The ugly truth: Those friggin’ beautiful people are probably smarter than us, too

A study in England conducted by researchers at the London School of Economics found that attractive men and women generally have higher IQs. “Physical attractiveness is significantly positively associated with general intelligence.”

The Editor thinks this story is probably nonsense. The Administrator thinks it verifies what he’s always known in his heart.

The New York Daily News has the details:

Yeah, well, if they're so damn smart why did he star in "Sinbad" and why did she marry Billy Bob Thornton?

A study in England conducted by researchers at the London School of Economics found that attractive men and women generally have higher IQs. “Physical attractiveness is significantly positively associated with general intelligence,” said LSE lead researcher Satoshi Kanazawa, in the latest issue of the journal Intelligence.

The study indicated attractive men have IQs that are 13.6 points above the average, while beautiful women are 11.4 points higher than average.

Since intelligent men are more inclined to achieve more success, they are “more likely to marry beautiful women,” Kanazawa said. “Given that both intelligence and physical attractiveness are highly heritable, there should be a positive correlation between intelligence and physical attractiveness in the children’s generation.”

(Note: The remarkably handsome Administrator includes his photo with his comments, but the hideously disfigured Editor doesn’t.)

Source: New York Daily News

Her parents should be arrested for child abuse

Dallas’ D Magazine named her one of Dallas’ Ten Most Beautiful Women, but even that’s not enough to overcome what her parents named her. Her parents should be arrested for child abuse.

D Magazine named her one of Dallas’ Ten Most Beautiful Women, but even that’s not enough to overcome what her parents named her.


Maxine Waters named one of the most beautiful people in Washington, DC. Seriously. For real. Stop laughing.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters one of the fifty most beautiful people in Washington, DC? Somebody must have spiked the water cooler at The Hill.

Another sign of the Apocolypse: Maxine Waters named one of Washington, DC's most beautiful people
Another sign of the Apocolypse: Maxine Waters named one of Washington, DC's most beautiful people

Somebody must have spiked the water cooler at The Hill. How else can you explain the fact that they named California Congresswoman Maxine Waters one of the fifty most beautiful people in Washington, DC?

Stop laughing. This is serious. Here, we’ll quote them:

Rep. Maxine Waters

A high-heeled woman

Age: 70

Hometown: Los Angeles

Political party: Democratic

Relationship status: Married

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has more than just a home state in common with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) The Southern Californian equals her northern counterpart in the ability to endure 12-hour congressional workdays in four-inch stiletto heels. One aspect of Waters’s signature look — along with her stylish glasses — is her impressively high footwear.

Her leg strength must come from years as a runner. But because of an injury, Waters has recently switched to swimming as her exercise of choice. Most of her cardio, though, surely comes from her first love in personal activities: antique shopping.

Waters collects antique perfume bottles, scales and radios. She also has an extensive collection of ethnic dolls from all over the world, and she loves shopping for old furniture and art.

“I love old things,” she says with a laugh.

She loves them so much that she’s running out of space to keep her collections.
“That’s a problem,” Waters says, explaining that her Washington condo and Los Angeles home are at capacity. She plans to start giving components of her collections as “special gift ts to special people,” including her two grandchildren.

Not surprisingly, the veteran lawmaker’s post-Congress plans include more shopping and collecting.

“I have this idea that, when I retire, I’ll travel, I’ll collect and I’ll sell,” she says. “I’ll have a little store.”

One key to Waters’s perpetually fresh look may be that she uses her time wisely. She says she has trained herself to relax and rest (and also read) on her coast-to-coast flights from her district to Washington. But there is one other trick Waters uses to always look her best.

“I bathe in moisturizer,” she says.

We apologize if this is considered harsh, but there ain’t enough moisturizer east of the Mississippi to make Maxine Waters beautiful.

Since President Obama has officially ushered in the Era of Apologies, we think The Hill owes one to its readers. A really big one.

The truth ain’t pretty.


Whorish director of the Miss California pageant considers herself a role model

Whorish and hypocriticalish Shanna Moakler demonstrating the 'racy' pose for which Carrie Prejean was condemned. Click image to see a defintely NSFW Playboy video of her.
Whorish and hypocriticalish Shanna Moakler demonstrating the 'racy' pose for which Carrie Prejean was condemned. Click image to see a defintely NSFW Playboy video of her.

Donald Trump had the moxie to let Carrie Prejean keep her Miss California crown. The next day the director of the Miss California pageant Shanna Moakler “resigned” and made the following comments to

“Since the press conference yesterday, I had a chance to think about what has taken place, and I feel that at this time it is in my best interest to resign from the Miss California USA organization.”

“I cannot with a clear conscious move forward supporting and promoting the Miss Universe Organization when I no longer believe in it, or the contracts I signed committing myself as a youth,” she sneered. “I want to be a role model for young woman with high hopes of pageantry, but now feel it more important to be a role model for my children. I am sorry and hope I have not let any young supporters down but wish them the best of luck in fulfilling their dreams.”

In the world of beauty pageants, the words “role model” is apparently a synonym for “cheap, sleazy whore.”

Here are some photos and videos of Shanna Moakler, role model.

Continue reading “Whorish director of the Miss California pageant considers herself a role model”

Miss California keeps title:
Trump trashes detractors, she speaks eloquently

Donald Trump defended Miss California Carrie Prejean at a press conference today and announced that she will get to keep her crown.. Then Prejean demonstrated a kind of eloquence and dignity with which Perez Hilton is obviously unfamiliar.

One of the first things Trump said at his press conference was that Carrie’s views on gay marriage are identical to those of President Obama: they both support benefits, equal rights, and civil unions for same-sex couples, but oppose a federal law allowing gay marriage.

Trump said the supposedly “racy” photos of Carrie are nothing more than standard modeling photos and that the “lurid” photos in circulation are PhotoShop phonies.

But the real highlight of the event was Prejean’s impassioned and eloquent speech on what she has been through, her values, and for her desire for free speech and the respect for diverse views by all.

We sat glued to the TV set in awe.

Let us be the first to say it: Carrie Prejean for Congress. Or Fox News. Or whatever the hell this wonderful young woman wants out of life.

Left wing bloggers try to embarrass Miss California with “dirty” photos

Dirty. Sexy. Risque. Semi-nude. Harlot. (Yawn. Wake us up when the left digs up something worth talking about.)
Dirty. Sexy. Risque. Semi-nude. Harlot. (Yawn. Wake us up when the left digs up something worth talking about.)
Miss California, Carrie Prejean, doesn’t deserve to live. She actually had the effrontery to express the opinion of the majority of people in her state and in the nation.

Now the left is out to do anything they can to destroy this young woman. She’s a stupid bitch. She’s had breast implants. And now, now, now the left thinks they’ve hit the scandal goldmine.

“Dirty” photos.

Sadly for the left, the photos are about as dirty as the Sears catalog. In fact, they may actually have been in a Sear’s catalog.

“I am a Christian, and I am a model,” Prejean said. “Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos. Recently, photos taken of me as a teenager have been released surreptitiously to a tabloid Web site that openly mocks me for my Christian faith. I am not perfect, and I will never claim to be.”

The best they can do so far is photo that shows Prejean wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Her breasts are completely covered by her arm.

Yet media bias reared its ugly head when NBC’s Today Show refused to air the photos because they were too racy.

Hah! They’re about as racy as Katie Couric. Ooh, we take that back. We don’t even want to think about that. God, we wish we could wipe that thought from our minds.

Source: JammieWearingFool

Dumb Comment of the Day
“supper excited to find a site entitled ‘I Hate the Media’ but super disappointed to see how far to the right you swing. And come on, Miss California a strong woman? She lost and rightly so. I will continue in my search for unbiased media, until then, I will stick to the best source, NPR.”

Yup, that’s verbatim. We’re excited about supper, too. Mmmm, pot roast tonight.

Is Miss California being recruited by Fox News?
If not, why not?

Carrie Prejean, the California beauty who would have won the Miss USA title had it not been for the militant gay egomaniac Perez Hilton, showed up on Neil Cavuto’s Fox program on Tuesday.

She was fabulous. Warm. Gracious. Intelligent. Well-spoken. Amazingly, she appears to genuinely hold no ill will toward Perez Hilton. And she seems to have all the right points of view to qualify for a job at Fox News.

Here’s one brief exchange between Cavuto and Parjean.

Cavuto: (wondering how she would have answered the question posed to Miss Arizona) What do you think of the bailouts?
Carrie: I don’t feel that taxpayers’ money should be used for bailing out companies. I don’t. Do I agree that they should be used for welfare? No. I don’t.

But then Cavuto got the heart of the matter – Prejean’s plans for the future:

Cavuto: What do you want to be?
Carrie: You know, I’m not sure. I’m continuing my modeling career and I’m not sure how far that’s going to lead me. Maybe get into politics, you never know.
Cavuto: You know, half of ‘em want to get into TV news.
Carrie: No, I don’t think I want to get into that. Definitely not. Maybe motivational speaking.
Cavuto: (Whistles) Whew. Breathe a sigh of relief there. OK, good. Because I don’t need the competition. I just want to avoid that.
Carrie: I know.

Carrie Prejean. Smarter than Perez Hilton. More attractive than Paris Hilton. And vice versa, too.

Source: Fox News via

Miss California defends herself on the Today Show

Miss California Carrie Prejean, who most agree lost the Miss USA 2009 title Sunday Night because, in response to judge Perez Hilton’s question on gay marriage, claimed that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, defended herself on The Today Show this morning. Matt Lauer gave her a chance to revise her answer. No revision necessary, she says:

“The way that I answered might have been offensive … but for me, it was being biblically correct.”

Now this is a strong woman. More of a woman than Ms. Perez Hilton can ever hope to be.

Miss California loses Miss USA title because she doesn’t believe in gay marriage

For some unknown reason, Donald Trump invited offensive and flamboyantly gay Hollywood blogger Perez Hilton to be a judge at the Miss USA pageant last night. He probably won’t be invited back.

It was bad enough that his question to Miss California was, “Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?”

She gave a well-reasoned, well-spoken answer. We always thought that was the basis on which contestants were judged in the question and answer segment. Apparently not. Perez Hilton judged the content of her answer and came to the conclusion that it didn’t match his beliefs.

Miss California, who had already won the swimsuit and evening gown portions of the competition, lost the crown to Miss North Carolina when she had the nerve to express herself honestly:

“In my country, in my family, I think that I believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anyone out there, but that’s how I was raised.”

Hilton’s face froze tighter than Nancy Pelosi’s after a botox injection. As soon as the competition was over, he rushed back to his hotel room and posted this video blog to his followers.

“Miss California lost not because she doesn’t believe in gay marriage. Miss California lost because she was a dumb bitch.” He continued, “If that girl would have won Miss USA, I would have gone up on stage, I shit you not, I would have gone up on stage, grabbed that tiara off her head, and run out the door. And then I would have probably been arrested, but so what.”

It might not be much consolation, but we have a tiara here and we’d like to present it to Miss California and officially name her “Miss”


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