The unstated scandal: The CIA collected info on President Trump – The DNC’s direct line to the CIA

The unstated scandal: The CIA collected info on President Trump – The DNC’s direct line to the CIA. This is treason, people should swing.

The issue that made more noise, however, was Durham’s disclosure that Rodney Joffe – a contractor with deep ties to the Clintons, and what appears to be a deep hatred for Trump – had exploited Executive Office of the President of the United States data he obtained from a “sensitive arrangement” with the U.S. Government (CIA) to damage President Trump. Here is our initial post on the topic.


It’s like shooters are being activated.

It’s like shooters are being activated. Think something is up? It sure seems like there’s a sudden surge in mass shootings. Just in time for the Democrats to pass gun-control bills. MK-Ultra shit? Or just a coincidence?

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump. Brennan’s been tirelessly pointing the finger at President Trump. Well, guess who it really points at?

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Ratcliffe declassified Brennan’s handwritten notes – which were taken after he briefed Obama on the intelligence the CIA received – and a CIA memo, which revealed that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence transmitted the declassified documents to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees on Tuesday afternoon.

“CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service,” Brennan’s notes read.

Who knew Hillary ran our intelligence services in July 2016?

Who knew Hillary ran our intelligence services in July 2016? It appears that Hillary Clinton, who was not even a government employee in July 2016, was running the United States Intelligence Agencies. “In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysts alleging that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton HAD APPROVED a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democrat National Committee.” Can you believe this? Brennan was even sent to meet Obama about it. If this wasn’t an attempted coup we don’t know what is.


H/T Gordon Shumway@Gord_Shumway (Twitter)

Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage

Khigh Dhiegh AKA Wo Fat Hawaii 5-0

Former CIA Officer Arrested and Charged with Espionage. Who knew? Wo Fat from Hawaii 5-0 is real.

Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 67, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, was arrested on Aug. 14, 2020, on a charge that he conspired with a relative of his who also was a former CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret level to intelligence officials of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  The Criminal Complaint containing the charge was unsealed this morning.

John Durham set to interview John Brennan

John Durham set to interview John Brennan. We hope Brennan is enjoying the butt-pucker he has.

U.S. Attorney John Durham will soon interview former CIA Director John Brennan, another sign that the investigation of the Trump-Russia investigators is ready to wrap up by the end of the summer.

Brennan has acknowledged that he is in the “crosshairs” of the criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation led by Durham. He recently claimed, and the White House acknowledged, that he asked the CIA for his official records, including his personal notes and any classified CIA documents that he had signed to help him write his upcoming memoir, but the agency denied his request.

FBI Informant Claiming Uranium One Scoop Cleared from Gag Order

FBI Informant Claiming Uranium One Scoop Cleared from Gag Order.  So how will this guy mysteriously die?

  1. Suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 3 times?
  2. Robbery where nothing is taken?
  3. Fall down an elevator shaft?
  4. What do you think will happen?

Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files

Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files. Here’s some of the highlights. We’ve been going through these one by one. There’s not as many files as we’re finding duplicates all over, not to mention there’s 200-300 that haven’t been released but should.

Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program

Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program. This report, basically done by Democrats, is probably as full of lies as the C.I.A. Sorry Difi et al, we can’t work up too much sympathy for someone responsible for all the 9/11 death and destruction or their cohorts.

Barack Obama, bravely putting the “I” in CIA

Our modest, self-effacing President went to CIA headquarters on Friday to praise the organization for its work in the bin Laden raid.

Our modest, self-effacing President went to CIA headquarters on Friday to praise the organization for its work in the bin Laden raid.

Listening to his speech, one might have come away with the mistaken impression that he had personally analyzed the data, flown the helicopter into Bin Laden’s compound, lead the SEAL team into the house, and personally shot the man.

While supposedly praising others, he said the word “I” 35 times.

For example: “I have never been more proud or more confident in you than I am today — not just because this extraordinary success, but because it reminds us of who we are as a people and as a nation. You reminded us that when we Americans set our mind to something, when we are focused and when we are working together, when we’re not worried about who’s getting the credit and when we stay true to our values, even if it takes years, there is nothing we cannot do.”

For a guy who’s not worried about who gets the credit, he sure seems interested in who gets the credit.

CIA 1, CNN 0: Two newsettes suffer smackdown at hands of former CIA agent

What the only thing better than watching a former CIA agent smackdown two CNN newsettes? Hearing him say that they’re just carrying water for the Obama administration, that’s what.

What the only thing better than watching a former CIA agent smackdown two CNN newsettes? Hearing him say that they’re just carrying water for the Obama administration, that’s what.

Former CIA Counter-terrorism analyst Michael Scheuer is vehemently opposed to the Obama’s administration’s Libyan policy. That, of course, proves that Scheuer is smarter than we are because he’s apparently figured out what that policy is.

Liberty Underground has the smackdown specifics:

Scheuer believes that there isn’t a strong case for America’s intervention especially at a time when the country hasn’t even recovered from the recession. Also, Scheuer had doubts if the rebels that we are arming would really be any better than the Gadaffi regime: “I’m not sure that that the opposition, if it takes power, is going to be much better than was Gadaffi.” Moreover, Scheuer argues that the US involvement in Libya would serve as a recruitment tool for extremists. “In the muslim world, this is Americans killing Muslims again, and it looks like its for oil.”

Scheuer also suggested the rationale behind US involvement in yet another war “at a time when we’re nearly bankrupt.” to which the CNN host, Christine Romans, expressed disagreement suggesting that Libya and US economy are two distinct issues. Scheuer protested “they are not separate issues, ma’am, you’re just carrying the water for Mr. Obama.”

C’mon, Michael, that’s unfair. Give credit where credit is due. They’re also carrying ice cubes and little lemon slices.


Source: The Liberty Underground

Maybe they should have thought of this first: CIA now gathering intelligence on Libyan rebels

So now we’re finding out that our new “allies” have been infiltrated by al Qaeda and Hezbollah and probably every other band of American-hating degenerates?

What with a cruise missile here and a jet sortie there, Obama’s Excellent Libyan Adventure is costing us upwards of $100 million per day. But now it turns out we’re not quite sure who’s who among the Libyan rebels we’re supporting.

From left to right: al Qaeda Libyan rebel, Hezbollah Libyan rebel, Hamas Libyan rebel

The Washington Post has the disturbing details:

The Obama administration has sent teams of CIA operatives into Libya in a rush to gather intelligence on the identities and capabilities of rebel forces opposed to Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, according to U.S. officials.

Translation: Crap. You mean the rebels may actually be worse than Gadhafi?

The information has become more crucial as the administration and its coalition partners move closer to providing direct military aid or guidance to the disorganized and beleaguered rebel army.

Although the administration has pledged that no U.S. ground troops will be deployed to Libya, officials said Wednesday that President Obama has issued a secret finding that would authorize the CIA to carry out a clandestine effort to provide arms and other support to Libyan opposition groups.

So now we’re finding out that our new “allies” have been infiltrated by al Qaeda and Hezbollah and probably every other band of American-hating degenerates the Middle East has to offer and yet we’re preparing to give them arms that will eventually be used against us?

President Bush offered our enemies shock and awe. President Obama offers them shock and aw, shit.

Source: Washington Post

CIA director says Mubarak is out. Mubarak says, “Not so fast, Leon.”

The same guys who assured us that there were WMDs piled up in Iraq are at it again. This time they said Hosni Mubarak would resign on Thursday evening.

The same guys who assured us that there were WMDs piled up in Iraq are at it again. This time they said Hosni Mubarak would resign on Thursday evening.

Leon Panetta heads up our so-called "intelligence" community

The Associated Press reports the “never mind” moment for CIA Director Leon Panetta:

CIA Director Leon Panetta says U.S. intelligence indicates that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is on his way out.

Panetta tells Congress that his information indicates Mubarak could be out by Thursday night. He says there is a “high likelihood” of that.

Panetta did not say exactly how the CIA reached that conclusion. He says Mubarak’s exit would be “significant” in moving Egypt to an “orderly transition” of power.

When the CIA screwed up its assessment of WMDs in Iraq, Democrats began howling that “Bush lied, soldiers died.”

We’ve been monitoring this situation very closely, but have not yet heard any Democrats saying, “Obama lied, Egyptians died.”

Source: Associated Press

Pissed-Off Progressive of the Day: Nancy Pelosi

A little advice for reporters: Don’t bother asking Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi about the CIA anymore.

She’s finished lying talking about those lying liars. She’s lied said all she’s going to lie say. And that’s that.

Queen Nancy hath lied spoken.

Source: Gateway Pundit

Getting our priorities straight in Afghanistan: CIA trading Viagra for information

Yes, Abdul, that's exactly what the Viagra will do for you.
Yes, Abdul, that's exactly what the Viagra will do for you.

Discretion is the better part of valor, so we’re going to be discrete here and just let the Washington Post handle this report:

The Afghan chieftain looked older than his 60-odd years, and his bearded face bore the creases of a man burdened with duties as tribal patriarch and husband to four younger women. His visitor, a CIA officer, saw an opportunity, and reached into his bag for a small gift.

Four blue pills. Viagra.

“Take one of these. You’ll love it,” the officer said. Compliments of Uncle Sam.
The enticement worked. The officer, who described the encounter, returned four days later to an enthusiastic reception. The grinning chief offered up a bonanza of information about Taliban movements and supply routes — followed by a request for more pills.

The CIA. Bringing you better erections today for better elections tomorrow.

Source: Washington Post

Pelosi tortures the truth: She was fully-briefed on waterboarding in 2002

Sgt Schultz knew nothing, but Nancy Pelosi claims to know even less.
Sgt Schultz knew nothing, but Nancy Pelosi claims to know even less.
Once again, Democrat Nancy Pelosi lies and the truth dies.

According to a report from the Director of National Intelligence, Democrat House Speaker Pelosi was fully-briefed on the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” way back in September of 2002.

Of course, this flies in the face of Pelosi’s subsequent statement that she knew nothing about waterboarding or any other “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

What? How could this be? A Pelosi spokesman said Madame Speaker thought the techniques were legal and, my oh my, she never knew waterboarding was used.

“As this document shows, the speaker was briefed only once, in September 2002,” the spokesman said. “The briefers described these techniques, said they were legal, but said that waterboarding had not yet been used.”

Pelosi wants to establish an independent commission to investigate anyone and everyone involved in the drafting the of interrogation methods. Everyone who has an (R) after their name, that is.

Question: How can you tell when Nancy Pelosi is lying? Answer: She moves her lips.


Former CIA chief Goss calls Pelosi “a shameless liar”

Former CIA Director Porter Goss came out blasting about waterboarding last Friday. Contrary to what Pelosi says on this video clip, there’s no question about what she knew nor when she knew it.

Here’s the statement from Goss. It’s remarkably unlike the diplomatic pablum normally served up in Washington, DC:

Today, I am slack-jawed to read that members claim to have not understood that the techniques on which they were briefed were to actually be employed; or that specific techniques such as “waterboarding” were never mentioned. It must be hard for most Americans of common sense to imagine how a member of Congress can forget being told about the interrogations of Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. In that case, though, perhaps it is not amnesia but political expedience.

Let me be clear. It is my recollection that:

– The chairs and the ranking minority members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, known as the Gang of Four, were briefed that the CIA was holding and interrogating high-value terrorists.

– We understood what the CIA was doing.

– We gave the CIA our bipartisan support.

– We gave the CIA funding to carry out its activities.

– On a bipartisan basis, we asked if the CIA needed more support from Congress to carry out its mission against al-Qaeda.

I do not recall a single objection from my colleagues.

When Goss refers to the ranking Democratic member on the House intel committee, he means none other than Pelosi.

Pelosi’s video is the least sincere sounding denial to come out of Washington, DC since Bill Clinton said, “I did not have sex with that woman.”


If government officials are prosecuted for approving torture, let’s include Congress

If waterboarding won't break Pelosi, threaten to withhold her Botox.
If waterboarding won't break Pelosi, threaten to withhold her Botox.
President Obama says he’s open to prosecuting Bush officials for their anti-terror legal advice. This comes only two days after Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said no prosecutions were being considered because this is not the time for “anger and retribution”.

So much for “looking forward”.

Well, if government officials are to be prosecuted for approving “torture,” shouldn’t we include Congress? After all, Congress was fully briefed and approved of the “enhanced” interrogation tactics used by the CIA. But then, that would mean Congress would have to investigate and prosecute itself. You know, kind of like Barney Frank fixing the financial mess he helped create.

The Wall Street Journal notes in its “Presidential Poison” editorial that Bush officials won’t (or shouldn’t) be the only ones on the hot seat if this goes forward: “Congress will face questions about what the Members knew and when, especially Nancy Pelosi when she was on the House Intelligence Committee in 2002.

The Speaker now says she remembers hearing about waterboarding, though not that it would actually be used. Porter Goss, her GOP counterpart at the time, says he knew exactly what he was hearing and that, if anything, Ms. Pelosi worried the CIA wasn’t doing enough to stop another attack. By all means, put her under oath.

Here’s an idea that might help jog Pelosi’s memory as to what she actually heard and approved:

Waterboard ‘er.

Source: Wall Street Journal

California congressman jumps all over Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was testifying in Congress yesterday. It wasn’t pretty.

When long-time conservative California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher asked her about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s request to release additional CIA interrogation documents, Hillary tried to deflect the question by saying, “I don’t find him to be a particularly reliable source of information.”

Rohrabacher jumped on her like a bulldog on a bone. It was a thing of beauty. What Rohrabacher did, not Hillary.

“Mademe Secretary, I asked you a specific question…we’re not asking your opinion of Dick Cheney…you want to maintain your credibility with us, what is your opinion on the release of those documents”

The woman didn’t answer, wouldn’t answer, couldn’t answer, all of the above.

Source: CNN via

Obama so tough he can fight jihadists with one hand tied behind his back

President Obama demonstrating how easy it is to do stuff with one hand tied behind his back.
President Obama demonstrating how easy it is to do stuff with one hand tied behind his back.
“I’m sure that sometimes it seems as if…we’re operating with one hand tied behind our back, or that those who would argue for a higher standard are naïve,” said President Obama to an audience of CIA spooks at Langley.

The reason for Obama’s appearance at CIA headquarters was to explain his release of OLC memos that tell terrorists exactly how to train against U.S. interrogation methods.

You may be wondering, how will we defeat jihadists now that they know how far we’re willing to go to extract information? Better technology? Better weapons? An army of lawyers armed with lawsuits?

Here’s how Obama explained his reason for releasing the OLC memos and how he plans to wage the War on Terror, or whatever it’s called now:

“I believe that our nation is stronger and more secure when we deploy the full measure of both our power and the power of our values –- including the rule of law.”

Bask for a moment in the power of our values. It sure put a quick stop to those Somali pirates, didn’t it?

Don’t you feel safer already?


Wimpy Americans: interrogators accused of torturing terrorist “with an insect”

If the caterpillar torture technique didn't work, inhumane American interrogators were prepared to move on to the dreaded ladybug torture.
If the caterpillar torture technique didn't work, inhumane American interrogators were prepared to move on to the dreaded ladybug torture.

Remember how the media was so upset about the infamous “panties on the head” torture technique employed at Abu Ghraib? Well, now ABC News has it collective (and collectivist) panties in a wad about a completely different, but equally wimpy torture technique.

“Tonight, secret memos,” ABC News’ Charles Gibson intoned, “new documents reveal in vivid detail just how far the Bush administration went in interrogating terror suspects, using insects, confinement boxes, water-boards and more.”

“Even some congressional officials who had the highest security clearances were surprised by some of the details today,” George Stephanopoulos added, “especially that detail about the fact that (Abu) Zubayda was tortured with an insect in a confinement box.”

Ahhh, but ABC left out one important detail.

“In the case of al-Qaeda figure Abu Zubaydah, who feared insects,” Pete Williams noted on NBC News, “interrogators were given permission to put a harmless one like a caterpillar in a box in which he was confined, but that technique was never used.”

Ironic, isn’t it, that vermin should be afraid of insects.

Source: ABC and NBC via NewsBusters

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