British government’s global warming guru makes more money than nation’s prime minister

In this interview, BBC host Andrew Neal absolutely puts global warming proponent and Met Office chief John Hirst on the hot seat for his office’s abysmal weather forecasting record and outrageous salaries.

Back during the Depression, a newspaper reporter asked Babe Ruth how he could justify making more money than the president of the United States. Ruth responded, “I had a better year than he did.”

Unfortunately, that explanation won’t work for top British government climate guru John Hirst. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has had an awful year, but it shines in comparison to Hirst’s.

In this interview, BBC host Andrew Neal absolutely puts the global warming guru on the hot seat for his office’s abysmal weather forecasting record and outrageous salaries.

It’s almost laugh-out-loud-funny to watch Hirst squirm while trying to answer questions such as, “Since you can’t the summer or the winter right in your forecasts, why should we give any credence to your forecast to what the temperature will be in the 2050 or 2020, which is what you do.”

Thanks for our friends over at for finding this gem.


You’re going to die. World leaders admit no global warming treaty will be passed.

Copenhagen, we were told, was our last chance to save the world from global warming. That was then. This is now. And world leaders now agree that no meaningful agreement will be arrived at in Copenhagen.

Gordon Brown demonstrates the liberal masturbation that is global warming.
Gordon Brown demonstrates the liberal masturbation that is global warming.

Copenhagen, we were told, was our last chance to save the world from global warming.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown set the ominous tone a few weeks ago when he said we had just 50 days to save the world. “If we do not reach a deal at this time,” Brown warned, “let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice….”

“… the Copenhagen agreement is almost certainly the world’s last chance to put global emissions onto a trajectory that can keep us out of the danger zone,” European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas added.

That was then. This is now. And world leaders now agree that no meaningful agreement will be arrived at in Copenhagen. It hasn’t even come up for debate in the United States Senate. China and India want us to give them billions of dollars so they can continue their wicked ways. And the people of the world don’t believe a word of this nonsense.

There’s only one thing to do:

Call an attorney. Get a will written. Make sure your affairs are in order. And buy some future beachfront property in Denver. Because if the socialists of the world weren’t lying, the oceans will soon be lapping at your feet.

Gordon Brown and Stavros Dimas said so.

British politician’s hilarious denunciation of Prime Minister Gordon Brown

We need more politicians like Daniel Hannan, a British Conservative and Member of the European Parliament.

He spoke about Gordon Brown, the embattled British Prime Minister, the night that leftists were thrashed in elections all across Europe. Brown’s Labor Party finished a dismal fifth in the British elections. It’s as if the Democrats tallied fewer votes than Ralph Nader and the Peace and Freedom Party.

Hannan describes Brown’s dying administration like this, “It’s like the closing scenes of Terminator. However clearly you blow the thing up, the flames clear and then the claw comes out and you see the eyes going on and you see the creature pulling its way forward.”

But the highlight is when he quotes his three-year old son’s favorite author to demand that Gordon Brown resign now.

Why can’t there be just one American politician who speaks this bluntly, this clearly, this hilariously?

Gordon Brown calls Omaha Beach, “Obama Beach.” Gaffe or message to Barack?

In his speech at Normandy today, U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown called the site of the D-Day invasion “Obama Beach” instead of Omaha Beach. Was it an honest mistake? Or was it a not-so-subliminal plea to the American president to storm the beaches once again to rescue him from evil conservatives who are about to topple him from power?

British paper reports “Obama in London” differently than American papers

What's wrong with this picture? Ask the Brits.
What's wrong with this picture? Ask the Brits.
Ouch. The London Daily Mail is going off script. They’re painting an entire different picture of President Obama’s visit to London.

Here’s its scathing point of view:

Allegedly the most charismatic politician in the world, Mr Obama was a disappointment. It sounded as though he had a blocked nose and so his lack of energy may have been a symptom of a cold. Jet lag, too. He probably wished he could have stayed in bed.

He spoke slowly, in a meandering manner. Some might say that he was thoughtful and professorial. Others might call his manner circuitous, even yarny. Am I saying that he was a bore? Oh dear. I find that I possibly am.

And the Daily Mail concluded:

Now (Prime Minister Gordon Brown) placed his hands behind his back and bounced a half inch or so on the balls of his feet, relishing the sound of Solomon Obama’s replies to a few questions from the Press.

Those replies were, as I say, on the chewy side and came out at the speed of an action replay on Match of the Day. So slow, in fact, that at one point a man from the Guardian dropped his tape recorder on the floor. Mr Obama’s best moment was when he was charming about the Queen.

Our old donkey Gordon, by comparison to this American visitor, was for once Mr Eloquent, Mr Quick-Off-The-Mark. Mr Obama had managed to make Mr Brown look good. Another amazing achievement. They left with Mr Obama snaking an arm round his host’s shoulder and ushering him from the room. Very much an ‘I’m in charge’ gesture.

Based on the gushing reports from American newspapers, you might think the British love affair with Obama is so intense that they’re about to overthrow the Queen and put the President on the throne.

Actually, that might not be a bad idea, but it brings up some interesting questions. Would he have to wear the crown? Carry a purse? Would Joe Biden be Vice King?


First Gordon Brown didn’t want the DVDs, now he can’t play the DVDs. Thanks, Mr. President.

One British wit asked if "Clueless" was one of the 25 DVDs.
One British wit asked if "Clueless" was one of the 25 DVDs.

The DVDs President Obama gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown are the gifts that just keep on giving. At least they keep giving us new stories.

First, the Prime Minister was offended that he had been given a gift he could get down at the corner Blockbuster. Then, the was offended that the Obama administration hadn’t bothered to learn that he’s not a film fan.

End of story, right? Wrong.

One night last week, Brown got home from a long day of doing whatever it is the British Prime Minister does, plopped down in his comfiest chair, and popped “Psycho” into his DVD player.

Instead of seeing Janet Leigh in the shower, he saw the words “Wrong Region” on his TV screen.

Turns out the diplomatic and technological geniuses in the Obama administration didn’t know the DVD format in the United States is different than in England. So those 25 DVDs Obama gave Brown were not only insulting, but worthless.

(As an aside, we didn’t know about the format difference, either. But we’ve never held ourselves out as glittering geniuses. Glittering smartasses, perhaps, but not glittering geniuses.)


“The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.” Sounds eerily familiar.

Looks like Daniel Hannan is Great Britain’s answer to Thaddeus McCotter, our favorite congressman.

Here’s a speech the MEP from South East England delivered during British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s appearance before the European Parliament.

Hmmmm. When he says the word “Prime Minister” and “Great Britain” pretend he’s saying “President” and “United States” and it all makes sense. In a terrifying sort of way.

Source: DrudgeReport

Latest diplomatic gaffe: Obama doesn’t know who the French president is

Napoleon Sarkozy. Or Nicholas Bonaparte. Or some French leader. (Photo credit: azrainman)
Napoleon Sarkozy. Or Nicholas Bonaparte. Or some French leader. (Photo credit: azrainman)
Imagine the outrage in the media if George Bush had mistakenly written a diplomatic letter to the former leader of an ally instead of its current leader. Sadly, but not so surprisingly, that’s exactly what President Obama just did.

The online version of leading French newspaper Le Figaro says President Obama sent a letter to French Jacques Chirac saying that he wants to “work with him” over the next four years.

Oops! Chirac isn’t president of France anymore. Nicolas Sarkozy was elected to that office in May 2007.

Obama’s letter said, “I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world.”

Coming just a few days after Obama insulted British Prime Minster Gordon Brown, this is apparently part of a undisclosed plan by Obama to alienate NATO members one-by-one.

In other diplomatic news, President Obama has also sent letters to Russian Czar Nicholas II, English Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, and German Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck.

Source: Le Figaro

American media ignores bungling Obama, British media irate

President Obama bungled meetings this week with America’s most important ally. The British are irate about it.

First, Obama unceremoniously returned a bust of Winston Chuchill the Brits had given to President Bush right after 9-11. Then, he snubbed Prime Minister Gordon Brown by deciding he wasn’t important enough to merit a joint press conference. Finally, after Brown was thoughtful enough to present Obama with a beautiful pen holder hand-carved from a plank from a former anti-slavery ship, Obama reciprocated by giving Brown a collection of DVDs.

The Brits are up in arms. Editorial after editorial and article after article has ripped Obama’s trashing of the “special relationship” the two countries share. But the story has been ignored by the adoring American media. For example, a Google News search for “Obama, “British,” and “25 DVDs” turns up a mere 21 stories, including reprints in various publications.

We can’t even say it’s a case of conservative-liberal bias, because a search for “Hillary,” “Europe,” and “reset” turns up 249,000 stories and her gaffe only happened on Friday. No, this is strictly a case of the media protecting its investment in Barack Obama.

But perhaps we shouldn’t really blame the American media. They had plenty of other important stories that needed covering this week. Like Octomom. Has she had anymore kids yet? And Michelle. Is she wearing sleeves today?

Gordon Brown may be rethinking his earlier comments in this video.

British newspaper rips Obama again, compares him to “flawed” LBJ

<b>President Obama was excited when he heard he was going to meet the queen, disappointed when he found out it wasn't Elton John.</b>
President Obama was excited when he heard he was going to meet the queen, disappointed when he found out it wasn't Elton John.

Looks like newspapers on the other side of the Atlantic didn’t get that “laudatory coverage only” memo from the White House. The President and everyone around him have been sliced and diced by The Telegraph this week.

The paper’s latest article starts off by reviewing all the president’s gaffes – his poorly thought out choice of gifts, his insulting return of the Churchill bust, his hastily-prepared joint press conference with Gordon Brown. Then things got really nasty:

“Something, suddenly, seems to have made the Obama White House perk up and start to take an interest in the Brits. The Queen has invited the President to tea when he’s here for the G20 in April. And he’s in through the front door of Buckingham Palace faster than a Harley Davidson roaring along Route 66.”

“Note how the coolness of Team Obama disappears when a bit of regal glamour is introduced into the equation. He might not like the Brits, but he can recognise a global superstar when he encounters one. He wants to be associated with her. He’s shameless.”

“If Obama, or someone in his inner circle, had spent two minutes thinking about what present to get Brown then they could easily have come up with something appropriate. He likes books. He loves American history. Get him a signed first edition of a good Robert Dallek book such as the brilliant Flawed Giant on LBJ. Come to think of it, Obama should read it too, if he hasn’t yet, as it reveals a great deal about how a Presidency can go so wrong.”

We’re surprised Obama didn’t schedule tea and crumpets with Prince Charles since they have so much in common:

They both have two kids. Both believe in global warming, yet whip around the world in private jets. And both have domineering wives who make them jump through hoops like trained chihuahuas.

Link: Telegraph

Obama gives lousy gift, pisses off British Prime Minister

<b>President Obama made Prime Minister Brown an offer he could easily refuse.</b>
President Obama made Prime Minister Brown an offer he could easily refuse.

British Prime Minister Brown wanted to make a good first impression in his first meeting with President Obama. So he gave him an ornamental penholder hand-carved from the timbers of a Victorian anti-slave ship once called the HMS President.

President Obama reciprocated by giving Brown a handful of DVDs. Seriously. President Obama gave the prime minister of our closest ally, a nation that reveres the “special relationship” between our two countries, a bunch of DVDs.

In Obama’s defense, they were all classic American films. And they came in a special boxed set. And Michelle was probably up half the night making sure the ribbon looked real pretty. Unfortunately, it turns out Brown isn’t much of a film fan.

Britain’s Daily Mail reports that Brown could have gone to the Blockbuster store down the road from 10 Downing Street and picked up the same DVDs for about $352 (plus tax).

As they say in Hollywood, “Take two.”

And as we say at, “Aw, crap.”

Link: Daily Mail

Brit Reporters say Obama doesn’t know difference between England and Uruguay

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Godron BrownBritish reporters are not happy. Not happy at all. They expected a full press conference after Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s first visit to the Obama White House, but didn’t get one.

“Though there was never any announcement on this side of the Atlantic that there would be a full-blown joint news conference today when British Prime Minister Gordon Brown stops by to meet with President Obama,” USA Today’s The Oval blog reported, “some British journalists are rather cranky this morning about the fact that there won’t be one. Some who flew over with Brown last night thought there would be an Obama-Brown newser, and were surprised to hear when they arrived that there wouldn’t. They see it as a snub.”

“Mr Brown might lament,” The Telegraph said, “that despite the so-called ‘special relationship’ Britain is now getting the same treatment as the president of Uruguay but he need not despair. I’m told there’s a chance he might get drinks with Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday evening.”

That may be true, but imagine the hysterically funny stories Brown will be able to tell in Parliament on Wednesday morning.

Source: Newsmax

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