying in Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One by Zev Chafets. At press time, O’Reilly had yet to respond to the comment.

But it wasn’t just Bill-O who took grief from Big Rush. Limbaugh said he doesn’t consider any of his fellow conservative talk show hosts to be in his league.

“Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are protégés,” writes Chafets, “and [Limbaugh] has defended Glenn Beck.”

But Limbaugh “doesn’t really consider them, or anyone else, in his league.”

Bill O’Reilly as Ted Baxter? Why that’s absolutely insulting. Insulting to the memory of Ted Baxter.

Source: The Hill

Al Gore must fear rising sea levels, because he sure heads for the hills in this video

For example, Al Gore prophesized two years ago that “the entire North Polari(ized) cap will disappear in 5 years.” New York, he said, would disappear under the rising seas. And the world would end in a rising tide of…well…rising tides. In this clip, Al Gore gets ambushed by O’Reilly producer Jesse Watters. He squeals like little girl who just saw a spider.

It sucks when your own words come back to haunt you. It really sucks.

For example, Al Gore prophesied two years ago that “the entire North Polari(ized) cap will disappear in 5 years.” New York, he said, would disappear under the rising seas. And the world would end in a rising tide of…well…rising tides.

In this clip, Al Gore gets ambushed by O’Reilly producer Jesse Watters. He squeals like little girl who just saw a spider.

Turns out sea ice has increased by hundreds of thousands of square miles since Gore’s prediction. And the only thing disappearing is the former vice president’s credibility.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

For your listening pleasure: 88 seconds of pure, unadulterated left wing hate speech

Here’s 1:28 of pure, unadulterated hate from left wing talk show host Mike Malloy. He calls for the death of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly.

Can we all agree on something? Can we just do away with all this nonsense about hate speech from the right. Here’s 1:28 of pure, unadulterated hate from left wing talk show host Mike Malloy. He calls for the death of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly.

Now don’t go telling us that Malloy isn’t representative of the left, because he was a mainstay of Air America, so we can only assume he is the best and the brightest they have to offer.

Correction: The best and the brightest and the most vile.

Source: Radio Equalizer

Global warming debate? Bill Nye, the Psuedo-Science Guy versus AccuWeather’s Joe Bastardi

Bill Nye chose an interesting time to get involved in the global warming debate–just as the whole scam began falling apart.

Bill Nye chose an interesting time to get involved in the global warming debate–just as the whole scam began falling apart.

We’re just not sure if we should give OReilly kudos for being even-handed or give him hell for being even-handed.

O’Reilly: “Is Obama a socialist?”
Newt: “Of course, he is.”

Bill O’Reilly seems absolutely dumbfounded by the answer to the question he asked Newt Gingrich: Is Obama a socialist?

Our moms always said, ”Don’t ask the question if you can’t handle the answer.” Maybe Bill O’Reilly should have followed that advice, because he seems absolutely dumbfounded by the answer to the question he asked Newt Gingrich.

O’Reilly: So the question becomes, “Is the president a socialist?” Let’s remember the definition of socialism that the government controls property and commerce. Does Mr. Obama want to seize your house? I say no others say yes but there’s no question the president wants income redistribution and more government control over things like health care… Talking Points believes the fed should have some oversight on health care companies but the price can be driven down if the companies are allowed to compete nationwide. Why doesn’t the president try that before he sets up another big brother operation in Washington? Look these things are complicated. To call Obama a socialist or communist is over-simplifying. Americans need healthcare relief. There’s no question about it. But, it can be done using competition in the free market place and common sense like tort reform where lawsuits against medical personnel are scrutinized. As we said last week, name-calling gets us nowhere. Good solutions to complicated problems will rule the day. Or, am I wrong? And, that’s a memo and now for the top story, joining us from Washington FOX News analyst Newt Gingrich. He has a free newsletter that you can sign up for at So do you think President Obama’s a socialist?

Gingrich: Sure. Of course he is.

Why are we not surprised that O’Reilly is surprised at Newt’s answer?

Source: Gateway Pundit

Bill O’Reilly reams MSNBC, gloats about Fox News’ election night ratings

The numbers are in. Fox News absolutely destroyed the competition the night of Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts. Gloat, O’Reilly, gloat. You deserve it. Fox News deserves it. And most of all, MSNBC deserves it.

The numbers are in. Fox News absolutely destroyed the competition the night of Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts.

Gloat, O’Reilly, gloat. You deserve it. Fox News deserves it. And most of all, MSNBC deserves it.

Fox News is too successful: Dennis Kucinich threatens Bill O’Reilly

Let this be a warning to you, O’Reilly. Just because Air America has gone belly up and just because conservatives are on the ascendancy and just because Fox has huge ratings, that’s no reason to think things are ok, says Dennis Kucinich. The libs are always out there dangling the threat of the Fairness Doctrine over conservatives’ heads.

Let this be a warning to you, O’Reilly. Just because Air America has gone belly up and just because conservatives are on the ascendancy and just because Fox has huge ratings, that’s no reason to think things are ok. The libs are always out there dangling the threat of the Fairness Doctrine over conservatives’ heads.

Kucinich: You know what? Be careful, Bill, about crowing about your success right now because people are going to start calling for the Fairness Doctrine to come back if they feel their point of view is not being adequately represented.

Oh, that madcap Dennis Kucinich. What a cut-up. What a card. Someone get this guy a newspaper so he can read about the election in Massachusetts last week.

O’Reilly laughs at idiot guest who claims Scott Brown’s nude centerfold gives him big advantage in election

It think that there are a number of factors here,” Sally Quinn contended. “It’s not quite as black and white as it may seem. First of all Scott Brown is a hunk. And, I think that the fact that he posed semi-nude for a magazine gave him a huge advantage in public recognition.”

Sally Quinn is still alive? Well, we’ll be dipped.

As surprised as we were to find out that the Washington Post columnist is still alive, Bill O’Reilly was even more surprised to find out she’s a complete idiot.

“It think that there are a number of factors here,” Quinn contended. “It’s not quite as black and white as it may seem. First of all Scott Brown is a hunk. And, I think that the fact that he posed semi-nude for a magazine gave him a huge advantage in public recognition.”

O’Reilly was surprisingly kind in pointing out the stupidity of the contention that a 20-year old photo spread could boost anyone’s name recognition today.

Damn, win or lose, this has been one fun election. Can’t remember the last time we saw anything as funny as the way libs are twisting and turning.

Keith Olbermann’s long march toward obscurity

In short, Fox/O’Reilly’s numbers (in red) are outrageous, MSNBC/Olbermann’s (in blue) are down and out.

ratings-graphForget everyone else. Just sit back and be cheered for the holidays by the two-year trend in cable news during the 8 p.m. (est) time slot.

In short, Fox/O’Reilly’s numbers (in red) are outrageous, MSNBC/Olbermann’s (in blue) are down and out.


2009 sees record ratings at Fox News, record teeth gnashing at MSNBC

Fox News will finish 2009 as the number one cable news network thanks to the highest ratings in the network’s history.

glenn-beck That horrible gnashing of teeth you hear is Chris Matthews. The pathetic whimpering is Keith Olbermann. That plaintive wailing is Rachel Maddow. All because Fox News will finish 2009 as the number one cable news network thanks to the highest ratings in the network’s history.

Broadcasting & Cable reports the rosy details:

Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly provided Fox News' one-two punch in 2009
Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly provided Fox News' one-two punch in 2009

FNC topped the competition in all dayparts: morning (1 million Total Viewers, 340,000 viewers in news’ target demographic of 25-54-year-olds); total day (1.2 million viewers, 323,000 in the demo); primetime (2.2 million viewers, 551,000 in the demo). Those numbers mark year-to-year demo gains of 14% in the morning, 16% in total day and 10% in primetime (Mon-Sun), according to Nielsen.

FNC saw double-digit gains for all of its programs. Year-to-year, Glenn Beck is up 96% among total viewers (2.3 million) and 148% in the demo (612,000). Special Report with Bret Baier posted gains of 25% among total viewers (2 million) and 33% in the demo (454,000). The O’Reilly Factor is up 13% among total viewers (3.3 million) and 27% (801,000) in the demo, marking its tenth consecutive year as the No. 1 cable news program.

As Media Bistro points out, two Fox News success stories stand out:

Glenn Beck is up 96% in total viewers (averaging 2.3 million). He’s also up 148% in the A24-54 demo, averaging 612,000 viewers.

Bill O’Reilly, who now makes it 10 years as the top cable news program, was up 13% in Total Viewers with 3.3 million tuning in and 27% in the demo (801,000). In 2009, O’Reilly often outdrew programs on broadcast networks — just this week, “The Factor” had a larger audience than ABC’s “Better Off Ted” (“Ted” drew 3.183 million viewers, while O’Reilly drew 3.299 million at 8pmET.)

Amusingly, CNN and MSNBC are also touting their 2009 ratings. But that discussion is like the captain of the Titanic arguing with the captain of the Lusitania about which ship is sinking faster.

Source:, Broadcasting & Cable

Can I ask you a question, Congressman Grayson? Congressman Grayson? Congressman?

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly sends correspondent Griff Jenkins to Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson’s office. Grayson doesn’t like it. Not one little bit.

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly sends correspondent Griff Jenkins to Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson’s office. Grayson doesn’t like it. Not one little bit.


Rachel. Maddow’s. Worst. Week. Ever.

The only thing falling faster than President Obama’s approval ratings are MSNBC’s cable news ratings. Especially those of the irrepressible Rachel Maddow.

Rachel Maddow. Or Ron Reagan, Jr. Or Andy Dick. We can never tell.
Rachel Maddow. Or Ron Reagan, Jr. Or Andy Dick. We can never tell.

The only things falling faster than President Obama’s approval ratings are MSNBC’s cable news ratings. Especially those of the irrepressible Rachel Maddow.

The Ron Reagan, Jr. look-alike just racked up the worst one week ratings of her one year sojourn at MSNBC. For the first time ever, she went through an entire week without attracting a million viewers on any night. In fact, her total viewers for the week were a meager 4,147,000 people. That’s barely more than Bill O’Reilly nets in a single night.

Here are the sad specifics:

Date 25-54 Age Demo Total Audience
Fri, Oct 16 283,000 937,000
Thu, Oct 15 214,000 894,000
Wed, Oct 14 227,000 787,000
Tue, Oct 13 281,000 913,000
Mon, Oct 12 158,000 616,000

At the rate she’s going, Rachel’s last viewer will turn over to Hannity sometime in 2012. Just in time to get a more realistic view of the mid-term elections.


O’Reilly fantasizes to Bachmann: “You and Sarah Palin are good-looking women” who “drive the far left crazy”

Is it just us or does Bill O’Reilly get just a little too enthusiastic in telling Michele Bachmann that she and Sarah Palin are very attractive women. Settle down, big fella, settle down.

Is it just us or does Bill O’Reilly get just a little too enthusiastic in telling Michele Bachmann that she and Sarah Palin are very attractive women. Settle down, big fella, settle down.


Did Dennis Miller really say Fox is successful despite Hannity and Beck?

Bill O’Reilly and Dennis Miller use the 13th anniversary of Fox News to laugh and scratch and analyze why so many people love the network. And why so many hate it.

Bill O’Reilly and Dennis Miller use the 13th anniversary of Fox News to laugh and scratch and analyze why so many people love the network. And why so many hate it.

It’s Miller at his best — including hilarious comments on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Hannity, Beck, Roger Ailes, and the hot women of Fox.


That settles it: O’Reilly declares ObamaCare unconstitutional

Bill O’Reilly, the Ultimate Authority On Everything, has declared that ObamaCare is unconstitutional. Megyn Kelly and Lis Wiehl were discussing the issue when O’Reilly issued his verdict that under the commerce clause of the Constitution, the government can’t force you to buy anything.

If you ever had any question about the legality of ObamaCare, it’s been settled by the Chief Justice of the Cable News Supreme Court.

Bill O’Reilly, the Ultimate Authority On Everything, has declared that ObamaCare is unconstitutional. Megyn Kelly and Lis Wiehl were discussing the issue when O’Reilly issued his verdict that under the commerce clause of the Constitution, the government can’t force you to buy anything.

We really want to like O’Reilly, but he’s just so damned smug. Even when we agree with the guy, we feel a little bad admitting it.

By the way, the word of the day is “smug.” Look it up.

Fox News kills competition, Glenn Beck’s ratings make mockery of boycott

Beck’s ratings are higher than ever. Remarkably, his show doesn’t run during primetime, yet his audience is larger than every prime time on every cable news network except Fox News’ O’Reilly-Hannity tandem. How long until Fox moves him into a more prominent time slot? And who will go to make room for him?

Glenn Beck rules the ratings with an iron fist
Glenn Beck rules the ratings with an iron fist

If President Obama’s henchmen are organizing a boycott of Glenn Beck, the ratings show that no one’s paying attention.

Beck’s ratings are higher than ever. Remarkably, his show doesn’t run during primetime, yet his audience is larger than every prime time on every cable news network except Fox News’ O’Reilly-Hannity tandem.

How long until Fox moves him into a more prominent time slot? And who will go or move to make room for him?

Ratings for Monday, August 24, 2009

Network Program Total Audience
Fox News O’Reilly 3,440,000
Fox News Hannity 2,937,000
Fox News Beck 2,810,000
Fox News Greta 2,450,000
Fox News Baier 2,066,000
Fox News Smith 1,860,000
MSNBC Olbermann 1,114,000
CNN King 1,063,000
MSNBC Maddow 885,000
CNN Cooper 827,000
MSNBC Hardball 640,000


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