US DRONE STRIKE IN IDLIB, SYRIA KILLS TWO SENIOR AL-QAEDA LEADERS. The “Flying Ginsu” missile turned them into sushi.

“U.S. forces conducted a strike against Al Qaeda in Syria (AQ-S), in the vicinity of Idlib, Syria, Oct. 15. AQ-S continues to present a threat to America and our allies,” CENTCOM spokeswoman Maj. Beth Riordan said in a statement.

Dennis Kucinich says Syrian President Assad is loved by his people (other than the 1300 he murdered recently)

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) gave a press conference in Syria this week and appeared to heap praise upon Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We’re going to miss little Dennis Kucinich if his district is gerrymandered out of existence. Really miss him.

After all, what other representative who’s not a member of the Congressional Black Caucus can give us so much crazy material on such a consistent basis?

Dennis Kucinich is always good for a laugh. The same cannot be said for the 1300 dead Syrians.

The Hill comments on Kucinich’s latest comments:

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) gave a press conference in Syria this week and appeared to heap praise upon Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is being widely criticized for the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in that country.

… A story by the Syrian Arab News Agency on Tuesday has Kucinich at a press conference in Syria taking a highly controversial position toward al-Assad. In May, the U.S. imposed sanctions against al-Assad as a means of pressuring him to end the violent repression there.

“President al-Assad is highly loved and appreciated by the Syrians,” Kucinich said, according to the Syrian news site. “President Bashar al-Assad cares so much about what is taking place in Syria, which is evident in his effort towards a new Syria and everybody who meets him can be certain of this.”

In his defense, Kucinich said his words were mistranslated.

A more accurate translation is, “I’m a little pissed that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has been getting more press lately than I have. I need to up my crazy quotient.”

Source: The Hill

Definition of chutzpah: Syria kills 780 protesters, then condemns Israel for firing on Syrian invaders

The Assad regime has slaughtered 780 protestors according to human rights groups. Then they condemn Israel for firing on Syrian invaders.

Syria’s response to the Arab Spring has been brutal. The Assad regime has slaughtered 780 protestors according to human rights groups. But this is one of those situations where you can call your sister ugly, but no one else can.

The Jerusalem Post reports Assad’s hypocrisy:

“Hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinians approached the fence at Maroun a-Ras. The Lebanese army did not stop them. When IDF saw them attempting to destroy the fence, they took steps to stop them,” Brig.-Gen. Yoav “Poli” Mordechai told Channel 10 News.

Of course, the reaction was just what you would have expected.

Syria condemned on Sunday Israel’s “criminal activities” in the Golan Heights,Gaza, the West Bank and southern Lebanon where Israeli forces had fired to disperse pro-Palestinian protests.

Israeli troops shot at protesters in three separate locations to prevent crowds from crossing Israeli frontier lines.

State news agency SANA quoted the foreign ministry as saying it called on the international community to hold Israel responsible for the incidents, the deadliest such confrontation along the borders in years.

Of course, they want to hold Israel responsible. According to the Arabs, Israel has been responsible for every bad event in the world since the White Sox threw the 1919 World Series. Yes, that was 30 years before Israel was founded, but those damn Zionists undoubtedly had something to do with it.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Joe Lieberman thinks Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya have gone so well that we should invade Syria, too

Lieberman thinks we should attack Syria next because he thinks it will win over the “Arab people.” You know, much like our invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have won over the Arab people.

Independent Senator Joe Liebermann, who sits on the Armed Services Committee, just lost us. We’ve always kind of liked the guy, but those days are over as of Sunday.

Lieberman thinks we should attack Syria next because he thinks it will win over the “Arab people.” You know, much like our invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya have won over the Arab people.

Our suggestion for Joe: Never overdose of prescription pain killers before appearing on a Sunday morning interview program.

Uh-oh. Another racist government bans the burkha.

We’re told that Belgium is Islamophobic for banning the burkha! That France is Islamophobic for banning the burkha! But now that meme has been upset because – are you ready? – Syria has banned the burkha.

France and Belgium welcome Syria to the OBBN (Organization of Burkha Banning Nations)

We’re told that Belgium is Islamophobic for banning the burkha! That France is Islamophobic for banning the burkha! But now that meme has been upset because – are you ready? – Syria has banned the burkha. has the unexpected news:

The Syrian minister of higher education has prohibited the entrance of veiled female students into universities and colleges throughout the country, news agencies reported Sunday.

Dr. Ghitath Barakat explained that the donning of face veils, which cover everything but the woman’s eyes, “opposes the morals and values of the academy”.

Barakat’s decree followed similar ones approved by a number of European parliaments, including Belgium and France.

Racists! Those damn Syrians are racists. Evil, Islamophobic racists.

H/T: Tim Blair

Ahmadinejad says, “Circumstances Changing Rapidly in Our Favor”

Our enemies seem to love President Obama’s “engagement” efforts. That can’t be a good sign.

Here’s how reports it:

At a joint press conference with Syrian President Bashar Assad last Tuesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasted that “those who one day called Iran and Syria part of the axis of evil now want to develop relations with Iran and Syria.”

“Circumstances are changing rapidly in our favor,” Arab media quoted him as saying. “We are on the road to victory.”

President Obama better start some of that smilin’, fist pumpin’ diplomacy in Iran. After all, it worked so well in Venezuela.


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