Dennis Kucinich says Syrian President Assad is loved by his people (other than the 1300 he murdered recently)

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) gave a press conference in Syria this week and appeared to heap praise upon Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We’re going to miss little Dennis Kucinich if his district is gerrymandered out of existence. Really miss him.

After all, what other representative who’s not a member of the Congressional Black Caucus can give us so much crazy material on such a consistent basis?

Dennis Kucinich is always good for a laugh. The same cannot be said for the 1300 dead Syrians.

The Hill comments on Kucinich’s latest comments:

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) gave a press conference in Syria this week and appeared to heap praise upon Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is being widely criticized for the brutal crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrations in that country.

… A story by the Syrian Arab News Agency on Tuesday has Kucinich at a press conference in Syria taking a highly controversial position toward al-Assad. In May, the U.S. imposed sanctions against al-Assad as a means of pressuring him to end the violent repression there.

“President al-Assad is highly loved and appreciated by the Syrians,” Kucinich said, according to the Syrian news site. “President Bashar al-Assad cares so much about what is taking place in Syria, which is evident in his effort towards a new Syria and everybody who meets him can be certain of this.”

In his defense, Kucinich said his words were mistranslated.

A more accurate translation is, “I’m a little pissed that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has been getting more press lately than I have. I need to up my crazy quotient.”

Source: The Hill

Kucinich: “Islam is a religion based upon peace, goodwill and the ethical treatment of all people on this planet”

Dennis Kucinich issued a statement today admitting that he is stark, raving insane. Well, ok, maybe those weren’t his exact words, but that’s the way we interpret his comments.

Dennis Kucinich issued a statement today admitting that he is stark, raving insane. Well, ok, maybe those weren’t his exact words, but that’s the way we interpret his comments.

Once again, Dennis Kucinich comes up short

And we quote from the diminutive Congressman’s website:

“Despite efforts to improve relations between our nation and the Muslim and Arab world, America has stumbled. Two wars have been waged in the Middle East, further degrading our image among the world’s Muslim and Arab people.

“A Congressional hearing to investigate our friends and neighbors jeopardizes the fragile progress we have made and creates a longer gap for peace to bridge.

“This hearing insinuates that violence and the Muslim religion go hand in hand. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam is a religion based upon peace, goodwill and the ethical treatment of all people on this planet.”

Islam is a religion based upon peace, goodwill and the ethical treatment of all people on this planet?

What about the planet you come from, Congressman.


13 new sandwiches on the Congressional cafeteria menu

With Dennis Kucinich’s sandwich lawsuit in mind, it seems to us that the Congressional cafeteria should introduce these new sandwiches named after Washington, DC political and media types.

The Los Angeles Times reports, “After making headlines this week for accusing a congressional cafeteria of selling him a ‘dangerous’ sandwich, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, released a statement today announcing his lawsuit seeking $150,000 in damages had been settled.”

Surely, that sandwich will forever more be known in the Congressional cafeteria as the Kucinich Special. We’re pretty sure customers are already lining up and saying, “Gimme that Dennis Kucinich sandwich.”

Mmmmm. A huge f'ing joe Biden sandwich sounds good right now.

With that in mind, it seems to us that the Congressional cafeteria should introduce a whole line of sandwiches named after Washington, DC political and media types.

Please allow us to make some suggestions:

The Obama Surprise: Some days it’s all baloney and no bread. Other days it’s de-boned and spineless chicken on dark rye (You never really know what you’ll get. That’s why it’s called a surprise.)

The Barney Frank: Rump roast with an extra helping of salami.

The Harry Reid: Cold, aged beef with no seasoning on white bread.

The Ed Schultz: Beef tongue with an extra serving of fat. Always served hot.

The Keith Olbermann: This item has been removed from the menu.

The Joe Biden: This is a huge f’ing sandwich. It contains a lot of f’ing pork. It’s a f’ing fork-ready project. (NOTE: The Joe Biden Combo comes one fry short of a happy meal.)

The Nancy Pelosi: Cold, crusty chicken, hold the pickle, on old rye.

The Helen Thomas: Non-Kosher meats and cheeses that have been aged beyond recognition. It’s all served on Halal-friendly breads (all profits from this sandwich will be donated back to Palestinian freedom fighters seeking the destruction of Israel a peaceful two-state alternative.

The Tim Geitner: Lean, greasy turkey. Tax-free through April 15.

The Michelle Obama: You don’t order the Michelle Obama. The Michelle Obama orders you!

The Al Sharpton: A delightful low carb alternative featuring dark meat turkey wrapped in a thin skin of pure cheese.

The Ben Nelson: Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, The Ben Nelson has sold out.

The Ted Kennedy: Dry, aged liver patty. Ask for the Kennedy Combo and get a free Bloody Mary.

You know you’re friggin’ crazy when even Dennis Kucinich knows you’re friggin’ crazy

Ed Schultz prefaces an interview with Dennis Kucinich with some of his typical outlandish bombast and pseudo-angry overstatement and assumes the radical Congresman will follow his lead. Didn’t.

This is rich. This is classic. Some nights – Thursday, for example – things just don’t go the way poor ol’ Ed Schultz thinks they’re going to go. In this clip, for example, Ed prefaces an interview with Dennis Kucinich with some of his typical outlandish bombast and pseudo-angry overstatement and assumes the radical Congresman will follow his lead.

Sorry, Ed. It didn’t work out that way.

Schultz: John Boehner has to deal with all of this tea party rhetoric in his caucus, and has no interest in trying to work with the President. Sarah Palin, and the Tan Man, and the rest of the Republicans have no interest in rising to the President’s challenge on tone and accepting the plea to change it all. They already have a post-Tucson mentality. They don’t care about stripping 32 million Americans from getting their healthcare. They don’t give a damn about kids with pre-existing conditions. And they want every American armed and dangerous. Pretty clear – this is all about putting Democrats on the defensive, and filling their campaign coffers for 2012.

That’s the way, Ed. You give those evil Republicans what for. You set the plate for the Congressman. You throw him a hanging curveball and he’ll pound it out of the park.

Schultz: … I will not belittle you at all by asking you what kind of firearm you’re going to carry on the House floor if that were to ever pass. So we’ll get on to the serious business of real tone.

Kucinich didn’t realize Ed was attempting to make a joke. He sat there as straight-faced as Washington on Mount Rushmore, Schultz’ attempted ha-ha going right over his head. So Ed plowed ahead although the hurt expression on his face told you he was a little pissy that his sophisticated wit had gone unappreciated.

Schultz: The President made a plea, not only to members of Congress but to the country, to change the tone. What effect do you think it will have in the wake of some of the developments in the stories we just put out tonight about the actions of some of the Republicans. Your take on all of this?

Kucinich: … You know, I love you and you’re one of the most passionate defenders of the people that’s in the media. But, you know, John Boehner is actually, I thought, set a very good tone. I mean, he really rose to the occasion in a way that I suppose is surprising people. I’ve known John a long time and I think he’s been very statesmanlike in the way that he’s responded to the tragedy in Arizona. Now you know, we have a debate coming up on healthcare and I don’t know that he’s going to be able to control everything his members will say, but I think he’s trying to understand that the atmosphere has changed dramatically and that the President set a tone that all of us have to pay attention to.

At this point Ed was obviously more than just a bit put off by Kucinich’s willingness to give Boehner the benefit of the doubt. Why, Ed wondered, won’t this bozo join me in frothing at the mouth?

Schultz: Do you know if he’s publicly called on members of his party and of his caucus to tone it down? Because I’ve missed that story Congressman.

Kuchinich: Well, you know what? John Boehner is not a person who is a flamethrower himself and it’s important to remember that, Ed, because he’s not someone who’s going to approve of anyone who is, you know, he’s going to push the Republican agenda I got that and I don’t agree with him, but he’s not going to approve of anything that will increase the intensity. of rhetoric. That’s really is something he has to reflect on and something our President has cautioned about.

Damn, we wish we could have been there at the next commercial break when Ed fell to the floor, quivering and biting his tongue.

H/T: JammieWearingFool

Three Stooges meet the Marx Brothers: Washington Post list of libs who should challenge Obama in the primaries

Ladies and gentlemen, straight from three nights headlining at the Comedy Corner in Biloxi, Mississippi, here’s the WaPo on who should challenge Barack Obama on the far left.

The Washington Post has turned to comedy. They think the only way the Obama presidency can be saved is with a primary challenge from the left. The extreme left.

Ladies and gentlemen, straight from three nights headlining at the Comedy Corner in Biloxi, Mississippi, here’s the WaPo:

President Maxine Waters. Stop it, Washington Post, you're killin' us.

But there is a real way to save the Obama presidency: by challenging him in the 2012 presidential primaries with a candidate who would unequivocally commit to a well-defined progressive agenda and contrast it with the Obama administration’s policies …

This policy platform must be matched with a willingness to talk unequivocally about the spiritual and ethical need for a new bottom line – one of love, kindness and generosity. We need a progressive push for a new New Deal, which in the 21st century could be the Caring Society: “Caring for Each Other and the Earth.”

Public officials who would make excellent candidates should they run on this platform include Sens. Russ Feingold, Bernie Sanders, Barbara Mikulski or Al Franken; Reps. Joe Sestak, Maxine Waters, Raul Grijalva, Alan Grayson, Barbara Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Lois Capps, Jim Moran and Lynn Woolsey. Others include Jim McGovern, Marcy Kaptur, Jim McDermott or John Conyers. We should also consider popular figures outside of government. How about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? Why not Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Susan Sarandon or the Rev. James Forbes?

Yes, why not Rachel Maddow? Why not Alan Grayson? Why not Maxine Waters? Why not the rest of these leftist losers?

And if our Congresswoman, the brainless, spineless and chinless Lois Capps should choose to run, it would truly be a comedy trifecta.


Sarah Palin’s Alaska inspires other politicians to pitch their own reality TV shows

Following the successful debut of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” agents representing other politicians are rushing to Hollywood to pitch reality shows for their clients.

Few original ideas have ever been generated in Hollywood and even fewer have ever come from Washington, DC. The two towns were made for each other.

So following the successful debut of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” (TLC reported a record 5,000,000 viewers for the premiere episode), agents representing other politicians are rushing to Hollywood to pitch reality shows for their clients.

So here are some other reality programs we’re looking forward to in the near future:

“Harry Reid’s Nevada”

Harry Reid Join the soon to be former Senate majority leader as he goes prospecting for gold on K Street. Visit his boyhood home in Searchlight, Nevada and learn how he became wealthy working in the private sector for a mere two years. Watch him give charisma lessons to other Democrats. Don’t miss a moment when Harry Reid’s Nevada premieres Sunday, Nov. 14 at 9/8C only on MSNBC.

“John Kerry’s Massachusetts”

John Kerry Deep in the wilds of a Massachusetts gated community, John Kerry faces the toughest decision of his life: where to dock his new yacht. The gang from Jersey Shore make a cameo to explain to Senator Kerry how lowering taxes can promote economic growth and result in more government revenues. Later, Kerry fights for wind power in someone else’s backyard. It’s “John Kerry’s Massachusetts” premiering Monday, November 22 at 9/8C on CNN.

“Barbara Boxer’s California”

Barbara Boxer Wham-Bam-Don’t-Call-Me-Ma’am. Barbara Boxer gets in a tiff with a barista at Starbucks who refuses to call her grande skinny latte a “Senator Grande Skinny Latte.” Join Barbara as she explores the California Aqueduct through the dried-up breadbasket of California’s Central Valley and all the way back to the spawning grounds of the endangered delta smelt, stopping, of course, at 5-star resorts along the way. “Barbara Boxer’s California” debuts Tuesday, November 23 at 9/8 Central on MSNBC.

“Elliot Spitzer’s New York”

eliot spitzer Experience New York like you never have before as Elliot takes you on a wild romp through the Empire State. Accompany him as he rides bareback through the canyons of the Adirondacks. Catch crabs with the former governor as he plunges his rod into the pristine waters of the Hudson. Bone up on you local history as he navigates the annals of the world’s oldest profession. “Elliot Spitzer’s New York.” Premiering next Friday at 9/8 Central only on IHTM-TV.

“Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska”

lisa murkowski Lisa Murkowski debates changing her last name to Smith to ease future write-in campaigns. A trip to the hairdresser ends in disaster when the resulting new doo looks “too modern, like something out of the nineties.” She decides to keep her 70s-inspired locks for additional coverage on the Drudge Report. “Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska.” Don’t miss this special premiere Monday, November 30 at 8/8 Central on Animal Planet.

“Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio”

Dennis Kucinich In this episode Dennis Kucinich plays Risk with two old high school chums, but opts out when the game becomes, “increasingly militaristic.” After accusing his old friends of imperialism, Kucinich breaks from the game to immediately build a peaceful agrarian community on his board. Noam Chomsky makes a guest appearance. “Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio” premieres Monday, November 29 at 9/8 Central only on Pravda TV.

“Barack Obama’s Kenya”

barack-obama-tv Travel back with the President as he returns to his homeland. Be with him as he makes the adjustment from the imperial opulence of the White House to the spartan furnishings of his brother’s one-room shack in Nairobi. Travel the land as he seeks out anyone who remembers his birth and pays them to forget it. Watch the dramatic premiere of “Barack Obama’s Kenya” this Sunday, Nov 28 at 9/8 Central only on IHTM-TV.

“Chuck Schumer’s New York”

Chuck Schumer This is the reality show in which the star is never off camera. He stars in all the commercials, voice overs and station breaks. Experience the seesaw excitement as Chuck demeans Wall Street bankers one minute, then strong arms them for campaign contributions the next. Don’t miss “Chuck Schumer’s New York,” premiering November 24 at 8:00 p.m. on PBS.

“Maxine Waters’ South Central”

Maxine Waters Yo, what you looking at, honky? Turn your damn TV off. This show is for black people only because you white people have had your own TV shows for too damn long. Co-stars Demond Wilson from “Sanford & Son” and “Rodney King from Can’t We All Just Get Along?” “Maxine Waters’ South Central” debuts November 24 at 8/9 Central on BET.

“Al Franken’s Minnesota”

Al Franken Al Franken, Minnesota’s favorite son, shows you the highways and byways and underhanded ways of the Land of Ten Thousand Missing Votes. Visit comedy clubs across the state in search of someone who finds him funny. Discover that the Al Franken persona is an act, but the Stuart Smalley persona is real. Don’t miss the series premiere of “Al Franken’s Minnesota,” November 24 at 8/9 Central following the season premiere of Prairie Home Companion on PBS.

Fox News is too successful: Dennis Kucinich threatens Bill O’Reilly

Let this be a warning to you, O’Reilly. Just because Air America has gone belly up and just because conservatives are on the ascendancy and just because Fox has huge ratings, that’s no reason to think things are ok, says Dennis Kucinich. The libs are always out there dangling the threat of the Fairness Doctrine over conservatives’ heads.

Let this be a warning to you, O’Reilly. Just because Air America has gone belly up and just because conservatives are on the ascendancy and just because Fox has huge ratings, that’s no reason to think things are ok. The libs are always out there dangling the threat of the Fairness Doctrine over conservatives’ heads.

Kucinich: You know what? Be careful, Bill, about crowing about your success right now because people are going to start calling for the Fairness Doctrine to come back if they feel their point of view is not being adequately represented.

Oh, that madcap Dennis Kucinich. What a cut-up. What a card. Someone get this guy a newspaper so he can read about the election in Massachusetts last week.

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