Night of the living brain dead: Zombies protest Republican congressman’s support of Ryan budget

We understand the need for protesters to stand out, to get noticed by being different. But what’s key is being different without being stupid.

zombies protest

We understand the need for protesters to stand out, to get noticed by being different. But what’s key is being different without being stupid. That’s the part of the equation that these morons in Florida overlooked.

Zombies against Social Security cuts: Perhaps the most ineffective protest we've ever seen has the overview of the overzealous:

A group of “zombies” gathered outside 8th District Republican Congressman Daniel Webster’s office on Thursday. They weren’t looking for “brains” to eat though. The protesters wore heavy make-up to get in character. They’re members of a group called “Organize Now.”

They describe themselves as an issue-based, community action group. They’re upset that Webster’s supporting Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan’s budget plan. It includes deep cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid. The group says they dressed as zombies to dramatize their message for Webster.

“Organize Now” member Mike Cantone says, “We’re saying don’t work us ’til we die under the Ryan budget, which Congressman Webster did vote for. This budget would eliminate Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher system. It would slash Medicaid benefits to seniors, children and people with disabilities who depend on it. And it threatens the future of social security that we all pay into.”

Don’t look now, kids, but the social security that we all pay into is already broke. Politicians have been raiding it for decades. It’s dead as the zombies you’re pretending to be. And it ain’t coming back to life without Ryan’s plan.

We suggest that Republicans stage a counter protest dressed as vampires, symbolizing the government’s on-going effort to suck the lifeblood out of every tax paying citizen.


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