Nightmare: Helen Thomas to appear in April Playboy

Helen Thomas in Playboy. Good lord, those are words that makes the horror of Japan’s nuclear disaster pale in comparison.

Helen Thomas in Playboy. Good lord, those are words that makes the horror of Japan’s nuclear disaster pale in comparison.

Luckily, she’ll keep all her clothes on. This is merely an interview with the anti-Semitic old harridan. And we quote:

Helen Thomas poses in Playboy as someone who's not anti-Semitic

“I knew exactly what I was doing – I was going for broke. I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up…I finally wanted to speak the truth,” explains former dean of the White House Press Corps Helen Thomas when asked about her now infamous May 27, 2010 comments on Israel in Playboy’s April Interview (issue on newsstands and online at Friday, March 18). The outspoken journalist sparked controversy when a rabbi and blogger asked her for remarks on Israel and she responded “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine,” adding that the Jews “can go home” to “Poland, Germany and America and everywhere else.” Shortly thereafter her comments went viral and Thomas abruptly resigned from her post at Hearst Newspapers on June 7, 2010.

The 90-year-old veteran reporter sat down with Playboy Contributing Editor David Hochman for her first in-depth interview following her contentious remarks. Not only did she share her thoughts on Israel and Palestine, she also discussed her sentiments towards Jews, her supposed retirement, President Obama, Congress’s anti-Arab agenda and her obituary.

Far be it from us to imply that Playboy is out of touch, but what makes them think anyone – anyone – has any interest in hearing another word Helen Thomas has to say?

Source: Daily Caller

Anti-Semite and racist: Helen Thomas says, “I thought Obama would be more liberal because he’s black”

Joy Behar interviewed Helen Thomas. She couldn’t allow herself to show the anger she would show toward, say, Tea Partiers, but it’s still obvious that she thinks Thomas is way off base.

Crusty old anti-Semite Helen Thomas showed up on the Joy Behar Show. Why, we cannot say, because know that no conservative who said the things Thomas said would ever be allowed on television again.

Nevertheless, Behar interviewed Thomas. She couldn’t allow herself to show the anger she would show toward, say, Tea Partiers, but it’s still obvious that she thinks Thomas is waaaaay off base.

Behar: Things have changed. And President Obama, do you like him? Do you think he is doing a good job? We started out the conversation before about it a little bit.
Thomas: I think he lacks courage
Behar: He lacks courage?
Thomas: And he is not a liberal. I had hoped he was. I suppose I thought he was, because he was black, I thought he would automatically be —
Behar: Well, that was your mistake.
Thomas: That was my mistake. I thought he would be a liberal.
Behar: Can’t judge a person by the color.
Thomas: Absolutely. You are so right. But I really thought that he would have an empathy for all the blacks, what they had gone through in life.

Go to the 6:27 mark for the above conversation. But the whole damn thing is remarkable for it’s ignorance, anti-Semitism, and racism.

Not that Helen would be interested, but we’d really like to introduce her to a black conservative (gasp) like Allen West just to see her head spin around like a dreadle.

Oops. That’s a Jewish toy. Sorry, Helen.

Helen Thomas: Still an ugly anti-Semite (with the emphasis on ugly)

Helen Thomas claimed that “Zionists” control U.S. foreign policy and other American institutions. The local Jewish community strongly condemned her remarks.

Anti-Semitic former White House correspondent Helen Thomas spoke at a Dearbornistan anti-Arab workshop.

helen thomas
Helen Thomas: Just as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside

The Detroit Free-Press reports:

Striking a defiant tone, journalist Helen Thomas, 90, said today she absolutely stands by her controversial comments about Israel made earlier this year that led to her resignation. But she stoked additional controversy with new remarks, claiming that “Zionists” control U.S. foreign policy and other American institutions. The local Jewish community strongly condemned her remarks.

In a speech that drew a standing ovation, Thomas talked about “the whole question of money involved in politics.”

“We are owned by propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House, and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question in my opinion. They put their money where there mouth is…We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”

One reaction came almost immediately:

Wayne State University, the Detroit, Michigan, institution that Thomas graduated from in 1942, said in a statement Friday that the school will no longer give out the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media Award.

“Wayne State encourages free speech and open dialogue, and respects diverse viewpoints,” the school’s statement said. “However, the university strongly condemns the anti-Semitic remarks made by Helen Thomas during a conference yesterday.”

But what was the reaction from all those liberals who insisted that Thomas had been unfairly fired and that her long, noble career proved she wasn’t really an anti-Semite?

(Sound of crickets)

Source: Detroit Free Press,

Helen Thomas just said what Barack Obama believes

No one should have been surprised by Thomas’ outburst. Despite the White House’s tepid relatively condemnation of Thomas, the fact is that she was merely parroting what Barack Obama believes.

helen thomas barack obama
Are these people pre-occupied with Israeli occupation?

Helen Thomas said of the Israelis, “Tell ‘em to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember these people are occupied and it’s their land. It’s not Germany. It’s not Poland. They could go home to Poland, Germany, and America. And everywhere else.”

No one should have been surprised by Thomas’ outburst. Despite the White House’s tepid relatively condemnation of Thomas, the fact is that she was merely parroting what Barack Obama believes.

Note this quote from his June 4, 2009 speech to the Muslim world in Cairo:

On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people — Muslims and Christians — have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. For more than 60 years they’ve endured the pain of dislocation. Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead. They endure the daily humiliations — large and small — that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: The situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. And America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own. (Applause.)

This quote comes from and we really appreciate the way the White House emphasized that the Muslim audience applauded the line about the Jewish occupiers.


Helen Thomas proves that she is an ugly, old anti-Semite

“Ugly” is indisputable. Ditto with “old.” Anti-Semitic has always been assumed. But now the angry old bat has finally slipped and put her anti-Semitism on display for the whole world to see.

“Ugly” is indisputable. Ditto with “old.” Anti-Semitic has always been assumed. But now the angry old bat has finally slipped and put her anti-Semitism on display for the whole world to see.

We eagerly await her official statement that she was misquoted when she said of the Israeli Jews, “Tell them they should go back to Poland and Germany.”

Of course, the response to this will surely be universal condemnation by the rest of the press corps and she will just as surely be stripped of her seat in the first row at future White House press briefings.

Oh, man, we crack ourselves up.

God strike us blind: Huffington Post trying to create a calendar of liberal women

The Huffington Post is getting a little pissy about the “The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute” and its “Great American Conservative Women” 2010 calendar.

Helen Thomas, Miss November in the 2010 the Great American Liberal Women Calendar
Helen Thomas, Miss November in the 2010 the Great American Liberal Women Calendar

The Huffington Post is getting a little pissy about the “The Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute” and its “Great American Conservative Women” 2010 calendar.

That pissiness may result from the fact that when HuffPo announced that it was going to respond with its own “Great American Liberal Women Calendar,” the Institute posted the following message on its Facebook site:

“The Huffington Post is trying to make a Great American LIBERAL women calendar.” This might be difficult considering that their women look like men *cough* Rachel Maddow* cough*.

The conservative calendar features the likes of Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter and Carrie Prejean. All excellent choices.

Rumor has it that HuffPo’s calendar will feature liberal lovelies like Rachel Maddow, Nancy Pelosi and Helen Thomas.

‘Nuff said.


– Written by Patrick Michael

The truth exposed: Helen Thomas is really Billy Crystal Thomas has been squatting there in the front row of the White House press briefing room all these years and now we discover she doesn’t even really exist.

It’s all been a giant practical joke played on America by comedian Billy Crystal. width=”300″ height=”230″Want proof? Watch these two videos. You’ll be convinced that battle axe reporter Helen Thomas is just another one of Billy Crystal’s crazy characters. In fact, it’s the same character he played in The Princess Bride. Same face. Same voice. Same lunacy.

We’re onto you, Crystal. Did you really think you could fool top notch investigative reporters like

O’Reilly calls Helen Thomas “Wicked Witch,” she flies off handle

Get the headline? He said she sounds like a witch. Witches ride brooms. Brooms have handles. Thomas flew off the handle. Therefore, we were also saying Thomas is a witch.

Damn, we hate it when the explanation of the headline is longer than the headline itself.

So back to the subject at hand. Bill O’Reilly calls White House reporter Helen Thomas the “Wicked Witch of the East.”

Courtney Martin, a representative from the Women’s Media Center, has a tizzy. She calls O’Reilly sexist for using a cliché about women as witches. O’Reilly wraps things up by telling Martin that she and the WMC “are being used by the left to do this nonsense.”

Seriously, Bill, you may have gone too far this time. Calling Helen Thomas a witch is wrong. Just plain wrong. It’s offensive to witches everywhere.

Ed Schultz booted off the radio, lands at Obama press conference

ed_schultz_radioWhen Ed Schultz, floundering left-wing radio host, was booted off the air in Washington, DC yesterday, observers wondered where he would end up next.

The surprising answer? In the front row at President Obama’s press conference.

As if to segregate the unsuccessful and the unattractive in one small area, Schultz was seated next to aesthetically-challenged reporter Helen Thomas. Miffed network correspondents were relegated to the second row.

“What’s the problem,” Helen Thomas thought to herself. “This dough-faced lunatic is just as impartial as I am.”

Helen Thomas: old as dirt, dumb as a rock

angry_catAnyone who thought the election of Barack Obama was going to declaw Hearst columnist Helen Thomas got a rude awakening at yesterday’s White House press briefing.

Thomas demanded to know why President Obama wants to send more troops into Afghanistan. Without waiting for an answer, she gave her own. We’re doing it, she said, to “kill more people.

At least Thomas is consistent. Historians tell us she also asked George Washington why he wanted to kill innocent Hessians, asked James Polk why he wanted to kill innocent Mexicans, and asked President Lincoln why he wanted to kill innocent Southerners.

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