PRIORITIES: Will University Of Illinois Employ Terrorist Murderer Or Take $4.5 MILLION Gift?

PRIORITIES: Will University Of Illinois Employ Terrorist Murderer Or Take $4.5 MILLION Gift? If you like your terrorist, you can keep your terrorist and I’ll keep my $4.5 million.

Bill Ayers: Any country with a US military base should be able to vote in American elections

Obama’s close friend Bill Ayers says residents of a country with an American military base should be able to vote in an American presidential election.

Bill “Yeah, I’m Still An Unrepentant Terrorist” Ayers, a close personal friend of President Obama, is so far off to the left that you need a telescope to find him.

“Every resident of a country with an American military base within its borders ought to have the right to vote in an American presidential election,” Ayers said. “That causes a different kind of way of thinking, doesn’t it? I mean, imagine, you know, if hundreds and hundreds of millions of people voting for the American president from countries as diverse as Cuba and Italy and, you know, wherever. (indistinguishable) I think it’s a great idea. What do you think?”

What do we think? Well, Willie, we think you have it backwards. We have military bases in those countries because, at one time or another, we saved their asses from some oppressor.

Seems to us that if fair was fair, we should be able to vote in their elections, not vice versa.

Jared Loughner went to a high school that teaches unrepentant terrorist William Ayers’ curriculum

We’re not saying there’s any connection between William Ayers curriculum and the Tucson shooting spree, because as far as we know the school hasn’t produced any other mass murderers, but this is kind of interesting nonetheless.

We’re not saying there’s any connection between William Ayers curriculum and the Tucson shooting spree, because as far as we know the school hasn’t produced any other mass murderers, but this is kind of interesting nonetheless.

"Teach your children well, their father's hell did slowly go by..." has the details:

Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers. Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.

Jared Loughner, a successful graduate of the William Ayers Academy of Advanced Liberal Studies

Loughner attended Mountain View High School, which is part of Arizona’s Morana Unified School District. Since 2003, Mountain View has been part of what is known as the Smaller Learning Community, a network of schools that have been restructured to create a more personalized learning environment where students often have the same teachers and fellow students from grade to grade.Mountain View was part of the Smaller Learning Communities throughout Loughner’s entire attendance there, from 9th grade until he withdrew without graduating before his senior year.

The high school received grants to research the concepts of Smaller Learning Communities and work to implement them.

Ayers himself is considered one of the fathers of the Smaller Learning Communities, often providing lectures to schools on the subject. For example, a 2001 lecture at Lewis & Clark College featured Ayers at a workshop entitled, “A Simple Justice: Building Smaller Learning Communities to Know Our Youth.”

There you go. There’s your first clue. Any time you see the word “justice” in the title of anything, you know its going to be some kind of wacko liberal scam that sucks tax dollars right out of your wallet and helps to destroy American society in the process.


Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers on his book dedication controversy: “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?”

William Ayers, 1960s radical and retired University of Illinois at Chicago professor, said Wednesday any suggestion he dedicated a book to the man who assassinated Robert Kennedy was fiction invented by right-wing bloggers.

Poor Bill Ayers. It’s hard being the nation’s most misunderstood domestic terrorist. When he’s not busy blowing up buildings, plotting the death of 25 million Americans or spending some “personal time” with a well-worn picture of Che, he’s sticking it to the man by whining about the blogosphere.

william ayers
William Ayers never dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan. And he never stepped on the flag, either

Here is what the Chicago Sun-Times had to say.

William Ayers, 1960s radical and retired University of Illinois at Chicago professor, said Wednesday any suggestion he dedicated a book to the man who assassinated Robert Kennedy was fiction invented by right-wing bloggers.

“There’s not a shred of truth in it,” he said.

Wait, there is more:

He said his situation was like being “caught in a Kafkaesque nightmare of trying to explain something that is insane” and that a reporter asking questions about the dedication of a book she has not read was part of the “Alice in Wonderland world we all live in.”

To be fair it has been a while since we’ve read The Trail, but we’re not quite sure that Ayer’s comparison is entirely accurate. There’s nothing very nightmarish about a rich guy spending his sunset years in luxury when he should be spending them in jail. Just as it is not the world that is absurd in a situation in which an avowed extremist expects you to believe his words over ironclad documentation to the contrary.

As far as the reference to Alice in Wonderland, we can’t account for that either. We went to go see that movie starring Stallone and Jet Li instead.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: Chicago Sun-Times,

Obama’s terrorist friend doesn’t have a very high opinion of you

Unrepentant terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, co-founder of the radical Weather Underground, and close friend of President Obama, spoke her mind during an interview with NewsClick India.

Unrepentant terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, co-founder of the radical Weather Underground, and close friend of President Obama, spoke her mind during an interview with NewsClick India.

She said you – assuming that you’re on the right – are “racist,“ ”armed,“ ”hostile,“ and ”unspeakable.“ And while she was on a roll, she said the American government was the “real terrorist.”

If a man is truly judged by the friends he keeps, President Obama was judged properly on Tuesday.

Michelle Obama asks her husband a question everyone would like answered

Before picking up his prize and delivering an eloquent speech, the president and first lady visited the Nobel Institute to sign a guest book in the room where the Nobel Committee meets to vote on prizes. Mr. Obama carefully wrote seven lines of text, prompting Mrs. Obama to ask…

Only a wife could talk to the President this way.
Only a wife could talk to the President this way.

The Christian Science Monitor reports this human interest story from Oslo:

Before picking up his prize and delivering an eloquent speech, the president and first lady visited the Nobel Institute to sign a guest book in the room where the Nobel Committee meets to vote on prizes. Mr. Obama carefully wrote seven lines of text, prompting Mrs. Obama to ask, “Are you writing a book?”

No, Michelle, if he had been writing a book Bill Ayers would have been there.

Source: Christian Science Monitor

William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright lead Mideast peace rally and Israeli hatefest

Those two veteran America haters, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers enjoy each other's company at a weekend protest
Those two veteran America haters, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers enjoy each other's company at a weekend protest

Those two harmless jesters who don’t know each other, never met each other, barely knew Barack Obama, and wouldn’t really know him if they ran into him on a Chicago street, got together in Chicago on Sunday.

Yes, unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and America-hating Reverend Jeremiah Wright led a group of community activists, clergy and residents on a march “demanding a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Translation: Screw the Israelis.

“We can’t be squelching viewpoints because they are unpopular or because someone has a reputation through Fox News,” said Caren Levy Van Slyke, a spokeswoman for the group.

Translation: Fox News shouldn’t have told the truth about Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.

When asked about the event, President Obama said, “Who? Bill Who? Jeremiah Who? I don’t believe I’m familiar with either of those gentlemen.” Then he laughed his ass off and said, “Gotta go. I’m nationalizing a couple more industries this afternoon.”

OK, the previous paragraph is a complete fabrication. But it could have happened.


Terrorist informant links Ayers and wife to murder of policeman

Terrorist Bill Ayers standing on the American flag
Terrorist Bill Ayers standing on the American flag

More bad news for unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and his equally-unrepentant wife Bernadette Dorhn.

Larry Grathwohl was an FBI informant who infiltrated Ayer’s Weather Underground terrorist group in the 1970s. He’s holding a press conference in San Francisco today to talk about things Ayers and Dohrn would rather keep buried in the past.

Here’s part of Grathwohl’s pre-released opening statement:

“The San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing occurred on February 16, 1970, when a pipe bomb filled with shrapnel detonated on the ledge of a window at the San Francisco Police Department’s Golden Gate Park station. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Investigators in the early ’70s said the bombing likely was the work of the Weather Underground, and not the Black Liberation Army,” but the crime was never solved. Brian V. McDonnell, a police sergeant, was fatally wounded in its blast; Robert Fogarty, another police officer, was severely wounded in his face and legs and was partially blinded.”

“No one was ever charged with the crime although six years the FBI was close to indicting Ayers wife and fellow terrorist Bernardine Dohrn around six years ago.”

“I was in the Weather Underground as an informant/infiltrator for the FBI. I have testified, spoken, and written about the involvement of Weather Underground terrorist leaders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in that bombing…There is no statute of limitations on murder.”

Attorney General Eric Holder is probably working on those pardon papers already.


Wikipedia censors Obama entry, removes scandals and controversies

wikipedia logoSo much for Wikipedia’s credibility. According to WorldNetDaily, the online entry for Barack Obama is quickly and continuously censored to make sure the president appears to be scandal-free.

Obama’s current Wikipedia entry paints a remarkably positive picture of the president. The most controversial parts of his life, including Rev. Jeremiah Wright and terrorist pal Bill Ayers aren’t even mentioned. The controversy regarding Obama’s eligibility to serve as president is also ignored.

To make matters even worse, Wikipedia administrators have quickly deleted any negative comments and suspended those who had the temerity to write them.

How ’bout they just quit beating around the bush and put the fully-censored Obama listing under “F” for “Fearless Leader.”

Source: WorldNetDaily

Terrorist Bill Ayers life to become “graphic novel”

Terrorist Bill Ayers standing on the American flag
Terrorist Bill Ayers shows his hatred for the country by standing on the American flag

A trade publisher that specializes in the theory and practice of teacher education has reached agreement on a “book” deal with Bill Ayers.

Teachers College Press refers to Ayers as “the University of Illinois at Chicago professor, lauded educational theorist and former leader of the radical 1960s Weather Underground.” They neglect to mention “unrepentant terrorist who regrets that he didn’t do more bombing and killing.”

The graphic novel will be called “To Teach: The Graphic Memoir” with art by Xeric Award-winner Ryan Alexander-Tanner.

If you’re not familiar with the term “graphic novel,” let us explain. It’s a freakin’ comic book. They’re publishing this terrorist’s memoirs as a comic book.

We recommend they buy some extra red ink to illustrate all the blood for which this guy’s responsible.

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