Mika gets marching orders from the White House while she’s on the air

Since MSNBC is a real news organization – unlike Fox – it’s only natural that the White House should email Mika while she was on the air on Morning Joe.

Remind us again. Isn’t Mika the daughter of Mr. Mxyzptlk, Superman’s enemy from another dimension? But we digress.

Since MSNBC is a real news organization – unlike Fox – it’s only natural that the White House should email Mika Brzezinski while she was on the air.

And voila! Mika rolled over and played dead and delivered the White House’s talking points exactly as they had requested.

“The White House did just e-mail saying that interaction with Jake Tapper was not heated…”

Anita Dunn then placed a biscuit on Mika’s nose, where she obediently let it sit until she was given permission to eat it.

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