Joy Behar asks the moronic question of the day: How do we know that photo of Weiner’s weiner isn’t Breitbart?”

“Ooooh, I have an idea,” Behar says excitedly. “How about if I blurt out something crazy about that photo Breitbart has of Anthony Weiner’s weiner.

We picture a pre-production meeting at The View. Barbara Walters gathers her co-hosts around a conference room table in her spacious office and says, “OK, Whoopi made the stupid comment yesterday, so I believe it’s Joy’s turn today.”

“Ooooh, I have an idea,” Behar says excitedly. “How about if I blurt out something crazy about that photo Breitbart has of Anthony Weiner’s weiner. Like maybe, ‘How do we know that’s not Breitbart’s weiner?’”

“That’s so crazy it might just work,” Walters replies.

Not to be outdone, Whoopi jumps in to kiss Walter’s ass. “And then, Barbara, maybe you can jump in and say how attractive Weiner’s weiner is in the photo.”

“Outstanding idea, Whoopi. That’s why I pay you millions of dollars a year to sit on this pathetic panel.”

We’re not sure if that’s how the pre-production meeting went, but that’s how it went on the air.

Historic: Joy Behar speaks the dumbest words ever spoken on The View

joy Behar claimed, “there are other ways of getting information out of people . . . pay them off!” Ms. Behar said offering a terrorist a “$6 million book deal” may work just as well as waterboarding them.

We know what you’re thinking. Is it really possible to determine which of the many stupid things said on The View is the stupidest? But we think you’ll agree that this one deserves the superlative description.

Fox Nation reveals Behar’s buffoonery:

“The View” ladies discussed the effectiveness of coercive interrogation today and Joy Behar claimed, “there are other ways of getting information out of people . . . pay them off!” Ms. Behar said offering a terrorist a “$6 million book deal” may work just as well as waterboarding them. Sherri Shepherd interrupted and passionately defended CIA agents who do what’s necessary to protect average citizens . . . which actually ignited a hearty ovation from left-leaning “View” crowd.

We should convince terrorists to talk by giving them a book deal? Like we said, the stupidest thing ever said on The View, surpassing the former record holder, Whoopi Goldberg’s comment that Roman Polanski’s crime wasn’t rape rape.

Congratulations to Ms Behar. This is the TV equivalent of breaking Babe Ruth’s homerun record.

Source: Fox  Nation

Anti-Semite and racist: Helen Thomas says, “I thought Obama would be more liberal because he’s black”

Joy Behar interviewed Helen Thomas. She couldn’t allow herself to show the anger she would show toward, say, Tea Partiers, but it’s still obvious that she thinks Thomas is way off base.

Crusty old anti-Semite Helen Thomas showed up on the Joy Behar Show. Why, we cannot say, because know that no conservative who said the things Thomas said would ever be allowed on television again.

Nevertheless, Behar interviewed Thomas. She couldn’t allow herself to show the anger she would show toward, say, Tea Partiers, but it’s still obvious that she thinks Thomas is waaaaay off base.

Behar: Things have changed. And President Obama, do you like him? Do you think he is doing a good job? We started out the conversation before about it a little bit.
Thomas: I think he lacks courage
Behar: He lacks courage?
Thomas: And he is not a liberal. I had hoped he was. I suppose I thought he was, because he was black, I thought he would automatically be —
Behar: Well, that was your mistake.
Thomas: That was my mistake. I thought he would be a liberal.
Behar: Can’t judge a person by the color.
Thomas: Absolutely. You are so right. But I really thought that he would have an empathy for all the blacks, what they had gone through in life.

Go to the 6:27 mark for the above conversation. But the whole damn thing is remarkable for it’s ignorance, anti-Semitism, and racism.

Not that Helen would be interested, but we’d really like to introduce her to a black conservative (gasp) like Allen West just to see her head spin around like a dreadle.

Oops. That’s a Jewish toy. Sorry, Helen.

Joy Behar on Sharron Angle: “This bitch going to hell”

Can someone please answer one simple question? No, that wasn’t the question. This is: Why does Joy Behar have a career on television?

Can someone please answer one simple question? No, that wasn’t the question. This is:

Why does Joy Behar have a career on television?

She’s completely classless, completely clueless and considering the fact that she bills herself as a comedian, completely laughless.

We have a friend who hates sitcoms because, he says, all character development ends far too soon in most of them and each character quickly devolves into increasing exaggerations of his or her most prominent trait.

Based on that description, can The View be described as anything but a sitcom?

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Behar says Michelle Bachmann is “against children.” This will come as a huge surprise to the 28 children she raised.

Joy Behar has said enough dumb things to qualify her for a job on MSNBC, so it’s a surprise that she’s still laboring on HLN (or whatever it’s called these days).

Joy Behar has said enough dumb things to qualify her for a job on MSNBC, so it’s a surprise that she’s still laboring on HLN (or whatever it’s called these days).

But she topped herself when she said of Republican Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, “She’s against children.”

Bachmann is regarded as one of the leading advocates for foster and adopted children in Congress. She and her husband have not only raised five children of their own, they’ve taken in 23 foster kids over the years.

Joy Behar, blowhard.

Donny Deutsch: Great ad man, even greater liberal bigot

Imagine, if you will, the howls of liberal protest that would spontaneously arise if a conservative TV commentator smeared a Cuban-American politician by calling him “a coconut“ – someone who’s brown on the outside, but white on the inside.

Imagine, if you will, the howls of liberal protest that would spontaneously arise if a conservative TV commentator smeared a Cuban-American politician by calling him “a coconut“ – someone who’s brown on the outside, but white on the inside.

That’s exactly what former ad man and current liberal commentator Donny Deutsch did Monday on HLN’s Joy Behar Show. noted that ”Deutsch employed the derogatory term while hitting politicians with no experience. He noted the success of such candidates and derided, “…You almost need that blank piece of paper. That’s the new model. Like, you know, this coconut Rubio down in Florida.”

That wild and crazy Donny Deutsch. He’s such a radish.


Global warming causes earthquakes and tsunamis and, apparently, liberal stupidity

Joy Behar and Eve Ensler discuss how global warming causes earthquakes and tsunamis. And while we’re at it, Sarah Palin is stupid.

You can always count on Joy Behar and her guests to say something so stunningly stupid that you find yourself laughing out loud.

Like last night, for example. Eve Ensler, author of “The Vagina Monologues,” visited Behar’s studio to stake her claim on Stupidest Comment of the Year here in early February.

A transcript follows, but let us sum it up for you. Global warming causes earthquakes and tsunamis. And while we’re at it, Sarah Palin is stupid.

Ensler: Well, I just think the idea that she doesn’t believe in global warming is bizarre.
Behar: Every scientist at every note believes in it but Sarah Palin doesn’t believe in it.
Ensler: And I think we just kind of have to walk around the world at this point and look at what is happening to nature and earthquakes and tsunamis.
Behar: Right.
Ensler: And weather changes to just feel it. But I think that idea that she doesn’t believe in global warming and she could actually run for vice president, and we have a country where that is possible, it seems insane.
Behar: It’s unbelievable. It does seem insane and the fact that she has not negated the possibility of running in 2012.
Ensler: But we have. We have negated the possibility of her winning.

100% pure geniuses.


If you were a tree, what kind of grade would you give yourself?

The View’s Barbara Walters gets things going by suggesting that Barack Obama should have had the common sense not to answer the question when Oprah asked hm to grade his performance.

The gals on the View discuss Oprah Winfrey’s White House interview of Barack Obama. What could go wrong?

Barbara Walters gets things going by suggesting that Barack Obama should have had the common sense not to answer the question when Oprah asked him to grade his performance.

Not to be outdone, Joy Behar rushes to Obama’s defense by pointing out that he was once a professor and it’s just second nature for him to hand out grades.

Then Whoopi Goldberg jumped in to put all the blame on Oprah and to say it it wasn’t the answer that was dopey, it was the question.

The brain power on this panel couldn’t light up one of those new fangled energy efficient bulbs.

Source: Hot Air

We’re number four! We’re number four! We’re number four!

According to the Huffington Post, The Joy Behar show is “on a roll.” In the Land of Huffpo, a roll is apparently defined as finishing fourth in its 9 pm time slot with an average of just 417,000 viewers per night.

Joy Behar brings her viewers intelligent conversation and cleavage. OK, cleavage.
Joy Behar brings her viewers intelligent conversation and cleavage. OK, cleavage.

According to the Huffington Post, The Joy Behar show is “on a roll.” In the Land of Huffpo, a roll is apparently defined as finishing fourth in its 9 pm time slot with an average of just 417,000 viewers per night.

Not to burst Behar’s bubble or diminish the importance of finishing in the all important number four spot, but recently took “the first 50 days of ratings for Headline News’ The Behar Show and compared them to the final 50 days of the show she replaced, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell. So far, Joy’s done no better in the ratings.”

Is it just us or was “Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell” a show you found by accident when there were no good infomercials on?

Behar topped her average ratings only three times during the 50 day period. Her featured guests on those nights were Martin Short, Levi Johnson and Roseanne Barr – a gay icon and two celebrities everyone thought were dead.

Have fun figuring out which is which.


– Written by Patrick Michael

Joy Behar sees racism in “Black Friday.” Can “White Christmas” be far behind?

We’re not sure what’s worse about this video clip. Was it Joy Behar questioning the hidden racist meaning in the term “Black Friday” or Whoppi Goldberg revealing that she was “going commando”?

We’re not sure what’s worse about this video clip. Was it Joy Behar questioning the hidden racist meaning in the term “Black Friday” or Whoppi Goldberg revealing that she was “going commando”?

Here. Read the dialogue while we recover from that thought.

Goldberg: Oh, hello and welcome to ‘The View.’ Today is Black Friday, all day long. And I’m going to stay black all day because of it. 

Behar: Isn’t it a little racist to call it Black Friday? 

Goldberg: Well, I would have called it African American Friday, but that’s taking something away from it.

Behar: But there’s a negative connotation to it? Or does it mean something else?

Goldberg: No, it’s like when you make all the money – you’re in the black. 

Behar: So it’s positive? 

Goldberg: Yeah. It’s in the black, so it’s a huge great thing. 

Behar: A lot of times, like blackmail is negative, black sheep.

Goldberg: Black people. 

Behar: No, not black people. 

Goldberg: But it used to be, it used to be.

Believe it or not, that was the intellectual part of the conversation. It degenerated from there. Rapidly.

– Written by Patrick Michael

Entertainer Ted Danson says you shouldn’t listen to Rush Limbaugh because he’s just an entertainer

“Cheers” was a very funny television show. But it was a damn drama compared to what Joy Behar puts on the air every Monday to Friday night.

“Cheers” was a very funny television show. But it was a damn drama compared to what Joy Behar puts on the air every Monday to Friday night.

Clearly, Cheers star Ted Danson is too stupid to understand the irony of an entertainer involved in politics complaining that another entertainer is involved in politics.

The combination of Joy Behar’s sparkling wit and Ted Danson’s glittering intelligence is a marvel to behold.

Source: JammieWearingFool

Liberal smackdown. Film at 11:00

Coulter does that Coulter thing by telling Behar that every presidential assassin was a left winger. Behar does that Behar thing by stammering and stuttering.

The god awful Joy Behar show may avoid cancellation for a few more days if continues to book Anne Coulter.

Coulter does that Coulter thing by telling Behar that every presidential assassin was a left winger. Behar does that Behar thing by stammering and stuttering.

This may be the first time Behar’s show has actually been watchable.

Danny Bonaduce blames Glenn Beck for making him drink again. Who does he blame for making him “date” transsexuals?

Joy Behar and her panel of so-called celebrities rip Glenn Beck a new one for daring to compare anything to the holocaust.

Joy Behar and her panel of so-called celebrities rip Glenn Beck a new one for daring to compare anything to the holocaust.

Behar was thinking, “Who does Beck think he is, Alan Grayson?”

Bonadune was thinking, “I wonder what Beck would look like in a dress.”

– Written by Patrick Michael

Introducing the Hour of Ignorance: Joy Behar gets her own TV show

Joy Behar, the frequently factually-challenged co-host of The View, will be taking over the 9 p.m. time slot on HLN that’s currently home to a repeat of the Lou Dobbs Show.

Hard to believe, but HLN is so desperate for viewers that it’s stealing a page from MSNBC’s playbook by giving an opinionated, but idiotic liberal their own primetime program. This strategy would make more sense if MSNBC were a ratings success, but it’s shedding viewers faster than a snake can shed its skin (No, that was not a Keith Olbermann reference, although we understand why you may have interpreted it that way).

According to the New York Times, “HLN, the opinionated sister channel of CNN, hopes to raise its prime time ratings with the addition of Ms. Behar, who is well known for her comedic and sometimes controversial sensibility.”

The tentatively and cleverly titled “Joy Behar Show” will probably begin in September. She promised it would be “topical and fun.

Fun? Guaranteed it will be a lot more fun if this doofus diva has conservative guests like Ann Coulter or Bill O’Rielly, but as these embedded clips demonstrate, Behar quickly gets in over her head and resorts to name-calling when she’s challenged.

Come to think of it, if she’d just have Ann Coulter on every night, it could be a lot of fun.

Source: New York Times

Joy Behar says chimp cartoon is “an assassination threat” on Obama day now, psychiatrists are going to walk right onto the set while they’re taping The View and take Joy Behar away to a nice, padded room.

She actually said the infamous chimp cartoon is “an assassination threat” on President Obama. Seriously. She said that. We’re not making it up.

“I think you can be investigated by the FBI,” she declared, “if you make an assassination threat.”

Coming up next week on The View, Behar suggests that Angelina Jolie should adopt Little Orphan Annie, demands increased unemployment compensation for Dilbert, and congratulates Doonesbury on his enlightened drug policy.

Then, as soon as the show is over, she’ll rush off for her annual physical with Rex Morgan, M.D.

Joy Behar is an incoherent plagarist. Whoopi Goldberg says, “Hey, that’s my job.”

On Thursday, February 5, Time Magazine said Republican critics of the President’s “stimulus” plan are like the geese that caused the crash of US Airways Flight 1549.

“It’s hard to take Republican leaders too seriously when they criticize the recovery plans for the economy; it’s sort of like those geese criticizing the evacuation plans for US Airways Flight 1549.”

On Tuesday, February 10, Joy Behar, one of the harpies on ABC’s The View, liked the line so much that she decided to “borrow” it. Problem is, Behar delivered her version of the line almost incoherently.

“You know, Obama’s like that pilot Sullenberg…berger, who, you know, and the Republicans are like the geese that flew into the, you know, it’s like they’re stopping the plane.”

Hard to believe that someone paid to express her opinions expresses them so poorly.

See what we mean on the video.

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