Jon Stewart on the defining moment of Barack Obama’s presidency. Plus a special Ed Schultz bonus.

Jon Stewart puts together a montage of liberals speaking from the same script. This time, the subject is Obama’s “defining moment.”

Jon Stewart should pay Rush Limbaugh royalties for this bit. He rips off El Rushbo’s trick of putting together a montage of liberals speaking from the same script. This time, the subject is Obama’s “defining moment.”

And then, all of a sudden, Stewart veers into unexpected territory with a montage of clips in which Ed Schultz defines just about everything President Obama has ever done as a defining moment.

One word: Hilarious.

Another word: Moron.

Blind sow finds acorn: Jon Stewart rips Obama’s “spending reductions in tax code”

We have to give Jon Stewart a little bit of credit for turning his guns on Obama’s newly-minted phrase “spending reductions in the tax code.”

We have to give Jon Stewart a little bit of credit here. Despite being reliably liberal, he occasionally find fault with those on the left.

Take this video clip for example. Stewart begins by making fun of preposterous liberal depictions of Paul Ryan. Funny thing is, the audience doesn’t seem to realize that Stewart’s making fun of liberals when he says Ryan’s plan includes beating seniors to death with an Ayn Rand novel.

Then Stewart turns his guns (please pardon the violent rhetoric) on Obama’s newly-minted phrase “spending reductions in the tax code.” Stewart uses a couple colorful analogies to explain exactly what it means.

The audience was undoubtedly confused by Stewart’s criticism of Obama, but they surely rationalized it to themselves by thinking, “Heh-heh-heh. Must be funny. Heard dirty words.”

Fox News’ Bret Baier kicks Jon Stewart’s ass all over Comedy Central

We love Bret Baier, but we’ve never been that impressed with his assertiveness, but he did himself proud in this interview.

If this were a boxing match, the referee would have stopped it. If it were a little league game, the mercy rule would have gone into effect. If it were Wisconsin, Stewart would have fled to Illinois.

We love Bret Baier, but we’ve never been that impressed with his assertiveness, but he did himself proud in this interview.

New York Times says Jon Stewart is today’s Edward R. Murrow. Keith Olbermann hardest hit.

Jon Stewart — despite all his protestations that what he does has nothing to do with journalism — the modern-day equivalent of Edward R. Murrow?

That pathetic sound you hear is Keith Olbermann whimpering over in the corner. The New York Times has undoubtedly devastated the left wing lunatic by naming someone else as this generation’s Edward R. Murrow.

Keith Olbermann is Edward R. Murrow. Just ask him.

We don’t want to get in the middle of this little spat, so we’ll just let the Times explain its own bizarre designation:

Did the bill pledging federal funds for the health care of 9/11 responders become law in the waning hours of the 111th Congress only because a comedian took it up as a personal cause?

And does that make that comedian, Jon Stewart — despite all his protestations that what he does has nothing to do with journalism — the modern-day equivalent of Edward R. Murrow?

… Though the scale of the impact of Mr. Stewart’s telecast on public policy may not measure up to the roles that Mr. Murrow and Mr. Cronkite played, Mr. Thompson said, the comparison is legitimate because the law almost surely would not have moved forward without him. “He so pithily articulated the argument that once it was made, it was really hard to do anything else,” Mr. Thompson said.

How dare they? Why, this is an insult to Olbermann, MSNBC’s self-styled heir to the Murrow legend. Look for him to demand satisfaction. A duel at sunrise, perhaps. The Times’ choice of weapons.

In lieu of a duel, we certainly expect the Times to be named Worst Person in the World. And they deserve that title.

After all, does Jon Stewart sign off his show by saying, “Good night and good luck” like Murrow did? No. Does Jon Stewart remind his viewers that he is the heir to Murrow’s courage and tenacity? No. Is Jon Stewart a pompous ass with no viewers? Oh, wait. That’s an entirely different subject.

Source: New York Times

86% at “nonpartisan” Stewart/Colbert rally identify themselves as Democrats

Funny thing about that “nonpartisan” rally Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held on Saturday. It was oddly partisan. 86% identified themselves as Democrats, but only 1% of those in attendance identify themselves as Republican.

Some of the nonpartisan "Republicans are Hitler" signs at the Stewart/Colbert rally

Funny thing about that “nonpartisan” rally Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held on Saturday. It was oddly partisan.

86% identified themselves as Democrats, but only 1% of those in attendance identify themselves as Republican.

That is, of course, the kind of nonpartisanship found typically at nonpartisan places like MSNBC. has the nonpartisan numbers:

A straw poll conducted on attendees at the rally hosted by comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on the National Mall Saturday found an overwhelming majority of Democratic voters, but sapped enthusiasm as compared to 2008.

According to the poll conducted by Lake Research Partners & Revolution Messaging at the “Rally to Restore Sanity,” 86 percent of participants surveyed said they planned to vote Democratic this week, with eight percent undecided and just one percent voting Republican.

Only one in four surveyed said they more excited about this election than 2008. Thirty-nine percent said their enthusiasm had diminished.

A full 90 percent of rally attendees approved of President Obama, with 56 percent approving of him strongly. Only 10 percent disapproved of the president, just 2 percent strongly.

They must be exhausted from all that reaching across the aisle.


Reality vs. Sanity: What really happened at the Stewart/Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity? turned on their cameras and let the leftwing geniuses at the Stewart/Colbert rally demonstrate their intellectual and moral superiority. They smart. turned on their cameras and let the leftwing geniuses at the Stewart/Colbert rally demonstrate their intellectual and moral superiority.

They smart.

Sad: The Commander-in-Chief has now been reduced to the Dude-In-Chief

Much has been made about Barack Obama’s appearance on The Daily Show the other night. Most interesting to us was Jon Stewart’s response as described by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post.

Much has been made about Barack Obama’s appearance on The Daily Show the other night. Especially the similarity of his “Larry Summers did a heck of a job” line to the “Brownie did a heck of a job” comment for which George Bush was excoriated.

But far more interesting to us was Jon Stewart’s response as described by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post:

The Daily Show host was giving Obama a tough time about hiring the conventional and Clintonian Larry Summers as his top economic advisor.

“In fairness,” the president replied defensively, “Larry Summers did a heckuva job.”

“You don’t want to use that phrase, dude,” Stewart recommended with a laugh.

Dude? Has any president in history so cheapened the office that a comedian felt comfortable calling him dude?

The Dude-in-chief, indeed.


Rick Sanchez fired by the evil Jewish media overlords at CNN

Adios, amigo. You were usually good for at least one “stupid anchorman” story each week. So let’s bid Rick a fond farewell by taking a look back at three of Rick’s most embarrassing comments.

If you hear of any television stations or cable news networks that are looking for an ignoramus anchor, please let Rick Sanchez know.

CNN just released this statement:

“Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company. We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.“

This, of course, comes just hours after the public became aware of Sanchez’ satellite radio interview with CNN contributor Pete Dominick in which the now-former anchor said:

“I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like (Jon) Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.”

We ended our previous Rick Sanchez story by asking the question, “How long until Sanchez is fired?” The answer, it turns out, was about four hours.

Adios, amigo. You were usually good for at least one “stupid anchorman” story each week. So let’s bid Rick a fond farewell by taking a look back at three of Rick’s most embarrassing comments.

This is for you, Rick.

Rick Sanchez becomes the Mel Gibson of cable news, says CNN is part of a national Jewish media cabal

The CNN moron went off on Jon Stewart and his Jewish bosses on Pete Dominick’s satellite radio show yesterday. He got things rolling by calling Stewart “a bigot” and it went downhill from there.

The stupidest man in news has gone beyond mere stupidity to career suicide. He’s now become the Mel Gibson of cable news.

The CNN moron went off on Jon Stewart and his Jewish bosses on Pete Dominick’s satellite radio show yesterday. He got things rolling by calling Stewart “a bigot” and it went downhill from there.

Dominick: How is he a bigot?
Sanchez: I think he looks at the world through, his mom, who was a school teacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I’m so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine.
Dominick: What group is he bigoted towards?
Sanchez: Everybody else who’s not like him. Look at his show, I mean, what does he surround himself with? … I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.

Two questions:

  1. How long until Sanchez is fired?
  2. How long until some liberal media maven calls Sanchez a “conservative bigot?”

UPDATE: The answer to question #2, it turns out, was just four hours. Go to Rick Sanchez fired by the evil Jewish media overlords at CNN

Source: Mediaite

Jon Stewart says, “Breitbart may have been the most honest person involved in the whole Sherrod mess”

Jon Stewart of the host of the Daily Show occasionally says something even a committed conservative finds funny. Like this clip where he analyzes all the screw-ups in the Shirley Sherrod Sideshow.

We’re not big Jon Stewart fans. We just find him about half as funny as he finds himself (but what the hell, he probably doesn’t find us all that amusing, either).

That being said, the host of the Daily Show occasionally says something even a committed conservative finds funny. Like this clip where he analyzes all the screw-ups in the Shirley Sherrod Sideshow.

Fred Thompson is one funny son of a bitch

Fred Thompson appeared with Jon Stewart on Friday night and completely disarmed the host of the Daily Show.

Fred Thompson appeared with Jon Stewart on Friday night and completely disarmed the host of the Daily Show.

If Fred had shown more of this Reaganesque, self-deprecating wit on the campaign trail, he might have won the Republican nomination for President in 2008. And he couldn’t have fared any more poorly than the feckless John McCain.

Jon Stewart says, “Don’t blame Alvin Greene, blame the rest of the South Carolina Democrats”

Here’s his point of view on Alvin Greene winning the right to represent the Democrat primary in South Carolina’s United States Senate race.

We’re not willing to say that Jon Stewart is fair, but he’s as fair as his world view allows him to be. There. How’s that?

Here’s his point of view on Alvin Greene winning the right to represent the Democrat primary in South Carolina’s United States Senate race.

“This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath,” Stewart notes, “falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans.”

There’s more. Lots more.

Guffaws galore: Jon Stewart attacks Obama’s lackadaisical response to the oil blowout

Jon Stewart came back to work rested and reinvigorated after a two-week vacation. His first order of business? Rip President Obama a new one for his hazy, unfocused response to the Gusher in the Gulf.

Jon Stewart came back to work rested and reinvigorated after a two-week vacation. His first order of business? Rip President Obama a new one for his hazy, unfocused response to the Gusher in the Gulf.

Stewart’s team cleverly cut together (a) footage of Obama swearing that he wouldn’t rest until the damn hole was plugged, and (b) footage of him doing nothing but resting.

The result is a powerful, yet hilarious demonstration that Obama’s words and actions are rarely in sync.

Warning: As usual, fainthearted viewers may find Stewart’s language objectionable.

Jon Stewart rips CNN host a new Sanchez

We’re not big Jon Stewart fans, but even a blind sow occasionally finds a truffle. Consider Stewart the sow. Consider CNN’s Rick Sanchez the truffle.

We’re not big Jon Stewart fans, but even a blind sow occasionally finds a truffle. Consider Stewart the sow. Consider CNN’s Rick Sanchez the truffle.

Let’s not give Stewart all the credit, though, because Sanchez’ performance was pretty damn hilarious on its own.

Jon Stewart rips Keith Olbermann a new one

You know the world is spinning out of control when Jon Stewart not only rips Keith Olbermann for his absurd comments about Scott Brown, but defends a gaggle of other conservatives.

You know the world is spinning out of control when Jon Stewart not only rips Keith Olbermann for his absurd comments about Scott Brown, but defends a gaggle of other conservatives.

Good lord. The Democrats are in big, big trouble.

Jon Stewart gives funniest take on Democrats’ ineptitude in Massachusetts yet

Jon Stewart hilariously rips democrats ineptitude in Massachusetts.

If you like to laugh at democrats, this great Jon Stewart monologue is for you. Here’s a taste: “The Republicans are playing chess and the Democrats are in the nurse’s office because, once again, they glued their balls to their thighs.”

Jon Stewart does a job on Obama’s jobs program

If Jon Stewart’s not buying into Obama’s job bogus job claims, almost no one’s buying it.

If Jon Stewart’s not buying into Obama’s job bogus job claims, almost no one’s buying it.

Language Warning: C’mon, the source was Comedy Central. Of course, it requires a language warning.

Think of Jon Stewart as the canary in the global warming coal mine. The canary just died.

Two warnings about this video: For our readers: Contains language that you may be consider objectionable. For Al Gore: Contains truths that you may consider objectionable.

Two warnings about this video:

For our readers: Contains language that you may be consider objectionable.

For Al Gore: Contains truths that you may consider objectionable.

Liberal media circle jerk: Newsweek invites NBC’s Brian Williams to stroke Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart

Newsweek decided to do a story on “New Thought Leaders” and invited prominent people to talk about them. Jon Stewart (believe it or not) was ranked #2 and NBC News anchor Brian Williams got all gooey about Jon Stewart.

Representatives from Newsweek, NBC, Comedy Central and the New York Times prepare to congratulate each other
Representatives from Newsweek, NBC, Comedy Central and the New York Times prepare to congratulate each other

Newsweek decided to do a story on “New Thought Leaders” and invited prominent people to talk about them. Jon Stewart (believe it or not) was ranked #2 and NBC News anchor Brian Williams got all gooey about Jon Stewart.

Our advice: Stand back so you don’t get any on you.

In just the span of a short few years, Jon Stewart has gone from optional to indispensable. Case in point: when Jon went all Glenn Beck on Jim Cramer a few months back. A few of us blanched. Getting pissed, brimming with bile—that was so . . . MSM of him. And yet, in the niche-y, hip, and in-the-know world of late-night, media-skewering comedy, it had the impact of Cronkite turning against Vietnam … The old arc of a news story went like this: News happens. Media cover news. Audience reacts, then turns in for the night. For the past several years, however, there’s been another step added to the end of the process: being held to account for our faults by a comedy show with a sharp eye and a sharp tongue. How did we live without it?

Yeah, that’s pretty barf-inducing. But it gets worse and we expect your never-ending thanks for revealing this next item so you don’t have to waste any time reading it for yourself:

Newsweek also invited New York Times columnist Gail Collins to drool over Hilary Clinton as the #10 New Thought Leader.

Pardon us, but we think we’ll stick with the same old thoughts.

Source: Newsweek

Jon Stewart does Glenn Beck, and yeah, it was funnier than hell

If you’re expecting us to dig Jon Stewart for his impersonation of conservative hero Glenn Beck, you’ll be disappointed. LOL, ROFL, ROFLMAO, yes, we did it all watching his.

If you’re expecting us to ream Jon Stewart for his impersonation of conservative hero Glenn Beck, you’ll be disappointed. LOL, ROFL, ROFLMAO, yes, we did it all watching his hilarious segment. The fact is, it was a great impersonation, and great comedy.

We’re sorry to disappoint liberals who expect us to storm his studio in protest, but you’ll find conservatives have something you lost long ago, if you indeed ever had it: a sense of humor.

Is Jon Stewart coming over to the Dark Side (or as we like to call it, the Light Side)?

Despite his “controversial” views on global warming, Steven Levitt, author of Freakonomics and now the new Superfreakonomics, visits with Jon Stewart and finds a surprisingly warm welcome.

Despite his “controversial” views on global warming, Steven Levitt, author of Freakonomics and now the new Superfreakonomics, visits with Jon Stewart and finds a surprisingly warm welcome.

Who’d a thunk it?

We hate to admit this, but Rod Blagojevich makes a certain amount of sense

Rod Blagojevich, the thoroughly-corrupt and thoroughly-disgraced former governor of Illinois, is making the rounds with a new book. Jon Stewart was one of the few TV hosts willing to book him.

Rod Blagojevich, the thoroughly-corrupt and thoroughly-disgraced former governor of Illinois, is making the rounds with a new book. Jon Stewart was one of the few TV hosts willing to book him.

Blago, exhibiting the boyish charm that got him elected, contends that prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been very selective in releasing edited snippets of his taped conversations. He says he will be fully vindicated when the complete tapes are released.

“Let’s hear the tapes,” Blago said. “Release the tapes. Tell the prosecutor to stop holding those tapes hostage.”

Somebody is corrupt here. It’s either Blagojevich or Fitzgerald. Maybe both.

But only time and the tapes will tell.

Even Jon Stewart wants to know why no one’s reporting the Democrats’ latest fundraising scandal

Who’s Hassan Nemazee? Merely the latest Democrat fundraiser to go down in flames. He’s accused of embezzling $300,000,000. And yet Joe Biden said, “Had I my way, I would be referring to him as Ambassador Nemazee.”

Van Jones is ancient history. And the ACORN videos are so last week. Let’s move on to the latest Democrat scandal.

Who’s Hassan Nemazee? Merely the latest Democrat fundraiser to go down in flames. He’s accused of embezzling $300,000,000. And yet Joe Biden said, “Had I my way, I would be referring to him as Ambassador Nemazee.”

Much like if we had our way, we would be referring to Joe as former Vice President Biden.

New York Times willingly humiliates itself
for Jon Stewart

If you still own any stock in the New York Times, you’ll call your broker screaming, “Sell” halfway through this hilarious clip.

If you still own any stock in the New York Times, you’ll call your broker screaming, “Sell” halfway through this hilarious clip.

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