“How can you vote for a man who considers a Marxist to be his spiritual mentor?”

Charles Gasparino: They thought he was a moderate. You know what I said to these guys when they told me that? I said, “You ever heard of Jeremiah Wright?” I mean Jeremiah Wright, his racist rhetoric is there. But, he’s also a Marxist. He teaches liberation theology. How can you vote for a man who considers a Marxist to be his spiritual mentor?”

Charles Gasparino was being interviewed by Tucker Carlson on the Fox Business Channel when asked a pretty damn good question:

Carlson: All of these guys (business leaders) voted for Obama. What was the moment they changed their mind?

Gasparino: It wasn’t one moment but occurred over the course of the year… They thought he was a moderate. You know what I said to these guys when they told me that? I said, “You ever heard of Jeremiah Wright?” I mean Jeremiah Wright, his racist rhetoric is there. But, he’s also a Marxist. He teaches liberation theology. How can you vote for a man who considers a Marxist to be his spiritual mentor?”

Or in the words of Barbra Streisand, “What? You mean he wants my money, too?”

H/T: Gateway Pundit

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