The End of Poverty = the beginning of boredom

The End of Poverty is a documentary that came out in 2009. Let us sum if up for you briefly: Poverty is Wall Street’s fault. It’s Washington’s fault. It’s America’s fault. It’s capitalism’s fault. All that plus Martin Sheen as the narrator. How did this dog not win a raft of Academy Awards?

We received this video in an email from one of our readers who said, “My idiot liberal sister sent this to me.”

The End of Poverty is a documentary that came out in 2009. According to, the total domestic box office for this piece of crappola was – are you rady – a laughably low $57,805. Hell, they could have done that much business if the gals from Code Pink had decided to take in a matinee between protests. It took in so little money that The End of Poverty may have been the beginning of poverty for whoever financed it.

Let us sum if up for you briefly: Poverty is Wall Street’s fault. It’s Washington’s fault. It’s America’s fault. It’s capitalism’s fault. All that plus Martin Sheen as the narrator.

How did this dog not win a raft of Academy Awards? It has everything Hollywood wants to see, but nothing the American people want to see. And that combo is usually good for an Oscar or three.

BBC to show movie made by chimpanzees. Can MSNBC be far behind?

The once much-revered British Broadcasting Corporation has not only gone to the dogs, it’s now gone ape.

The once much-revered British Broadcasting Corporation has not only gone to the dogs, it’s now gone ape.

The world’s first film shot entirely by chimpanzees is to be broadcast by the BBC as part of a natural history documentary.

The apes created the movie using a specially designed chimp-proof camera given to them by primatologists.

The film-making exercise is part of a scientific study into how chimpanzees perceive the world and each other.

It will be screened within the Natural World programme “Chimpcam” shown on BBC Two at 2000GMT on Wednesday 27 January.

Making the movie was the brainchild of primatologist Ms Betsy Herrelko, who is studying for a PhD in primate behaviour at the University of Stirling, UK.

Ratings-challenged MSNBC is reportedly in negotiations to give the chimps their own nightly primetime show, although industry experts say the primates may be too intelligent to fit in with the rest of the network’s programming.

Source: BBC

Pointy-headed researchers accuse children’s films of perpetuating “heteronormativity”

A University of Michigan study says love stories told in G-rated children’s films (such as Disney’s Little Mermaid) are responsible for what they label “heteronormativity.” Real world translation: Not enough gay sex.

Perhaps the researchers be happier if kids movies had a little inter-species lesbian sex
Perhaps the researchers be happier if kids movies had a little inter-species lesbian sex

Hold onto your hats. You’re not going to believe this one.

A University of Michigan study says love stories told in G-rated children’s films (such as Disney’s Little Mermaid) are responsible for what they label “heteronormativity.”

Real world translation: Not enough gay sex.

“Despite the assumption that children’s media are free of sexual content, our analyses suggest that these media depict a rich and pervasive heterosexual landscape,” said a report in Gender & Society, a publication of the Sociologists for Women in Society.

Researchers looked at the most successful G-rated movies between 1990-2005 and concluded that kids’ films “construct heterosexuality” via “depictions of hetero-romantic love as exceptional, powerful, transformative, and magical,” and “depictions of interactions between gendered bodies in which the sexiness of feminine characters is subjected to the gaze of masculine characters.”

“Characters in love are surrounded by music, flowers, candles, magic, fire, balloons, fancy dresses, dim lights, dancing and elaborate dinners,” the report noted. “Fireflies, butterflies, sunsets, wind and the beauty and power of nature often provide the setting for – and a link to the naturalness of – hetero-romantic love.”

We say, bravo, you brave researchers. That’s what’s wrong with America’s kids. They need more gay sex in their cartoons! More group sex! More bestiality!

And for god’s sake, man, somebody put some pants on that perverted Donald Duck.


Times of London turns Star Trek review in political statement: “Star Trek boldly goes into the Obama era”

Don’t you hate critics who review “films” instead of “movies.” You know, those self-important nimrods who think they’re too smart by half and wear out their thesauruses (thesauri?) in an attempt to convince you of the same thing.

The Times of London just ran one of those reviews on the new Star Trek movie that premieres May 8.

(One disclaimer: we are not ashamed to say that we are long-time Trekkies. We don’t even attempt to hide behind the supposedly more dignified name “Trekker.”)

Let’s just go with one paragraph of this freshman poly sci term paper disguised as a movie review:

There was always a very close relationship between the American Dream — not to mention American imperialism — and Star Trek, with its liberal, secular, multiracial, technophiliac vision of the future. But the two seem almost to have mind-melded with the election of an optimistic, liberal, multiracial President with a Kenyan father and a white American mother (Star Trek featured the first interracial kiss on US television, sparking protests at the time) — and, who is himself something of a 1960s tribute act, with his JFK and Martin Luther King cadences. Suddenly, with Barack Obama at the helm, America looks like a brand that people can believe in again. Or at least root for at the movies.

For God’s sake, it’s just a friggin’ movie, Limey Boy. It’s cowboys and Indians in outer space. Good guys versus bad guys. White hats versus black hats.

Read the whole thing. Just to remind yourself why newspapers are neither living long nor prospering.

We have to go now. Advance tickets just went on sale downtown for the May 8 opening.

Source: Times of London via Big Hollywood

Julianne Moore to play Hillary Clinton. Massive make-up costs assure production will go over-budget?

If this woman can convince you she's Hillary Clinton, she's the greatest actress of all time.
If this woman can convince you she's Hillary Clinton, she's the greatest actress of all time.
This is one of the strangest casting decisions in the history of Hollywood.

Julianne Moore, who is an exceptionally hot actress, has signed on to play Hillary Clinton, who has an exceptionally hot temper. That’s the only connection we could find between the two.

The new movie will be called Special Relationship and will also star Dennis Quaid as former President Bill Clinton.

“This is a big role for both of them,” said one insider. “Playing Hillary, a wife who stands by her unfaithful husband, will be something she can get her teeth stuck into.”

“That’s not right,” Bill must have thought, “Hillary doesn’t have teeth. She has fangs.”

Source: Huffington Post

Crazy story of the day: Iran won’t believe Obama until Hollywood apologizes


We’re not sure which is funnier: the fact that Hollywood sent a delegation to Iran or the fact that Iran immediately demanded an apology from that delegation.

“(Iranian) cinema officials will only have the right to have official sessions with…Hollywood movie makers, when they apologize to the Iranians for their 30 years of insults and slanders,” said Javad Shamaghdari, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s offical art advisor.

“We will believe Obama’s policy of change when we see change in Hollywood, too,” Shamaghdari continued, “and if Hollywood wants to correct its behavior towards Iranian people and Islamic culture then they have to officially apologize.”

The testy Iranians are upset because the movie “300” portrayed their ancient Persian ancestors as bloodthirsty and because Mickey Rourke’s character tore apart an Iranian flag in “The Wrestler.”

We say, “Get in line, Iran.” No apology for you until we get an apology for Sean Penn’s entire career.

Source: Breitbart

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