Congratulations, Keith Olbermann. You are officially the Stupidest Person of the Day

We have to admit, we never thought that anyone would come along who would make 9/11 truthers look rational. But we never figured Keith Olbermann into the equation.

We have to admit, we never thought that anyone would come along who would make 9/11 truthers look rational. But we never figured Keith Olbermann into the equation..

Fortunately, was on the case. We all owe this dedicated group of masochists a debt of gratitude. They actually subject themselves to watching Olbermann’s show so you don’t have to.

As mockingly reports, “First Oralmann tells us the crotch bomber was no big deal, just a schlub who didn’t pose any real threat to anyone. But consistency is not considered a virtue on OlbyPlanet, so Krazy Keith goes on from there to suggest that our spy organizations deliberately buried the intel about the crotch bomber–knowing he could kill 300 people. Why? To embarrass the Obama administration! John Gibson has the details on the latest Krazy Keith Konspiracy … listen to the end as a genius caller takes it to the next level.”

Why stop there, Keith? Any theories on the lone gunman and the grassy knoll?


– Written by Patrick Michael

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