Get the Led out: Rep. Thaddeus McCotter quotes Led Zeppelin in House speech

Thaddeus McCotter is, apparently, a big fan of Led Zeppelin. Is this the first time the Zep’s been quoted on the floor of the House?

Thaddeus McCotter, our favorite congressman this side of Paul Ryan, doesn’t look like a guy who’d be a big rock ‘n roller. But he plays lead guitar in the Second Amendments, a rock band composed of five current Congressmen and is, apparently, a big fan of Led Zeppelin.

Is this the first time the Zep’s been quoted on the floor of the House?

McCotter gives the spenders hell: “I will not pave the fiscal road to hell with your money”

In this video clip, the Michigan Republican Thaddeus McCotter gives the spenders and the cowards hell in the House of Representatives.

We love Thaddeus McCotter. He edges out Paul Ryan as our favorite Congressman.

In this video clip, the Michigan Republican gives the spenders and the cowards hell in the House of Representatives. Or as Harry Truman said, “I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.”

Harry and Thad would probably get along pretty well, don’t you think?

Thaddeus McCotter, the most honest politician in America

Republican Thaddeus McCotter is the only politician willing to say, “Washington is nuts.” And the only politician willing to do his commercials over a mean ass rock ‘n roll guitar.

Republican Thaddeus McCotter is the only politician willing to say, “Washington is nuts.” And the only politician willing to do his commercials over a mean ass rock ‘n roll guitar.

Welcome back, McCotter: So this is what hope and change looks like

Thaddeus McCotter, one of our favorite congressmen, notes that Hope & Change has degenerated into Tax & Hate. We’ve never heard him sound quite so serious.

Give ‘em hell, Thad.

Thaddeus McCotter, one of our favorite congressmen, notes that Hope & Change has degenerated into Tax & Hate. We’ve never heard him sound quite so serious.

Give ‘em hell, Thad.

Our favorite congressman goes nuts, proposes $3500 yearly tax break for pet care

A bill introduced Republican Congressman Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan would allow a tax deduction of up to $3,500 for your pet care expenses.

Call this one McCotterCare. A bill introduced Republican Congressman Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan would allow a tax deduction of up to $3,500 for your pet care expenses.

The Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (“HAPPY”) Act would allow you to deduct “an amount equal to the qualified pet care expenses of the taxpayer during the taxable year for any qualified pet of the taxpayer.” The annual deduction would be capped at $3,500.

McCotter’s bill would be restricted to “qualified pets,” so a domesticated animal wouldn’t be eligible if it were used for commercial purposes. That means the horse you ride to work when Cap-and-Trade passes will not qualify.

We love Thaddeus McCotter and we love animals. Neveretheless, we wanted to believe this was a parody of ObamaCare. Unfortunately, after watching this video we’re afraid McCotter is serious.

Please feel free to consider McCotterCare proof positive that the Chinese have slipped LSD into Washington, DC’s water supply.


Move over Congressman Thad McCotter,
make room for Congressman Paul Ryan


Just when we started to think Thad McCotter was the lone voice of reason in Congress, we discover Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI).

Harry Truman said, “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.”

Truman would probably like Paul Ryan.


“The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.” Sounds eerily familiar.

Looks like Daniel Hannan is Great Britain’s answer to Thaddeus McCotter, our favorite congressman.

Here’s a speech the MEP from South East England delivered during British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s appearance before the European Parliament.

Hmmmm. When he says the word “Prime Minister” and “Great Britain” pretend he’s saying “President” and “United States” and it all makes sense. In a terrifying sort of way.

Source: DrudgeReport

Welcome back, McCotter: Our favorite congressman tells “How to speak Democrat”

Here’s Representative Thaddeus McCotter (R-Michigan) translating Democrat-speak into clear, concise English.

We love this guy. You’ll love this guy. If only there were about 300 more just like him in Washington, DC.

Update: We are so impressed with this guy that we’ve made an entire page devoted to him here at IHTM (link in left sidebar): America’s Conservative: Thaddeus McCotter.

Irate Republican congressman rips Democrats over bail-out. You’ve never heard anything like it.

This is the most honest, remarkable, refreshing speech you’ve ever heard on the floor of the House of Representatives.

We’ve never heard of Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, a Republican from Michigan, until now. But we have a feeling we’ll be hearing a lot more from him in the future.

Here’s how McCotter ends his speech:

“Here’s the sad reality of where we are today. In a time of crisis they passed the Wall Street bailout, the nightmarish prognostications of myself and others have been exceeded. Now what we find is an attempt to cover ones tracks with another bill in a time of crisis that will leave no one–no one–safe from the hand of the taxman when the politicians come to cover their tracks at your expense. The public deserves better. The public deserves transparency. We cannot fail them again.”

Anyone seen our checkbook? We’re thinking of sending a McCotter a campaign contribution. This is the kind of guy we need to keep in Washington, DC.

Source: Breitbart

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